VOLUt1E 18 K'JAJJlLEI~J ATOLL, W\RSHALL ISLANDS, THURSDI\Y, J/\NUARY 8, 1981 NO 5 WORLD NEWS BRIEfS (AP) -- A maJor power fallure h1t Salt Lake Clty Christopher Hurries To today, cutt1ng off electrlc1ty throughout the C1ty and lnterruptlng some phone serV1ce Traff1c 11ghts on street corners went out, as d1d electrlcal 11ghts Algeria For Hostage Talks and f1xtures 1n bU1ld1ngs. The outage may be state­ w1de A spokesman for Utah Power and Llght says the ALGIERS, Alqerla (UPI) -- The Unlted States, In a race agalnst the clock, cause of the power fallure lS unknown The utlllty gave Algerla today ltS posslbly flnal answer for Iran In a move almed at serves all of Utah, and parts of Wyomlng, Idaho and brlnglng home from Tehran the 52 Amerlcan hostages and allowlng Presldent Car­ Nevada ter to step down from offlce Jan 20 after solvlng hlS country's maln forelgn *** cnS1S (AP) -- Former Wlsconsln Senator Gaylord Nelson After an overnlght dash across the Atlantlc organlzed at the last moment, today accused Interlor Secretary-deslgnate James Deputy Secretary of State Warren Chrlstopher expla1ned the Carter admlnlstra­ Watt of USlng the same code words and technlques tlon's stand to Algerlan Forelgn Mlnlster Mohammed Benyahla who, dlplomats as dedlcated antl-conservatlonlsts Nelson, who sald, dlspatched lt he 1ped c\'eate Earth Day. testl fl ed at Watt's Senate promptly on to Tehran conflrmatlon hearlng on behalf of the W1lderness Carter Urges 22.3 Percent Armed only wlth POS1- Foundatlon tlon papers and carrYlng *** no other luggage, Chrls­ (AP) -- A federal Judge has ordered the OhlO Boost In federal Salaries top her sped to the For­ Board of Educatlon to plck up part of the cost of WASHINGTON (UPI) -- In a move backed by Ronald elgn Mlnlstry meetlng desegregatlng Columbus schools wlth the local dlS­ Reagan, Pres1dent Carter Wednesday recommended a from Houarl Boumedlenne trlct Today's declslon could have an lmpact on 22.3 percent salary 1ncrease for the Cab1net, fed­ Alrfleld behlnd pollce Slmllar cases throughout the state The Clty school eral Judges and most top U S offlclals outrlders, over con­ board had askfd the court to order the state to "If the federal government lS to meet success­ gested hlghways, walV­ pay costs of lmplement1ng a cltywlde plan, contend­ fully the enormous challenqe lt faces ln these dlf­ lng a brlef rest perlod lng that the board could not afford lt flcult tlmes, lt must be able to attract and retaln at the embassy resldence *** men and women of outstandlng ablllty and experlence as has been hlS hablt (AP) -- Thf Berkeley, Callf chapter of the NAACP for ltS hlghest posts," durlng hlS preVlOUS has expressed concern that Clty schools are be com- Carter sa1d Reagan Plans negotlatlng trlps to 109 lncreaslngly 1mbalanced raclally Berkeley was Carter's recommenda­ thlS seaslde capltal the fnst Clty In the natlon to lntegrate schools tlon to boost the top Dlplomatlc sources voluntarlly by buslng That was In 1968 federal salarles wlll Across-The-Board sald blg money was at *** be lncluded ln hlS last stake -- the amount of NEW DELHI, Indla (UPI) -- The Sovlet-backed federal budget to be Cuts In Spending funds the Unlted States Afghan government passed a mllltary draft law to submltted to Congress WASHINGTON (UPI) -­ was prepared to put on brlng younger blood lnto the army to crush Moslem on Jan 15 -- flve days Presldent-elect Ronald a blocked Algerlan Cen­ lnsurgents, Rddlo Kabul sald today before hlS departure Reagan sald today he wlll tal Bank account as The Afghan army has been rlddled wlth defectlons from offl ce tackle the natlon's budg­ guarantee agalnst an Slnce the Sovlet lnvaSlon Many Afghan soldlers Carter announced he etary problems by maklng ultlmate settlement of desert wlth then weapons and JOln the rebels The 1S recommendlng an lm­ across-the-board cuts ln mutual flnanClal grlev­ defectlons arE so numerous that the Russlans have medlate 16 8 percent federal spendlng ances Also, the Alger­ stopped provH!lng them wlth SOphlstlcated arms lncrease 1n salar1es Reagan was quest10ned lans -- who have been *** He recommends that be by reporters outslde the actlng as lntermedlarles ROME (UPI) -- Members of a small left-wlng pOllt­ followed on Oct 1 by government resldence, In the drawn-out con­ lcal party npgotlated wlth lmpr1soned members of another 5 5 percent Blalr House, as he headed fllCt -- wanted to d1S­ the Red Brlgades today In hopes of wlnnlng thelr boost to be glven to for the State Department cuss remalnlng ground support for the release of a hlgh ranklng Justlce all federal employees for hlS flrst meetlng rules that would be put Mlnlstry offl<lal kldnapped by the urban terror The pay boosts would wlth hlS full Cablnet lnto effect, allowlng gang last month hlke Cablnet salarles "We're gOlng to start Iran to recover at