On the Radio This Week

On the Radio This Week

AM STATIONS - I k - rm STATIONS WAAT 070 WNOM .1480 I WL1B .......1100 WNBC $OO WNYC 830 WPAY 030 90.7 WANF.F52 ...94.7 WriBC.FM -97./ WMGM.111.1003 V/BNIC 1380 ON THE RADIO THIS WEEK 770 570 WQX1/* 1580 V41171/12.F24: 92.3 WiZ.FM 95.5 WHLI.F74 ....98.3 WCBS-FM ..101.1 WCES- 880 WIZ WHCA WHEW 1130 WOR 710 WVNI 020 ICE21(CE 93.1 WQXR-F5f .96.3 WOR-FM .983 WGHT 1013 vim) 1330 WINS 1010 yams 1030 WNIII 1430 WOV .1280 www. 1600 WNYC.F14 ...93.9 WPOE ' 96.7 WABF 99.5 WFDR.F51 -104.3 TODAY, SUNDAY, APRIL 1 , Bing. Guest 1:00-WNBCQulz Rids 3:00-WNBCMusic With the Girls 5:45-WCBSNews Reports WNEWNews; Piano Rhapsody John Gunther, Guest WNEWNews: Music WORCanary Pet Show WJZNews Roundup WMGMRecorded Musts WEVDIrish Hour WJZNews Reports WMGMThe Baptist Hour WJZDr. William Ward AyerTalk WCBSNews From Washington WQXRThe New York Times News WCBSJo Stafford, Tony Martin 10:4S-WORYour Hymnal WCBSNew York Philharmonic- WNYCDavid Randolph Concert EVENING 8:05-WQXRThe Opera House WMCANews: Dance Music 11:00-WORNews Reports Symphony: Victor de Sabath. WINSNews and Recorded Music 6:00-WNBCThe Big ShowTallulah 8:30-WNBCTheatre Guild on the Air: W NEWShakespeare and Rostand WJZBrunch With Kelvin Keech Conductor: Eileen Farrell, Soprano WNEWClassical Music: Benny Bankhead, Grouch() Marx, Bob TheFallen .Idol,withWalter Excerpts, With Jose Ferrer WCBSSalt Lake City Tabernacle WMCANews: Music Goodman, Narrator Hope. Ethel Barrymore, Van John- Pidgeon. Signe Hass°. Brandon de WINSSt. Paul's Mission House Choir and Organ WNYCNew Recordings: Edward WQXRThe New York Times News son, Edo Pinza, Joan Davis Wilde. Jack Hawkins WEVDWorld Theatre 11:35 A. M.-12 M.Invitation to Learning: Vir- Thor Heyerdahl, Virgilia Peterson, Charles WMCANews; Records of Tomorrow Tatnall Canby. Comments 3: 05-WQXRSunday Symphony WORRoy Rogers Show V,'OR-News Reports WQXRThe New York Times News gils "Aeneid," Palmer Boyle, Rolfe Hum- Lee and John IC. M. McCafferyWJZ. WMGMChristian Reform Church WMGNIAmerican-Jewish Caravan 3:15-WCBSLarry Lesueur WJZDrew Pearson, Comments 1A'CBSRed Skelton Show 0:05- ,c 44,1-1Record Premieres 5:30-6The Greatest Story Ever Told: "Rise Up WINSSinging Battle Royal of Stars: Mo!she Oysher. Others 3:30-WNBCDavid Lawrence, Comments WCBSCharlle Wild, Private WMCAMental Hospital Guild Show,0: l5-WJZLatin-American Music phries; Lyman Bryson, Moderatonr.WCBS. WQXRThe New York Times News WNEWHollywood Review WJZpr, Billy Graham DetectiveSketch From Brooklyn State Hospital: 0:30-WNBCVolce5 and Events 12-12:30People's Platform: "Crime and Polit- and Walk"WJZ. 11:05-WQXRChristian Science Service WQXRThe New York Times News WCBSDesi Arnaz Show WMCANews: Music Dr. Clarence BellingerPremiere) WOR-Heartbeat in the News 6-7:30The BigShow:Tallulah Bankhead,11:15-WORBrunchDorothy and Dick 1:05-WQXRHuman Relations Round- 3:45WJZNews Reports WNYCOscar Brand, Folk Songs WNYCOscar Ziegler. Piano WJZGeorge E. Sokolsky. CommentS ical , Corruption," Newbold Morris, William WJZFrank and Ernest Talk table: Human Relations and De- 3:55-WINSYankees vs.Pittsburgh WINSLutheran Layman's League WUSThe Choraliers: Leonard Herlands and Edwin LukasWCBS. Ethel Barrymore, Bob Hope, Groucho