SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thursday Administration Building December 12, 2019 Airport Boardroom 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING A G E N D A This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of the California Government Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the Santa Maria Public Airport District has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. The Santa Maria Public Airport District welcomes orderly participation at its meetings from all members of the public. This includes assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act to provide an equally effective opportunity for individuals with a disability to participate in and benefit from District activities. To request assistance with disability accommodation, please call (805) 922-1726. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting would enable the Santa Maria Public Airport District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Rafferty, Adams, Engel, Brown, Baskett 1. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS-ELECTION OF OFICERS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 1, SECTION 5 OF THE OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF THE DISTRICT. 2. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO COMMITTEES AND ASSIGNMENT TO LIAISON POSITIONS. 3. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 14, 2019. 4. COMMITTEE REPORT(S): a) AVIATION SUPPORT & PLANNING (Standing or Ad Hoc) b) ADMINISTRATION & FINANCIAL (Standing or Ad Hoc) c) MARKETING & PROMOTIONS (Standing or Ad Hoc) d) CITY & COUNTY LIAISON e) STATE & FEDERAL LIAISON f) VANDENBERG LIAISON g) BUSINESS PARK COMMITTEE (Ad Hoc) 5. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 6. MANAGER OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION REPORT a) Demand Register c) Financial Statements b) Budget to Actual 7. DISTRICT COUNSEL’S REPORT. (Joshua George and Natalie Frye Laacke) 8. PUBLIC SESSION: Statements from the floor will be heard during public session. Request to Speak forms are provided for those wishing to address the board. After completing the form, please give it to the Clerk. Requests requiring board action will be referred to staff and brought on the next appropriate agenda. Members of the public are cordially invited to speak on agenda items as they occur. Staff reports covering agenda items are available for review in the offices of the General Manager on the Tuesday prior to each meeting. The Board will establish time limit for receipt of testimony. The board reserves the right to establish further time limits for receipt of testimony. 9. The Consent Calendar is approved by ROLL CALL VOTE on one Motion. These items are read only on request of Board members. The following items are presented for Board approval without discussion as a single agenda item in order to expedite the meeting. SHOULD ANYONE WISH TO DISCUSS OR DISAPPROVE ANY ITEM, it must be dropped from the blanket Motion of approval and be considered as a separate item. It is the recommendation of staff that the Board receives, and file and/or approve the following leases and agreements or other routine items and authorize the President and Secretary to execute them: a) AUTHORIZATION FOR THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PROCEED WITH LED LIGHTING RETRO-FIT PROJECTS. b) AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PRESIDENT AND THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 FOR THE TAXILANE REHABILITATION PROJECT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND J.F. WILL COMPANY, INC. 10. DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING LONG-TERM AVIATION & NON-AVIATION LAND LEASE POLICY. 11. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 882. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT APPROVING THE POLICY FOR RETENTION OF DOCUMENTS AND DESTRUCTION OF SPECIFIED DOCUMENTS. 12. DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING THE OFFICIAL LOGO. 13. DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING SWITCHING BANKS FOR DISTRICT CREDIT CARD SERVICES. 14. DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING ACCESS BADGE FEES. 15. CLOSED SESSION. The Board will hold a Closed Session to discuss the following item(s): a) Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Chris Hastert, Kerry Fenton and District Counsel) Re: 3249 Terminal Drive, Suite 104 (Gov. Code Section 54956.8) b) Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Chris Hastert, Tom Ross and District Counsel) Re: APN 111-231-17 (Gov. Code Section 54956.8). c) Conference with Legal Counsel-Pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): 1 Case SMPAD v. Sylvia Saucedo. 16. DIRECTORS’ COMMENTS. 