Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1992-93 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 3-25-1993 The thI acan, 1993-03-25 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1993-03-25" (1993). The Ithacan, 1992-93. 23. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93/23 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1992-93 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ., I Opinion Arts/Entertainment Sports · Index What's Happening .............. 14 Open doors Oscar 'Fish'ing Triple shot Opinion ..............................• 12 More communication needed Ithaca-born actress Mary IC students play their way Arts/Entertainment ............. 15 for safer evacuations McDonnell rises to the top to Schick tournament Classifieds/Comics ............. 21 Sports ................................. 23 The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 60, No. 23 Thursday, March 25, 1993 32 pages Free College to begin Terrace Increasing awareness renovations this summer By Jessica Wing the summer. ened. The renovations of the Terraces "As undergraduates leave, we' II "One of the complaint~ about will begin this summer with the be inoving everything out of their the Terraces was that they were too reconstruction of Terraces 11 and rooms," Michael said. dark. We're changing the shape of 12, according to Tom Salm, vice According to Michael, every the window so that light will enter president of business affairs. room and lounge in Terraces 11 and differently and we're using lighter The renovation process will in­ 12willrcceivenewfumiture, which colors [for the interior coloring]," clude a replacement of both the will be movable rather than station­ Michael said. interior and exteriorof Terraces 11 ary. Terrace renovations will also Renovations of all Terraces will and 12, said Tim Michael.assistant include the expansion and addition eliminate Greek murals and letters director of Residential Life Opera­ of new lounges. on the outside of the buildings, tions, at a meeting with Student The bathrooms in Terraces I I Michael said. Residential Life met Government on Wednesday, March and 12 will not be renovated, as with Greek members ofTermce I 2 24. they were renovated three years ago, to discuss Greek decoration of the The decision to renovate Ter­ Michael said. A new hot water sys­ building once it has been renovated. races 11 and 12 first was made tem and heating system will be in­ In addition, the Terraces will no because the buildings are located stalled, however. longer be designated into A· s and farthest from the campus and are External renovations will include B's, but will be incorporated into next to a parking lot which can be a replacement of the roofs and out­ single units, Michael said. used for a construction site, Michael side siding, and installation of insu­ Ithaca College is working with The Ithacan/Jeff K. Brunello said. lation, Michael said. The buildings' Turner Construction Company. a Salm said the renovations will indoor circular staircases will be construction managementcompany In an effort to raise awareness of sensitive social issues, the Cultural Diversity Players performed in the Emerson Suites begin immediately after Com­ tom out because offire reasons, and that organizes various companjes on Monday, March 22. mencement and continue through the windows will be raised and wid- See "Renovations," page 3 A history of harassment? Students allege sexual harassment and About these Students praise abuse of authority by music professor stories Holm, dispute Written by Chris Lewis the allegations would be an emotional strain, In the last eight weeks, The Ithacan allegations Reported by Chris Lewis and distract preparations for upcoming per­ has contacted more than 30 students and Beverly Goodman fonnances. and colleagues -- past and present -- of By Jeff Selingo However, Holm scheduled an appoint­ Music Professor Einar Jeff Holm for Many students of Music Professor Einar They all had a similar story to tell. Span­ ment with The Ithacan to discuss his profes­ information contained in these articles. Jeff Holm praise his musical abihty and ning more than a decade, their stories echoed sional credentials for Monday, March 22. Of the 12 students who made allega­ teaching. Several interviewed by The Ithacan a common theme: fear of Music Professor Attorney James Baker called The Ithacan on tions to The Ithacan, eight spoke on the noted his intense teaching style, and said condition that their names not be used. Einar Jeff Holm. Friday, March 19 to cancel that appointment. Holm is misinterpreted by those who allege Their allegations ranged from sexual ha­ "At this point, he is preparing for a series of Those interviewed either experienced or witnessed what they believe was sexual inappropriate behavior. rassment. both physical