Hip No. Consigned by JEH Stallion Station, Agent Hip No. 601 Nothing Excluded SI 97 601 2005 Bay Colt Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Southern Cartel SI 108 { Corona Chick SI 113 Southern Policy SI 99 {Reb’s Policy TB Nothing Excluded SI 97 Due Be Fast SI 87 X0645554 First Place Dash SI 99 {First Down Dash SI 105 First Excellence SI 97 Indigo Illusion SI 110 (2001) { Excellent Deal {Runaway Winner SI 104 Deal In Vikingson By SOUTHERN CARTEL SI 108 (2000). Stakes winner of 10 races, $360,361 [G2]. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2008; sire of 73 ROM, $1,411,531, in- cluding SOUTHERN TAKES ALL SI 107 (2 wins, $369,093, Heritage Place Fut. [G1]), DIANETOBEWITCHA SI 99 (3 wins at 2, 2008, $63,637, All Cana- dian Fut.), GO SOUTHERN SPECIAL SI 101 (2 wins at 2, 2008, $53,096, Four Corners Fut. [G3]), CALL ME MR NIBS SI 94, KR MONTANA CARTEL. 1st dam First Excellence SI 97, by First Place Dash. 4 wins to 4, $64,760, 3rd Joe B. Turner Memorial S., finalist in the Ruidoso Futurity [G1], West Texas Futurity [G1], Speedhorse Gold and Silver Cup Derby [R] [G2], Altoona Derby [G3]. Dam of 1– Nothing Excluded SI 97 (c. by Southern Cartel). Stakes placed winner, below. 2nd dam EXCELLENT DEAL, by Runaway Winner. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 4 ROM, including– First Excellence SI 97 (First Place Dash). Stakes placed winner, above. Excellent Dasher SI 93 (g. by First Place Dash). 4 wins to 5, $10,474. Shes Catty SI 91 (f. by Strawfly Special). 2 wins at 2, $8,517, finalist in the TQHA Sires’ Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. 3rd dam DEAL IN VIKINGSON, by Vikingson TB. Unraced. Dam of 10 ROM, incl.– MISS RACY VIKE SI 105 (f. by Racin Free). 10 wins to 5, $263,661, Remington Championship [G1], Las Damas H. -2nd Div [G1], etc. Dam of MISS RACY EYES SI 98 ($133,195 [R] [G2]), Vikes Iota SI 94 ($103,709 [G1]), The Bluetailfly SI 97 ($82,835), Sixavike SI 102 ($68,439, [G3]), Dashin Belladona SI 98 ($49,126 [G2]), Racy Belladona SI 103 ($32,712 [R] [G2]), First Down Vike SI 97 (to 4, 2008, $25,968 [G3]), Elaines Fantasy SI 103 ($25,704); granddam of VOLCOM SI 97 ($430,433 [G1]), Hi Tori SI 96 ($40,326). RACIN VIKE SI 107 (g. by Racin Free). 27 wins to 16, $228,875, in U.S. & Mexico, Pomona Invitational H. [G1], NM Challenge [G3], etc. RACIN DEAL SI 110 (g. by Racin Free). 24 wins to 12, $178,836, AQHA Distance Challenge Championship [G1], etc. ETARAG SI 103 (g. by Sixarun). 5 wins, $81,405, Retama Derby [G2],. RONAS DEAL SI 106 (g. by Ronas Ryon). 8 wins to 5, $74,865, AQHA Texas Challenge, TQHA Sires’ Cup Maturity [R], 2nd AQHA Derby Challenge [G2]. Dealasix (Sixarun). Unraced. Dam of Dealadash SI 108 ($182,484, [G1]). Miss Dashin Deal SI 82 (f. by Dash For Cash). Placed at 2. Dam of DASH FOR YONDER SI 106 ($113,729). RACE RECORD: At 2, one win, once 2nd, once 3rd (Oklahoma Futurity [G3]); at 3, 2008, two wins, once 2nd, 3 times 3rd. TOTALS: 3 wins, twice 2nd, 4 times 3rd. EARNED $52,503. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Racing Challenge. In training; embryo transfer. RGP 9/08 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Hip No. 602 Rabbanah SI 84 602 2005 Sorrel Colt Holland Ease SI 109 {First Down Dash SI 105 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Easy Henryetta SI 90 Corona Chick SI 113 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Rabbanah SI 84 Sizzling Lil SI 91 4761353 First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114 First N Favorite First Prize Rose SI 98 (2001) { Favorite Attraction SI 88 {Easy Jet SI 100 Native Noblesse SI 93 By CORONA CARTEL SI 97 (1994). Stakes winner of $557,142 [G1]. Sire of 612 ROM, 97 stakes winners, $26,617,294, including BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (world champion, champion at2&3,$2,032,328 [G1]), TELLER CAR- TEL SI 108 (champion 2-year-old colt, $1,212,471, All American Fut. [G1]), CARTERS CARTEL SI 103 (champion 2-year-old colt, $659,146 [G1]), EYE FOR CORONA SI 99 (4 wins, $1,005,579, Golden State Million Fut. [G1]). 1st dam FIRST N FAVORITE, by First Down Dash. Unplaced. Sister to Half Time Attraction SI 96. Dam of 1 other foal of racing age, a 2-year-old of 2008. 