Marx, 11:30-WNBCNews Reports fense Mobilization, Edward Ed- Pirates at Phoenix WINSRecorded Music Ezio Pinza, Joan Davis, OthersWNBC. WJZThe Christian in Action: wards, Nicholas Pinto, John B. 4:00-WNBCThe FalconSketch WQXRThe New York Times News WHEWNews: Recorded Music Stokes. Baritone, Guest 12:30-1The Eternal Light: "The Image of Man"7-7:30Jack Benny, Comedy, OthersWCBS. Msgr. Spence, Rev. Burrell Sullivan; Christian Westphaleu. WJZOld-Fashioned Revival Hour 6:05-WQXRstring Quartet 8:45-WORIncredible but True WINSSoldiers for Christ tour WNBC. Moderator 6:15-WJZNews Reports WMGMTo Be Announced WNEWNews: Design for Living 7:30-8Phil Harris-Alice Faye ShowWNBC. WCBSNews Reports WCBSDollar-a-Minute Show 6:30-WORNick CarterSketch WEVDU, S. Navy Band W MGMRecorded Music 1:30-2 AmericanForum:"Is the Voice of WMGMCalvary Baptist Church 1:15-WORShow Shop: Waiter Preston WMCANews: swing Music WEVDU. S. Bond Show 8-8:30Edgar Bergen-Charlie McCarthy: Colonel WNEWNews: Bing Crosby Songs WMCAQuentin Reynolds, Comments4:30-WNBCThe Saint-Play WJZMystery FileQuiz 9:00-WORSylvan Levin Opera Concert: America Adequate?"Edward W. Barrett Mary Halloran, Margaret.WhitingWCBS. 11:25-WCBSInvitation to Learning: 1:30-WNBCAmerican Forum: Is the WORMartin KaneSketch WCBSOur Miss BrooksComedy John Baker. Baritone: Nicola Mos-0:45W0RFlx It Show and Harold E. StassenWNBC. 8:30-9:30Theatre Guild:"The Fallen Idol," Virgil's Aeneld, Palmer Boyle, Voice of America Adequate? WCBSRate Your Mate. Joe Adam With Eve Arden cone, Bass wJZWIsmer Sports Review, 1:55Baseball:Giants vs. CardinalsWMCA; Rolfe Humphries. Lyman Bryson Edward Barrett, Harold Simms WNYCGertrud Rennert, Piano WMCAAve Marla Drama WJZWalter Winchell, Comments WEVDIn Old New York With Walter Pidgeon, Brandon de Wilde, 11:45-WNBCCitizens ,of the World WJZNational Vespers: Rev. Dr. WNEWNews: Jazz Goes to College WNYCPeggy Turnely, soprano WCBSMeet Corliss ArcherSketchLI:00WNBCRobert Trout. CoMmentS 2:25Dodgers vs. Boston Braves WMGM; Signe Hasso, Jack HawkinsWNBC. John S. BonneII WMGMSports Extra: News WMGMNews: RecordedMusic with Janet Waldo. Others WONNews; Sports and Weather 3:55Yankees vs. Pittsburgh PiratesWINS.10-10:30Information Please: Richard Carlston AFTERNOON WMCAInside Israel: Bartley Crum 6:45-WNYCWeather and, News WMCANews.: Recorded Music WJZNews Reports WQXRMusical Talent in Our 5:00-WNBCPhil Regan Show 7:00-WORThe Hidden TruthPlay WNYC C klahoma Symphony: Victor and Comments 5-5:30Author Meets the Critics: "Kon Tiki," and John Gunther, GuestsWOR. 12:00-WNBCTex and Jinx Show; Joan Schools: Gild Muhlbauer. Violin; WORThe Shadow WJZSammy Kaye's Serenade A. .0.CO:1d0 et0:' WMCANews: Recorded Music 1 Bennett. Guest Judith Burt, Plano; Nathaniel WJZAuthor Meets the Critics: WCBSJack Benny Show WINSBaltimore Gospel Theatre 1VMGMNewsreel Theatre WOR,Ray Heatherton Show Berger, Piano "Kon-Tlki." Thor Heyerdahl, WMCANews: Recorded Music WHEWMusic You Want WINSBethel Gospel Program WJZNext Week in New York: Bert1:45-WMCARecorded Music Virgilla Peterson, Charles Lee, WNYCMasterwork Hour WEVDErrand of Mercy Drama MORNING WNEWNews; Children's Playhouse WNEWNews: Music Bachrach, Hy Gardner John K. M. McCaffery WNEWMusic Until Midnight WMGMBible