Publications year: 2005 1. Apostolovska, G., Ivanova, V., Borisov, G., Bilkina B., CCD of Asteroids at Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory from 2001 to 2003, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 314-322 2. Apostolovska, G. Bilkina, B., Observations of the Comet Machholz 2004 Q2, MPC 53603- 53604, 24 Feb. 2005. 3. Bachev, R., Strigachev, A., Semkov, E., Short-term optical variability of high-redshift QSO's, 2005, MNRAS, 358, 774-780 4. Bode, M., Zamanov, R., Marchant, J., O'Brien, T. J., V2361 Cygni, 2005, IAUC, .No. 8511 5. Budding, E., Bakis, V., Erdem, A., Demircan, O., Iliev, L., Iliev, I., Slee, O. B., Multi-Facility Study of the Algol-Type Binary Delta Librae, 2005, Ap&SS, 296, 371-389 6. van Cauteren, P., Lampens, P., Robertson, C. W., Strigachev, A., Search for intrinsic variable stars in three open clusters: NGC 1664, NGC 6811, NGC 7209, 2005, Co. Ast., 146, 21-32 7. Dechev, M., Duchlev, P., Koleva, K., Kokotanekova, J., Petrov, N., Publ. Astron. Soc. R. Bo? kovi?, 2005, 5, 145-152 8. Dechev, M., Duchlev, P. Koleva, K. Petrov, N., Helical internal structures in eruptive prominences, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20 245-252 9. Dimitrov, D. P., Panov, K. P., The flare activity of YZ CMi in 1999 – 2004, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 214-217 10. Dimitrov, D. P., Panov, K. P., Long-term photometric investigation of FK Com, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 218-223 11. Djurasevic, G. Dimitrov, D., Arbutina, B. Albayrak, B., Selam, S. O., A study of close binary system EE Cet, 2005, Mem Soc. Astron. It. 7, 168. 12. Duchlev, P., Koleva, K., Dechev, M., Kokotanekova, J., Petrov, N., Dynamic characteristics of three eruptive prominences, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 159-165 13. Dumitrescu, A., Suran, M., Iliev, L., Tudose, V., Eclipsing binary system V376 And; observations and solutions, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 238-243 14. Georgiev, T. B., Stanchev, O. I., Modeling and decomposition of profiles of edge-on galaxies using Sersic formula, 2005, Bul. J. Phys, 32, 65-79 15. Georgiev, T. B., Representation of the convex radial profiles of the galactic disks by meansof the Sersic formula. The galaxies M 31, M 33, LMC, SMC and M 83, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 29-45 16. Georgiev, T., Georgiev, I., Koleva, N, Nedialkov, P, Stanchev, O., Decomposition of the brightness profiles of 20 galaxies, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 145-152 17. Georgiev, T. B., The radial brightness profiles of the galactic disks, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 131-137 Publications year: 2005 18. Georgiev, T., Georgiev, I., Koleva, N., Nedialkov, P., Stanchev, O, Analysis of the color- magnitude diagrams of the dwarf galaxies UGCA 105 and UGCA 86, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20,119-127 19. Georgiev, Ts. B.; Stanchev, O. I., Decomposition of profiles of galaxies with convex disk shapes 2005, Publications of the Astronomical Society "Rudjer Boskovic", 5, 175-182 20. Ilic, D., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K., Tsvetkov, M., Popovic, L. C., Observations of Mrk 817 in Narrow Spectral Bands: Preliminary Results, 2005, Publ. Astron. Society R. Boskovic, 5, 183-186 21. Iliev, I. Kh., Fevnovcik, M., Budaj, J., Barzova, I., High-resolution spectroscopy at Rozhen: