1949 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 7617 of H. R. 2135 and 2136, known as the Town­ zona, through the works of the Gila project, The ·roll was called, and the following send plan; to the Committee on Ways and Arizona, and for other purposes; Senators answered to their names: Means. S. 779. An act relating to the pay and Aiken Hayden Morse 1069. Also, petition of George E. Petty and allowances of officers of the Naval Establish­ Anderson Hendrickson Murray others, Pierson, Fla., requestiifg passage of ment appointed to permanent grades; Brewster Hill Myers H. R. 2135 and 2136, known as the Townsend · S. 782. An act for the relief of William s. Bricker Hoey Neely plan; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Meany; Bridges Humphrey Robertson 1070. Also, petition of S. D. Foster and S. 948. An act for the relief of Mickey Butler Hunt Russell others, Tampa, Fla., requesting passage of Cain Ives Saltonstall Baine; and Capehart Jenner Schoeppel H. R. 2135 and 2136, known as the Townsend S. 1270. An act to repeal that part of sec­ Chapman Johnson, Tex. Smith, Maine plan; to the Committee on Ways and Means. tion 3 of the act of June 24, 1926 ( 44 Stat. Cordon Johnston, S. C. Sparkman 1071. Also, petition of American Trucking 767), as amended, and that part of section Donnell Kem Taft Asscciations, Inc., Washington, D. C., pro­ 13a of the act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 166), Douglas Kerr Taylor testing the nationalization of any phase of as amended, relating to the percentage, in East!and Know land Thomas, Okla. Ecton . Langer Thomas, Utah professional medical serviCe; to the Commit­ time of peace, of enlisted personnel employed Ellender Lodge Thye tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. in aviation tactical units of the Navy, Marine Ferguson Long Tobey 1072. Also, petition of Central Wisconsin Corps, and Air Corps,•and for other purposes. Flanders Lucas Tydings Dental Society, Mosinee, Wis., requesting that MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Frear McClellan Vandenberg the Congress do not enact any legislation George McFarland Watkins containing the principle of compulsory A message from the House of Repre- Gillette McGrath Wherry Graham - McKellar Wiley health insurance; to the Committee on sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its Green McMahon Young Interstate and Foreign Commerce. reading clerks, announced that the House Gurney Maybank had passed the following bills, in which Mr. LUCAS. I announce· that the Sen­ it requested the concurrence of the a tor from New Mexico [Mr. CHAVEZ], the Senate: Senator from Texas [Mr. CONNALLY], the SENATE H. R. 2021. An act to provide increas·ed Senator from California [Mr. DOWNEY], pensions for widows and children of deceased the Senator from Colorado [Mr. JOHN­ TuESDA Y, JUNE 14, 1949 members and ·retired members of the Police SON], the Senator from Tennessee [Mr. Department and the Fire Department of the KEFAUVER], the Senator ·from West Vir­ (Legislative day of Thursday, June 2, Dlstrict of Columbia; 1949) H. R. 2437. An act to amend the act entitled ginia [Mr. KILGORE], the Senator from "An act to fix and regulate the salaries of · Washington [Mr. MAGNUSON], the Sen­ 'l'he Senate met at 12 o'clock merid­ teachers, school officers, and other employees ator from Pennsylvania [Mr. MYERS], ian, on the expiration of the recess. of the Board of Education of the District of the Senator from Wyoming (Mr. Rev. R. Orman Roberts, D. D., pastor Columbia, and for other purposes," approved O 'MAHONEY], and the Senator from Ken­ of the Temple Methodist Church, San July 7, 1947; tucky [Mr. WITHER.SJ are detained on offi­ Francisco, Calif., of!ered the following , H. R. 3038. An act to increase the compen- cial business in meetings of committees prayer: · sation of certain employees of the municipal of the Senate. government of the District of Columbia, and The Senato,. from Arkansas [Mr. FuL- We remember, O God, that in the con­ for other purposes; ception and birth of this Government H. R. 3368. An act to amend sections 356 BRIGHT] is absent on public business. the founding fathers turned unto Thee and 365 of the act entitled "An act to estab- The Senator from Nevada [Mr. Me- for inspiration and guidance. Thou lish a code of law for the District of Colum- CARRAN] is absent on official business. bia," approved March 3, 1901, to increase the The Senators from Florida [Mr. HOL­ didst satisfy their hunger and thirst for maximum sum allowable by the court out LAND and Mr. PEPPER] are absent by leave righteousness, wisdom, justice, and lib­ of the assets of a decedent's estate as a of the Senate on public business. erty. So much so that on this special preferred charge for his or her funeral ex- The Senator from Idaho [Mr. MILLER] day, when we unfurl to the breeze the penses from $600 to $l,OOO; and