Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981 9-2-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 02, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1981 Volume 66, Issue 8 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 02, 1981." (Sep 1981). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1981 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1981 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Students to he questioned on Vaily 13gyptian BEOGuses Southern Illinois University Wednesday, September 2, 1981-Vol. 66, NO.8 By David Murphy Slaff Writer turning in the affidavits bec~use the money was given Approximately 1,800 SIU-C out ID many cases when just the students who received Basic student. eligiblilty reports were Educational Opportunity turned In, Camille said. Grants during the last two "In our efforts to get aid to academic years will be asked in stude':!ts a~ quickly as possible, the next month to sign "af­ we ~aded In some instances to fidavits of educational purpose" confIrm that the affidavits were certifying that the money was re.t~r~~d with the student el~glblhty reports," Camille used tor school costs, according saId. to Joseph Camille, director of the Office of Student Work and Procedural changes have Financial Assistance. been made to correct the .The affidavits are handed out problem when processing WIth BEOG student eligibility current BEOG applications report forms, and are supposed according to CamiUe ' to be returned with those forms, "Now, at the front ~nd of the Camille said. During the 1979-80 pr~, w~ make sure the and 1980-81 academic years, affidavIts are in before we allow however, about 1,800 students any money to leave the office .. failed to tum in the affidavits. he. said. "This problem is n~t "We'll be sending them let­ ~1Q!le to our university, and ters in the coming two to three thiS IS how some other SChools weeks asking that th~ sign and have dealt with it." tum in tbe forms,' Camille The federal Department of said: "We are planning to Educ:ation requires the af­ posSibly put holds on spring fidaVIts as verification that the semester registrations until we ~~!:t~ by the students get their signatures." . The missing affidavits were "Department of Education discovered by SIU-C workers in of(j~ials . will not accept our a record keeping check in the verIficatIOn that the affected SWF A office. The students were students were indeed enrolled able to get the grants without and progressing toward a degree, so we are making every attempt to com~ with their ~um: :a~~ig affidavits," The SWFA office is trying to get all the ~fidavits back by Dt:c. I, according to Camille. He said that no deCiaicIa has been made .bout what action to take G.. ..~ ..... lite ... ___ with students who fail to sign ......... _... , .... ....... Ie eIIedl - ........... ~'Wr:rba~ ~ that NlGRT UGBT-.... IfIIt ...... .,..; ...... a.. ~ ....w tIJe .... M.... y eYeII", 'I1d• BEOG.....,. wa..... ,IINe bridle when we eeme to il." .... .................................... ... _......... ." ...... ---*...,. = =-., lOIDe eM Ca'llille ..iel. Former guard {"des suit Solidarity head says leaders against Marion Prison are losing 'social acceptance' By Liz GrMRa policy was corrupt. WARSAW, Poland (AP) - during the :IO-minute program things. We are not concerned !jill" Wriler He did that when he Lech Walesa said Tuesday the which inciuded three other about taking over ~. We received his yearly report in Communist authorities are union leaders who were less want fast commurucations." A former guard at Marion June, 1980 from Kindt, a losing "social acceptance." He conciliatory. Zbigniew Bujak, leader of tbe Federal Penitentiary filed a prison administrator, "that vowed on nationwide TV his ''There is no time for stupid powerful, 1 million-member $10 million lawsuit against found no weaknesses" in his Solidarity union does not want polemiCS, no time for accusmg Warsaw branch of Solidarity, the U.S. Department of performance and after no to take p'?wer, but assumes us of wanting to take over challenged total state control of Justice BlD"eau of Prisons and promotions were forthcoming responsibility for the nation's power," Walesa said, "because the media, saying, "The union four administrators for and other positions were fate. we don't want power, we want cannot permit anybody to aUeged "intentional vacated. Walesa's remarks were to serve the community." monopolize the mass media." harassment" and denial of Of 'H' unit, Henry said broadcast by the state-run TV "Things have now reached a Walesa said Poland's crippled freedom of speech in U.S. Tuesday, "You have to feed and radio networks, which the stage when the authorities are economy and resultant shor­ District Court in