SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - loth NOVEMBER 201 1 Minutes of the meeting of Salsburgh Community Council held in the Community Hall on Thursday 1Oth November 201 1 PRESENT H. Cox [Chair], M. Hinds, 0. McAvoy, M. McLaughlin, C. Cox, J, Wilson, N. McCann, G. Stephen. ALSO PRESENT Cllr James Robertson - NLC. Pc Stephen Shepka & Pc Alison Duncan - Strathclyde Police. Gordon Douglas, Land Manager - NLC Allan Austen, Gwen Austen, Keith Nelson. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE B. McLaughiin. 0B ITUARY Members acknowledged with sadness and contemplation the recent death of James Keir [Junior] who had been a member of Salsburgh Community Council for a number of years and had approached and pursued many issues on behalf of the local community. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 1. Minutes of the meeting of Thursday 13th October 201 1 were submitted and approved. BUSINESS FROM THE MINUTES CHRISTMAS DINNER 2. Members noted that the Community Council Pensioners Christmas Dinner will be held on Friday 2!jth November 201 1 in the Parochial Hall commencing at 7pm. Various other issues were highlighted as to why the Christmas Dinner could not be accommodated in the Salsburgh Community Centre [late organising of issues relative to g roup//music requ irements/licensing req ui remen ts/s tewa rdsh ip of the event/ /transport etc] including the fact that the Community Centre kitchen does not have a functioning cooker or oven to cater for any events that requires hot food. CORRESPONDENCE North Lanarkshire Council Scottish Government VANL Kirk o'Shotts Primary School Alex Neill MSP GENERAL BUSINESS At this point the chair decided to vary the order of business Police Officers Stephen Shepka & Alison Duncan were introduced to the meeting. The following among other issues were highlighted and discussed; Members were informed of various crimes and incidents in the local area from the 30th I SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - lothNOVEMBER 201 1 October to lothNovember 201 1 including housebreaking, theft from both Kirk o’Shotts Church and cemetery, theft from cars, street drinking, general disorder in the village, problems associated with vehicle excise registration, misuse of fireworks. Matters were also brought to the police attention regarding the recent [2“] theft of several drain covers from Forrest Road [HirsUHouse of Muir] which can be added to the theft of the road warning signs already stolen from that area. A total of 49 telephone calls were made to the police from the local area during the period regarding various incidents of concern within the local community. Members were brought up to date on further changes and new police cover for the area of Salsburgh [Fortissat Ward] including the new supervisor Sergeant Amanda Kennedy and the new area police Inspector Alec Gratten, who recently took over from the previous incumbent inspector Bill Crawford. The police reminded members that it is their intention to get out among the local community and if there are any residents experiencing crimehncidents or anti-social behaviour to get in touch with the community police team at Wishaw on tel 01698-202600. Matters were highlighted and discussion occurred that following one incident in particular it had taken 45 minutes for the police to respond to disorder at Salsburgh. In reply the police stated that calls are responded to on a priority basis with the priority recorded on a 1>5 scale of requirement ranging from low to immediate response; other issues were also highlighted and discussed. Members were reminded that the North Lanarkshire Anti Social Task Force can be contacted on Tel. 01236 - 638580. Suggestions were made that the police would also try to attend future community council meetings to update members on crime and incidents in the local area. Pc’s Shepka & Duncan were thanked for their attendance and input to the meeting, they then left the meeting. PLANNING APPLICATION WITHDRAWAL 3. Members were informed that the planning application for wind turbines on land at Nether Bracco has been withdrawn. Various discussions occurred relative to wind farms and turbines being erected throughout Scotland and North Lanarkshire in particular and disagreements were voiced relative to some opinions. PLANNING NEWS 4. Members were informed that various changes to house holder permitted development rights, includin amendments to classes of demolition and telecommunications, come into force on 6R February 2012. Members were further informed that changes are to be introduced on the 14th November 201 1 where developers with planning obligation/agreement or section 75 agreements can apply to the local planning authority to have those obligations or agreements modified or discharged. Suggestion was made that North Lanarkshire Council should openly publicise such applications for modification or discharge of planning obligations to allow local community oversight of such applications as the procedures would be aided by more transparency whilst also ensuring proper remediation or environmental improvement has actually occurred at the development application area as there has been a 2 SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - lothNOVEMBER 2011 number of instances where remediation does not seem to have taken place and local communities are unaware of what obligations were required to be completed due to the passage of time from the original and sometimes amended, planning application. ALEX NEILL MSP 5. Members noted correspondence from Alex Neill MSP regarding possible attendance at future community council meetings. VANL 6. Members noted correspondence from VANL that they are required to hold an AGM and will do so on the 2gfhNovember 201 1 at the community hub, Wishaw. The correspondence states the meeting will last no longer than one hour. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS 7. Mr Gordon Douglas from North Lanarkshire Council land management services was introduced to the meeting and the following matters, among others, was discussed; e Road safety issues and dangers to the public from streettraders including ground leasing, operator and planning licensing issues. e Waste burning in the local area to obtain non ferrous metals. e Burnt out vehicles including vans in the local area. e Rubbish & waste dumping around the area including dumping of used tyres. e Grass cutting & the condition/maintenance of footpaths alongside the 67066 towards Newhouse and the previous commitment by Central Forest Trust and North Lanarkshire Council to improve the amenity alongside the 67066. e Condition and responsibility [grass cutting etc.] along the frontage of Strathclyde Homes development along the 67066 the condition of which detracts from the amenity and general view of the village. e Flooding along the B7066 on the Hirst and along several kilometres towards Newhouse including within the village near Muirhall Terrace. e Dangers as a result of floods along the 67066 freezing during the winter weather resulting in the carriageway being reduced to single file traffic only. e Maintenance and replenishment [responsibility] of winter grit bins e Flooding on the Main Street at Salsburgh at the Glen brae. [Shotts Burn overbridge] e Replacement of the trees planted along the 67066 as part of the neighbourhood environmental improvement scheme following them being blown down/removed. Condition of the footpath and state of fencing [including matters relating to stolen (Water Authority} fencing] from Muirhall Terrace leading towards the KO’s Primary School and the possible thinning out of the trees alongside the 67066 footpath. e Fencing along the B7066 through the village and the possibility, if the fencing is not removed, that the five foot high fencing will be replaced with one metre high fencing on areas that are being damaged and replaced on an ongoing basis. e Condition of various lay bye’s alongside the 67066 including at St Catherine’s Well [Kate’s Well]. Members were reminded that Duntilland Quarry had confirmed previously that they would assist the community council and North Lanarkshire Council in building a pathway, in the interests of road safety, along the south side of the B7066 to the well/picnic site. A number of other issues were highlighted and confirmed as outside the remit of grounds maintenance and fall within the scope of protective services and other NLC departments who can be contacted at, e.g.; Northline Tel. 01698 - 403200. 3 SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - lothNOVEMBER 201 1 Environmental Services [Central Area] Tel. 01236 - 812840. Environmental Health Tel. 01236 - 812417. Airdrie First Stop Shop Tel. 01236 - 758035. COUNCILLORS REPORT 8. Councillor James Robertson highlighted various issues and discussion occurred relative to a number of matters; 0 The forthcoming Salsburgh pensioners Xmas Dinner including correspondence relating to the grant application and funds allocated. 0 Recycling rates [NLC/SG target = 50%] & the new recycling centre construction at Shotts. 0 The recommendation by planning officials that the proposed waste treatment plant at Hassockrigg be approved and the decision by Councillors to have a site visit arranged to inspect the area prior to deciding the planning application. 0 The NLC by-election result at Coatbridge. 0 Fir Park Special Needs School. 0 NLC winter [roads] preparations and supply of new gritting Lorries. PLANN IN G 9. Various planning applications/matters were highlighted including a further seven wind turbine applications locally, three houses and the planning application to site a snack van to serve food to the public, members were informed the snack bar application was not from the fast food trailer at Newhouse. BUS SERVICES 10. A number of matters were highlighted by members regarding the five days a week free bus service from Shotts GBT Project to the Ravenscraig Sports Centre [Serving - Cleland, Coltness, Forgewood, Holytown, Newarthill, North Lodge and North Motherwell] and why Salsburgh is not included in the service as Salsburgh is further away and has no direct public bus service to/from the Ravenscraig Sports Centre. Other issues relating to bus transport for the pensioners Christmas party was also discussed , and , Members were informed that the XI4 service will start again through Salsburgh as an early morning and evening service only.
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