The @RITER/ON of JtCesa Gollege Vol. 43, No. 19 Gr.nd Junction, Color.do Febru.ry 22, 1977 Survey shows majority smokes pot By DON OLSEN survey included, " Never!" Which other drugs have you Associate Editor over the list of hard drugs, tried? Six out of every ten stu- "I'm straight!" In giant let- cocaine 30% dents polled smoke marl- ters, and "I'm not stupid" amphetamines 32% Juana at least occasionally, once again over the hard barbltuates or other downs and two out of every ten of drugs. 24% them use the illegal drug on However, some had differ- hallucinogens (LSD, mesca- a dally basis, according to a ent feelings about their drug line, etc.) 28% survey of Mesa College stu- use; "I have to smoke (pot) Which of these drugs do you dents conducted by the Crl· every day to function normal- atlll use? terlon last Friday. ly, .. or, " Whatever's a val I- cocaine 15% Results of the poll also able," written over types of amphetamines 12% showed that 72% of the 473 hard drugs, to "50 times per barbltuates or other downs students who answered had day" written over "How often 7% at least tried pot once. do you smoke pot?" hallucinogens (LSD, mesca- The survey was conducted Fewer women line, etc.) 10% In the hallway of the college Women did not respond as Male students (303) center by members of the readily to the survey as did How frequently do you use Criterion staff. Students were the men. Of the 473 com- marijuana? asked what types of drugs pleted surveys, only 170 be- never 23% they used and how often longed to females. About only tried It 13% they used them. Alcohol was 47% of the women reported occasionally 20% Included in the survey. Over that they had never smoked 1-3 times per week 9% 85% of the students reported pot, compared to 23% of the 4-6 times per week 12% that they used alcohol occa- men. Women used fewer dally 23% slonally and 6% said that drugs overall than men, ac- How often do you UH alco- they drink on a dally basis. cording to the survey. hol? Less Interest Faculty Survey never 10% Mesa students seemed to The Criterion also polled have tried It 1 % be less Interested In harder members of the Mesa Col· occasionally 41 % drugs, although 30% of the lege faculty and found that 1-3 times per week 27% students polled had tried co- of the 33 Instructors who re- 4-6 times per week 15% calne, 32% had used amphe- turned the faculty survey, daily 9o/o tamlnes and 28% had used a only five had tried marijuana, Which other drugs have you hallucenogenlc drug at least and only two of those tried? once. Of those Indicating use smoked occasionally. One cocaine 33% of these drugs, 15% still Instructor also reported that amphetamines 36% used cocaine, 12% occasion- he had tried an amphetamine barbituates and other downs ally used amphetamines, and (speed). 26% one out of every ten students However, 15 of the 33 hallucinogens (LSD, mesca- sometimes used a hallucino- reported that they used alco- line etc.) 33% gen. (Hallucinogens include hol occaslonally and two Which of thne drugs do you LSD, mescaline, peyote and admitted that they used it on still use? STP .) a dally basis. cocaine 18% 'I h Here are the results of the amphetamines 14% Mesa students, according to a survey held last week, are ave to student survey; barbltuates and other downs famlllar with a variety of drugs - Including marijuana and Total atudents [473) 7% alcohol. Some prefer to grow their own - Ilk• this pot plant, SmQ e How frequently do you UH hallucinogens (LSD, mesca- k marijuana? line, etc.) 12% which le over four fNt tall. every d ay t O never 32% Total femalH (170) "ton only tried it 14% How frequently do you UH funct occasionally 19% marijuana? 1-3 times per week 31 % atlll use? normally' 1-3 times per week 8% never 47% 4-6 times per week 6% cocaine 12% 4-6 times per week 10% only tried It 14% daily 2% amphetamines 9% Interest In the survey daily 19% occasionally 19% Which other drugs have you barbttuates and other downs ranged from rather embar­ How frequently do you use 1-3 times per week 10% tried? 8% rassed glances from students alcohol? 4-6 times per week 8% cocaine 24% hallucinogens. (LSD, mesca­ as they hurried past the poll­ never 13% dally 13% amphetamines 24 % line, etc.) 8% ing table to the ill-concealed have tried it 2% How frequently do you use barbltuates and other downs enthusiasm of those who occasionally 47% alcohol? 21 % 1-3 times per week 29% never 18% were obviously proud of their hallucinogens (LSD, mesca­ See related story on Page 8 drug use habits. 