Mailing list for Congestion Charges Account : 1. Executive Director (Finance), Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd., Vadodara-390 007. Fax: 0265-2344543. 2. Chief Engineer (LD), Gujarat Energy Transmission Corpn. Ltd., Vadodara- 390 021 3. Chief General Manager (Comml), MP Power Management Co.Ltd., Jabalpur-482 008. Fax: 0761-2664749. 4. Chief Engineer (LD), M P Power Transmission Company Ltd.,SLDC, Jabalpur 482 008. Fax: 0761-2661884 5. Chief Engineer (Comml), Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Co. Ltd., Raipur – 492 013. Fax: 0771-5066942 6. Chief Engineer (LD), Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Co. Ltd., Bhilai-490 024. 7. Chief Engineer (PP), Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd., Mumbai-400 051. Fax: 022-26475012. 8. Chief Engineer (LD), State Load Despatch Centre, MSETCL, New Mumbai - 400 708. Fax: 022-27601769 9. Chief Electrical Engineer, Panjim, Goa-403 001. Fax: 0832-2222354 10. Executive Engineer, Electricity Department, Daman-396 210. Fax: 0260-2250889 11. Executive Engineer (Elect), Electricity Department, Silvassa-396 230. Fax:0260- 2642338/236/787 12. General Manager (Comml), NTPC Ltd., New Delhi-110 003. Fax: 011-24364606 13. Regional Executive Director (West), NTPC Ltd., Mumbai-400 093. Fax- 28259345 14. General Manager (Com. & CP), NTPC SAIL Power Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi -110 066. Fax: 011-26717383/63/66 15. Executive Director (Comml), PGCIL, Gurgaon, Haryana-122 001. Fax- 0124-2571760- 61 16. General Manager, WRTS-I, PGCIL, Nagpur-440 026. Fax: 0712-2641366. 17. Addl. General Manager (Comml), WRTS-IL, PGCIL, Vadodara-440 026 18. Executive Director, POSOCO, WRLDC, Mumbai-400 093. Fax: 022-28202630 19. Dy. General Manager (Comml), Ratnagiri Gas & Power Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai-400 093. Fax: 28269057. 20. Addl. Chief Engineer (R & C), Gujarat Energy Trans. Corpn. Ltd., Vadodara-390 007 21. Chief Engineer (Trans. O&M), MSETCL, Mumbai-400 051 22. General Manager (Comml), LANCO Amarkantak Power Private Ltd., Gurgaon – 122 016. Fax: 01124-4741024 23. Vice President, Jindal Power Ltd., Tamnar, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh – 496 001. Fax:011- 26739151. Fax: 07767-281993 24. Executive Director (Comml), Torrent Power Ltd., Ahmedabad- 380 009. Fax: 02641- 612008 25. AVP (Power Trading), GMR Energy Trading Ltd., Bangalore-560 029. 26. DGM Finance, CGPL, UMPP Mundra, Kutch-370 435. 27. AGM (O&M/O&E) Ratnagiri Gas and Power Pvt Limited PO: Anjanvel, Taluka: Guhaghar Disstt: Ratnagiri (Maharastra) - Pin 415703 28. Vice President (Powe CG) ACB India Ltd., 2*135 MW Kasaipali Power Project, Kasaipali, P.O.- Jawali, Tehsil-Katghora, Korba –chhatisgarh-495445. Fax: 07815- 285887 29. GM (O&M) Bharat Aluminium co. Ltd (BALCO), P.O. Balco Nagar, Distt. Korba - 495684 Chhattisgarh. Fax: 07759-243068 30. AGM (F&A), DCPP JSPL, Dongamahua captive power plant (4*135 MW), Dhaurabhata(PO) Raigarh-496107 (CG). Fax: 07767-200400 31. Director, Jaypee Bina Thermal Power Plant, village sirchopi, Agasod P.O. Bina-470113 Distt. Sagar(MP) 32. Sr. Vice President (EPMPL), Essar Power MP Limited, Thana road, Near Chunkumari stadium, Waidhan, Dist. Singrauli (MP)-486886. Fax: 07805-234438 33. Vice-President, ACB India ltd. 7th floor, Corporate house, Ambience tower, National highway Gurgaon-122001 Haryana. 