GruiU N rW O R K jl Tennes;SEE< WALIZl I CAPITOL GGAINS Sounds can^ boostb exercise, Lady Vols com e.t.back from double H V a ll^ ^ m e s ouiut ahead j but may violate-ite gym etiquette. | | | | digits to beat N.C.,, makei title game, H , at legislative sesession. • ________________. I IMAGE. SEE PAGE Dl j j ^ B SPORTS, SEEPAGE B I B PAGE D4 ■■_ ’■ MAGIC VALLEY. SEE P, GoodMomlniing ■ Hl|h:44,Ml - I ' IV Loh:2 9 ■ ^ MONDAY107 Rain or tnow eafty, .April 2,200: ' . dtartntOMalKZT JL ts j m iWi^ . 50 cents -----------les-— x■Ne m i— Hillarygel i,on $26miUiosTa]paircof luc?kys(even!S McCainIraq, Edwards visit to]!sees> $14niillioi ^ says hess H pro^esim a Fundraising BySeiiaiuaRigkinPott j infuiiswingfo u d S u d a H z d The Washington Po— After !i 2008 elections Jed walk . UAGHUAD —ly fortified heavily giinrdet. Sen. John BjriUMLNombM th rau f^ t ii n e w■d ly that the The Wa«hJntton Pott ' Uagtidud m a r k eic t,: wiis n»i McCain declaredpicture" of WASHINGTON — S American publicifoldlng III HlUoiy Kodhom Qinton. g e ttin g ‘n full pli N.Y. raised $26 million In tiie progress unf< thc (Ini q u arter of th c y Iraq. almost three tim es as mi M c C itin , as any previous politiclitlclan who Is fcj has raised 19 mlonths on seeking ihe E H heforc a presidcniial elec-cl Hcjpubllcan lion, ofllclals ^ t i i h crca p r e s i d c n - paign announced Sundaiday. noiiii- -----------Dcmocninohn'EdwaIwords------- n a 11 o n . ubo lopped che previcevious —cited' n ''!i^ JHeCtin rccord, reporting at leastic “ 'dr'op ■ St4 million for the quaxluartcr murders, ellatlonn of Ihat ended Saturday. H H th e i 1 jn llltary Tlie sums, ihouliough iilion of n consieils e ln ln id - rccord-sectlnB. rcjia'sentientcd • joint t;.S.-Iniqligns . of the only a portion o f dte tensens o f " o iiip n slsa n d ii rise millions thc candidateses arei IlRfnce tips as sigt>er Indlca- i^pccccd to raise inn cchc i^Mi ' ■ ' -progress. 1 fur cjiu- most expensive presideiiden- "[liese nnd othen,"' • s'ald lial compaiRn in hlstoIstory. tlo n s j»re re a so nonii. vole- ■ And che reports, requiredredby ------------------------- tiniis opcimisni,>n liicreas- IM l k MJ* IBUf* •• IkM ' fedcml law,. Iilghllf^tcd t McQiln. of Ari/otI U.S, offi- Incensicy o f th e so*callrailed MocfinAtrilotarfFaliFdifWd cBtfn o n r tlM ceoru Sonda]nday dwW tlM USSA Cren Cooatrr7 IChaoipioiMMpt in Pmque Itit,.MaiiM. ll ^ ing an oliser\-aiion monc>' primary. ingly he,ird froijiand I chr4‘e One candldacc who d cials. 1 m em bers i ■ not report his fund>ral$I 'Hie. senator, -•aretlan most Sunday was Son. BaraS F a i r f iieldwoma e anfinishe: 3S seventhh twice . • other Kcpubllciineir n visli to Obama. D-IIL, >vho hass heheld of Congress appealciiing Ihe a crush of Tund-nlscrs ai impressed by tiieiiI there as I sliows up In sccond place Shorja market, ciiid ad w as I many DemocniClc Spol J a t n a ttiorial i cros)ss coimtrry champ])ionships_ hour ihey spentL*r i a nearly •• Nor did a n y of*■ Iheil k , proof that Bnghdseciiricy I Republicans w ho Im’have ByJilaBajtjf tures in th e -iOs d u rin gJ il ncttlng.safer under entered ihe racc. For tha Tlm«»Naw»jw ________ __ j j ^ H I race. Willi half th e course seven-week-old been; able Advisers to' New Mcxiiexico shade nnd the other In brigg ih e offensii^’c. e airport, Gov. Uill m chardson1 (I(D) PRESQUE ISLE,LE,^ M aine — sun. ll made for changenb•se in ■ "Nok'c,' t);ive I hn e able lo sold they cxpectcd co repoeport l-alrflcld's Morgargan Arritola Bfcjf - ^ ■'3. ccconditions. irlglit In drive lu>in they ns I was S6 m illion. ' SciSen. kne^v she was In1 iicrouble early , ■It went from h ard and icycable never have I beeniin. "Uut I Chriscopher Dodd. ID- In the Unitedi States Ski h ^K softso and slushy," Arritola sal g o o iiiin iii th e c ity•Mission , Conn.. reporccd raisingIg JS4 Association's womtmen’s 30-kilo. L. "We had lo b e really carcfulicy c to iqdiiy," snid M cC alrIt's a very mlllian. and Sen. Joscpscph mctermoradionSuSunday, when ^ ^ chthe corners and Just hadsaid. i am not saying d o f us." , Bldcn, D'Del.. predicccicccd thc leaders ptiUeded away on a reallyre. hold on going aro u nill d .'o n A cc o m |U ish e d .'