4-6 times per week 12% have tried it 2% line, etc.) 20% Comments written on the daily 6% occasionally 56% Which of these drugs do you """--------------------------------~ ~,-----------------------------------. How to Pong games Mav cagers cheat at Mesa popular top Fort Lewis Page 4 Page 5 Page 10 .. __ _ Page 2 Criterion Tuesday, February 22, 19n Space: the final frontier for man· and mind Another episode in the christened "Enterprise," a space race has begun with sort of action that has the accent on recycling. been already completed in Interestingly enough, the the future since the Star concept of a reusable Trek series of the 23rd spacecraft was devtsed century is extinct. long before ecology be­ But it is comforting for came a movement, and this country to again be a long be fore Coors struck part of the space race. Not upon cash for cans. only is a space race seem­ In the early sixties, the ingly less competitive than prototype of today's shut­ an arms race, but it is tlecraft was dubbed the often easier to find hope "Dyna-Soar," a name link­ for this dreary world when ed with the past and the its benefits are weighed age of flight. Now the first against the uncertainties shuttlecraft has been of space. When will NORML be normal? The results of the Crit­ Neither was there much erion drug use survey and credibility to be found un­ others like it indicate that til recently from any gov­ there are indeed many ernment source with re­ young people exploring gard to marijuana. The "space", the final frontier. scare tactics employed by To observe the wide­ the government to keep spread use of a variety of kids off the weed were drugs is not especially severe enough that they heartening. But we believe should still be a source of that people will make up embarrassment. their own minds as to Scare tactics proved one what is good for them. And thing to our generation - only in extreme cases is that the use of marijuana drug use potentially de­ ts linked to a progression structive to the fabric of of harder drug use. Why? "No, Mr. President, the shuttlecraft society. Because "they lied to us would not make It to the moon Which makes the mari­ about pot being harmful, juana prohibition all the so they're probably lying with 5 cases and Biiiy!" more ludicrous. Marijuana about Junk." Too many tax on the sale of pot lar lawbreakers becoming has not been proven to be minds are not thoughtful tion on liquor - about the time the liquor industry would allow. 50 million law abiding tax­ especi"lly harmful to the even before they arc dull­ The mere thought of an payers overnight is part­ hum?.n organism. For ed by false drugs. lobbyists pressures began to be felt again. The Trea­ estimated 50 million regu- icularly inspiring. every medical or psycho­ Another source of cyni­ sury Department initiated logical report to the effect cism is the circumstances ln~l~-, ,~ ~ ~ ~ that marijuana is harmful, surrounding the original a 8100 per ounce tax on there appears one with prohibition of pot. The ul­ marijuana. which in itself ~ T/ze equal authority and cre­ timate authority restrict­ was an effective prohibi· :,·• @RJTERJON tion on the use of pot. dentials, stating the con­ ing the sale and distribu­ of uteesa Gollege trary. tion of pot is the Treasury And if anything will con­ A recent Psychology To­ Department. All local and vince the government in Editor •.•..•.•.•.•• , •••.•.••••••• , Jeffrey Frye day article in fact linked state laws aside, the pot­ Washington to Uft the pro­ Associate Editor .. , . ...............Don Olsen the publication of anti-pot prohi bition was initiated hibition on pot, it will be a Cartoonist •••••.••••...•••.••••.• Dave Morton studies to the prior publi­ about the time the nation new source of revenue - Advisor ........................carol Edmonds cation of pro-pot findings. was repealing the prohibi- such as a more reasonable Chief Photographer........ .. Leonard Weddle Entertainment Editor ...••.•.•Vince Freeman Sports Editor ..................... ,Dave Casey Advertising Manager•.••••.••.••• Jeff Walthall Advertising Staff,, .. , .•...••..Susan Burleigh Theresa Knlppling News Staff ...................Steven Anderson Sharon Cavanagh Tim Leonard Gary Mudry Andrea Papas David Van Dyke Business Manager.................... Liz Vaos Office/Production Manager ,Bruce McGregor The Mesa College Criterion ts published each I Tuesday morning. Offices are in the College Center 50METIM£.'i • .JETHRO. I THINI< -nl£~f. MOS r on the college campus. Oplnions expressed in the SE A C"'EANlNu, Al'I OJe:AALL PUIN, editorial columns are those of the editorial staff, FOR AU °" ti.. and do not necessarily reflect those of the admin- istration, faculty or student body. Letters to the editor are welcomed, it is only asked that they be ' typewritten and signed.
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