CCD 1932 Yearbook

CCD 1932 Yearbook

the 1932 griffin the 1932 griffin Pharmacy Coll ege Seniors B.S.; Ph. c. A RO :-lSO)\, DOROTHY Mich. L.c. P hi Delta Clli , Presid ent (3 ); Vice­ S igma Theta D elta (1 , 2, 3), F ina n­ Pr ~ s id e llt A llI erica n Pharmaceutical c ial Secretary ( 3 ) ; H ome Room c\sso.: ia tion (3); Coll eg ian (2); Club (2, 3); Treasurer Jun ior II Chairn,an Scnior Banqu et Entert a in­ C la 55 (3). llI ent Committee (3) . :\L13IOX, E\'EL \' N AGR.\ )\ OFF, CARL B.S. A .B.; Mich. L.C. Edmunds \~ r h ya r d \ Visni e\\"S ki AXDERSO:'-1, LOHRATXE A .B. A LLE)\, IID[A F. C lass Officers Junior Counci l ( 3) ; R epr esentative B.S. -in I-IolTle Ecoll olTli cs Alphaus C. Edmunds ..... .. .. ... ..... ... · ... PresideJlt of the Y. \\T . C. A. I nter·collegiate Marcus Schwartz .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .... ... V ic e-Presidellt Freshman Commission (1); A. \V . S. Coullcil ( ~1 ); Treasure r Y . \ V. C. A . Cabinet ( 3); Home Economics Cluh, ( .1); ~rodc l Leag l1 e of Xations As­ Ruth \iVhyard .. ..... ...... .. ..... ... .... S ecretan Treasurer (3), President (4 ) . sembl y, ParliameJlta ri a n (-4) . Clarence \Visni ewski ... .. .... .. .. .. ....... ... Treasure'r C lass C ommittees Marcus Schwartz . .... .. .. .. ... .... .. ....... .. .. .. .. Lill), Trip Morris Kroll . ....... ..... ... ... ... .. ..... ........ .... .. Baseball John Shuk... it. .......... ... ....... .... ... .. ··· · . · · ··. · ···· · · Baslletball vVilliam Briggs . .. .... .. .. .. .. ........ ..... ......... Const itHtioll \Valter Lemanski . .. .. .... ... ... .... .. ........ Sprill,Q Dall ce APTEK.-\R, D AVID D. F. S. Cooper .... .. .... .. ... ... ........ ..... ····· ···· Social CiinirlTlan .-\RXDT, GHAXT F. B.S.; M ich. L.C. A .B . in B ll s. A dlllillistration H E largest entering cl ass in the history of the Coll ege of P harmacy en­ Highland Park Jl1nior Coll ege; U ni­ H oll y, lIichi gan. T rolled in Sept ember, 1929. A lphaus C. E dmonds was elected presid ent versity of n'li chigan. and proved a popular leader, being unanimously reelected each succeeding year. The other cl ass offi cers are : Marcus Schwartz, vice-president; R uth "Vhyard, secretary, and Clarence \Visniewski, treasurer. During the first two years, the class was more or less interested in the activities of the Literary school. The seni or year, however, brought a desire for recognition and, under the leadership of the class, a reorganization of the coll ege student gO\'ernm ent was accomplished. .