the. Senator from New .York [Mr. starred and striped symbol of our Na­ H. R. 3901. An act to increase the salaries tion, our souls thrill, and around the of the judges of the Municipal Court of WAGNER] are necessarily a.bsent. world wistful millions look upon it as Appeals for the District of Columbia and the The Senator from Maryland [Mr. their symbol of hope. Municipal Court for the District of Columbia; O'CoNCJR] is absent on official business, H. R. 4237. An act to amend the act en- having been appointed a delegate to the We lift our hearts in gratttude for all titled "An act to regulate the practice of International Labor Conference at in the past that justifies the quickened optometry in the District of Columbia"; Geneva, Switzerland. · pulse as our flag is raised to the mast­ H. -R. 4381. An act to provide cumulative The Senator from Mississippi [Mr. head; and we pray, Eternal God, that sick and emergency leave with pay for STENNIS] is absent because of illness. · through Thy continued guidance and our teachers and attendance .officers in the em- Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that courageous fallowing succeeding genera­ ploy of the Board of Education of the Dis- trict of Columbia, and for other purposes; the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. tions, while earnestly exercising their and BALDWIN] and the Senator from New world citizenship, will likewise thrill as H. R. 4408. An act to amend the act ap- . Jersey [Mr. SMITH] are absent because of the emblem flies over this sweet land proved May 27, 1924, entitled "An act to fix illness. of liberty. In the name and spirit of the salaries of officers and members of the The Senator froin Pennsylvania [Mr. Christ we pray. Amen. Metropolitan Police force, United States Park MARTIN] and the Senator from South Police force, and the Fire Department of the Dakota [Mr. MUNDT] are absent by leave THE JOURNAL District of Columbia," so as to grant rights of the Senate. On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unan­ to members of the United States Park Police imous consent, the reading of the Jour­ force commensurate with the rights granted · The Senator from Nevada [Mr. MA­ to members of Metropolitan Police force as · LONE], the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. nal of the proceedings of Monday, June to·time off from duty. McCARTHY] and the Senator from Del- 13, 1949, was dispensed with. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED aware [Mr. WILLIAMS] are detained on . MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ official business. APPROV AL OF BILLS The message also announced that the Speaker pro tempore had affixed his The Senator from Iowa [Mr. HICKEN­ Messages in writing from the President signature to the enrolled bill (H. R. 1337) LOOPER] and the Senator from Colorado of the United States w·ere communicated to authorize the sale of certain public [Mr. MILLIKIN] are in attendance at a to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his lands in Alaska to the Alaska Council of meeting of the Joint Committee on secretaries, and he announced that on Boy Scouts of America for recreation and Atomic Energy. June 13, 1949, the President had ap­ other public purposes, and it was signed The Senator from Kansas [Mr. REED] proved and signed the fallowing acts: by the Vice President. is detained on official business bcause of attendance at a meeting of the Commit­ s. 314. An act authorizing the transfer of CALL OF THE ROLL a certain tract of land in the Robinson Re­ tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. mount Station to the city of Crawford, Nebr., Mr. LUCAS. I suggest the absence of By order of the Senate, the following and for other purposes; a quorum. announcement is made: S. 690. An act to authorize the furnishing The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre- The members of the Joint Committee of water to the Yuma auxiliary project, Ari- tary will call tl1e roll. on Atomic Energy are in attendance at 7618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 14 a meeting of the said committee in con­ in the United States Supreme Court to ad­ erans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Second nection with an investigation of the judicate the respective rights of the States Division Club, Thirty-Second Division affairs of the Atomic Energy Commission. of Arizona, Nevada, and California to the use of the water of the Colorado River; and be it Club, Catholic War Veterans, and The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is further AMVETS. The resolution pertains ·to present. Resolved, That the secretary of the senate · the important matter of hospital facili­ Mr. O'MAHONEY subsequently said: is directed to transmit copies of this resolu­ ties for the Nation's ex-servicemen, a Mr.
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