least The talks tetween four Parllament members of from $69,630 to $84,000, whlttllng at It,'' sald some funds lmpounded by the Radlcal Party and the Red Bngades lnmates In and congress10nal sal­ Reagan when asked how he Washlngton whlle settlng the maXlmum securlty prlson at Tranl, 195 mlles arles from $60,662 to would handle the reported free the 52 Amerlcan southeast of Rome, came a day after lmprlsoned mem­ $74,000 $60 bllllon budget defl­ captlves bers of the gang at two other Jalls called for The pres1dent sald Clt thlS year After relectlng as the release of Glovannl d'Urso, the Justlce Mlnlstry He was asked lf he has totally unreasonable 1n a statement the 1n- Iran's orlglnal request penal expert ~ldnapped by the urban guerrlllas creases are necessary speclflc areas In mlnd Dec 12 because of the grow1ng "Across-the-board," for $24 bllllon as the *** gap between prlme exec­ replled Reagan, who had "ransom" to be pa1d for MANILA, Ph111pplnes (UPI) -- Japanese Prlme utlve salarles and trled such cuts durlng the hostages, the flg­ Mlnlster Zenko SUZUkl, 19norlng a post-war tradl­ those of top pos1tlons hlS flrst term as Call­ ure was reported to tlon of new leaders vlsltlng the Unlted States 1n the three branches fornla governor, but had have been gradually nar­ flrst, flew to Manlla today to tell hlS nelghbors of the federal govern­ to abandon the plan when rowed down to anywhere Japan does not wlsh to become a mllltary power In ment leglslators and advlsers from $8 to $12 bllllon, ASla "If thlS gap contln­ told hlm lt would not In the Algerlan-managed In hlS flrst round of talks wlth Presldent ues to wlden," Carter work negotlatlons, accordlng Ferdlnand E Marcos shortly after hlS arrlval, sa1d, "government ser­ At the State Depart­ to reports clrculatlng SUZUkl explalned Japan's defense POllCY, WhlCh has Vlce wlll be so un at­ ment, Reagan was met by here come under recent crltlclsm from Washlngton tractlve that lncreas- Secretary of State Edmund Bowlng to the U S *** 1ng numbers of the best Muskle and Secretary of request for the hasty TOKYO (UPI) -- The worst bllzzard to hlt Japan quallf1ed wlll refuse State-deslgnate Alexander conference the Algerlan ln 18 years, has dumped 11 feet of snow, clalmed at to serve" Halg forelgn mlnlster put least 33 llves and destroyed scores of homes, A Wh1te House offl­ Also at the meet1ng off a scheduled trlp to authorltles sald today clal sa1d Carter were Senate Republlcan Tunls untll late today Offlclals also sald land trafflc ln the most af­ cleared the pay lncrease Leader Howard Baker, to be on hand for the fected areas was In total dlsarray, but they proposal wlth Reagan House Republlcan Leader conference wlth the Car­ launched an all-out rescue operatlon as weathermen and the presldent-elect Robert Mlchel, and Reagan ter negotlators. llfted wlnter storm warnlngs for the flrst tlme In 1S expected to 1ssue a advlsers Edw1n Meese and Chrlstopher flew to a week statement of approval James Baker Algerla after a flurry *** Super grade govern­ Reagan and hlS advls­ of extenslve top-level (AP) -- The chalrman of the Consumer Product ment offlclals, members ers are maklng sure no consultatlons ln Wash­ Safety Commlsslon has rpslgned Susan Klng qUlt of the Cab1net, Congress one mlsses the messase lngton So hastlly was after a Reagan transltlon team recommended that the and the Judlc1ary have that the economy he wlll hlS trlp declded that agency be strlpped of one of ltS maJor powers not had a pay ralse for lnherlt from Presldent Benyahla had not tlme Susan Klng says lt would be "a terrlble mlstake" two years, whlle the Carter lS very slck and to summon home hlS three to remove the agency's authorlty to act agalnst salarles of most feder­ gettlng slcker He lS negotlators from Tehran such long-term hazards as cancer-causlng chemlcals al workers went up worklng to cushlon the The fact that Chrls­ In consumer products 16 5 percent blow for those who th1nk top her was ordered to Such an actlon would leave the agency wlth The salarles become a new admlnlstratlon Alglers for only a few authorlty to regulate only such lmmedlate hazards effect1ve lf approved automatlcally wlll change hours was taken as a key as dangerous chaln saws and power lawnmowers by the House and Senate the economy Recovery, element of the negotlat­ Ms Klng sald belnq able to regulate long-term wlthln 60 days after he lS cautlonlng, wlll lng drama played on be­ hazards lS one of the agency's maJor accomollshments submlsslon not happen ovelnlght half of the hostages PAGE 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1981 former CIA Agent Sentenced Solidarity Calls Strike To British Adventurers Slogging To J8 Years In Prison As Spy Support five-Day Work Week· Across Antarctic Continent BALTIMORE
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