-\HEHX, RAXDi\LL R. A.B. Several social functions were sponsored during the year. The students ASCHER, SAMUEL ,VI. A .B. Golf (1, 2, 3, J). Captain (3); of all the coll eges " 'ere invited to the annual Pharmacy College matinee Foothall (1) ; Opera ( 2); Glee Cluh dance. A trip to the Eli Lilly Pharmaceuti cal House in I ndianapoli s was (1 , 2) ; Senior "Me morial Committee. arranged and was well attended, as was the annual Parke, Davis & Company outing and dinner. The outstanding event of the year was a dinner and theatre party arranged for the entire college by the senior class. It was a huge success and plans ",ere laid to make it a traditional event. page one hundre d fou r page one hund red ~ ve th e 1932 griffin the 1932 griffin BIREXDAV:-I , RODERT I. A.B. ADenIS, E:-lILY ELSIE Pi T au Siglll a ( 2, 3, 4) , Treasurer (2), Secretary (3); A lpha Tau Beta, B.S. in Edllcation Treasurer (3), Presid ent (4); Col· Hockey (2, 3); D. T. C. Art Club, BABEL, SIMON Ph. C. legian i\Ianaging E ditor ( 2); "D" Book, T echnical Advisor (2 , 3, 4): Pu:,licit y (3), V ice'P"csid ent (4); BETHEL, PORTIA ALLENA A.B. S tl1d e nt Council ( 3, -1) J Auditor Costume CO lllmittee Junior Girl s' (./), Board Student Publications Play ( 3); Junior Women's Social ( :3), Elections CO lllmittee, Chainnan Committee ( 3). ( .1); Frosh Frolic Committee (3); Director Coll ege Theatre ~1 e 11lb e r ­ ship Drive (4) . BLO~IFIELD, CAHL ]. A.B. BOH ~, YV ALI.A CE H. A.B. Kappa Chi ( 1, 2, 3, ,j, ,,), Ser· Class Pres id ent ( 2); Chairman Sen­ geant-at-Arms (5); Cla ss President ior Ball (-t); Chairman E lections ( 4, 5); S tude nt Council ( 2, 3, -I , 5); Commission (.:1); Sphinx ( 2, 3, 4). Friars; Ath letic Board of Con tr ol B,I RB AS, LEOXAHIl Ph.C. BATES, HELEN A .B . Treasurer (3, 4); S tudent Council (3, 4, 5); E lections Committee (4 ); 0); Friars; College Social Commit· n ho Pi Phi; President Co ll ege of Chairman Football Banquet Commit· tee ( 2); "High links" (1); Bu"i· Pharmacy Freshman Class. tee (3); Varsity Football ( 2, 5); ness Staff Coll ege Opera (2, J); Freshman Football ( 1 ); Freshman Gas Hou se Gang; Track (1 , 2, 3. Basketba ll (l ); Gas House Gang. .J ); Baskctba ll (1 , 2, 3). BEAUVATS, DAVID J. B.s. ·in Edllcat';on BOWMAx, KATHRYN LYNN Kappa Chi (I, 2, 3, ", 5), Presi· dent (-t ) ; ~Iac kenzie Union, Presi­ A .B. BOHXSTEI N , PEARL dent ( 5); S ig ma D elta Psi (3, 4, Coll egian (1, 4); Class Secretary BAY, S,DISOl', ' [,), President (4); Student Council A.B.; Mich. L. e. (1); Freshman Commission Secre­ (5); Inter·Frate1'11ity Council (4) ; A.B. in Blls. A dlllillistration Sigma T heta Delta, President (4); ta,'y (1); JUl1 ior Counc il (3); Y. \Y. Track (1, 2, 3, 4), Co·captain (3); C. A. (1, 2), Vice· President (2) ; Football ( 4); General Chairman Art Guild (2, 3, 4); D . T . C. Art Club (3, 4). Les Preciell ses (1, 2, 3) , Secretary Field Day (3, 4); Chairman Class (:2), President (3); \~ r o m e n 's Editor Ga mes (3); Friars; Frosh Cabinet "D" Book (3); Chairman A. \ "1 . S. (1); l\Ien's Health Education l\'la­ S. I-fouse Party (4); Properties, jor Cluh , Secretary-Treasurer (5); " Red Mill" ( 2); Griffin (4). " D " Clu h; Soph Prom Committee ( 2) . B IlIGGS, \ \TILLIAM JOH N Ph. C. Ka ppa Chi; Student Council (3); 13Ei':SON. CHAHLES