Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1978 Daily Egyptian 1978 12-4-1978 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 04, 1978 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1978 Volume 60, Issue 70 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 04, 1978." (Dec 1978). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1978 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1978 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Blacksmitlling professor wins national craft award B, Job Career 5U~ U's ~ause this Is an artistic SUfi "'n_ vt'hlCle that offers me a great deal 01 A commercial bladmnith from a freedom." . rural community would Cfftainly balk at Kington stiD works With gold and the BUggt"!ltion that one of the beost silver, but he aaid that he enjoys blacksmiths in Amerka has nPVer C'OIIIItrueting things that havt' to do with mended a fence or put a shoe on a horIe. motion. especially wincktriven motion. Bl"f'nt Kington, stu art profeuor.• as. Sinc:e there is reaU,. no market for solid ~tly inducted into the American sold weather vanes or wind mills. he <:rafts CounciJ for his artistic: and makes them out of iron. Once his work is educational contributions to the art of done. it usually travels the United blacksmithing, and not once bas he States. going from one art exhibition to driven a nail into a hone's hoof. He the next. prefers to use the anvil and bammer for ""'hen I started working with iron. it more imaginative endeavors. was with the mechanics." Ki"gton said. "U's a creative exercise for me," .. , had to learn how to build a proper fire, Kington said. "I simply like l.." make how to keep it going and things like things. ,. that ... As an undergraduate at tJ-~ Univel'fJty Kington has his OW" blacksmithing of Kansas and as a graduate student at shop at his home in Makanda. but be the Cranbrook Academy of Art (in doesn't think he'U tIP opening it to make Bloomfield. Michipa}. KingtGa studied plow shears. jeweiry and silver smithing. but in the "I reaUy wouldn't bto interested in early 60S became interested in ~ing a community blacksmith." blacksmithing. Kington said. "II's a Jun'Iltive and "I rwUy can't explain why I got rewarding public: service. thou,... and I iDvolved witb it," Kington said. "I recommend it to my students.• (J,W of ""'fir;,',. if IW1fl BR'Dt King .... SIU .rt pnfess... rfte.dy rftmM ... ADlerW•• Arts CoallCU .ward f. h. .rtlslkud M.~.tlon.l ~ ..'rl".lioas '0 ::'e nearly-forgotten art of "Ia~k­ sDlillaiDg. He joins ~ otMr ADlerinn Daily 13gyptian ~ntftAlnfll who hue lMoflI pi~ Us their werk5 wida rreci_ DldaIs. Monday. O-..,..ber •. ,978-VoJ. No. 10 l)outhem nlinois University «ntDlin. rewn ·.. nd iF ... (Staff eo. phow b, Mille G:Dbaas' I .. fI m,Hlpr" rIll'" It ••, ...... lib II. W tills ... _tMr ... tIaal Is c.rrendJ ill Aria...... ...,. .. 11M u.s. II" 11 poli.<c/.illil ',;,. f.r' Kiall.............. _ .. • ..... "_." 'n.,peM4 ... pigy .._ .. • t ..... 11M II ......... n Cllrlltau ",""Is a" ,.. .... ..... ill ... U.s. (SWf ..... .,. .... GaIIIGu. Bahai's revive racial equality ai sm By J .... Paawrs­ believe that total world int.gration and SlaffWriM' harmony was UK- messaMe of the founder No. Dr. Martin Luther King did not die BahauUah, who MaVl' his followers tht'S(' for ...... Itis ideas of nonviole1ce and words on tablets. '7hesto tablets .... ert' c:aIarbIind love are stiD very much alive. similar in form to thosl' Utat UK- prophet Al IeItst they art' for one sect on the SIU Mosell advocatl'd his ten commandments on," said Woodall. ca.n:-.id caDs. itself "The Bahai's'" and .... founded in the middle 19th The ten principals of the r .. hai·s are' ceatury in Penlia. by a man who caned I) In~ndt'nt investigation of truth BabauIIab. The Bahai's believe thllt 21 E..'I!!l'ntial harmony of science and BaMuIIah w. a prophet sent from God, rt'ligion "with die same rank as tbrist. Buddha 4 3) Recognition or the diviM foundatIOn ......obammed. of aU rl'liMiOllS 'l1Ief also beUeve that each of these 4) Universal rompulsory education prophets were sent with • specific: 5) F.quality of ml'l'l and women message for the particular major 6) Spiritual solution of economic pn!bIems ol the era. problems ". .... goine to talk about racial 7} Need for universal aUlIlliarv ..tred IIorJight but I changed my mind." language . said die speaker John Woodall. who 81 Universal peace based on world IR!eIfted a bitl aenous' addressing the fl'deration of nations ~ vbted audience without allY 9) EHminatlon of pl'f'jamc. l notes. 