r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 18 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 16.2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Football parking options reduced Tradition, Summer construction eliminates 1,700 change are spots for tailgaters; shuttles will transport that held about 1, 700 vehicles. e111phasis By MARY KATE MALONE Blue Field south, also home to Nt•ws Writer soccer fields, was located just south of Edison Hoad. at SMC Tho tons of thousands of foot­ As a result, fans hoping to ball fans nxpnetnd for park there on Saturday will be Saturday's ganw will bn gmetod encouraged to park in White by I, 700 fownr parking spaces Fjeld north, located north of By MEGAN O'NEIL for tlwir vPhiclns than in past Douglas Road and west of Saint Mary's Editor ynars. Juniper Road. Al"tnr a summnr of campus "We're providing plenty of In her first Statn of' tlw School constrw~tion, a major four-lane parking areas in White Field address Thursday, Saint Mary's roadway- Edison Hoad- now north," said Phil Johnson, GEOFF MATTESONfThe Observer student body president Knllyn runs through Blun Fifdd south, Blue Field south, a popular tailgating spot, no longer serves Mitros reflected on significant a favoritn spot for tailgaters see PARKING/page 4 football fans, who are encouraged to park in White Aeld north. physical and administrative changes the College has recently undnrgone and outlined hnr administration's goals for thn coming months. Speaking to 40 people - ND, SMC seek money to grow largely student government olli­ cers and administrators - in I.e Mans llall's Stapleton loungn, Mitros pointnd out that Sept. 15 NO eager to build Construction at SMC is the anniversary of the limnd­ ing of the Congregation of' tho new residence halls will wait for funding Sisters of the lloly Cross. It was with their "strength" and "dedi­ By MADDIE HANNA By LAURA BAUMGARTNER cation to their faith" that four A.~sociate News Ediror News Writer French sisters were able to make Saint Mary's a reality 150 Tlw recent trends of forced Following a nearly oight­ years ago, Mitros said. frnshman tripll1s and crowded year period of development "We aro privilegnd to be hern ~~onvnrtnd study lounges will that saw Saint Mary's build a at sud1 a time as this," Mitros liknly soon b11comn a chapter in new dining hall, student cen­ said. "Our college campus is Notrn Dame's rnsirlfmcn hall ter, on-campus apartments !-,'Towing at an incredible rate - history. as a capital campaign and other improvnments, the our nnw dining hall. Opus will lwgin in 2006 to raise College has halted all remain­ Apartments and tho Student rnonoy for building nnw dorms, ing construction on its Master Center arn all nnw additions dur­ Univ11rsity oflidals said. Plan until it can raise morn ing my college earner." Construction on the four pro­ funding, officials said. But Mit.ros said the building posnd halls, to lw locatnd east Saint Mary's will not break progrnss on campus is not donn. or Knott and Pasqunrilla East ground on new projects - The Collng1~ master plan indudns aftnr thl1 r.losing or Juniper which range from a nnw a new academic building, whid1 Hoad. will dl'pend on how classroom building and multi­ will bn underway in a few y111U'S. quickly tlw Univnrsity finds a purpose center to a se1:ond Mitros also toudwd on what b11rwractor willing to und!1r­ on-campus apartment com­ has long bnnn onn of Saint writn tho projnet, Vice plex - until 100 percent of' Mary's biggest ehallnngns­ l'rt1SidPnt or Student Affairs costs are pledged and 75 per­ enrollnwnt. Fatlwr Mark Poorman said. cent are held in eash, said "The number of students in tlw "It's dil"licult lo predkt whnn Laurin Stickelmainr, vice first year class has exceeded hall 1:onstruction will start." president for finance and expndations and we snem to lm Poorman ~aid. "(;ivnn thn cur­ administration. expnri1mdng growth as a com­ rent ovorrrowding. it is my "While we arn happy with munity." Mitros said. hope that wn will begin eon- FRANCESCA SETAfThe Observer the results of the Master Plan, She exprnss11d conlidnnen - Welsh Family Hall, above, is among Notre Dame's newest see DORMS/page 6 dorms. The University is seeking funds to build more dorms. see PLAN/page 9 sec ADDRESS/page 4 Weis fund wristbands The Shirt provokes controversy Students, alumni popular, help unsure debate importance charity, named after the Weis' By JACK THORNTON By MADDIE HANNA daughter llannah, who was Associate News Editor Nt·w,Wrirt·r born with global devnloprnent delays. STRAI Following a trnnd lirst popu­ While LiveStrong guarantees A big question that has pro­ larized by l.anco Armstrong's 1()() pnrc~ent or its proceeds will voked anticipation, suspense NASTY l.iveStrong Campaign, tho gold bennfit caneer research. the and spneulation will bn ltllSH FOOTBALL 2008 wristbands c:rPattHI to raisn paekagn of the llannah and answnred. Saturday- and it's nHinny and awarnn11ss for Frionds wristband indicates not about the football team's llannah and Frionds - the that only a portion of the $2 performance. nonprolit foundation l'omwd by purchase will benefit the It's about what students will football eoaeh Charlin Wois and llannah and Friends be wearing in the stands at his wil'o Maura - arn rising in Foundation. tho Irish home opener. 