Benton these guys and check on them union is demanding regular losing social acceptance and tages of food and consumer Tuesday. and take them everywhere in access to, in a special program social support." Walesa was goods play a large part in the Vernon Henry, of Johnston handcuffs." the government agreed to after quoted· as saying. "This Polish crisis. City, wants $1 million com­ "I'd call in sick on days I the union threatened to shut situation forces us to take upon pensatory and $1 million was supposed to go there ('H' both down. Talks on the media ourselves responsibility for the "We have plenty on pape r b t punitive damages from each unil>." access issue are to resume fate of the nation." in life we have less and less ... lt 01 the five defendants. "They told me I was Wednesday - the same day On the evening radio-TV (the population) has thousands The four administrators abusing sick leave because I printers in Rzeszow threaten a prdon~t aneedm, Wthealesaaccesssaidto: ra"Wdi'e of demands signed and nothing are Warden Harold Miner; wouldn't go to work one day a strike. O in the shops and life is becoming Public Information Officer week in a place I couldn't "If there are problems we and television for polemics. We worse. We are not steering Ron Beai. and two former stand," Henry said. should sit down and talk," the need it so as to come to an un- towards confrontations but we employees at that prison, T. Henry said he had five mustachioed union leader said derstanding. We want to explain want to dominate this disquiet." R. kiridt and John Clark. months sick leave due and he Henry's attorney, J. Ray began to take it in August, Wood, said that certain of­ 1980. Henry retired in Stockman urges further deficit cuts ficials at the prison in· February after 25 years of sPRINGFIELD (AP) - The .....am 01 the government-. tentionally caused Henry working in the state and Defense Secretary Caspar way to lower staggering in- mcluding the Department of Weinberger on where to make emotional harm by tran­ federal prison system and is terest rates is to reduce the Defense-we're gOlllg to do it," sferring him to 'H' unit, a receiving medical disability the cuts. federal deficit--even if it means Stockman said. Stockman told reporters after maximum security unit at the payments. scaling down President The comments by Reagan's "(A psychiatrist) said that his speech that $30 billion is federal prison. Reagan's proposed $1.6 trillion budget chief, at a fund-raiser "the minimum we'll have to The transfer took place I was unable to function in a military buildup, Budget for Illinois Republican correctional institution in any cut." despite statements from Director David Stockman said Congressman Paul Findley, Administration officials have prison psychologists that way," he said. Tuesday. came as the White House and A prison spokesman said the president is looking for moving Henry there would If the administration is faith- the Defense Department a tota1 of r7S billion in budget hurt liim emotionally, ac­ declinea comment Tuesday. lui to its original budget<utting worked on a plan to cut the Wood said he expected cuts in 1983 and 1984 in order to cording to Wood. That, a plan and is vigilant in making president's five-year military fulfill his pledge to balance the Henry said, is when his response from the defendants mrther cuts where necessary, buildup. budget by 1984. freedom of speech was within 60 days. the country's record interest Deputy White House press denied. Marion Federal Peniten­ rates wiD fall, Stockman said. secretary Larry Speakes said in Henry said the transfer tiary was built in 1963 to "If that means we have to cut Los Angeles Reagan is Reagan's advisers admit it took place after' he took his houSe a maximum of 500 the budget some mCJl'e, if that prepared to trim S30 billion would be politically unwise to complaint to an attorney and ~rs as a replacement to means that we have to reduce from his 1983 and 191M defeMe make further cuts in social the inedia last year that the .tbe federal .. prison. .at lIOIIIe less.tban-bilb-priority budlets. Rec:ommendiltions are ams without also c:uttiag. Alcatraz. :::;---..1;- prison's merit promotion eHorts in any agency or expected Wednesday from ~. Discrimination doesn't always News Roundup-- affect pay scale, study shows Hitler mingIer Speers dead al 76 LONDON (AP) - Albert Speer, Adolf Hitler's wartime WASHINGTON (AP)­ minister for industrial production, died Tuesday night at a It suggested women may be The underlying questions in London hospital, a hospital official said. He was 76. Discrimination does not partly to blame for wage most cases deal with such necessarily account for the Speer died at 8:30 p.m.
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