BranchFight SEE STORY BELOW Showers Likely Cloudy and mild, showers ukely today and tonight Fair, FINAL cooler tomorrow and Sunday. Bed Bank, Freehold LqnK Branch ' EDITION Monmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 26 PAGES VOL.94 .NO. 103 RED BANK, N.J. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1971 TEN CENTS Brookdale Pioneers Physical Fitness Lab By DORIS KULMAN National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Washing- It also will be used to help students going out for various wouldn't leave sufficient money for furniture, equipment, site ton, D.C. sports to get into condition early, Mr. Jones said. work, and fees, Dr. Ervin L. Harlacher, college president, LINCROFT - Brookdale Community College will be the Individualized Setup "And we hope to invite adult groups in to use the lab," he said. first college in the nation to have "a real physical fitness labo- Mr. Jones said it will make possible an individualized said. Brookdale has $1.6 million available for the Commons, half ratory," Jack Jones, dean of its Human Affairs Institute, said physical fitness program for every student. The lab program under the direction of Dr. Franke Paone, in state and half in county funds. last night. The individualized programs will be worked out with the division chairman, and William Johnson, bead of the physical Dr. Harlacher said the bids for the Commons demonstra- The county college's board of trustees last night author- cooperation of physicians, Mr. Jones said. He said it will in- education program. tes that "it's a hazard for a public agency to secure funds for ized the advertising of bids for the lab, which will augment the clude testing students for stress ability and then designing ac- Mr. Jones said be is hopeful the program will be in full construction of one building at a time. The amount of money physical education program. tivities around the test results. swing by Jan. 15. available then is widely publicized and the bids come in at that The lab will be in the basement of the new Human Affairs Mr. Jones said the testing, already begun, has revealed Bids Rejected figure. Wherever possible, that should be avoided." Institute building, as originally planned. However, it wasn't in- slight heart conditions in two students who had been unaware The trustees rejected all bids for construction of the College The trustees approved a change order authorizing the gen- cluded in the bids for that building because college officials of them. Commons, deeming them too high, and instructed its archi- eral contractor to install built-in equipment for a photography wanted to be certain that they would have money enough. The program will be operated on a scheduled and a "drop tects to modify the plans. laboratory in the new institute of Applied Humanities building The laboratory will be patterned after one operated by the in" basis, be said. The lowest construction bids totaled $1,554,412, which at a cost of $3,350. Cahill Asks for Delay On School Aid Boost TRENTON (AP) - Gov. in effect, that districts would mittee's position "I will re- of its major recommendations : The committee's latest rec- William T. Cahill wants a receive the same amount of spect that recommendation may be for a shift in the bur- ommendations suggest the temporary delay in providing money next year as they are and will support it." den of education costs from possibility that the committee an additional $30 million in receiving now. Hopes For More local government to the state will urge a major new reve- state aid to local school dis- Bateman said he agreed Bateman said he hoped the government. nue raising program for the tricts next year. with Cahill. "I have been tax policy committee's con- The committee is expected state to help finance educa- The governor urged yes- pressing for implementation clusions will call for greater to present its final report late tion costs. terday adoption of a bill in the of the second step of the state aid to education. this month or early next year Cahill said he was im- legislature which would hold school aid formula," he said, The Sears committee in- before the new legialature pressed with the committee's up the expanded aid pending but in view of the Sears Com- dicated Wednesday that one meets Jan. 11. arguments. the final report of the gover- nor's special committee on tax reform. Under Cahill's recommen- dation, local school districts Shrewsbury Reaction Mixed would again receive about $30 million in aid in 1972 under the so-called Bateman formula. But the plans to double the figure would be postponed. Cahill acted on a recom- On Regional School Plans mendation by his tax policy committee headed by Senate By PAUL KERN Majority Leader Harry L. Sears, R-Morris. SHREWSBURY - A light Cahill was in French Lick. turnout and mixed reactions Ind. for a Republican Gover- met the Red Bank Regional nor's Association meeting. A Board of Education when it statement released by his of- presented its plans for a new fice said he would back a bill $9.5 million high school to sponsored by Assemblyman borough residents last night. John Ewing, R-Somerset, of Unlike the hearings prior to the Assembly Education Com- forming the regional district Registtr staff Photo SIGNS OF THEIR TIMES — McCarter's Bridge, Ridge Road between mittee, to delay full imple- two years ago, there were no Rumson and Fair Haven, has been chosen by seniors at Rumson-Fair mentation of the Bateman red faces or heated argu- Haven Regional High School as symbol to decorate divider pages of their- plan. ments between the audience yearbook. Painting appropriate words on county landmark, with police Sponsor's Name and the board or its employes. and school permission, are Beth Kugler, top, and Sheila de Ganahl, left The Bateman formula is Mostly, residents asked foreground, and Karen Halfacre, coordinator of effort. named after its chief sponsor. questions about the physical Sen. President Raymond H. ..size of the school and project- Bateman, R-Somerset. ed costs. It established a scale of Cost Jump Hit state aid to local school dis- Edward Quinlan, represent- The Bridge May Go. tricts pegged to financial need ing the Shrewsbury Tax- and the quality of education. payers Association was not- The total cost of the Bate- able exception when he ac- Register start Photo man formula's first year aid cused the board of adding 80 HIGH SCHOOL HEARING — Only about 140 persons attended the hearing But Not Memories has been estimated at $30 mil- per cent to the cost figures it on the new Red Bank Regional High School held in Shrewsbury last night. lion. The first checks to school gave two years ago. Reactions to the plans were mixed. By FLORENCE BRUDEB idea. "It was a natural," he terrent.to too much traffic; districts went out Oct. 1, edu- Mr. Quinlan said when the said, "a landmark to students. it's a county road and the cation department spokesman hearings were held prior, to Board president Samuel wrong and made no excuses. foot for 240,000 square feet. RUMSON — Youthful imag- Over the years, it's really freeholders were consulted. said. He added school boards the vote that formed the sys- Hathaway admitted the ear- In response to questions, The remainder of the $9.5 mil- ination is turning an adult been a mode of expression Now the young people are should be notified around Dec. tem, residents were told a lier figure, given by Mon- board members said the new lion figure consists of archi- bone of contention into happy symbolic of school spirit." lacing it into the book they'll 1, of planned second year aid. 1,500 students high school mouth County Superintendent school construction has been tects, legal and bonding fees, immortality. True. leaf through a quarter of a The Ewing bill would mean. could be built for $5.25 million. of Schools Earl Garrison, was estimated at $28.89 a square See Regional, Page 3 McCarter's Bridge, which Young Artists century from now in search of spans Ridge Road between Over the years, the bridge delightful memories. here and Fair Haven, is being has been decorated by num- They're painting it differ- painted again. .(this time berless young "artists" in ently, using words used on the with police consent, even, pro- honor of sports events, ho- section dividers, pristine Bank Wins Eatontown Branch tection). and the art work is lidays, love—whatever the words such as "seniors," "un- dergraduates," "activities," being photographed to appear mood indicated. By JANE FODERARO James C. Brady Jr., N.J. tional Bank, Asbury Park. forth the reasons why the ap- yearly increases can be ex- on the five divider pages of And residents responded: "faculty" and "sports." Banking Commissioner, yes- The state Superior Court, in plicant has satisfied its statu- pected in the foreseeable fu- the yearbook which will recall Council meetings were lively And they'll return it to its TRENTON — The Union terday ruled that the Union a decision of July 14 of this tory burden." * ture." four busy years for the class in the two boroughs with pros original grey when the project County Trust Co. of Elizabeth, County bank can continue to year, found that the banking Among criteria used in of 72 at Rumson-Fair Haven and cons as to the bridge's ex- is finished (but who can guar- after a 15-month battle with a Mr. Blaze continued, "1 eli- maintain an Eatontown office. department had been "arbi- granting new banking outlets cited from the applicant Regional High School.
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