'But instead I'm going to change 101 Recognition of the essential unJt:. the bJpic to racial unity," he said. of mankind WoodaU begao by comparing modem America toa medical term. He made an "'e Bahai's believe in progressh'e at1lmpt to simplify his story for the rl'Velation, By Utis they mean that each iDtemational make-up of the audience. time a MW messenger or prophet '·American society is like a cancer IBahallah in the 19th century' arrives, ~:. Woodan said. "It loves to replicate the message he carries is 8J'l'8ter and itself. Examples are continued mass eonsumptiOft of the worlds natural with higher princIples. "Thill time the reserves wiUtout much regard for the message was definitely worldwide futuft. The seH-centered attitude that Winy." Wooden said. IIlG8t westerners take mandates that ewrytbing has to be for ourselves, thus ",. sect does not admonish any other we look at things solely as to how it will religioo or cult. They assert that affect us. We are growing Utin with this "Christ. Buddha and Mohammed each eaocer and the whole world is drying had specific purposes duri:1K their up," be added. designated periods CJIl earth. "Each cI The meeting was set in a circle ol them had progressive messages wlule Ioungecbairs last Wednesday evening in they were here:' he said. "Yel each or the Home Economics 1000ge. There was them was the SOD of god alld we belie\~ a warm atmaspherl' in the room and the event begao with everyone introducing according to Bahaullafl. that the most themselvES. pressing issue is ....,orldwide unity." The Bahai's believe that racism is the WoodeD stressed. IIlG8t pressing cancer of our time. ",ey believe also Utat racism is subconscious. Prayer and meditation art' the pillal"5 "If • penon walks into a public place ID • spf'eC1I .,.....u .y ~ C......... 1e Ba""· ..:t. J ...........0 of the Bahai faiUt. Th"'Y art' obliged to :hey IlUtamaticaUy sit or stand next to a ad.... c!dap .... l ..lely ze peneaa ia die .....e ;~iea '-Ble ~ay everyday and f.at once a ,ar. per.- tnt:: =IUI IdeDtify wiUt. without WedIIesd.y .ipL He wa. ~ •• iII ....11« ....'111. snat. ... chGR .. They diM:ourge die UM' ol alcohol 10 evea tie silghtest thought about it." tpeU. wttJIog& ..... eo raeial_i&)'. (SUR ......., Dee Pft.... , preserve ..U-integrity. Woodall St.K.:. "If they would stop to think about what their automatic in the U.S. of over 100,000 people ol every vigorous.y advo.;ate interracial WoodaD c:mcluded that '<people are subalilM!iGUs gest\Jr1"s mean they might race, creed, and color • the face ol the marriages. tired tf empty wordt-t and they are act differently." earth. The l5&-year~ sect has 1~ However they realize that total world searchine for the truth." 1I~ said that in The Babai's now botst a membership principles which they follow and they int"lf"lltiOft is not an eaay task. They order to be • Bahai required sacrifice and much endeavor from all its memben. ..",is ...a.1 eanc:er is the most pn!IIIIing issue of our era," he said, "And most people don't know how to deal with it 10 they just ignore their problem. It IS =~. the most dangerous enemy of our 11f'Il.wmr IHlrf/fln Part of it paragraph was left out of a story in Friday's Daily Egyptian abou! UK- Phi Beta Kappa-GradUate School lectureship series. "'e first iec:ture. which wiD be at 3:30 " p.m, Mouday In Morris Library , Auditorium, features Ernest L. Lewis, chairman of the Departm~nt <:)( Guidance and Educational Psycbology. '!Jaily 'Egyptian ......,..,..., ........... Iau<-"_ ..... 19\'p- lobototary. .-c.... Solu<dcrr ..... Suftdoy. u-.. Lillcol. MoaJel .... die .isr...... ., Illy __ ...... hoi...,.. '" Sou ....... III ....... J --riai * - .........pire ill :..'te ~.. !p C=........ _~~.C60~ ...... AalpIa'. star ., lIIe ........ m. 1D.vie "Mar1lll." He ls sit... lien :t 62'01 -; ............ poslOp pood af c.""" """enalc 1friII1........ Ills ~.fU-. ......... ,......res .. eD&er die ..­ vtctt•• lief... utradb. III...... witII die c-vetldoaaf ud-va.pire PoI",_ ...... Oatly t,m.t;an _ ....._ .. Ilia ..a vied.. MarUa .... Ie ..lief, II.. ,...pire 'M.... ...... die cnclfls ..... prUe ...... •...tI« ...." ............._ _ ......$10_ admin4........ __ stoect Of do-' _ d_t~""~ier fdttonOl .............. ""c. Iorored in C_ -- ............ Not... w.... pi-. S»- Horror t/.ritter 'Marlin' to prem.ier Tllesday 3311. V_A S-t........ "' .. By J_ VIeria. only. Hmited buis in the United States. film's shooting. SuItw''P'_ ra'" or. 111_ ,_ or 11 "' .... 8Iaff Writer will be the univenity in the "Martin" is primarily the story of • ... - .... '" Joek .......... _,... ...t ... c_~ sm rant SIS __ Of 1850 .....,. _ ..... _ ..... ...... ,,~ g~ for III of the vampire baa COWltry to sc:reeo the rllm when it.
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