Council Adopts Dog ControrPolicy The MSU University Council under control of Law en­ dogs within the confines of (UC) adopted a dog control forcement personnel, and Student Family Housing, the policy for the campus at their dogs In recognized dog policy states. Cats are May 19 meeting. The policy shows or obedience schools. permitted In Fam ily HcuslJ1g, was made after a resolution Dogs on campus are not but must be licensed and allowed to run at large on the tagged through the On­ regarding dog control was x1oncnBOZEMAN , passed by the ASMSU campus according to the Campus Living Office after FRIDAY, MAY 21 , 1976 MONTANA student senate. policy. "All dogs on campus presenting a certificate f: om a The UC policy notes that no must be under the leash veterinarian that the cat has dogs will be permitted In any control of a competent person proper immunization shots. University building at any at all .times." This section "does not time with the exception of Chained, tied or otherwise apply to the Faculty Hosing Republican Candidates registered guide dogs, dogs confined, unattended dogs units located at the end of with the exception of dogs South Fifth Street," state inside a motor vehicle will be the policy. prohibited. Dogs creating a The Bozeman Municipal Visit MSU Campus Exponent disturbance or annoyance Code chapter 5.16 entitled because of howling, barking, " Dogs" will apply to all parts The Republicans held a Exponent during their visits. Hot line! - yelping while confined within of the MSU campus located " Meet the Candidates" dinner a vehicle shall not be allowed within the city, according to in Bozeman, Wednesday. John Tierney according to the UC poljcy. the resolution. Throughout the day, several " I did not sit around to test Pets of any kind are not to The Ch ief of Police of of the candidates visited MSU the political winds," said be allowed in the Residence Bozeman, William Nelson, campus. John Tierney, Tierney. mHll Halls. did not comment on the candidate for U.S. Senate, Tierney started his cam­ Occupants of Student additional work load of the and Jack McDonald, can­ paign in January when he 1 Housing are not city's dog catcher due to the Family didate for Governor, were thought he would be running permitted to O\.Yn or care for new policy. interviewed by KGL T and the against Mansfield for the Editor's Note : If you have a Senate seat. ·complaint, gripe, question or " Senators must have a compliment, phone 994-2611 pulse of the people of the between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Or City Reiects Petitioners state," said Tierney. "And I drop a note in our mailbox at believe ·1 do." the SUB main desk. We will The Bozeman city com­ opinion had been solicited A summary of other hap­ Tierney's stance on the investigate your complaint, mission refused to act on a during the last two years and penings: major issues Is as follows : and preserve your anonymity. petition signed by 489 the plan had been drafted --The City Commission --Energy: Unwarranted residents to hold a evening accordingly. granted a sign code variance restraints that hinder the COMPLAINT: Doe$" the meeting to reconsider plans Proponents argued that to Burgess Enterprises to put development of fossil fuels Student Union Building have to remodel Beall Park most people knew nothing up a wooden sign downtown must be removed. an anti-discrimination policy Wednesday afternoon. about the public meetings next to the Bozeman. Technology Is the final for those groups making use The Commission's main and backed up their claim --The Commission denied a solution to the energy of the building? The in­ . objection was that the plans with the petitions. The request by Hoadley Standard problem. dividual issuing the question were finalized and further commissioner decided not to for an increase in curb --Agriculture: Agriculture asked whether use ot'the SUB discussion would be too late set up a meeting , and referred openings In front of the cannot be used as a tool in was granted to groups who and a waste of time. They the petitions to Recreation station at Mendenhall and international relations. This openly discriminated against further stated that public and Park Board. Commission-page 3 is asking a small amount of certain groups. The Mormon the population (the Farmers) church and discrimination to bear the brunt for the entire against black people, the nation. military and discrimination --Military: The U.S. must against gay students were maintain a strong, effective two cases cited . The military posture. The military question also mentioned forces should be committed recent action agal nst the only to clearly defined military at University at San military objectives. Diego because of their --Foreign Relations : The discrimination practices. U.S. must try to protect our EXPONENT-· Al Bertelsen, national interests. We have director of the SUB, to recognize and deal with responded to the question. countries whose interests are The SUB serves all student not the same as ours. and campus recognized Foreign relations cannot be groups, he said. We were not bolled down to simple words set up as a force to pollpe such as detente and domino activities and their theory. discrimination practices, he --Unemployment : added. Groups that are Unemployment must be recognized by either ASMSU solved In the private sector. or the campus are allowed to Resources should be use SUB facilities, Bertelsen developed to expand private said. He also indicated he had Industry. read of the suit Jn California The Democrats tend to but he did not elaborate on increase government Jn size the matter. and cost, Tierney said. They tend to put too much money COMPLAINT: Pat Fraser, Into all sections of the Apt. 1-F Grant Chamberlain government. (married student housing), The Congress holds the called up the Exponent nation's purse strings, said hotline Thursday, May 13, Tierney. The federal deficit Is complaining that a family In "Ringling, Ringling, sllppln' away; only forty dying little town." Jimmy Buffett from "Living & probably more of the Grant Chamberlain had kept a people llvlng there today; 'cause the streets are Dying In 3A time". [Photo by Michael Degnan]. Congress' doing than any Hotllne--page 2 dust,Y and the bank has been torn down; It's a Republlcans--page 15 Dog Issue: Editorial; Against Student Bill of Rights? The number of dogs roaming around campus affairs ... " Section 14 of the same div1s1on states have depreciated considerably since the dog­ "It sh al I be the collective responsibility of the leash action taken at the last Senate meeting. student government to secure and defend these I've been informed by Senator Rick Boylan, a rights of the student body as a whole. and as senior senator -- and the single member who individuals." questioned Senate's authority to act on the My interpretation of this, whether it be issue, that the senate only acted on a resolution. correct or not, is student input must be solicited Unlike a bill, a resolution has no binding affect. -- at any rate it must be considered. However, the resolution passed by senate I am not willing to let this issue die an un­ immediately appeared before the University warranted death. I think the time has come to Council who in turn made the campus-leash law make our student government become a campus policy. responsive to both the needs and wants of the Again, I don't feel it's necessary to dispute the students. action in fact, but rather the means by which If it is clear, a majority of the students wish to the action was taken. It is apparent that the implement a dog leash law, then so be ii'. But issue was not taken before the students of the first, the senate should find how their con­ university, the Senate's constituency. stituency feels. The issue was not handled in a democratic Incidentally, the Student Constitution also fashion. Senate acted arbitrarily and states the student's have a right to Initiative. capriciously by hastily calling a vote on the Initiating a ballot requires signatures of 10 per issue. cent of the Associated Students. After the I for one, am totally supportive of some form signatures are submitted to the Secretary of of dog control on campus. I'm sure that other ASMSU, the issue must be submitted to a vote of students would actively endorse the policy. the Associated Students within three weeks. Yet, it appears evident that student input was All legislation must receive a majority vote of not solicited by the senate. The opposition was all ballots cast ·on the issue to be ratified. not heard. (Clause l, Section 2, Part-11 Constitution of the Section 9 of Part 111, the Student Bill of Rights, Associated Students of MSU). expressly states "Clearly defined means shall Petitions are presently being circulated on be provided for students expression and action campus. on all policies affecting academic and student BJB Don't Pass Up Savings • Dear Editor, empty dish, Including plates, I have just discovered a new cups, and saucers . way to save money at the SUB At this point, I inquired as Cafeteria. Yes indeed! One to the reason for this charge. may now save ten, twenty, The cashier informed me that City Denies Residents Special Meeting as much as thirty cents a ten cents is charged for the meal using this method. This washing of each dish. My possibly method could also con­ idea then occured to me. To The Editor: have shaped the is inadequate. It would be planning was sparse.
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