On Sale at "---o-m-a-h-a-'-S-G-r-e-at::-- ' .Al1 News Stands ( and Best Five Cents EDIATOR I \Veekly NewspapeT VOL. XVI. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 26, 1919. NO.5. THlNGS THAT NEVER. HAPPEN ~ GE~E CLEANING UP ODORS c""''''~''''-"I,-- ..:. BYRNES-.::...-. =",,,~,,,_~_,,, "OPEN S P" LATEST ,IN POLICE AFFAIRS 'NEWSP PER IN CITY I UNDEP.STAND~ More \,}6 uensio1].s Result l;?rom High.. .JUST ONCE ovER· t40 DILL DOLLS Indicates Movement to Curb Pyramid­ . ·J.~5~ -ing of Morals Squad. OR PER fuMe OR \v~ HAIR TONK ing Omaha Wage Scales. \~i0~ '(OURE. A PLAlI" SENSIBLE· lOOI<Ir{6 PITTULL~~'IDE POLICE INSPECTOR: MAN \ ~ . i BUSINESS MEN'S OFFICIAL ORGAN \ • i "Executive Session"'of Council Committee Decides to Clip Wings I Union Labul' I (>nders Expect Movement to Import Large Number of Supt. Ringer-Genel'ally Rotten Conditions Force Three i of Colored Workmen to City-New Factories May Be of Commissioners to Act-Towl Has Few Words. Established-Trade School to Be Opened. 'T'l.e namng of Andl'e"'" Pattullo as 01' to pel~;~ to beconle ,:,uperintendent :,' "Th 0 Sl" II - - " ."=~ - .. e pen lOp, a Slna news- favorable contracts for the services of poll'ce l'nspecto" fOl' tIle CI't:' ''''';11 gen- of police. In fact, were he to take on I hI' b' b th B' tl' b Th L -.' 'P paper, PU IS .en y e usmes" lelr mem ers. e increased cost of erally meet with the approval of the that position, it would blow up a lot I Men's association, recently made its living has naturally been one of the people of Omaha and especially of byof themthingstothatfattenhaveup theirbeenownworkedpocket_out i I' appearance in Omaha and its appear- results of these pjgher wages, but the . l ance is already a disturbing element union member has been forced to those who have the, pleasure of his books and thinks like that. Tow1, i.. • in the local labor situation, It is aho stand his share of the high cost. acquaintance. At the same time the who has been permitted to draw his. j stated that there is a general move- All of which gives promise of a action of -chief of Police Eberstein in salary, not because he was head of j ment on that will prevent pyramiding very spirited labor war durin!!" the suspending such offenders as Officers the engineering department, but be- of wages among laboring men and inext few years unless there is ~ gen- Sutton, Samardick and Stolley will cause he was superintendent of thit I women of Omaha. !eral adjustment of \vages and living also be generally approved. job, acquiesced in the general move- I L' It appears that the movement is a i expenses. Although there has been All of which, too, means tl1at Super- ment in order to keep hinlself in I --~ big one, but no person has thus far' a very material inCTease in the intendent Dean Ringer has been called strong. Towl is hardly to be blamed, i i been found who "'ill stand sponsor amount of money labor has been re- off his high horse by some of his as- because he admit" he would not have j ",<$', J for it. From all indications, however, ceiving during the last two years, sociates in the city council, as the .re- the job a minute if he could not run ! ..... """'.........= ~erc~~o-.:e'5 J the cit;" is to agai.ll become the center savings bank accounts hardly show sult of an "executive session" r€cent- llis own business on the side. I. of activity on the part of both sides the increase that would naturally be Iy held. At that session, it is said, at , But t?e whole thing has ~€solved ID. y - to the labor question. It is even said expected from them. • least three other city commissioners It~elf :-uto .a general sh~g UP_j Olnds In Omaha Fifty. ears AdO that a Tenewal of warfare begun sev- One labor organ, speaking of the decided that -a continuance of condi- Rmger IS Said to have made Ins peace 1 ::J ~ eral years ago when hundreds of col- new anti-union newspaper, "The Open tions as they had been running un- \\ith one section of the colored popula- j ored laborers were imported into the Shop," has this to say: derRinger meant rout for the whole tion of t?e ci!Y'hbut Ihas inctil:easeBd ~s I Willis Crosby was asked to move,: Luke McDelmott was still hanging city, may be eJ..