34. Sasan Power limited, Dhirubahi ambani knowledge city, 1 block, 2nd floor, north wing, Thane-belapur road, Navi Mumbai-400710. Fax: 022-30386999 35. KSK Mahanadi Power CO. LTD, 8-2-293/82/A/431/A, Road no 22, Jubilee hills, Hyderabad-500033. Fax: 040-23559930 36. Plant Head,GMR EMCO Energy ltd. B1, MIDC, Growth centre, Warora-post Chandrapur- dist,Mahrashtra-442907. Fax: 080-40432180 37. Vice president (Comml.), Vandana Vidhut ltd., Vandana Bhavan, M.G. Road, Raipur- 492001-CG. Fax: 0771-4006001 38. Korba west power co. Limited, village chhotte bhandar, P.O. Babe Bhandar,Tehsil Pussore Dist. Raigarh, chhattisgarh-49610 39. Ms. D B Power Ltd., 3rd floor, Naman corporate link, C-31, G-block, BKC Bandra eastMumbai-400051. Fax: 096-99610110 40. Vice President-Power Infrastructure Plant- B MRSS, Essar Steel Ltd 27th km, Surat Hazira Road, Surat-394270 Gujarat. Fax: 0261-6685544 41. Jaypee Nigrie Super Thermal Power Project (A Unit of Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited) Vill- Nigrie, Tehsil- SaraiDistt. - Singrauli, MP-486669. Fax: 011-26145389 42. GM-Coordination, Dhariwal Infrastruture LtdCESC ltd,CESC House, ChowringheeSquare, Kolkata-700001. Fax: 07172-237992 43. Chief General Manager, RKM Powergen pvt ltd, Village Uchpinda, PO Dhurkot, Via chandrapur, Tehsil- Dabra, Janjgir-Champa dist, Chhattisgarh-495692. Fax 0776- 2214012 44. GM (Operations) MB Power (Madhya Pradesh) LimitedHotel Govindam, Kotma Road,Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh – 484224. Fax: 011-47624229 45. Head Project, Jhabua power ltd, Vill. Berela, post Attariya, Tehsil Ghansore, Dist-Seoni- 480997 (MP). Fax: 011-23368729 46. Sr. Vice-President (Power) TRN Energy Pvt ltd.18, Vasant Enclave, Rao tula ram marg, New Delhi-110057 47. Member Secretary, Northern Regional Power Committee, New Delhi 110 016 48. Member Secretary, Southern Regional Power Committee, Bangalore 560 009 49. Member Secretary, Eastern Regional Power Committee, Kolkata-700 033 50. Member Secretary, North Eastern Regional Power Committee, Shillong 793 303 51. Chief Engineer (GM), Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi –110 066. 52. GM,,INRPRD,NRB,BARC,MUMBAI piXcama xao~Iya ivaVut saimait Western Regional Power Committee ef - 3, ema Aa[- DI saI xao~ , maraola , AMQaorI pUva- , mauMba[- - 400 093 NO.WRPC/COMML-I/4/CON/2016/1.2 Date: 09-03-2016 CONGESTION CHARGES ACCOUNT FOR THE WEEK FROM 11-01-16 to 17-01-16 ALL FIGURES IN Rs. Lacs & ( ) indicates RECEIVABLE Congestion CONSTITUENT charges BARC 0.27275 BHA. HVDC 0.04066 CSEB (8.32203) DD (0.80171) DNH 2.06625 ESIL HAZIRA (4.28366) GOA 0.31968 GUVNL (14.55467) MPPTCL (1.64234) MSEDCL 11.92631 VIN. HVDC 0.02064 ACBIL 0.26428 BALCO (0.25746) CGPL UMPP MUNDRA (3.58462) D B POWER 0.36522 D B POWER (INFIRM) (0.23953) DCPP (0.06843) DGEN MEGA PROJECT (0.29331) DHARIWAL INFRA LTD #2 (0.21253) EMCO ENERGY LTD (0.01263) ESSAR MAHAN TPP (0.24733) GGPP (0.07085) GMR CHATTISGARH (18.59466) JAYPEE NIGRI STPP 0.97530 JINDAL POWER (3.67394) JPL STAGE2 (3.65713) JPL STAGE 2 (INFIRM) - JHABUA POWER (INFIRM) (0.07927) KGPP (0.33616) KSK MAHANADI 3.36135 KSTPS (0.50567) KSTPS#7 (0.13343) KWPCL 0.01312 LANCO AMARKANTAK 0.13966 M B POWER (0.54550) M B POWER U#2 (INFIRM) (0.01585) MAUDA (0.54000) MOUDA STG2 (INFIRM) (0.01491) NSPCL (0.10630) RGPPL (0.07552) RKM (0.02973) SASAN UMPP 2.14854 SIPAT STPS (0.57718) SIPAT-I (0.98858) SKS POWER(INFIRM) - SOLAPUR NTPC(INFIRM) (0.09116) TRN ENERGY LTD (INFIRM) (0.04756) VANDANA VIDYUT LTD (0.00793) VSTPS # 1 (2.86620) VSTPS # 2 (3.26065) VSTPS # 3 (1.41827) VSTPS # 4 (3.86669) VSTPS#5 0.15549 Date of issue : 09-03-16 CC Page No.1 WESTERN REGIONAL POWER COMMITTEE, MUMBAI CONGESTION CHARGE ACCOUNT FOR THE WEEK FROM 11-01-16 to 17-01-16 NO.WRPC/COMML-I/4/CON/2016/1.2 All figures in MUs & congestion charges in ` Lacs BARC BHA. HVDC CSEB DD DNH ESIL HAZIRA GOA GUVNL MPPTCL MSEDCL DATE BLOCK U/O DRL CON CHG U/O DRL CON CHG U/O DRL CON CHG U/O DRL CON CHG U/O DRL CON CHG U/O DRL CON CHG U/O DRL CON CHG U/O DRL CON CHG U/O DRL CON CHG U/O DRL CON CHG 14 73 0.001302 0.070942 0.000164 0.008962 -0.010892 -0.593591 -0.006135 -0.334354 0.014992 0.817078 -0.034768 -1.894848 0.007034 0.383345 0.060573 3.301247 0.030173 1.644408 0.108878 5.933861 14 74 0.000595 0.032415 0.000148 0.008086 -0.034754 -1.894075 -0.003295 -0.179602 0.011107 0.605321 -0.024368 -1.328048 0.003946 0.215073 -0.050284 -2.740503 0.026606 1.450003 0.081195 4.425130 14 75 0.001100 0.059977 0.000145 0.007878 -0.037755 -2.057641 -0.001522 -0.082972 0.008413 0.458535 -0.017288 -0.942188 0.003004 0.163743 -0.114875 -6.260682 -0.014440 -0.786988 0.046589 2.539111 14 76 0.001127 0.061430 0.000148 0.008062 -0.035702 -1.945756 -0.001889 -0.102930 0.002692 0.146725 -0.003768 -0.205348 -0.007992 -0.435564 -0.109063 -5.943922 -0.032847 -1.790178 0.019517 1.063698 14 77 0.000880 0.047983 0.000141 0.007670 -0.033596 -1.830970 -0.001869 -0.101851 0.000708 0.038586 0.001592 0.086772 -0.000127 -0.006917 -0.053409 -2.910807 -0.039625 -2.159583 -0.037348 -2.035489 CGPL UMPP D B POWER DGEN MEGA DHARIWAL EMCO ENERGY VIN. HVDC ACBIL BALCO MUNDRA D B POWER (INFIRM) DCPP PROJECT INFRA LTD #2 LTD DATE BLOCK O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG 14 73 0.00008 0.00415 0.00100 0.05444 -0.00809 -0.44081 0.01950 1.06275 0.00165 0.09013 -0.00096 -0.05244 0.00569 0.30990 -0.00109 -0.05945 -0.00072 -0.03934 -0.00040 -0.02155 14 74 0.00008 0.00422 0.00107 0.05841 -0.00202 -0.10985 -0.00120 -0.06565 0.00191 0.10423 -0.00092 -0.05022 -0.00203 -0.11049 -0.00116 -0.06342 -0.00072 -0.03934 -0.00032 -0.01759 14 75 0.00007 0.00405 0.00078 0.04255 0.00115 0.06257 -0.03593 -1.95828 0.00061 0.03325 -0.00082 -0.04482 -0.00462 -0.25178 -0.00113 -0.06144 -0.00079 -0.04330 -0.00040 -0.02155 14 76 0.00008 0.00415 0.00078 0.04255 0.00075 0.04077 -0.02989 -1.62881 0.00157 0.08557 -0.00096 -0.05235 -0.00089 -0.04851 -0.00098 -0.05351 -0.00087 -0.04726 0.00077 0.04187 14 77 0.00007 0.00408 0.00122 0.06633 0.00348 0.18985 -0.01825 -0.99463 0.00095 0.05204 -0.00073 -0.03969 0.00060 0.03245 -0.00102 -0.05549 -0.00079 -0.04330 0.00011 0.00619 ESSAR MAHAN GMR JAYPEE NIGRI JPL STAGE 2 JHABUA POWER TPP GGPP CHATTISGARH STPP JINDAL POWER JPL STAGE2 (INFIRM) (INFIRM) KGPP KSK MAHANADI DATE BLOCK O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ CON CHG O/U INJ
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