... ramIt eo n a ivporting about S3 millionlion.' downhill. Arritola wos phllosophiid to dirncull task aheadm i ililary__________ I------------Clinton—oO lciait-callcailed------------:t-wafr^ookaig-^ id." His comments cat\m eri£an I chelr figure “stoggcrlng.” good gap belwecrecn me and i thisth: season, saying her irainliiiphic day when thc Jlledii by ‘VVe dranialically cxccec;ccd- them ," Airliola saidaid after com- L diidid not produce th c ontldpaiancc— reporlctrihni SIX Anoutliw esi ed our goals und cxpcaicaa- plctlng thc nrstst mamthon ed results. inliig soldiers were killder rales , dons." said Patcl SoliSolis event o th e r carecr. 'I was not 'it's all right, it just wasn'tipai- th mndslde bombs soisuicide Doyle, .the C linton camnim- able to dose It." bestbe of years," she said. "Bui of Baglidad. Miirdcinue to palgn manager, whoI oon Arricola.a20'yeaiear-old mem- ■ Pl‘plan on keeping going. You'C ju> Che a re d ow n, h u t and• vlo- I Saturday had issued a ~pei•per- ber of lhe.U.5. SkllId Team, skied • haveha to stay on the horse."3uc 1 bombings cnnCinits o f Imq ; . ' sooalized," . last^minuinuic thc three 10-kllomciTicccrlapslna \ \ 'Next for Arritola. after I jush si p lague Ihe c a p ita l, a: , fund-raising picch Cico tim oofoncl:22:27.27.4. Qn'^hing g ' ^ ---------------------1 spendsspi a week in Vermont. I lence in other partsiple were donors, arguing that theih In seventh placc onand Just over Arrllsti r a m SMdnSm ta tbt MMBl 30«l0MtarirmntbMdtlwUSSA I thithc Roble Creek halshe Is surging. • om blngs ilRt-quaner totals ‘willI scset two mlnuccs bchlniln d th c w in - Crest CooabyCluO ueFieebln hi fm q w We, ■rinf, * mimarathon, die most gruelln;it. Is Al least 152 p e oliies p i Inst I the cone of chc race forfo n e r 'Dullna MiM annix of in theI Paclllc N onhw cst. half ' killed In suicide boiccordlng I months to come." Thlkeema, Alaska,a. Thirty-one Arritola placedced scvend) In thc lasc race;e o f Ihe season so I Just "It's nine m iles stm i^ it.‘ling u] that targeted ShllKMinistry, Qintoh ofnciols said sheshi discancc skiers fromfro around 15-kiiometer:r ppunulc nice on went outu t and skied as hard as 1 andam then four miles striU^ week In liil Afar, accake Ihc plans CO report a total o frS3G S3l North America parto rtid p u e d In Friday. A kilomlometcr Is equal to' <ould. II was ' dcllnitcly tired al ' down,"do Arritola said, alrcad;I up to Ihe Interior Ml,‘st since million in receipts, Indudlud- thc*cvcnc chat fearlatu r^ races five-eights ofa)famllc. the end."i.“ • - griigrinning In antidpation. light which would maliion four ing abouc Siqjnilllon transans- on Friday and Sundinday. 'T h is .was s irm y first SO-kllo* Weachiihcr at thc Nordic :ady attack the dendllestik e irlg- ferred from h er 2006 Scnatinate . In addition to SuiSunday's sev- mcccr /ace."e." Arritola said HcriCageje C enter prcscnicd Its ' Julia! Bayly is a frcelane< Ihe U.S.-led Invasioailacks nicc. Tliac total Is four dme;mcs cnth'place marathuhon finish, Sunday'afcemc:moon. 'Ic was thc own challalle'nge. with tem pcm - ivriterivn living in M aine. yenni ago. Tlie sirlk]| left nt chc $a.9 m illion VlccVice inec gered reprisal ;i I’rcsidcnc Al G ore collcccctcced ■ •. against Sunnis thats in th e • In ihc first q u a n e r of 1999999, le ast -15 dead . political chc previous record for ch( Tlic visit comesng U.S, . • period. midst of a bitter q.pi Both While eye-popping, hci“ F i r s t ssigns of ddecrease!d m ethiuse seen tussle over pulling;»s have rivals said Chc ngurc Is nocnoi O forces oul of Iraq.I calling enough lo sliut other con­:on- LX houses of Congressr -troop tenders out o f th c race,;as as SrMarthalnlM different, saysfs CDeborah Mosby, and man;uiy states reported that MMexico e would sim ply fill chc passed legislationresident ( thc Qlncon campaign had AwoeUted P m * writwtter_______ a high schoolol (drug counselor the numimbcrs o f small 'm o m - voli/old. And while au th o rld cs In for dendllncs forlo - veto. hoped CO do. Clinton spcnclenc In Spring Lakeke EPark, Minn. an d -p op' p ' mcthamphelamlnc soniome piaccs have noticed chcan wlihdramis that Pre:ongres- more than S37 millionI to At one Mlnnca]capolis-area It's a posldveiv e sign In a sCalc labs wzro en dropping, a result uiptlck pi In Im ported m eth, och-sin has vowed'los argue win re-eleccion let the high school, chc mle et ^ a m p h e t- that Is on e ofmanyhardhltby' f m largelyattributed an to th c crack- crs■rs are i hopeful th at m eth usea Is n M cC ain a n d o c h er co:■would Scnace last year.
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