A. A .B. BF.XNETT, SANFOHIl A.B. BRAUN, ELSIE CAHOLIl\E A .U. Secretary S tudent Acti vities Com­ Cas HOll se Ga ng. mittee (3); Pharmacy Coll ege COtln­ cil (3) ; Charity P lay Committee ( 3); Cha irman Inte r·College Coun· cil Organiza ti on Committee (3). BERGENEH, PAULI:<:E DOHOTHY BER~STEIN, R ALPH A.B. BUIlNS, VERA IVI ARGAHET BnUSHABER, EDWAnD A . A.B. A.B. Tnter·Class Debating (4); Co ll ege B.S. in Edllcatioll Theatre (3, -j). A lpha Tau Chi; T. C. Art Club. page one hundred six pdge one hund red seven the 1932 griffin the 193 2 griffin C OHEN, FI.OIlE N CE BAKER, CAROLI NE G. COM~!ON, MAIlGARET GRACE A.B.; M ich. L.e. B UR N STF:IN, ALEX Ph.C. A.B.; M ich. L.C. A.B. ill B ll s. A dminist ration S igma Theta Delta, Treasurer U) . Hho P i P hi. S'gma S igma; Glee Club (1, 2, 3); T. C. Senior Class Treasu rer (4 ) . C ON IlOY, DON]\'A MAE A.B. A lpha S igma Tall , P resid ent ( 3), V ice-Presid ent (2); Student CO lttle;! BURXSIDE, BERTIlAM G. (3) ; Social Chairman Sophomore BORT~ r jl", ALBERT H . A.B. B.S. -in 111 eclt all ica1 E ll gill eel' ill .1J Class (2); K indergal'ten Clu b, Vice­ CROTEA U, CLAIRE A.fl. Griffin (4); Coll ege A rt Gu :ld, Vice· Engineeri ng Society (1, 2, 3, 4); Presid e nt (2); I nter-Sorority COUll ­ P resident (3, 4); F reshlllan Foot­ Epsilon S igma (1, 2, 3, 4); Inter­ eil (:J) ; Senior Banquet Committee ball (1). Fraternit y Council ( 3 , 4-) , President ( :1); (4) . A rt Club (4). BUSH, lvLIRIE M ich. L.c. CUTLER, J. A.B. COHEN, DOHA Glee Club (1, i); I·lome Room Club A.B. (:3, 4); P resident Sophomore Class BUOX ITSKI, FLORE]\'CE A.B. (2); Vice-President T . C. U nion (2); P ubli ci ty Chairman T. C. U nion (3) . DAVI S, ABRAHAiI[ I-I. A.B. lnternational Relations Club, V ice­ D ' Ac;oSTI NO, :MARY ANNE President (2) , President (3); S t,,· CAREY, MARY JO M ich. L.C. B.S. in HO llI e Eco ll olllics dent Club (3, 4); I nternational S tu· dents' Groll p ( 2); S tudent Cosmo­ A lph a S igma Tau ( 1, 2, 3), T reas­ CARSON, VERLE J OHN A .B. A rt Guild ( 1); Home Economics urer ( 2), Secretary ( 3); V ice-Presi­ politan Club , Executive CO lllmittee Chega , V ice.Pre.s ident (3), Secre· Club ( 2, 3, .J) , Recording Secretary dent .T u nior Class, T . C. (2); T . C. (3); M enorah Society (2, 3) ; Pi Council (2, 3); S tudent Counc il (2, tary (4) ; Coll eg,an, Managing E di · (4) . 3); J u n ior Gi rl s' P lay (3); Home tor, Associate Editor (3), A lpha P hi (3); Mock Democratic HOOln Club (2, 3); Gamma Eta ( 2). National Convention CO; ~Moclcl League of )1 at ions Assembl y (4) . DAVI S, L A II' RE:-ICE Ph .C. Coll egian (1); T rack (1); Detroit CASSIDY, GEORGE L. A .B. C ILILFIN, A BIl AHiliI[ A.B. I nsti tute of T echnology U, 6) . A lpha Delta P si ( 2, 3, .J)' Glee A lpha 1\'[1I , T,-easli rer (·1) . Club 0 , 2); Opera (1); Student Couucil ( .J ); Coll egiau (1 ) .

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