25554 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 3, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE HIGH TEMPERATURE The concept of HTS technology is relatively win the race: intensive research and develop­ SUPERCONDUCTIVITY ELECTRIC basic: certain ceramic materials lose all resist­ ment, and the precommercialization of HTS POWER SYSTEMS ACT OF 1991 ance to electricity at low temperatures. Recent energy systems technologies. Our legislation scientific breakthroughs have overcome the would authorize the Secretary of Energy to MARKEY major technical difficulties of HTS and have carry out a program to develop the major ele­ HON. EDWARD J. created a wave of support within the energy ments of a HTS electric energy system includ­ OF MASSACHUSETTS community. ing transmission lines, generators, and mag­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES According to a report by the Electric Power netic storage rings. Moreover, the HTS Elec­ Thursday, October 3, 1991 Research Institute, our electric power trans­ tric Power Systems Act empowers the Sec­ mission lines are not far from copper wires retary of Energy to facilitate the Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, today, I join hanging from pine trees. A high temperature precommercialization phase of HTS electric with Representative DON RITIER to introduce superconducting electric transmission line energy technologies. The precommercializa­ the High Temperature Superconductivity Elec­ would be able to transmit over 100 times the tion phase of HTS energy applications is par­ tric Power Systems Act of 1991. This timely amount of a copper wire without losses. This ticularly important because it ensures that the legislation would promote energy efficiency by quality makes HTS transmission lines ideal for United States maintain a stronghold in the de­ carrying out a program of research and devel­ heavily populated urban areas where space is velopment of the underlying technology which opment and joint ventures for high tempera­ limited and the demand is high. In addition, is essential to the future of a U.S. domestic ture superconductivity electric power tech­ high powered compact HTS electric genera­ manufacturing base. Our legislation also au­ nologies. tors and motors have enormous energy effi­ thorizes at least one joint venture program to First, I would like to state that this legislation ciency potential and offer attractive space sav­ encourage cooperation between the nationals is the product of long-term study and consider­ ing possibilities. Because HTS technology al­ labs, industry, and universities to develop ation in which my distinguished colleague, Mr. lows electricity to conduct without resistance, commercial HTS energy applications. The RITIER, has been an active participant, as well motors would use sizably less electricity and; United States has dropped the ball at this criti­ as many Government agencies, universities, generators would expend less energy, while cal stage more times than we like to acknowl­ and private industry. One result of these ef­ producing larger yields. HTS magnetic energy edg~small electronics and televisions in the forts, and largely due to Mr. RITIER was a re­ storage rings also have tremendous energy ef­ 1970's, VCRs in the 1980's-we can not allow port on high temperature superconductivity ficiency potential. These rings would be able HTS electric equipment to be the next victim. mandated in the Omnibus Trade and Competi­ to store electricity during off-peak hours for Thus, it is crucial for both the public and pri­ tiveness Act of 1988. The executive summary later use in high-peak hours. This electric load vate sectors to collaborate on HTS electric en­ of the report articulates the pressing need for management tactic would generate both mon­ ergy systems technologies to ensure that the the United States to embark on research and etary and energy gains. High temperature United States is the first to implement this en­ development for high temperature super­ superconductivity electric systems will be one ergy system of the future. conductivity energy applications. Similarly, of the major elements of the next generation HTS electric energy applications hold the every national critical technology list includes efficient and environmentally sound energy promise of revolutionizing the electric energy this important technology. There is a clear technologies. systems sector bringing new levels of effi­ record which establishes that high temperature The HTS Electric Power Systems Act would ciency and environmental gains to the genera­ superconductivity energy applications should charter the course for the United States re­ tion, delivery and storage of electric energy in be a part of the long-term goals of the national search and development, and precom­ the United States. I urge my colleagues to join energy strategy. mercialization of HTS electric power tech­ Mr. RITIER and myself in supporting this vital Within the next 20 years the United States nologies. The HTS energy applications market legislation. will need to invest an estimated $4 trillion into is already a highly competitive sector in which the existing electric public utilities infrastucture our opponents are our leading economic ri­ to replace antiquated technology and improve vals, including Japan and Germany. There are THE HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPER­ efficiency to meet the rising demands of the already 20 companies in Japan developing ad­ CONDUCTIVITY ELECTRIC POWER United States. These demands will also have vanced superconductors for energy applica­ SYSTEMS ACT OF 1991 to be met under severe environmental con­ tions. Last year the Department of Commerce straints such as urban crowding. If the United reported that the United States is about even HON. DON RIITER States is to meet this challenge, we need to with Japan in the race to commercialize OF PENNSYLVANIA invest in the research and development, the superconductors, but will lose badly if current IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES precommercialization of efficient energy sys­ trends continues. The United States invests tems technologies. High temperature approximately 70 percent of it's high tempera­ Thursday, October 3, 1991 superconductivity [HTS) is one such tech­ ture superconductively funds in defense relat­ Mr. RITIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to join my nology-initial estimates of a HTS electric ed research and development; while Japan in­ distinguished colleague from Massachusetts power system show that energy losses could vests 99 percent of the equivalent amount on as an original sponsor and co-author of the be reduced by as much as 33 percent or $12 precommercial development and new mate­ High Temperature Superconductivity Electric billion per year using transmission lines and rials research. This ratio clearly illustrates that Power Systems Act of 1991. I am pleased to generators alone. These savings would trans­ if the United States is to avoid what has be­ have contributed to this legislation, which late into significantly lower costs for American come known as the trilogy of terror-invented would focus America's efforts in high tempera­ consumers, businesses, and industry; addi­ in the United States, developed in Germany, ture superconductivity. tionally, HTS is a clean energy technology and made in Japan-we need to take imme­ Since October, 1986, when scientists dis­ which would improve the accessibility of other diate action. covered a ceramic compound that exhibited environmentally sound renewable energy re­ If the United States is to capture this bur­ superconducting properties at higher tempera­ sources such as wind, solar, and geoning market which has been estimated to tures than ever before, I have been a strong photovoltaics. In sum, HTS electric energy ap­ reach $3 to $5 billion in the United States proponent of a Federal effort in high tempera­ plications would enhance energy security and within the decade, we must build a solid foun­ ture superconductivity [HTS] research and de­ result in a reduction of pollution like acid rain, dation today. There are two essential activities velopment. Superconductivity is a special at­ nuclear wastes and other toxics. that the United States must concentrate on to tribute of materials. In a superconducting wire, •This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. October 3, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25555 an electric current can flow forever without any ago, the first group of German settlers arrived TRIBUTE TO WISCONSIN resistance or loss of energy. in America. They sought to build a new life for MANUFACTURER In 1987, I introduced the first legislation to themselves and in so doing, began a tradition establish a coordinated Federal role in promot­ of helping to build a better America for every­ HON. GERAID D. KLECZKA ing superconductivity research and develop­ one. OF WISCONSIN ment, which eventually was signed into law as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Ritter-Mccurdy National Superconductivity I would like to pay tribute to our Nation's and Competitiveness Act of 1988. That legisla­ German-Americans as we look forward to Thursday, October 3, 1991 tion recognized the need for directed, coordi­ celebrating German-American Day this week­ Mr. KLECZKA. Mr. Speaker, today I am nated Federal support over the 5 to 10 years end, on October 6. For more than 3 centuries, pleased to bring to the attention of my col­ needed for successful commercialization
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