VANUATU NATIONAL FINANCIAL INCLUSION STRATEGY 2018 - 2023 RESERVE BANK OF VANUATU 4. 4V.isiVoins,ioMn,isMsioisnsioanndanOdbjOecbtjievcetsives 4.1 4.1Vision Vision CreateCreate an enabling an enabling environment environment for enrichingfor enriching the livelihoodsthe livelihoods of the of peoplethe people and and MSMEs MSMEs in Vanuatu in Vanuatu through through inclusiveinclusiveinclusiveinclusive financialfinancial financialfinancial services services servicesservices and and consumer andconsumerand consumerconsumer empowermentempowerment empowermentempowerment andand protection.andprotection.and protection.protection. 4.2 4.2Mission Mission By 2023,By 2023, Ensure Ensurean additionalan additional 54,000 54,000 (total (total of 130,000) of 130,000) adults adultswill bewill active be active users users of formal of formal or semi or semi-formal-formal financialfinancial services, services, of which of which 50% 50% will bewill women. be women. Ensure Ensure 40% 40%of the of financiallythe financially included included will bewill active be active users. ususers.5ers. 5 Ensure Ensure a suite a suite of MSME of MSME business business financing financing products products are available, are available, which which are tailored are tailored also alsoto the to needsthe needs of businessesof businesses led by led women by women and youthand youth 4.34.3 Objectives Objectives facilitateTo facilitate an enabling an enabling regulatory regulatory and andsupervisory supervisory environment environment for providersfor providers and andusers users of financial of financial services.services. enableTo enable the peoplethe people and MSMEsand MSMEs in Vanuatu in Vanuatu to have to have access access to a torange a range of appropriate of appropriate and sustainableand sustainable financialfinancial services services at an at affordable an affordable cost. cost. fosterTo foster financial financial inclusion inclusion deepening deepening and andresilience resilience via increasedvia increased and andregular regular usage usage of financial of financial services.services. strengthenTo strengthen the financialthe financial competencies competencies of the of peoplethe people of Vanuatu of Vanuatu to enable to enable better better informed informed financial financial decisiondecision making making together together with with the optimalthe optimal use ofuse financial of financial services services to better to better their their livelihoods. livelihoods. To facilitate To facilitate consumer consumer protection protection of consumers of consumers of financial of financial services services and and for MSME for MSME finance finance useTo usea multi a multi-stakeholder-stakeholder and andmulti multi-sector-sector approach approach to enable to enable a concerted a concerted and andcomprehensive comprehensive nationalnational approach approach to addressing to addressing financial financial exclusion. exclusion. promoteTo promote the developmentthe development in the in MSMEthe MSME sector sector to improve to improve financial financial users’ users’ income income 5 Active55 Active users users conduct conduct at least at leastone transactionone transaction within within a 90 daya 90 period. day period. 22 | 22Page| Page ForewordForeword ItForewordIt isis aa pleasurepleasure toto presentpresent thisthis reportreport ofof thethe firstfirst ever,ever, nationwidenationwide surveysurvey conductedconducted onon Micro,Micro, SmallSmall andand MediumMedium--SizedSized EnterprisesEnterprises (MSMEs)(MSMEs) byby thethe RBVRBV asas partpart ofof itsits financialfinancial inclusioninclusion agendaItagenda is a pleasure inin Vanuatu.Vanuatu. to present LetLet meme this statestate report atat thethe of outsetoutset the first thatthat ever, thethe lacklacknationwide ofof pastpast surveyssurveysurveys conducted onon aa nationalnational on Micro,scale,scale, Small andand comprehensiveMediumcomprehensive-Sized Enterprisesdatabasedatabase onon (MSMEs) MSMEsMSMEs by inin VanuatuVanuatuthe RBV ,,as posedposed part challengesofchallenges its financial inin thethe inclusion initialinitial surveysurveyagenda designdesign in Vanuatu. andLetand me thethe state conductconduct at the ofof outset thethe surveysurvey that the itself.itself. lack II ofamam past proudproud surveys wewe overcoverc on a ameamenational thosethose scale, challengeschallenges and comprehensive andand areare ableable database toto ponpresentresent MSMEs inin thisthisin Vanuatu report,report, , importantimportantposed challenges findingsfindings inwhichwhich the initial willwill serveserve survey asas design inputinput to toand formulatingformulating the conduct ourour of mediummedium the survey toto itself. longIlong Famor-- etermtermproudwo rpoliciespoliciesd we overc