and verbal, to sexism concerts and performances, and he reaily "He just believes so much in music, be­ -- coupled with mental manipulation and cannot be disturbed," Baker said. harassment or inappropriate behavior on the part of Holm, dating back to the lieves in the an as a pure form of an. It is abuse of power. Holm's domineering teach­ A writtenrequestforaresponsewasdeliv­ early 1980s. almost like a religion to him," said Michael ing style, laced with sexual overtones, ered to Holm on Monday, March 22. On Because of the sensitive nature of Carrera, a graduate student who has known prompted two students to transfer from Ithaca Monday afternoon he gave a letter to The the allegations, and because of Holm for five years. College. Ithacan that explained why he did not have numerous fears on the part of those "He has a very strong IX'rsonality and has Those two were among 12 current and time to respond. (See text of letter, page 4.) interviewed, The Ithacan has agreed very high standards for his students. He ex­ fonner students of Holm's who told The Included with the letter was extensive bio­ not to reveal the names of people who pect<; a lot out of you," said Robin Naylor, a are currently affiliated with Ithaca Ithacan about sexual harassment or inappro­ graphical information, news articles and other female graduate student who has known priate behavior dating back to the early 1980s. items about his professional career. College, or who are involved In the music profession. Holm for two years and ha'> babysat for his Two faculty members at IC when some of the Approached in his office on Wednesday, children. alleged incidents occurred told The Ithacan March 24, Holm again refused to comment. This project was directed by Chrrs Lewis. Primary reporting was conducted "He won't accept your half-best effon. that students complained to them about sexual "There's nothing for me to say, because I by Chris Lewis and Beverly Goodman. When you're wrong, he tells you," said John harassment by Holm. want to have a steady bow arm," he said. Additional reporting was conducted by Sinclair '93, who ha<; studied w1Lh Holm for Three ofthe- 12 students interviewed signed "Because of the emotions ... my instinct is to Jeff Selingo and Tom Arundel. over t.hree years and, like Carrera, attended fonnal complaints with Ithaca College in the react, but there's such a thing as artistic Holm's summer Ithaca V1oloncello Inslltute spring of 1992. Holm, a tenured professor, timing." Asked if he felt whether he's done . Inside (IV!). received a letter of warning from the College anything over the past decade that could be Several student, said they \l'C 11< 1 ha,1, for last fall, and is appealing, the students said. construed as harassment, Holm replied, "I • Text of Holm's written statement to The Ithacan ......................... Page 4 allegation-; that Holm has \Odtally haras,ed Two students said that the Music School can't respond to that at this time." student'>, but some, like Sinclair. ,aid H0lm Dean and an AfflIDlative Action officer -­ Ithaca College officials, including Pro­ • Former Music Dean discusses hrs '>ometimes can he "rude" and ··1111,1r11L·r­ both of whom later left the College -- told vost Tom Longin, Music School Dean Arthur conversations with students Page 4 prctccl." them of numerous other informal complaints Ostrander and Affirmative Action Officer "He's harsh ik could he llll':111 and 1mpa made in previous years. But College officials Francine Montemurro all declined to discuss • How IC's Affirmative Action 11en1. He'd he hard to dl'al \\ nh ,1 1 n1L·t1mc,." say they are unable to take direct action specifics of this case. Montemurro stressed Olf1ce handles questions and Edward McDerm1d ·~s said. without a signed complaint. that the College docs not identify studenL~ complaints ........................ Page 5 "When he gets angry. hL' kind 11! l1lanb First contacted by The Ithacan and told of who contact them, nor do officials discuss • Ernar Holm. A Biography . Page 5 oul. He cloe,n 't li'>ll'n to what lw ,:1y, ()r \\ hat the allegations on Wednesday, March 17. specific cases. -------- other pt'opk· '>ay. He Jll\l !:°!L·t, \'L'l'~ l'lllO­ Holm said he did not have time to respond. "The College and School of Music have · • The stigma of sexual t1onal ," Sinclair said "He n1uld come ,1cros, While Holm said it upsets him that the three always taken any student or faculty com- harassment. gaining riat1onal as very mtimidaung. But I have kaml~d to students filed fonnal complaints, talking about attention .. ................. .. Page 8 See "Allegations," page 4 See ''llolm," page 9 2 THE ITHACAN March 25, 1993 Communist a-ctivist to ForIDer music chair and professor dies speak Friday night By Rand Otten dean of the School of Music.
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