17. ADJOURNMENT. Agenda Item 2 12/12/19 2020 SMPAD BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMMITTEE AND LIAISON APPOINTMENTS AVIATION SUPPORT & PLANNING (Standing or Ad Hoc) Directors Brown & Rafferty ADMINISTRATION & FINANCIAL (Standing or Ad Hoc) Directors Rafferty & Adams MARKETING & PROMOTIONS (Standing or Ad Hoc) Directors Adams & Brown BUSINESS PARK (Standing or Ad Hoc) Directors Engel & Adams CITY & COUNTY LIAISON Directors Engel & Rafferty STATE & FEDERAL LIAISON Directors Brown & Rafferty VANDENBERG LIAISON Directors Rafferty & Baskett Agenda Item 3 12/12/19 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD 2 MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3 OF THE SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT 4 DISTRICT HELD NOVEMBER 14, 2019 5 6 The Board of Directors of the Santa Maria Public Airport District held a Regular 7 Meeting at the regular place at 7:00 p.m. Present were Directors Rafferty, Adams, 8 Engel, Brown and Baskett. General Manager Hastert, Manager of Finance & 9 Administration Reade and District Counsel George. 10 11 1. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD October 24, 2019. Director 12 Baskett made a Motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held October 13 24, 2019. Director Adams Seconded and it was carried by a 5-0 vote. 14 15 2. COMMITTEE REPORT(S): 16 17 a) AVIATION SUPPORT & PLANNING (Standing or Ad Hoc) – The committee 18 met and reviewed the Hangar Use Policy and decided no changes to policy 19 were necessary. They also discussed the use of Drones and will be drafting a 20 policy that will also be provided on the website. 21 22 b) ADMINISTRATION & FINANCIAL (Standing or Ad Hoc) – No meeting 23 scheduled. 24 25 c) MARKETING & PROMOTIONS (Standing or Ad Hoc) – No meeting 26 scheduled. 27 28 d) CITY & COUNTY LIAISON – No meeting scheduled. 29 30 e) STATE & FEDERAL LIAISON – No meeting scheduled. 31 32 f) VANDENBERG LIAISON – No meeting scheduled. 33 34 g) BUSINESS PARK COMMITTEE (Ad Hoc) – The committee met, and the item 35 was added to closed session for discussion with the full board. 36 37 3. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT. Mr. Hastert notified the Board he gave a tour 38 of the airport to the CEO Roundtable group. He was principal for a day at a local 39 school and attended a future business leaders’ luncheon. He met with City staff 40 to discuss ag wells and joint operations on future projects. He also spoke about 41 our upcoming tenant gathering on December 17th. 42 43 4. MANAGER OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION REPORT. 44 45 The Manager of Finance & Administration presented the Demand Register to the 46 Board for review and approval. 47 48 a) Demand Register. The Demand Register, covering warrants 067236 through 49 067281 in the amount of $515,964.00 was recommended for approval as 50 presented. Director Baskett made a Motion to accept the Demand Register 51 as presented. Director Engel Seconded and it was carried by a 5-0 vote. -1- 1 b) Quarterly Investment Report. Received and filed. 2 3 5. DISTRICT COUNSEL’S REPORT. District Counsel George asked the Board to 4 consider adding one item to closed session. Director Adams made a Motion to 5 approve. Director Baskett Seconded and it was carried by a 5-0 vote. 6 7 District Counsel met with staff to discuss updating our retention policy. The item 8 will be brought to the Board at a later time. 9 10 6. PUBLIC SESSION: Statements from the floor will be heard during public session. 11 Request to Speak forms are provided for those wishing to address the board. After 12 completing the form, please give it to the Clerk. Requests requiring board action 13 will be referred to staff and brought on the next appropriate agenda. Members of 14 the public are cordially invited to speak on agenda items as they occur. Staff 15 reports covering agenda items are available for review in the offices of the General 16 Manager on the Tuesday prior to each meeting. The Board has established a five- 17 minute time limit for receipt of testimony. The board reserves the right to establish 18 further time limits for receipt of testimony. 19 20 Dave Baskett requested to speak. Please see attached remarks. 21 22 7. The Consent Calendar is approved by ROLL CALL VOTE on one Motion. These 23 items are read only on request of Board members. 24 25 The following items are presented for Board approval without discussion as a 26 single agenda item in order to expedite the meeting. SHOULD ANYONE WISH 27 TO DISCUSS OR DISAPPROVE ANY ITEM, it must be dropped from the blanket 28 Motion of approval and be considered as a separate item. 29 30 It is the recommendation of staff that the Board receives, and file and/or approve 31 the following leases and agreements or other routine items and authorize the 32 President and Secretary to execute them: 33 34 a) Authorization for the President and General Manager to execute Change Order 35 No. 1 & 2 for the Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation project between the District 36 and The J.F. Will Company. 37 38 b) Authorization for the President and General Manager to execute Change Order 39 No. 1 for the Airfield Pavement Marking project between the District and Cal 40 Stripe, Inc. 41 42 Director Adams made a Motion to approve Consent Calendar Items 7(a) through 43 7(b) as presented.
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