-" • ■. — . ■- —y y ■:'1 -.-J.' -!—S-^ .. .-— -^---- ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1900. IS3f5i.tVSS£I PRICE THREE CENTS. a f sot forth in Irldghuiu, “but I know that great principles that platform for their loyalty, anti that considerable and in addition thereto the WHY POWERS CONSENTED. recommending nany of them are doing |. IRYAN BEGINS TO TALK. presents they protect foreigners at any cost. HR. BRIDGUAM GETS OUT. several I| blinking.” party’s position upon new and Japan Will (let No New Territory for SHELLED' “What will they do, form another vital questions. HELP IS THE. FORElG^ETl’rail^TC Extra ] MU-ty “When the convention came to the selec- Sending Troop*. Tien Tain, July 4.—The Chinese __ “i don’t kmrv. I only speak for my- tion of a candidate for vice President, Berlin, July 10.—The foreign office to- shelled the foreign settlements all day- ! iclf. 1 shall vote for I there was of but the 8. of McKinley. got diversity opinion, informed the Associated Press that long July Upwards 150 shells fell choioe fell a day enough of the party when I saw their ac- upon distinguished Illinois into the Concession, and many houses I who once all the had consented to were to 1 Too Much for iion at the Kansas" City convention. J Stream Will Flow Un- Democrat, discharged with powers Japan’s partly wreoked. The casualties, 16 j nude up my mind that those Populists great credit the duties of the oliice. In landing a large force in China, but the however, wore lew, the civilians and jut there hair on their teeth could the of when women and with campaign 1896, plutocracy stipulation was made beforehand that no children being ordered to Democrat. lot make any more sixteen to one plat- ceasingly Now. and Democracy met face to faoe, Adlal seek shelter in the cellars of the town hall Maine powers oould derive any terri- forms for me. I was willing to follow E. Stevenson was an able and courage- advantage and the Astor hotel. Dave Hill and the ohl time Democrats, ous defender of the cause of Democracy. Allies torially from the fa^t of its having more Narrowly Escaped LEGATIONS STANDING JULY but couldn’t swallow any more Bryan I know thar some of our allies felt troops in China than the others. The 6. that were has when he wished to dictate the platform^in grievod they not given the Japanese government expressed per- Washington, July 10.—The of second fect secretary advance.* My Democratic creed has been place upon the ticket, but I am .willingness to send troops under state has received a despatch from Mr. sure that Total Defeat. those terms The that the people made the platforms and they cannot feel unkindly to- foreign office further Goodnow, United States oonsul at Shan- J ward denied the His Position as Member of the j the candidate named in convention one, who, like Mr. Stevenson, was correctness of the statement ghai, that it is given out the Resigns the stating bp was expected to stand upon it.” loyal to the ticket nominated at Chicago by St. Petersburg Herold that Ger- governor of Shang Tung that the and who is able and a lega- A story was started here this evening at Lincoln. to defend the magnill- many Russia made secret agree- tions were standing on .July 5, and that State Committee. paigii cent set ment last to the elfect that L. Barton, the Demo- party creed forth at Kansas City. fall, for common action in the outlaws were Mr. Good- “In this dispersing. cratic member of the state committee campaign issues are greater China, adding: new adds that this statement does not ob- from Portland, was to leave the party. than men, “The relations between the'two govern- tain general credence. Mr, Barton was seen by the PRESS cor- “The ticket deserves support because ments have hitherto been so friendly and rr FOREIGNERS IN A r-*- respondent this evening and emphatically it stands for the declaration of indepen- Losses About Tien Tsin the agreement on China so complete that PALACE. denied the He said it was no < dence in with the and a treaty has been unnecessary.’’ report. dealing Philippines wholly Tien Tsin, Tuesday, July 8.