Hour WMGMBible Auditorium WCBSPeople's Platform: Crime WNYCWeather: News WCBSMeet Frank Sinatra: Billy WINSUncle Win's Bible Hour 9:15-WJZLouella Parsons Show WEVDYou're the Disk Jockey 1:00-WNBCMorning Prayers: News WQXRBreakfast Symphony 9:45-WNBCMale Quartet and Political Corruption. Newbold 1:55-WMCABaseball: Giants vs. St. Bckstine, Trudy Richards. Guests WmGMToday's Sports WEVDRichard Roffman. Critic WQXRThe New York Times Newt WORTravelLorraine Sherwood 8:45-WORStars of Song WCBSTrinity Choir Morris, William Herlands, Edwin Louis Cardinals. From Florida WQXRThe New York Times News9:30-WNBCTales of the Texas RangersII: itToe World of Music 1VJZRecorded Music 2:00-WNBCCatholle Hour: Rev. Joseph WMCANews: Recorded Music WORCommittee on the Present II: /5- w;s: ..3CClifton Utley. Comments WJZRadio Bible Class 10:00-WNBCNatlonal Radio Pulpit: Lukas Manton; Providence Diocese Choir WNYCChamber Music Time 7:05-WQXRFirst Performances WCHSNews; Chariot Wheels 9:00-WNBCWorld News Round-Up Dr. Ralph W. Sockman WMCANews: Record Shop WOROnly HumanSidney Fields' WNEWFrance Calling 7:15-WMGMRecorded Music: News Danger: Under-Secretary of State WJZThoughts In Passing %YMCANews: Breakfast at Eight WJZDr. Donald Bamhouse WORNews Reports WNYCMtdday Symphony WJZThis Week at Home (Premiere) WQXRThe New York Times News 7:30-WNBCPhil Harris-Alice Fay Will Clayton WCBSElmo RoperTalk WNYCGumdrop Playhouse WORNews Reports WJZMessage of Israel: Rabbi Ariel WINSRecorded Music WNYCBrooklyn Museum Concert WMGMRecorded Music WORJuvenile Jury WJZAlbum of Familiar Music II:30-WNBCNews: Art of Living; Dr, WINSLight and Life Hour WCBSWorld News Round-UP Goldburg of Richmond, Va. WNEWVaudeville Isn't Dead WNEWDisk Jockey Jury 1:05-WQXRThe Concert Hall WJZTed Mack Family Hour WCBSHorace Heidt Show NOrman Vincent Peale WNEWThe Living Bible WMCANews: Music WCBSChurch of the Air: Dr. Roy WQXRThe New York Times News WMGMNews: Warm-up Time 5:25-WNBCRobert Trout, Comments WC33SAmos 'n' AndyComedy WHEWNews: You and the W ORWea ther; Anthony Orchestra WMGMBrookdaie Baptist Church WNYCMasterwork Hour L. Smith. Guest 12:15-WQXRSymphonlc Varieties 1VQXRThe New York Times News 5:30-WNBCMr. and Mrs. Blandings, WINSBellerose Baptist Church Kefauver Hearings: Dr. Dichtcr ' WJZYouth United Awards: Justics WQXRThe New York Times News WINSThe Chosen People WMCANews: Music 12:30-WNBCEternal Light: The Image of2:05-WQXRClassics Concert With Cary Grant and Betsy Dralu WHEWNews: Recorded Music WEVDSoclal Democratic Forum: George J. Behlock 8:05-WQXRBreakfast Symphony WMGMRecorded Music WMGMRadio Bible Class Man 2: l5-WMGNIRecorded Music WORTrue Detective Mysteries WMGMThat They Might See World Labor and Democracy. Leo WCBSHenry Jerome Orchestra - 8:15-WNBCAll Aboard for Adventure WQXRThe New York Times News WINSNews: Music WORNews Reports 2425-WMGMBaseball: Dodgers vs. WJZThe Greatest Story Ever Told7:45-WNEWSports, Jimmy Powers Baraekowitz, Morris Makin, August WINSHealing Waters WORBing Crosby Records 9:05-WQXRBreakf eat Symphony WQXRThe New York Times News WCBSWorld Affairs Report Boston Braves. at Miami "Rise UP and Walk" WQXRThe Price of Peace Claessens il:45-1VNBCDance

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