List of Articles in Scientific Journals Prof., Dr., Maia Akhalkatsi Articles with impact factor - 91.071 (Eng. 23) 1. Goloshvili Tamar, Badridze Gulnara, Akhalkatsi Maia. 2018. Characterization of grape seed extracts of native to Georgia varieties of Vitis vinifera L. Pakistan Journal of Botany 50 (1): 245- 250. (Impact Factor: 0.947). 2. Winkler M., Lamprecht A., Steinbauer K., Hülber K., Theurillat J.-P., Breiner F., Choler Ph., Ertl S., Gutiérrez Girón A., Rossi G., Vittoz P., Maia Akhalkatsi, Bay Chr., Benito J. L., Bergström T., Carranza M. L., Corcket E., Dick J., Erschbamer B., Fernández Calzado R., Fosaa A. M., Gavilán R. G., Ghosn D., Gigauri Khatuna, Huber D., Kanka R., Kazakis G., Klipp, Jozef Kollar, Thomas Kudernatsch, Per Larsson, Martin Mallaun, Ottar Michelsen, Pavel Moiseev M., Moiseev D., Molau U., Mesa J. M.. di Cella U. M., Nagy L., Petey M., Puscas M., Rixen Ch., Stanisci A., Suen M., Syverhuset A. O., Tomaselli M., Unterluggauer P., Ursu T., Villar L., Gottfried M., Pauli H. 2016. The rich sides of mountain summits - a pan-European view on aspect preferences of alpine plants. Journal of Biogeography 43 (11): 2261–2273. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12835. (Impact Factor: 4.248). 3. Gogniashvili Mari, Jinjikhadze Tamar, Maisaia Inesa , Akhalkatsi Maia, Kotorashvili Adam , Kotaria Nato, Beridze Tengiz, Dudnikov Alexander Ju. 2016. Complete chloroplast genomes of Aegilops tauschii Coss. and Ae. cylindrica Host sheds light on plasmon D evolution. Current Genetics 62 (4): 791–798. DOI: 10.1007/s00294-016-0583-5. (Impact Factor: 2.76). 4. Gigauri Kh., Akhalkatsi M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O. 2016. Alpine Plant Distribution and Thermic Vegetation Indicator on Gloria Summits in the Central Greater Caucasus. Pakistan Journal of Botany 48 (5): 1893-1902. (Impact Factor: 0.947). 5. Togonidze N., Akhalkatsi M. 2015. Variability of plant species diversity during the natural restoration of the subalpine birch forest in the Central Great Caucasus. Turkish Journal of Botany 39 (3): 458-471; DOI:10.3906/bot-1404-19. (Impact Factor: 1.178). 6. Asanidze Z., Akhalkatsi M., Henk A. D., Richards Ch. M., Volk G. M. 2014. Genetic relationships between wild progenitor pear (Pyrus L.) species and local cultivars native to Georgia, South Caucasus. Flora 209 (9): 504-512. DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2014.06.013. (Impact Factor: 1.125). 7. Ekhvaia J., Gurushidze M., Blattner F.R., Akhalkatsi M. 2014. Genetic diversity of Vitis vinifera in Georgia: relationships between local cultivars and wild grapevine, V. vinifera subsp. sylvestris. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61 (8): 1507-1521. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-014- 0125-2. (Impact Factor: 1.43). 8. Abramidze T., Bragvadze T., Chikhelidze N., Akhalkatsi M., Gotua M., Gamkrelidze A. 2014 SEP. Seasonal distribution of airborne pollen and spores in Tbilisi, Georgia. ALLERGY 69 Supplement: 99: 329-330 Meeting Abstract: 867. (Impact Factor: 5.995). 9. Gigauri Kh., Akhalkatsi M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O. 2013. Monitoring of vascular plant diversity in a changing climate in the alpine zone of the Central Greater Caucasus. Turkish Journal of Botany 37 (6): 1104-1114. DOI:10.3906/bot-1301-38. (Impact Factor: 1.178). 