onon ameSSMEsMEs those asas partpart challenges ofof thethe financialfinancial and are inclusioninclusion able to agenda agendapresent ininin VanuatuVanuatuthis report,.. AsAs important partpart ofof thisthi findingss processwhichprocess will,, thethe serve ReserveReserve as inputBankBank towillwill formulating consultconsult withwith our thethe mediumpublicpublic concerningconcerning to long-term thethe findingspoliciesfindings ofonof thetheSMEs surveysurvey as part withwith of the afinancialaFThe viewoviewr Vanuatuew totoo inclusion rincorpincorporatingd Nationalorating agenda Financial thosethose in Inclusion Vanuatu viewsviews Strategy inin. As ourour part 2018futurefuture of – 2023thispoliciespolicies processis the onon policy , SMEs.SMEs.the document Reserve TheThe surveysurvey that Bank provides willwillwill thereforethereforeconsult the road with the enhancepublicenhance Fmapore ofw concerning theo evidenceevidencerd financial -- thebasedinclusionbased findings policypolicy journey of solutionssolutions withthe thesurvey ultimatetoto address addresswith aim a ofviewgapsgaps improving toinin incorporatingthethe access financialfinancial to and inclusioninclusion thoseusage ofviews appropriateagendaagenda in our inin future VanuatupoliciesVanuatuThe financial Vanuatu on..services SMEs. National by The the Financial undsurveyerserved Inclusion will adulttherefore Strategy population enhance2018 and – 2023micro evidence is small the policy and-based medium document policy enterprises that solutions provides in Vanuatu. to theaddress road It gaps Foreword inmapTheprovides the Vanuatu of financial the an financialimportantNational inclusion Financialinclusion means agenda Inclusion tojourney improve in Strategywith Vanuatu livelihoods, the 2018 ultimate. – strengthen2023 aim is the of improvingpolicyfinancial document resilience access that to and providesand provides usage the of roadan appropriate avenue for TheThe financialmapthe objectiveobjective niof- Vanuatuthe services financialss toofof by better inclusionthe thethe surveyundsurvey able journeyerserved to savewerewere with adult for the totothe population ultimate produceproducefuture, aim invest and ofevidenceevidence improvingmicro to generate small forforaccess and income accessaccess tomedium and and usage andand enterprisesinsure of usageusage appropriate against in ofofVanuatu. unforeseen financialfinancial It The Vanuatu National Financial Inclusion Strategy 2018 – 2023 is the policy document that provides the road FservicesTheservicesoprovidesfinancialevents.re wobjectiveor d services ofan Becauseof importantthethes byof businessbusiness thesethe the undmeans survey goalserserved sectorsector to are improvewere adultmultifaceted inin population urbanurbanto livelihoods, produce centerscenterstheir and strengthen micro success evidence andand small andthethe financialand for the ruralruralmedium barriersaccess resilience sector,sector, enterprises toand andachieveparticularlyparticularly usageinprovides Vanuatu. a more of an the financialthe Itavenuefinancially MSMEMSME for services map of the financial inclusion journey with the ultimate aim of improving access to and usage of appropriate Thecomponent,ofcomponent,theprovidesinclusive Vanuatu the ni- Vanuatubusiness an Nationalsociety important toto to Financial can sectorcomplementbettercomplement means only Inclusion able inbe to urban improveattainedto Strategy save thethe livelihoods,centersfor with 2018 currentthecurrent the– future, 2023and supportstrengthen is indicatorsthe indicatorstheinvest policy andrural financial to documentcollaboration generate sector,whichwhich resilience that income utilizeutilize particularlyprovides of and the andprovidessupply supply thedifferent insureroad anthe --mapsideside avenueagainststakeholder MSME datadata for unforeseen ..component, s.ItIt alsoThisalso to of financialthe financialni-Vanuatu services inclusion to by better thejourney und able erservedwith to thesave ultimate adult for the population aim future, of improving invest and micro to access generate small to and and income usage medium ofand appropriate enterprisesinsure against financial in Vanuatu. unforeseen It complementscomplementcomplementsevents.cooperation Because will tthehethe be these criticalcurrentFFinancialinancial goals in theindicatorsare II nclusionnclusion periodmultifaceted ahead which DemandDemand becausetheir utilize success--SideSide ofsupply the SandS differenturveyurvey- sidethe barrierswhich datawhichsphere. It tomeasuredofmeasured also achieveresponsibilities complements a andmoreand of financiallyprovidedprovided different the Financial servicesprovidesevents. by the anBecause undeimportantrserved
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