E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1998 No. 59 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m, and was time agreement can be reached with this bill. This is something we should called to order by the President pro the D’Amato bill. do for the defense of our country. The tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. At 11 a.m., under a previous order the American people, I find, when I go Senate will proceed to the consider- around and talk about missile defense, PRAYER ation of the agriculture research con- are shocked to learn that we don’t have The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John ference report. The time until 12:10 will a National Missile Defense System in Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: be divided among several Members for place. So this bill is very important, I Lord God, You have given us con- debate on that conference report. Fol- believe. I appreciate the work that has sciences so that the beliefs, values, and lowing that debate, the Senate will been done by my colleague from Mis- truths You have worked into the fiber proceed to the consideration of the Na- sissippi. of our character may be worked out in tional Science Foundation reauthoriza- the specific challenges and decisions of tion bill, again under a short time The next 2 weeks obviously will be this day. Help us to be true to You, agreement. A rollcall vote will occur extremely busy as Members attempt to ourselves, and our patriotism. Give us on passage of that bill, the National complete action on several important sterling, unflinching integrity in all Science Foundation reauthorization, at pieces of legislation. There are a num- matters. Speak to us through our con- approximately 12:15 or so. Therefore ber of conferences that we hope to have sciences. We claim the promise of Members should be aware that the first completed and voted on before the Me- Proverbs 11:3, ‘‘The integrity of the up- vote of today’s session will occur at morial Day recess, including the right will guide them.’’ Give us peace 12:15. Then the Senate will recess after ISTEA II, the highway transportation of soul when our thoughts and plans that vote for the weekly policy cau- bill, the education conference report, are right; conversely, disturb us when cuses. the IRS reform and restructuring con- we drift from what is best. When the Senate reconvenes at 2:15, ference report. We also have a vote al- Thank You for this new day. Show us Senator GRAMM of Texas will be recog- ready agreed to with regard to Russia- each step of the way. Guide us in all we nized to move to recommit the agri- Iran missile technology transfer, which do and say. You are the Potter, we are culture research conference report. is a continuing concern. Progress is not the clay. We want to do Your will with- There will be 1 hour of debate equally being made sufficiently, and I do ex- out delay. Through our Lord and Sav- divided on the motion. At the conclu- pect that there will be a vote on this ior. Amen. sion of that debate, the Senate will before the end of the next week. f proceed to vote on or in relation to the motion. Following the vote, it is hoped There are a number of other very im- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY that a short time agreement can be portant bills now that Members are LEADER reached with respect to the agriculture getting cleared through committees or The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The research conference report. Any of sev- that Members are seeking to have able majority leader, Senator LOTT of eral high-tech bills or other legislative voted on. We will try to schedule as Mississippi, is recognized. or executive items also may be taken many of those as we can. Obviously, we Mr. LOTT. Good morning, Mr. Presi- up today, if they can be cleared. will need the cooperation of all Mem- dent. I did have a good conversation late bers as we try to get through this proc- f on Monday afternoon with Senator ess before the end of the May recess for DASCHLE. I believe we are going to be Memorial Day. SCHEDULE able to clear at least three of those I again emphasize we do have prob- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, on Monday high-tech bills. All of them are broadly ably three high-tech bills that we have a good deal of work was done and the supported and I believe will have an cleared: we have the agriculture con- predicate was laid for a number of bills overwhelming vote once we get to a ference report, we have the missile de- to be considered this week. We will vote. I won’t list them now, but we will fense bill that Senator COCHRAN has begin the morning with morning busi- make some further announcement on been working on, and the National ness until 10 a.m. I observe that there that later on today. Science Foundation reauthorization are at least a couple of Senators who Finally, as a reminder to all Mem- bill. And we are going to try to clear wish to take advantage of that. bers, a cloture vote will occur on Following morning business, Senator Wednesday on the motion to proceed to some Executive Calendar nominations, too. D’AMATO will be recognized to intro- the missile defense bill. Senator COCH- duce a bill regarding patient care for RAN handled this debate on the floor on So, again, thank you for your co- breast cancer. It is hoped that a short Monday. He has done excellent work on operation. These are all very important ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4639 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:44 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1998SENATE\S12MY8.REC S12MY8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S4640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 1998 bills for the American people and I test a 1,500-kilometer range missile. Mr. DASCHLE addressed the Chair. hope we can continue the good progress What has happened? They have had as- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The that we have made over the last 3 sistance from other countries. Some Democratic leader. weeks. When you look back at what we say it was China who provided the f have been able to get through the Sen- technology and wherewithal to come HEALTH CARE LEGISLATION ate, in terms of education, the NATO up with this new, longer range missile. treaty enlargement, and also last week Some say it was North Korea. Pakistan Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, there the IRS reform—if we can have another says it was developed from within with is no one from the Republican side of week and complete the week with the their own technology, their own sci- the aisle on the floor at this moment, DOD Department of Defense authoriza- entists. so I do not want to propound the re- tion bill I think we can feel very good Whatever the reason and however quest until someone is available. But I about what we have accomplished over this came to be, it is alarming, and do want to put our colleagues on notice the last month. now we see India reacting to that new that I would like very much to be able I yield the floor. development by testing a nuclear weap- to propound a unanimous consent re- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. on that is twice as powerful as the quest within the next few minutes that HUTCHINSON). The Senator from Mis- atomic bomb that was used in World would do two things: First, it would sissippi. War II by the United States against ask that Senator D’AMATO be recog- f Japan. nized to offer a bill regarding inpatient The point is, this is a very, very dan- hospital care for breast cancer with a AMERICAN MISSILE PROTECTION gerous situation that we see developing time limit of 2 hours for debate on the ACT in that part of the world, but in other bill, with no amendments or motions in Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, let me countries, too. In Iran. We have seen order thereto, and that when all time say, first of all, that I appreciate very demonstrated in Iraq the capacity to is used or yielded back, the Senate pro- much the majority leader calling up almost put a satellite in orbit with a ceed to vote on passage of the D’Amato the missile defense bill on yesterday. missile launch vehicle 10 years ago. bill, and that immediately upon dis- At his authorization and direction, a That surprised the United States. That position of the D’Amato bill, the Sen- cloture motion was filed on the motion surprised our intelligence-gathering ate then proceed to the immediate con- to proceed to consider that bill when agencies. sideration of the Daschle-Kennedy Pa- an objection was raised by the ranking I am hopeful that the Senate will no- tient Protection Act with a time limit Democrat on the Armed Services Com- tice that the time has come for us to of 2 hours for debate, with no amend- mittee and the ranking Democrat, Sen- stop playing politics with missile de- ments or motions in order thereto, and ator LEVIN, on the International Secu- fense and national security and work that when all time is used or yielded rity, Proliferation and Federal Serv- together in a bipartisan way to develop back, the Senate proceed to vote on the ices Subcommittee that I chair.
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