1 10. Pauli H., Gottfried M., Dullinger S., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M., Alonso J.L.B., Coldea G., Dick J., Erschbamer B., Fernández Calzado R., Ghosn D., Holten J.I., Kanka R., Kazakis G., Kollár J., Larsson P., MoiseevP., MoiseevD., Molau U., Molero Mesa J., Nagy L., Pelino G., Puşcaş M., Rossi G., Stanisci A., Syverhuset A.O., Theurillat J.P., Tomaselli M., Unterluggauer P., Villar L., Vittoz P., Grabherr G. 2012. Recent plant diversity trends on Europe’s mountain summits. Science 336: 353-355. DOI: 10.1126/science.1219033. (Impact Factor: 37.205). 11. Gottfried M., Pauli H., Futschik A., Akhalkatsi M., Barančok P., Alonso J.L.B., Coldea G., Dick J., Erschbamer B., Rosa M., Calzado F., Kazakis G., Krajči J., Larsson P., Mallaun M., Michelsen O., Moiseev D., Moiseev P., Molau U., Merzouki A., Nagy L., Nakhutsrishvili G., Pedersen B., Pelino G., Puscas M., Rossi G., Stanisci A., Theurillat J.-P., Tomaselli M., Villar L., Vittoz P., Vogiatzakis I., Grabherr G. 2012. An early warning signal for a continental-scale response to ongoing climate change. Nature Climate Change 2: 111–115. DOI:10.1038/NCLI MATE1329. (Impact Factor: 19.304). 12. Asanidze Z., Akhalkatsi M., Gvritishvili M. 2011. Comparative morphometric study and relationships between the Caucasian species of wild pear (Pyrus spp.) and local cultivars in Georgia. Flora 206: 974-986. DOI:10.1016/j.flora.2011.04.010. (Impact Factor: 1.125). 13. Akhalkatsi M., Ekhvaia J., Mosulishvili M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Batsatsashvili K. 2010. Reasons and processes leading to the erosion of crop genetic diversity in mountainous regions of Georgia. Mountain Research and Development 30 (3): 304-310. DOI:10.1659/MRD- JOURNAL-D-10-00022.1. (Impact Factor: 1.03). 14. Ekhvaia J., Akhalkatsi M. 2010. Morphological variation and relationships of Georgian populations of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (C.C. Gmel.) Hegi. Flora 205: 608-617. DOI:10.1016/j.flora. 2009.08.002. (Impact Factor: 1.125). 15. Erschbammer B., Mallaun M., Unterluggauer P., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M., Nakhutsrishvili G. 2010. Species richness and distribution above the treeline in the Central Alps (Italy) and in the Central Caucasus (Georgia). Tuexenia 30: 11-29. (Impact Factor: 1.04). 16. Pistrick K., Akhalkatsi M., Girgvliani T., Shanshiashvili T. 2009. Collecting plant genetic resources in Upper Svaneti (Georgia, Caucasus Mountains). Journal of agriculture and rural development in the tropics and subtropics, Supplement 92: 127-135. (Impact Factor: 0.67). 17. Hughes N.M., Johnson D.M., Akhalkatsi M., Abdaladze O. 2009. Characterizing Betula litwinowii seedling microsites at the alpine-treeline ecotone, Central Greater Caucasus Mountains, Georgia. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 41: 112-118. DOI:10.1657/1938- 4246(08-021)[HUGHES] 2.0.CO;2. (Impact Factor: 1.74). 18. Akhalkatsi M., Abdaladze O., Nakhutsrishvili G., Smith W.K. 2006. Rhododendron caucasicum and microtopography extend the Betula litwinowii alpine treeline (Caucasus Mountains, Georgia). Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 38: 481-488. DOI:10.1657/1523- 0430(2006)38[481:FOS MBR]2.0.CO;2. (Impact Factor: 1.74). 19. Akhalkatsi M., Lösch R. 2005. Water limitation effect on seed development and germination in Trigonella coerulea (Fabaceae). Flora 200 (6): 493-501. DOI:10.1016/j.flora.2005.06.001. (Impact Factor: 1.125). 2 20. Akhalkatsi M., Lösch R. 2001. Changes in Water Relations, Solute Leakage and Growth Characters During Seed Germination and Seedling Development in Trigonella coerulea (Fabaceae). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 75 (3-4): 144-151.(Impact Factor: 1.20). 