Випуск # 15 / 2018 ЕКОНОМІКА І СУСПІЛЬСТВО UDC 629.73:330.322(477) Investment challenges harmonization in the Ukraine aviation transport industry Naumova N.H. PhD, Associate Professor, Zaporizhzhya National University Nikolaievska A.O. Student, Zaporizhzhya National University The article is focused on the interdisciplinary analyses of the investment challenges in the Ukrainian aviation transport industry, the essence of which is constantly being changed in the process of professional communication. The possibility of harmonized discourse functioning is rooted down into the history of its research. The harmonization process has been traced as the balance of investment possibilities, their distinctions have been identified, function- ing has been analysed and the influence of both managerial and financial factors on the communication harmoniza- tion level in the cross-cultural professional discourse has been estimated. Keywords: aviation transport, low-cost airlines, joint venture, professional discourse, harmonization, invest- ments, cost management. Наумова Н.Г., Ніколаєвська А.О. ГАРМОНІЗАЦІЯ ІНВЕСТИЦІЙНИХ ВИКЛИКІВ СУЧАСНОЇ АВІАТРАНСПОРТНОЇ ГАЛУЗІ УКРАЇНИ Статтю присвячено міждисциплінарному аналізу інвестиційних викликів сьогодення, природа яких постій- но змінюється в процесі професійної комунікації в сучасній авіатранспортній галузі України. Дискусії з приводу ефективного розкриття інвестиційного потенціалу зазначеної сфери фахової діяльності мають своє історичне коріння. Визначення особливостей гармонізації як приведення у рівновагу інвестиційних можливостей разом із способами їхнього використання тягне за собою цілу низку питань організаційного та фінансового характе- ру, вирішенню яких і присвячена стаття. Ключові слова: авіатранспорт, бюджетні авіалінії, спільне підприємство, фаховий дискурс, гармонізація, інвестиції, управління витратами. Наумова Н.Г., Николаевская А.А. ГАРМОНИЗАЦИЯ ИНВЕСТИЦИОННЫХ ВЫЗОВОВ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ АВИАТРАНСПОРТНОЙ ОТРАСЛИ УКРАИНЫ Статья посвящена комплексному междисциплинарному выявлению инвестиционных особенностей со- временной авиатранспортной отрасли Украины, суть которых постоянно меняется в процессе профессио- нальной коммуникации. Дискуссии относительно эффективного использования инвестиционного потенци- ала указанной сферы профессиональной деятельности имеют свое историческое развитие. Определение особенностей гармонизации как приведение в равновесие инвестиционных возможностей одновременно с указанием способов их применения определяет решение целого ряда вопросов организационного и финан- сового характера, решение которых и предлагается в данной статье. Ключевые слова: авиатранспорт, бюджетные авиалинии, совместное предприятие, профессиональный дискурс, гармонизация, инвестиции, управление затратами. Aviation transport is the most promising for carry out the shipment of goods and passengers the development of the interaction of the state from international routes. and business in the economy, because it is the As transport is one of the most important youngest and therefore more flexible to the use components of the economic system of Ukraine, of modern market instruments and schemes. its linear functioning should be considered as Aviation serves practically all points of the basic for the formation and development of mar- globe and the main task of the industry is to ket relations. It is worth mentioning that the air- ensure the rapid and sustainable development line market has the fastest growth rates from of aviation and infrastructure, adapt existing all modes of transport in the world, due to the capacities to new opportunities for their opera- increased mobility of the population, the devel- tion. On air routes, parallel to the international opment of national and international tourism, transport corridors and the most important air the growth of business activity of enterprises. In transport destinations, the largest airports that such conditions, the problem of assessing the РОЗВИТОК ПРОДУКТИВНИХ СИЛ І РЕГІОНАЛЬНА ПРОДУКТИВНИХ ЕКОНОМІКА РОЗВИТОК © Naumova N.H., Nikolaievska A.O. 535 МУКАЧІВСЬКИЙ ДЕРЖАВНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ state and prospects of the development of trans- Donetsk and Simferopol, when the national econ- portations that become leaders in the market is omy is still below the pre-crisis level. actualized. Traditionally, the largest passenger traffic A significant contribution to the scientific sub- was serviced by the Ukrainian International stantiation of investment activity and the main Airline (UIA) – its indicators grew by 24.6% issues of the operation and development of avi- (absolute figures are not disclosed). Azur Air ation companies covered in the writings of such Ukraine increased passenger traffic by 13%, researchers as A. Cento, V. Pavlov, О. Аrefieva, WindroseAirlines – by 44.1%. These airlines M. Semenova, I. Miagkykh, N. Kasianova, etc. are the leaders of Ukrainian air transport mar- The purpose of the article is to study and ket and provide 95% passenger air transpor- describe the characteristics of the current state tation [1]. of the air transport market in Ukraine, as well as Commercial flights of domestic and foreign to determine its investment potential. airlines serves by 19 Ukrainian airports and According to the statistics for 2016, Ukrainian airfields. According to the results of 2016, the airlines made 79.5 thousand commercial flights number of sent and arrived aircraft amounted (by 2015 – 66.3 thousand flights). The number to 133.2 thousand (compared with 120.7 thou- of passengers carried increased by 31.3 percent sand in 2015). Commodity exchanges increased compared to 2015 and amounted to 8.3 million. by 24.7 percent and amounted to 42.9 thou- The volumes of cargo and mail traffic increased by sand tons [1]. It should be noted that today 5.2 percent and amounted to 74.3 thousand tons. about 98 percent of total passenger traffic and In 2016, the volume of passenger traffic in postal traffic flows are concentrated in 7 major Ukraine increased 20.9 percent compared to airports – Boryspil, Kyiv Sikorsky Airport (former 2015, according to the State Aviation Agency. “Zhulyany”), Odessa, Lviv, Kharkiv, Dnipropetro- The services of Ukrainian airlines were used by vsk and Zaporizhzhya (Figure 2). 4.9 million passengers – almost the same num- Borispol airport due to the successful imple- ber flew in pre-crisis 2013. mentation of the chosen ‘hub’ development strat- As the positive dynamics shows (see Fig- egy achieved growth in the number of passen- ure 1), the primarily result for the development gers served by 18.8 percent compared to the year of the international air transport sector are 2015. The growth of passenger traffic took place impressive. in another Kyiv Sikorsky (former “Zhulyany”) cap- Taken into account the fact that Ukraine de ital airport (by 19.4 percent), as well as in almost facto has lost two of the largest regional airports – all regional airports of Ukraine [1]. Dynamics of passenger transportation by aviation transport of Ukraine, thousands of people 9000 8106,3 8110,4 8277,9 8000 7504,8 7475,4 6820,9 6900,3 6475,2 7000 6106,5 6328,5 6304,3 5828,6 5679,6 6000 5131,1 5144,3 5000 4135,9 Всього 4000 Міжнародні Внутрішні 3000 2000 1285,4 995,2 962,2 1176,3 1210,1 646,6 624,7 802,5 1000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Figure 1 536 Випуск # 15 / 2018 ЕКОНОМІКА І СУСПІЛЬСТВО The share of the leading Ukrainian airports in the total passenger transportation volumes 80% 67% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 9% 8% 6% 10% 4% 2% 2% 2% 0% Figure 2 Despite positive indicators, the leaders of crisis, inflation significantly affects the income of the Ukrainian aviation market can not boast of a consumers. Profit maximization airlines must be new fleet. The average age of the aircraft fleet of achieved at the expense of affordable pricing on Ukrainian airlines is approaching 19 years and at the flights, which will increase passenger traffic the moment is 18.46 years. In particular, the UIA [4, p.114]. As a consequence, it is necessary to has an average fleet age of 12.97 years, Wind reduce the cost of an air transport product. Also Rose – 15 years. The leaders of European avia- cost restructuring should involve short-term cost tion fleet is somewhat younger. So the average reduction in order to conserve cash and supply age of Lufthansa's boards is 11,3 years, British with constrained demand [5, p. 26]. Airways – 12,7 years, Air France – 11,8 years, Тhe ticket price is affected by the terms of KLM – 11,3 years [2]. sale, сlass of service, season, time to buy a In 2016 the Governmental program of airports ticket, ability to replace departure and return development till 2023 was approved with the dates, a ticket is purchased in one or two sides, targets: 1) to create a single state company to time of stay at the point of attachment. manage airports infrastructure; 2) to double the The cost of the ticket consists of two compo- passenger flow increase till 2023 [3]. nents: fare and airport charges. Fare ticket – a The main problem of the Ukrainian air trans- variable that depends on loading a particular port market is monopolization. It has led to the flight, season and other factors. establishment of high prices for the services of air Airport charges are a constant value. Each carriers. The civil aviation in Europe is one of the collection fee, tax and surcharge are used to off- cheapest modes of transport: the cost of a ticket set the costs of various structures for organizing varies within the range of 1-45 euros. In Ukraine, the entire spectrum
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