8 October 2010 NEWS Page 3 Board axed over councillor pension worries IN BRIEF MACK MAKHATHINI and chairs the KwaZulu-Natal able to provide a number of 100% from R1 801 969 to requested the FSB to conduct VERONICA MAHLABA Local Government Asso- members with proper benefit R3 577 023 for the period 30 a further forensic investi- Amashova ciation, said he had received statements,” Mlaba said. He June 2007 to 30 June 2008. gations and to provide it with THE national board of trust- requests from many Coun- said this was a worry because The Registrar of Pension a report on the outcome. road closures ees of the Municipal Coun- cillors to deal with problems some Councillors may not Funds, under the Financial New trustees will be cillors Pension Fund has been at the trust. return to office after next year’s Services Board (FSB), has appointed with a mandate to MOTORISTS have been forced to resign after sus- “Concerns raised regarding local government elections. completed an inspection of amend the rules of the fund to advised of road closures picions of irregular conduct the fund include governance the fund and said that even improve governance. next Sunday’s as 10 000 by trustees emerged. related matters, possible irreg- Fee hike though no evidence of fraud Mlaba said the law would cyclists are expected for the The move has been wel- ular conduct by fund trustees or misappropriation had been take its course against anyone Amashova race, from comed by KwaZulu-Natal’s and officials, plus failure to Mlaba said it was worrying found, there appeared to be found to have caused a loss to Pietermaritzburg to Durban. 7 000 councillors from 283 provide members with aud- that the financial statements serious governance issues. the fund. The following roads will be municipalities. ited financial statements. show that trustees’ fees and The KwaZulu-Natal Local [email protected] affected: Mayor Obed Mlaba, who “The fund has also not been remuneration jumped almost Government Association has [email protected] • Chief Albert Luthuli (PMB) – Alex Road from midnight to 8.40am; • Alex Road – Umlaas Road from 5.30am to Honouring the Dead 10am; • Umlaas Road – R103 Graffiti Inchanga/ 1000 Hills from 5.45am to 10.45am; • R103 Inchanga – Botha’s Hill Butchery from 5.45am to 11.30am; • R103 Patna Road – sentence Kassier Rd/M13 on-ramp from 6.45am to noon; • M13 Hillcrest – M13 Westville from 4.45am to 1pm; welcomed • M13 Westville – M13 45th Cutting from 5.30am ZIBUSE NDLOVU April 2007 and February 2009. to 1.15pm; Chairman of the Procure- • N3 outbound – Monty THE Municipality has wel- ment and Infrastructure Com- Naiker (Pine) Street from comed the sentencing of the mittee, Councillor Visven 6am to 1.30pm; graffiti crew ringleader who Reddy, welcomed the judge- • Monty Naiker (Pine) has been defacing public ment and called on law en- Street from 6am to 2pm; and properties in eThekwini. forcement agencies to identify • Masabalala Yengwa Durban Magistrate P Shoba any other such criminals so (NMR) Avenue – northbound sentenced Philip Botha of that they may face the law. from 4am to 4pm. Glenwood to 18 months in jail “This is a stern warning to all Marshalls and traffic recently, suspended for five ‘taggers’ who are defacing authorities will be on hand years provided he was not Municipal property,” said to advise on alternative found guilty of a similar Reddy. routes. offence in that period. Last year the Municipality For more details, visit Botha handed himself over started a programme to re- www.mtncycling.co.za or call to police in January after an move illegal stickers, artwork 031 312 8896. investigation by a private and posters in the central investigator hired by the business district and surroun- Municipality. ding areas. PREMIER Dr Zweli Mkhize unveils a memorial garden at the site of a cemetery for New deadline City Manager Michael Sut- Peter Fenton, Manager of indentured Indian labourers at Inyaninga, Dube Trade Port, last Saturday. The cliffe said the Municipality’s Structures Procurement and for RIA forms war against graffiti artists was Infrastructure, said the covert graves were discovered during the construction of the King Shaka International not over. manner in which taggers carry Airport and date back to the 1920s. With Mkhize are Human Settlement MEC IF YOU have not submitted “It is a groundbreaking jud- out their crimes is proof they Maggie Govender, Tholsi Mudly, a former resident of the area, and Paul Rambali of your revenue information gement because it costs mill- know it is wrong. the Ex-Inyaninga Residents’ Association Picture: SANE SHANDU assessment (RIA) forms, ions to clean up the graffiti “We have names and add- note that the deadline has and it destroys people’s resses of some individuals, we been extended to 19 properties,” said Sutcliffe. have been holding back with November. Botha would be under charges until the outcome of The Municipality has correctional supervision for the Botha case to