-pected the eoming "This paper is published by the Cl'OWCl. They also decided that some- per;:ecution~. of_ t e b'.ot le1' sec,hon. tUSl- k iI btlu Ie did no,t ta'e k his nelg. hbors se- .' around abSOl'b'mg o·ther peopl'e's hea. t spl'ing and summer. Business l\Ien's Association of Omaha, thing simply must be done to remove ness I:rtelest", of. t:8 Cl~' ave a en iriously. Crosby always had an alibi. Some of his friends threatened to The movement on the part of em- and as nearly as can be learned is the general bad odor that was going up thIS matter It IS SaId, and some I _ d l' hom ployers appears to be intended to distributed among the unorganized 1 . I' 1" ",en um e. out from the city council chamber. new..cleve opments m tIe geneTa. ,,',Slt-;: Butell ,,"1.ulesA-Iwas oaf'mg agam.. It' bring about a condition by which" workers, mailed out to high school It could not be agreed just how it natIOn as It effects the negroes IS"€X- i was awful llard to keep Butch at Joe Heil was again looking over membership in a labor union is not pupils, and L'l some cases sent to S110uld all be done, but it was admitt?d peeted in the near future. Iwork at a regular job. the political calendar. He noted sev- necessary for a man to secure and members of organized labor. The that Elmer Thomas should be told to DUling the week there have been i , eral prospective changes in the near hold a job in the city. So far as the propaganda disseminated in this pub- keep his nose out and that the1'e must some. spiri~ed aTgum~nts in open I Jack Lewis was keeping out of print future. colored people are concerned. the lication is along the lines of the old be some unclerst&"lding had and more councl~ "'.:Inch have enhvened matters.! temporarily. His friends were look- movement seems to be gaining con- and exploded ghost stories that were common sense used. Mr. Ringer went ComnusslOn;:r Butler, who 'works from! ing for him to break loose any mo- Laney D\;ver swore off on at- siderable momentum. An organiza- told to influence the public' mind east "for his health" to remain while 8 a. m. until 5 p. m. every day, told lment.•~ • tending funerals. He nearly had one tion k-nown as the Colored Commer- against labor unions in the nast. The some of this l'eform should be insti- Commissioner Towl he ought to keep I of his 0\\-11 after the last one he at- cial club is already in existence. Its chief distinzuishing- characte~istic is a tuted. Pattullo's appointment was o~ his }ob ..J.nstead of .giving al!l1ost! Amos Abley was still putting out tended. ,purpose is said to be to secure em- distressing 'lack of 01iginalit~~ in the made in Ringer's absence, althougl1 Ins entlre cllie to pl:vate busmess: a lot of that old stuff about not orof- 'plo:;-ment and generally fair working: make-up of tllese 'arguments.' U =~~. at announced untl'l lle"l'etuI~ed "'"d To",~l "ai -" <:onlethlng about not,. , '. b con,1i~ion 1"01' Lhe COIOI'Ed PPOU n <03 n _.' .'·u • <".--. •• -;.u ~. .- iIteenng, but some of the boys caught Charlie Jacobsen gave away a ox . u.,..s - c.- - • la_~. Threehig]ljaeldng moral~ squ~ men gr~g a tinkers. danm.- about,what: him. at it. "-, ~.f cigars duling the Ouistmas holi- This new institution is said to be WORLD·HERALD FALLS.! "\~ei;ir -dlPJied" "7ftl'iout""-:';&inger being But,er bought1 about hnn, .days. Charlie was no tiQ:ht wad. affiliated, in a m~mner. ,nth the Com- FOR ANO~I1IOUS NOTE ~ consulted, As a matter of fact, some of these George Green sent holiday greet- ' mercial club of Omaha, At least it is General rott-en conditions are said sesi'ions of 'tIle ci~.' commissioners ings from Kenosha, Wis., where he Gus Romi'tedt was sticking to 'his receiving the actiYe support of those Great Rel'!;cious Daily Paper Has Edi" to h3"e caused the desperation of the have been little less than farces_ If still has a horn band, but that is aU ,job at the box factol-Y. Gus said some- interested in the labol' problem, as it, torial on County Jail Crapshooters. commisslc>ners who decided that the' good audiences were to visit the conn- he did send. ;body had to work oncE' in'a 'while. effects general business interests. changes should bE' made. In fact, it is cil chamber at each meeting the~- .This little newspaper, "The Open' Up in the countv jail where a really stated, Mr. Ringer would have would have an opportunity to learn JOHNNY LYNCH AGAIN Iwho has just sued him for divorce. : Shop," is being mailed to thousands' - ., •• ' - - I •• f .
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