Combinatorics, Categorification, and Crystals Monica Vazirani UC Davis November 4, 2017 Fall Western Sectional Meeting { UCR Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 1 / 39 I. The What? Why? When? How? of Categorification II. Focus on combinatorics of symmetric group Sn, crystal graphs, quantum groups Uq(g) Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 2 / 39 from searching titles ::: Special Session on Combinatorial Aspects of the Polynomial Ring Special Session on Combinatorial Representation Theory Special Session on Non-Commutative Birational Geometry, Cluster Structures and Canonical Bases Special Session on Rational Cherednik Algebras and Categorification and more ··· Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 3 / 39 Combinatorics ··· ; ··· ··· Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 4 / 39 Representation theory of the symmetric group Branching Rule: Restriction and Induction n n The graph encodes the functors Resn−1 and Indn−1 of induction and restriction arising from Sn−1 ⊆ Sn: Example (multiplicity free) × × ResS4 S = S ⊕ S S3 (3) 4 (3;1) (2;1) 4 (3;1) or dim Hom(S ; Res3 S ) = 1, dim Hom(S ; Res3 S ) = 1 Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 5 / 39 label diagonals ··· ; ··· ··· Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 6 / 39 label diagonals 0 1 2 3 ··· −1 0 1 2 ··· −2 −1 0 1 ··· 0 ··· . Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 7 / 39 label diagonals 0 1 2 3 ··· 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 -1 0 1 0 1 0 ··· ; -1 -1 0 0 0 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 0 ··· -1 -2 -3 Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 8 / 39 label edges via diagonals 0 1 2 3 3 ··· -1 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 0 1 -1 1 -1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ··· ; -1 -1 0 -1 1 -2 0 -2 0 1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -3 -2 0 ··· -1 -2 -3 Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 9 / 39 label edges via diagonals 0 1 1 0 ; 0 -1 0 -1 Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 10 / 39 Crystal graph B(Λ0) of V (Λ0) module for sl1 3 ··· 2 -1 1 -1 2 0 0 ··· -1 1 -2 -2 1 -3 ··· I-colored graph encoding action of Ei ; Fi for i 2 I = Z Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 11 / 39 sl1 acts on the representation theory of symmetric groups generators act as induction, restriction OR start with V (Λ0) and . Do we see this anywhere else? Can we repeat/generalize this? Should we? Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 12 / 39 (1) The What? What is categorification? Replace set-theoretic statements by their category-theoretic analogues. Sets become categories, functions become functors, equations become natural isomorphisms of functors. The term \categorification” was introduced by L. Crane and I. Frenkel to describe the process of realizing certain algebraic structures as shadows of richer higher ones. Their original motivation was to combinatorially understand geometric constructions of quantum groups in order to produce four-dimensional topological quantum field theories (TQFTs), replacing the algebraic structure of a quantum group with a categorical analog, or \categorified quantum group." Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 13 / 39 What is categorification? Decategorification Given C take its Grothendieck group G0(C), split Grothendieck group K0(C), or Trace Tr(C) aka zeroth Hochschild homology or cocenter G0(C) = f isom classes of objects [A] g=h [B] = [A] + [C] if 0 ! A ! B ! C ! 0 i Often take G0(R-fmod), K0(R-pmod) Geometric setting Given topological space X take homology groups, or equivariant cohomology, or Euler characteristic . Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 14 / 39 Decategorification Example Category = Vect M O G0(Vect) ' Z inherits ; Example Category = gr−Vect −1 G0(gr−Vect) ' Z[q; q ] Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 15 / 39 Decategorification Example Category = R−mod G0(R−mod) ' Z -span of [simple]s = Z -span of characters Example R = QS4 µ µ G0(QS4−mod) ' Z[S j µ ` 4] = Z[χ j µ ` 4] V ' C ⊗Z G0(QS4−mod) comes with an integral form coming from the basis f[simple]g indexed by the 5 partitions µ ` 4. Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 16 / 39 What categorifies Symmetric functions? Sym is a graded algebra with graded dimension P(q) = 1 + q + 2q2 + 3q3 +5 q4 + 7q5 + 11q6 + ··· M n G0(?) ' Z Sym = Z Sym n≥0 The symmetric groups categorify the ring of symmetric functions M M n G0(QSn−mod) ' Z Sym =: Z Sym n≥0 n≥0 µ χ 7! sµ; the Schur function via the Frobenius characteristic map IndSm+n χµ χν := χµ ◦ χν 7! s s Sm×Sn µ ν λ P ` λ Hopf algebra coproduct ∆(χ ) = Resm;n χ m+n=jλj=:` Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 17 / 39 Categorification Example (Khovanov) Khovanov homology categorifies the Jones polynomial, a quantum knot invariant. More specifically it is a graded homology theory giving rise to a collection of graded vector spaces whose graded Euler characteristic is the Jones polynomial. Example (Soergel) The category of Soergel bimodules categorifies the Hecke algebra associated to an arbitrary Coxeter system. Began with seminal work of Kazhdan and Lusztig (1979) Example (Khovanov-Lauda, Rouquier) KLR algebras categorify quantum groups Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 18 / 39 (1.5) The Who? I'll miss someone if I try to list them all . Many are here this weekend See Lauda arxiv.org/abs/1106.2128 for a nice survey Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 19 / 39 (2) The Why? Example (This is explained by the rich structure of morphisms) Khovanov homology is a strictly stronger knot invariant than the Jones polynomial. It is a functorial knot invariant which means that knot cobordisms induce maps between Khovanov homologies. Example (surpass geometry) The Hecke algebra associated to the Weyl group of a reductive algebraic group was geometrically realized by Kazhdan-Lusztig. Soergel introduced an algebraic reinterpretation that allowed for the categorification of the Hecke algebra associated to an arbitrary Coxeter system. Used by Elias-Williamson to prove Kazhdan-Lusztig conjectures. Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 20 / 39 The Why? Why would one want to categorify? Example (surpass geometry) − The categorification of Uq (g) associated non-symmetric Cartan data gives rise to necessarily positive bases; the canonical bases associated to non-symmetric Cartan data are known to violate positivity, so here, categorification gives rise to new results not accessible from geometry. Example (applications) Chuang and Rouquier showed that the higher structure of natural transformations in categorical U(sl2)-actions played an important role in the construction of derived equivalences (Rickard); proved Broue's abelian defect conjecture. Functoriality of Khovanov homology was used by Rassmussen to give a purely combinatorial proof of the Milnor conjecture. Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 21 / 39 The Why? X ν sλsµ = cλ,µsν ν ν Z with cλ,µ 2 ≥0 λ Easy to see if we know sλ = [S ]. At its best, categorification in representation theory improves our understanding of the original algebraic structure, explaining positivity and integrality properties, canonical bases, symmetries, and nondegenerate bilinear forms. Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 22 / 39 The Why? Why categorify quantum groups? Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants Quantum knot invariants such as the Jones polynomial, its generalizations to the colored Jones polynomial, and the HOMFLYPT polynomial are special cases of Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants using representation theory of Uq(g) Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 23 / 39 Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 24 / 39 Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 25 / 39 (3) The When? When is it possible to categorify? Positivity, integrality, diagrammatics, combinatorics, multiplicity one phenomena|a leading term, canonical bases, Kazhdan-Lusztig basis, crystal bases Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 26 / 39 (4) The How? It takes some art and insight Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 27 / 39 II. Focus on quantum groups Uq(g), crystal graphs, combinatorics of symmetric group Sn V 1 Start with U(sl1) and its basic representation V (Λ0) ' 2 VZ ' Fock space All weight spaces have dimension 1. Draw action of Chevalley generators Ei ; Fi on weight basis; coincides with action of Kashiwara crystal operators ei ; fi i i a −! fi a ei b −! b Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 28 / 39 Crystal graph B(Λ0) of V (Λ0) 3 ··· 2 -1 1 -1 2 0 0 ··· -1 1 -2 -2 1 -3 ··· I-colored graph encoding action of Ei ; Fi Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 29 / 39 Representation theory of the symmetric group ··· ; ··· ··· Monica Vazirani (UC Davis ) Combinatorics, Categorification & Crystals Nov 4, 2017 30 / 39 toward categorifying quantum groups M G0(QSn−mod) ' V (Λ0) as U(sl1)-modules n≥0 where g = sl1 corresponds to I = Z Categorify M G0(QSn−mod) ' V (Λ0) n≥0 as U(g)-modules means the generators Ei ; Fi i 2 Z of sl1 act as decategorified functors [i-Res] and [i-Ind].
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