21. Akhalkatsi M., Pfauth M., Calvin C. 1999. Structural aspects of seed and ovule development and non-random abortion in Melilotus officinalis (Fabaceae). Protoplasma 208 (1-4): 211-223. DOI:10. 1007/BF01279092. (Impact Factor: 1.68). 22. Akhalkatsi M., Wagner J. 1997. Comparative embryology of three mountain Gentianaceae in the Central Caucasus and the European Alps.Plant Systematics and Evolution 204 (3-4): 39-48. DOI:10.1007/BF00982530. (Impact Factor: 1.154). 23. Akhalkatsi M., Wagner J. 1996. Reproductive phenology and seed development of Gentianella caucasea in different habitats in the Central Caucasus. Flora 191: 161-168. (Impact Factor: 1.125). Books (Georg. 1; Georg.-Eng. 4) 24. Akhalkatsi Maia. 2017. Structural and functional aspects of plant reproductive strategy. Tbilisi. (Georg.) 25. Akhalkatsi M. 2015. Forest Habitat Restoration in Georgia, Caucasus Ecoregion. Mtsignobari, Tbilisi. pp.115. (Georg.-Eng.) 26. Akhalkatsi M., Kimeridze M., Künkele S., Lorenz R., Mosulishvili M. 2003. Diversity and conservation of Georgian orchids. Tbilisi, CGS Ltd. pp. 40. (Georg.-Eng.) Book chapters (Georg.-Eng. 1; Eng. 5) 27. Akhalkatsi M. 2015. Crop wild related species in Georgia. In: Agrobiodiversity of georgia (Catalog); Autor and editor: G. Aleksidze, Georgia Academy of Agricultural sciences pp. 183- 216. ISBN 978-9941-0-8245-0. Tbilisi. (Georg.-Eng.) 28. Akhalkatsi M. 2015. Erosion and Prevention of Crop Genetic Diversity Landraces of Georgia (South Caucasus). Genetic Diversity and Erosion in Plants, Springer International Publishing; 12/2015; pp.159-187. 29. Akhalkatsi M. 2014.Traditional viticulture and grapevine diversity in Georgia. In: Parolly G., Grotz K., Walter H. (eds). Caucasus. Plant Diversity between the Black and Caspian Seas. ISBN: 978-3-921800-90-4. BGBM Press, Berlin-Dahlem. 30. Akhalkatsi, M., Ekhvaia, J., Asanidze, Z. 2012. Diversity and Genetic Erosion of Ancient Crops and Wild Relatives of Agricultural Cultivars for Food: Implications for Nature Conservation in Georgia (Caucasus). In: John Tiefenbacher (Ed.), Perspectives on Nature Conservation, ISBN: 978-953-51-0033-1, InTech, Croatia. pp. 51-92. 31. Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M. 2006. Biotope types of the treeline of the Central Greater Caucasus. In: D. Gafta, J. Akeroyd (eds), Nature Conservation: Concepts and Practice. Springer, Berlin, NY, pp. 211-225. 3 32. Akhalkatsi M. 2006. International cooperative projects in botany with participation of Georgian scientists. Georgien-Postsowjetische Umbrüche und Hoffnungen auf Europa. Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung - Arbeits- und Diskussiospapier 6: 37-39. Monographs (Georg. 4; Eng. 5) 33. Akhalkatsi, M., Tarkhnishvili, D. 2012. Habitats of Georgia, GTZ, Tbilisi. (Georg.-Eng.) 34. Akhalkatsi, M. 2010. Habitats of Georgia, GTZ, Tbilisi. (Georg.-Eng.) 35. Akhalkatsi M. 2009. Conservation and sustainable use of crop wild relatives in Samtskhe- Javakheti. Tbilisi. Elkana. 36. Akhalkatsi Maia; Kimeridze Mariam; Mosulishvili Marine; Maisaia Inesa 2008. Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Rare Medicinal Plants in Samtskhe-Javakheti. Final Report. Tbilisi pp. 167. (Georg.-Eng.) 37. Akhalkatsi, M.. Kimeridze, M., Mosulishvili, M., Maisaia, I. 2005. Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of the Endangered Medicinal Plants in Samtskhe-Javakheti. Environmental Baseline. Tbilisi. pp. 80. (Georg.-Eng.) Articles in magazines (50) 38. Akhalkatsi Maia, Girgvliani Tamar.
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