1:ampus nxposure. Hannah and Friends execu­ Although this year's Shirt But ambiguity remains about tive director Kevin Kaplan said sales arn stronger than the FRANCESCA SETAfThe Observer just how much of the wrist­ A student poses In an alternative to The Shirt, which bands' mst goos directly to the see BANDS/page 9 see SHIRT/page 8 some students have bought Instead of this year's design. ~ ~ ----~------.. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Friday, September 16, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO GET READY FOR SATURDAY'S GAME? College: a box of... Brace yourself for another fresh­ man writing about his first few weeks of college. Don't worry- I Rick Loesing Matt Smith Claire Murphy Moser James Papier Brian Camus promise it won't be boring. I'll admit it's a bizarre column. However, you sophomore sophomore sophomore sophomore sophomore may find it uplift- Stanford St. Ed's PE Keenan Stanford ing. Peter Back in the 70s, Ninneman when my dad "Looking for "Looking for a "Avoiding the "Crossing my "Working at roamed this great this Mike shirt that isn't power-trippin ' fingers and Burger King. " campus of ours, Wire Editor Hopkinson SBPD." practicing with there existed a few the color twisted individuals. character. " [yellow]." the marching You see, these two guys really did­ band." n't like a kid down the hall from them. To imagine the amount of animosi­ ty that must have existed between these people would be like sympa­ thizing with Jesus' pain on the cross -it's impossible. Christmas break rolls around, and what do these chaps send their enemy on the day Jesus was born? A IN BRIEF nicely wrapped shoebox full of their excrement, that's what. The football pep rally will be Now, you're probably asking your­ held today at 6 p.m. in the Joyce self why I bring up this box of fecal Center Arena. Doors will open matter. It's really ·quite simple. It pro­ at 5:15. vides a meaningful metaphor for the college experience. Fiddler's Hearth is hosting a Picture this: You and your Notre "halfway to St. Patrick's Day" Dame family - which as a freshman Irish Fest today through Sept. I can only assume exists - are all 23 to raise money for the Red gathered around the gold-covered Cross Hurricane Relief Fund. Christmas tree that is our school's Irish bands The Springs, The most recognizable building. Bardic Apostles, The Fenians, Around this giant tree are innu­ Teada, Brock McGuire and local merable gifts: football games, band Kennedy's Kitchen will friends, parties, dorm masses, pep perform. Fiddler's Hearth is rallies, the Grotto, gigantic squirrels located in downtown South Bend and the sun reflecting off the Golden at 127 N. Main. For tickets and Dome. The list could really go on and information, call 232-2853. on, but I'll spare you. So here we are, all happy little chil­ The firth annual Saturday dren beaming with joy as we unwrap Scholar Series will begin at 11 our gifts. Meanwhile, one gift is a.m. this Saturday in the looming in the background. Picture Hesburgh Center. History pro­ storm clouds billowing above it. fessor Linda Przybyszewski will As the weeks progress, that one give a lecture entitled package starts to get smellier and FRANCESCA SETA/The Observer "Catholics, Concubines and the smellier. Have you guessed what this Dillion representative "Crackhead" smashes a plate over his head at the dorm's annual Constitution." magnificent gift is? pep rally Thursday. The event, which ended early due to inclement weather, featured origi­ It takes the form of tests, papers, nal skits and appearances by football coach Charlie Weis and quarterback Brady Quinn. Flipside will be showing the quizzes, assignmenls, projects, lec­ movie "Rudy" at 9 p.m. today tures, late night cramming, reading on North Quad. assignments, presentations, dead­ lines and study groups. OFFBEAT "The Longest Yard" will be And boy does it smell rank. shown in 101 DeBartolo Hall on Now, this is going to sound like a Sheep star in online reali­ with each other. three to five miles daily - Saturday at 4:30p.m.
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