Hunt for SB2 marks in the spectra of Am binaries, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 170- 176 22. Iliev, I. Kh., Stateva, I., Paunzen, E., Barzova, I. Paschen lines survey of Lambda Bootis type stars, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 166-169 23. Ivanova, V., Bonev, T., Apostolovska, G., Borisov, G., Bilkina, B,. Krumov V., Using the 50/70 Schmidt telescope at the National Astronomical Observatory-Rozhen for observations of asteroids, 2005, Rom. Astr. J. Supp., 15, 155-159 24. Johnson, J. A., Winn, J. N., Rampazzi, F., Barbieri, C., Mito H., Tarusawa, K., Tsvetkov, M., Borisova, A., Meusinger, H., The History of the Mysterious Eclipses of KH 15D. II. Asiago, Kiso, Kitt Peak, Mount Wilson, Palomar, Tautenburg, and Rozhen Observatories, 1954-1997, 2005, AJ, 129, 1978-1984 25. Jockers, K., S. Szutowicz, G. Villanueva, N. Kiselev, T. Bonev, P. Hartogh, Gas and dust in Comet 2P/Encke observed in the visual and submillimeter wavelength ranges, 2005, Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel Supplement, 5, 458-464 26. Jockers, K., Kiselev, N., Bonev, T., Rosenbush, V., Shakhovskoy, N., Kolesnikov, S., Efimov, Y., Shakhovskoy, D., Antonyuk K., CCD imaging and aperture polarimetry of comet 2P/Encke: are there two polarimetric classes of comets?, 2005. A&A, 441, 773-782 27. Kalinkov, M., Valchanov, T., Valtchanov, I., Kuneva, I., Dissanska, M., Rotation of the cluster of galaxies A2107, 2005, MNRAS, 359, 1491 28. Kaeufl, H.-U., Bonev, T., Boehnhardt, H., Fernandez, Y. R., Lisse, C., Pre-Impact Mid-IR and Optical Observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1, 2005, Earth Moon and Planets, 97, 331-339 29. Kaufl, H.-U., Ageorges, N., Bagnulo, S., Barrera, L., B?hnhardt, H., Bonev, T., Hainaut, O., Jehin, E., Kerber, F., Locurto, G., Manfroid, J., Marco, O., Pantin, E., Pompei, E., Saviene, I., Selman, F., Sterken, C., Rauer, H., Tozzi, G. P. M., Deep Impact at ESO Telescopes, 2005, The Messenger, 121, 11-16 30. Kaeufl, H. U., Bonev, T., Boenhardt, H., Fernandez, Y., R. Lisse C., Comet 9P/Tempel. 2005, IAUCircular, 8539 31. Kirilova, D. Panayotova, M., Cosmological constraints on neutrino oscillations for initially non- Publications year: 2005 zero sterile state, 2005, Publ. Astron. Soc. Rudjer Boskovic, 5, 201-207 32. Kirilova, D. Valchanov T., Early Universe Baryogenesis, 2005, Publ. Astron. Soc. Rudjer Boskovic, 5, 209-214 33. Kirilova, D., Panayotova, M., General BBN constraints on neutrino oscillations, 2005, Non- accelerator astroparticle physics, eds. A. Carrigan, G. Giacomelli, N. Paver, World Scientific, p.301 . 34. Kirilova, D., Valchanov, T., On Scalar Condensate Baryogenesis Model, Non-accelerator astroparticle physics, 2005, eds. A. Carrigan, G. Giacomelli, N. Paver, World Scientific, p.302 35. Kirilova, D. General Cosmological Constraints on Neutrino Oscillations - Relaxed or Strengthened, 2005, 6th Internationl Symposium on Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics, eds. B. Sidharth, F. Honsell, A. De Angelis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 5 pages 36. Kirilova, D., Cosmological Constraints on Neutrino Oscillations, 2005, Proc. of Manev International Conference on Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Astronomy, Theoretical and Gravitational Physics, 20-22 May, 2004, Sofia, Haron Press Ltd., Sofia, 228-238 37. Kolev, N., Tatarov, B., Grigorieva, V., Donev, E., Simeonov, P., Umlensky, V., Kaprielov, B., Kolev, I.,: Aerozol lidar and in situ ozone observations of the planetary boundary layer over Bulgaria during the Solar eclipse of 11 August 1999, 2005, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26, 16, 3567-3584 38. Koleva, K., Duchlev, P., Kokotanekova, J., Dechev, M., An activity pattern of AR NOAA 9026 during the last half of its evolution, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 253-257 39. Komitov B., 2005 Sun, Climate and Their Changes in Time, Nauka, No.6 p. 28-39 (in Bulgarian) 40. Konstantinova-Antova, R. K., Antov, A. P., Zhilyaev, B. E., Verlyuk, I. A., Romaniuk, Ya. O., Svyatogorov, O. A., Avgoloupis, S. Seiradakis, J. H., Contadakis, M. E., The Flare Activity of V390 Aur: First Results of an International Collaboration, 2005, Astron. Nachrichten, 326, 38-42 41. Konstantinova-Antova, R. K., Schroeder, K.-P., Ivanov, M. M., Antov, A. P., Kolev, D. Z., OP And – an active single giant with evidence for mass loss, 2005, Proc. 13th Cambridge Workshop Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, eds. Favata and Hussain, ESA Publication Division, 715- 718 42. Kopchev, V., Nedjalkov, P., Petrov, G., Age determination of open star clusters King 14 and NGC 146, 2005, Comp. Ren. Acad. Bul. Sci., 58, p.1363 43. Kostov, A., Krumov, V., Bilkina, B., Ivanova V., Observations of the Comet Mashholz Q2, MPC 53928-53929, 7 April 2005. 44. Kostov, A., Bilkina, B., Observations of the Comet 9P/Tempel 1: Observations of the Comet 9P/ Tempel 1, MPC 54143-54144, 23 May 2005. 45. Kostov, A., Ivanova, V., Bilkina, B., Observations of Comets. MPC 54661 (54693), 22 Aug. 2005. Publications year: 2005 46. Krumov, V., Kostov, A., Apostolovska, G., Bilkina, B., Ivanova V., “Follow up” observations of NEOs, MPC 53630, 2 Feb. 2005. 47. Markov, H., Spatially dependent errors in stellar photometry. I. Quantitative approach, 2005, Bul. J. Phys., 32(1), 51-58 48. Markov, H., Spatially dependent errors in stellar photometry. II. Quantitative approach, 2005, Bul. J. Phys., 32(1), 59-64 49. Markov, H., Towards improving the quality of stellar photometry- spatially dependent errors in stellar magnitudes, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 171-175 50. Markova, N., Markov, H., Mass-loss and wind momentum rates of hot luminous stars. The effects of wind clumping and variability in Galactic O-type stars, 2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 20, 230-237 51. Markova, N., Puls, J., Scudery, S., Markov. H. Bright OB stars in the Galaxy. II Wind variability in O supergiants as traced by Halpha, 2005, A&A, 440, 1133-1151 52. Meech, K. J., Ageorges, N., A'Hearn, M. F., … , Bonev, T, et al., Deep Impact: Observations from a Worldwide Earth-Based Campaign. 2005, Science, 310, 265-269. 53. Mendeva, B. D., Gogosheva, Ts. N., Petkov, B. H., Krastev, D. G., The total ozone and UV solar radiation over Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2005, Adv. in Space Research, 35(8), 1366-1368 54. Mendeva, B. D., Gogosheva, Ts. N., Krastev, D. G., Petkov, B. H., Dynamics of the atmospheric ozone over Stara Zagora. 2005, Eleventh International Science Conference Solar-Terrestrial Influences, Sofia, Bulgaria, November 23-25, p.77-79 . 55. Micha?owski, T., Kaasalainen, M., Marciniak, A., Denchev, P., Kwiatkowski, T., Kryszczy? ska, A., Hirsch, R., Velichko, F.
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