—It Is re- same who in- ‘Vice President” Stev- for the doctrine of all An official of the office stated State Convention in doubt started by the people equal rights for foreign ported from Chinese sources that the for- the which was in the PRESS and for none ih all that the of the affairs | spired story special privileges Heavy. meeting foreign eigners at Pekin have taken possession of of “1 shall not leave the domestic committee of the Bundesrath, which will Tuesday. enson questions.” one of the Prinee’s palaces, opposite and Le^ son said Mr. “unless I am Speaks. General James B, Weaver also at be hold tomorrow, will bo for the f Today. party,” Barton, spoke purely commanding the legations, and that the -i kicked out,” some length, outlining the Wrk to be purpose of informing the other German '< native Christians have been installed Thero seems to be little doubt but that done by tne Democratic, Silver Republi- oabinets of the status of the China ques- there. to-—• the light in the Cumberland county dele- can and Populist parties, and appealing tion and that no decision will be taken. to PHILLIE CHINESE will result In tion of Geo. for for the common cause. He The biorth German mail steamer DENOUNCE Apr gation the eleo harmony Lloyd L, Swett. Mr. M. P. Frank is heartily also paid tribute to Mr. Stevenson’s rec- Gera has been chartered by the ministry BOXERS. in favor of Mr. Swett and it would ‘Tice President” Towue Also ord in of marine for a for use in Mr. Bart* ®Denies Humor That appear Congress. hospital ship 10.—The Chinamen Cninese waters and the same Philadelphia, July that he has the light without half an Little Credence Given of company’s of this ** IMPERIALISM THE ISSUE. Story city have issued a proclamation effort. Hag Lends His Voice. new steamer Strassburg for transport ser- Ho Will Leave Party. denouncing the Boxers in China and the Candidates for the are not 10.—Senator vice there. governorship Chicago, July Jones, atrocities they have committed against numerous. The Hon. D. J. McGilli- chairman of the Democratic Decline of Boxers, The postal authorities publish the an- very National foreign residents in China. The procla- could have the nomination but he committee arrived here with sev- nouncement that the following tele- cnddy today mation was posted in various conspicuous no. of the dele- eral Qf his fellow oommitteemen. In graphic connections are completely inter- emphatically says Many places in the Chinese colony. gates are in favor of Obediah Gardiner of speaking of the coming oampaign he rupted: the master of the state 10.—The informal said: Tien Tsin to Taku via and Rockland, grange, Lincoln, Neb., July Helampo TO SUCCEED DR, HALEY. &BPECIAX TO THE PEMS.1 not also to Mace and Maimanch- but his friends in Knox county do ipening of the Democratic Presidential “The Democrats made free silver the Hong Kong want him to take the nomination as they issue in 1896 and they will make anti- ing to Kalgan. Bucksport, July 10—Rev. S. A. Bender Lewiston, July 10.—The Democratic aampaign took place in Lincoln today, of Calais was elected of the wish to nominate him for state senator imperialism the issue in the coming cam- The Berliner Neuste Nachrichting oalls principal war horses to hero this af- in ratification one in the after- attention East Maine conference begun gather and say they can elect him. This will no meetings, paign. The Republicans may to try to to the distribution of United seminary today States in Porto to fill the place of J.R. who has ternoon and tonight there are enough doubt take Mr. Gardiner out of tne held. noon, conducted by the Populists and make other questions paramount, so as Imperial Troops Fight- troops Cuba, Rico, the Haley His own not to take nomina- to and China, resigned. delegates present to assure a fair sized desire is the Silver Kepublicans of Nebraska, and keep imperialism and trusts in the Philippines saying: tion until he is not connected, with the background, but we will not allow them With Them. “The Unit 3d States put troops where convention tomorrow. me tbis conducted tbo Demo ing grange. evening by to do so.” they are most needed which is a good ex ol the Chairman George E. Hughes j John P. Lynch of Machias has many jrats, William J. Bryan, Charles A. “Will Mr. Bryan make such a cam- ample for Germany.” state committee arrived on an early eve- friends and "they are telling of his many l’owne, General James B, Weaver and paign as he did four years ago?” He may be nomi- own idea is that he should not. FROM nlng train. The first thing he had handed j good qualifications. other leaders of the parties, outlined the “My MESSAGE EMPEROR. Waitt and Bond’s nated if there is a serious objection to It is too great a task to demand of one to him was a letter Thomas P. j work of the in the interest of Hsu Implore* tile Alcl of tile signed by Sir. Lord from the delegates in the cen- campaign man that he should make as many and Kwnug S.
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