see if it was received 154 000 forms, 12 months and would have to worth the resources spent on Graves: more meetings but many have not complete 16 hours of com- the case.” submitted a copy of their munity service a month while The proliferation of graffiti S’CELO KHUZWAYO undertakers where issues like comments from the public. identity documents. under house arrest. and the cost of removing it is a curbing crime at cemeteries The Local Government and All customers who Botha is believed to be the concern for business owners THE Municipality will hold a were discussed. Traditional Affairs Depart- complete the form must kingpin of a spray painting in the CBD, with some even new series of community “Other government depart- ment approved the recycling include a copy of their ID or crew and was initially charged resorting to installing security meetings on the shortage of ments involved in dealing plan after it was passed by a driver’s licence. with more than 800 counts of cameras. burial space after a need for with human remains, like full Council sitting in 2007. In For more information call malicious damage to prop- “We warn all those who more consultation was identi- Home Affairs, will also be terms of the KZN Cemeteries 031 328 1100. erty. He pleaded guilty to one disregard Botha’s sentence fied at a public meeting at holding consultation meet- and Crematoria Act, the charge, admitting he had that they will be caught,” said the Pinetown Civic Centre ings,” Ngcobo said. Municipality is at liberty to defaced public property on Fenton. recently. decide what to do with graves Wrestlerish several occasions between [email protected] This follows the announce- Exhume 10 years after burial. ment that eThekwini will start Ngcobo insisted there would at the lake recycling graves at the Loon The recycling will involve be no mass burials as had Road Cemetery in Sherwood. exhuming remains and re- been reported in the media. POPULAR band Wrestlerish This is the pilot phase of a burying them in smaller From this month only five will be making their debut at Bike ride and river clean-up programme to eventually graves on the edge of the Municipal cemeteries are in the Old Mutual Music at the THE public have been invited There will also be music, recycle most of eThekwini’s cemetery to make space for operation after the closure of Lake concert series, at the to join a bicycle ride on kite-making and picnicking at cemeteries to deal with the new bodies to be buried. 55 cemeteries that had Botanic Gardens on Sunday, Sunday from 10am, from the the event, co-sponsored by shortage of burial space. The Municipality has reached capacity. They are the 10 October. Gugu Dlamini Park (near the DSW and Imagine Durban. Parks, Recreation and Cul- already been involved in eTafuleni (Inanda), Pinetown The early bird ticket price Workshop) to the new Green E-mail 1love4cycle@gmail. ture Unit Head Thembinkosi extensive consultation on the South, Mophela, Illovu and is R80, but on concert day Hub at the Umgeni River, for com or call 078 583 5517 or Ngcobo said a meeting had issue, even placing adverts in Umkomaas cemeteries. the ticket price increases to a river clean up. 031 811 5183. already been held with local newspapers asking for [email protected] R100. Children six to 12 years pay R20. Book online through www.ticketbreak.co.za. Tickets are also available at the info centre in the Durban R99m hostel arrears write-off approved Botanic Gardens at R80 until tomorrow. METRO REPORTER Municipality spokesman tion rates have deteriorated write-offs and rental reduc- debt collection action insti- Gates to the concert area Thabo Mofokeng said the and it is at present 6 percent tion are SJ Smith, Thokoza, tuted. Tenants will have to open at 12.30pm. THE Executive Committee measures were an attempt to per annum. Dalton, Jacobs, Glebe, Kwa- accept prepaid electricity (Exco) has approved the improve rental collections. It is the tenants’ belief that Mashu, Klaarwater, Umlazi T meters and water flow writing-off of R98.7-million in A report tabled at a recent the increase of rentals in the and KwaMakhutha. The limiters. Tafta fete rental arrears for nine of 10 Exco meeting said the Muni- 2007/2008 financial year was Kranskloof Hostel (KK) is not After a debate, Exco also hostels under the cipality inherited six hostels unreasonable. Due to a high affected. agreed to call municipal THE Association for the Aged Municipality’s jurisdiction. from the former Ningizimu percentage of unemploy- Exco approved the write-off officials to present a pro- (Tafta) will hold a fete at 24 More good news for Town Council in 1996, then ment, tenants are unable to subject to tenants now paying gramme of how they plan to Austerville Drive, Wentworth, residents of those hostels is four others from the Prov- afford high rentals,” the report rents in full each month, improve the rental collection from 9am tomorrow.
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