2nd dam FAVORITE ATTRACTION SI 88, by Easy Jet. Winner at 2. Dam of– Half Time Attraction SI 96 (f. by First Down Dash). Winner at 2, $14,734, 2nd Classics Futurity [R], 3rd California Chlg. [G3]. Dam of– APOLLITICAL TIME SI 104. Champion Aged Horse, Champion 3- Year-Old Filly, Champion Aged Mare, 14 wins, $904,242, Los Alamitos Super D. [G1], Mildred N Vessels H. [G1], etc. In His Dreams SI 97. 2 wins to 3, $32,187, 2nd Denim N Diamonds S. twice, 3rd Vandys Flash H. [G3], La Pacifica S. Halftime Seperator SI 94. 2 wins to 3, 2008, $10,631, 2nd Wyoming All Breed Derby [R]. 3rd dam Native Noblesse SI 93, by Raise Your Glass TB. 2 wins at 3, 3rd Boomer Sooner Spring Derby, Paul Travis S. Dam of 7 ROM, including– NOBLESSE SIX SI 110 (Streakin Six). 13 wins, 2 to 6, $1,125,024, All American Futurity [G1], La Chiripada S. [G3], etc. Set NTR. PURE D DASH SI 121 (Dash For Cash). Champion 3-Year-Old Colt in Mexico, 7 wins, $50,577, Champion of Champions Classic [G3]. NOBLESSE OBLEGE SI 99 (Dash For Cash). 4 wins, $25,817, The Classics Derby [R], 3rd QHBC Distaff Classic [G3], finalist [G2]. Royal Classic Native SI 88. Dam of NATIVE JEWEL DH SI 95 ($79,552), NATIVE ROYAL PRINCE SI 105. Royalnative Empress (f. by First Down Dash). Dam of NATIVE CAR- TEL SI 102 ($121,365 [R] [G3]). 4th dam NATIVE EMPRESS SI 101, by Dancing Dervish TB. 28 wins, $207,366, Las Damas H., Miss Princess H. etc. Set NTR. Dam of 8 ROM, incl.– Native Noblesse SI 93. Stakes-placed winner, above. Cherokee Empress. 2 wins. Dam of JOHNNYS EMPRESS SI 98 ($51,798 [G3]), DASHING ROYALTY SI 112, Perfect Sign SI 97 [G1]. Native Affair SI 90 (Easy Jet). 3 wins. Granddam of TREACHER- OUSLY SI 103 (Champion, $622,004 [G1]), SILVERED EYES SI 107 (Champion, $454,781 [G1]), JA WINDCHASER SI 94. RACE RECORD: At 2, once 3rd in 2 starts; at 3, 2008, one win in 1 start. EARNED $5,280. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Racing Challenge, Los Alamitos Super Derby. Cribber. RGP 9/08 Hip No. Consigned by R B Running Horses Hip No. 603 RB Twenty Four Seven SI 83 603 2005 Sorrel Gelding Takin On The Cash SI 109 {Dash For Cash SI 114 Shazoom SI 102 { Take You On SI 96 Keep On Shining SI 103 {Keep On Turning SI 102 RB Twenty Four Seven SI 83 Moonsashinnin TB 4747954 First Place Dash SI 99 {First Down Dash SI 105 First Place Dream SI 87 Indigo Illusion SI 110 (1999) { Justafeature SI 81 {Truckle Feature SI 113 Justanold Love SI 108 By SHAZOOM SI 102 (1993). Stakes winner, $178,606 [G3]. Sire of 375 ROM, 34 stakes winners, $9,018,939, including SHINING SKY SI 102 (champion, $494,009, Retama Park Fut. [G1]), BETT HER ZOOM SI 103 (champion, $309,167, Kansas Fut. [G2]), AZOOM SI 107 (11 wins, $738,136, Texas Clsc. Fut. [G1]), POOL SI 107 ($438,689 [RG2]), ZOOMIN FOR BUX SI 117 ($259,739 [G1]), FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 [G1], SPECIAL RED WARRIOR. 1st dam FIRST PLACE DREAM SI 87, by First Place Dash. Winner to 3, $5,794. Dam of 2 other foals, both unstarted. 2nd dam JUSTAFEATURE SI 81, by Truckle Feature. Placed to 3. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, all winners, including– VITALIZED SI 87 (g. by Vital Sign). 2 wins to 3, $12,470, Longhorn S. [R]. Runaway Dream SI 92 (f. by Runaway Winner). Winner to 4. Dam of– MJ GOLD SI 95. 3 wins to 3, $27,699, La Villita S., 3rd Miss Houston S. [R], Harris County S. [R], finalist in the Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Justa Magic Mark SI 95 (g. by Magic Dozen). 6 wins in 11 starts to 4, $23,828. Justa Runaway SI 99 (g. by Runaway Winner). 6 wins to 9, $16,531. Justly Featured SI 105 (f. by Runaway Winner). 5 wins to 5, $14,377. Featured Winner SI 91 (f. by Runaway Winner). 2 wins to 3, $8,070. 3rd dam JUSTANOLD LOVE SI 108, by Dash For Cash. 14 wins in 26 starts to 4, $949,836, Champion of Champions [G1], All American Derby, Juve- nile Invitational S., Las Ninas S., Miss Princess S., Lafayette Inaugu- ral-NTR, 2nd Shue Fly H. [G2], All American Gold Cup, Lassie S., 3rd Dash for Cash Futurity, Los Alamitos Derby. Sister to CALLING FOR CASH SI 101 ($95,716), OH MY DASH SI 110 ($65,157). Dam of 5 foals, all ROM, including– Louisiana Swamp SI 92 (Louisiana Slew TB). 5 wins to 6, $14,685, 2nd Holiday Classic H. Sire. Together At Last SI 89 (Streakin Six). Winner to 4, $3,868. Dam of– CALL ME TOGETHER SI 93. 8 wins to 7, $92,577, LQHBA Sale Futu- rity [R] [G3], 3rd Louisiana Champions Day Classic [R] [G2], etc. Together With Adios SI 90.
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