Freescale Semiconductor Document Number: MMRF1316N Technical Data Rev. 0, 7/2014 RF Power LDMOS Transistor N--Channel Enhancement--Mode Lateral MOSFET MMRF1316NR1 This high ruggedness device is designed for use in high VSWR military, aerospace and defense, radar and radio communications applications. It is an unmatched input and output design allowing wide frequency range utilization, between 1.8 and 600 MHz. 1.8–600 MHz, 300 W CW, 50 V WIDEBAND Typical Performance: VDD =50Vdc RF POWER LDMOS TRANSISTOR Frequency Pout Gps D (MHz) Signal Type (W) (dB) (%) 87.5--108 (1,3) CW 361 23.8 80.1 230 (2) CW 300 25.0 70.0 230 (2) Pulse (100 sec, 20% 300 Peak 27.0 71.0 Duty Cycle) Load Mismatch/Ruggedness TO--270WB--4 Frequency Pin Test PLASTIC (MHz) Signal Type VSWR (W) Voltage Result 98 (1) CW > 65:1 3 50 No Device at all Phase (3 dB Degradation Angles Overdrive) 230 (2) Pulse 1.16 Peak (100 sec, 20% (3 dB Gate A 32Drain A Duty Cycle) Overdrive) 1. Measured in 87.5–108 MHz broadband reference circuit. 2. Measured in 230 MHz narrowband test circuit. 3. The values shown are the minimum measured performance numbers across the Gate B 41Drain B indicated frequency range. Features (Top View) Wide Operating Frequency Range Note: Exposed backside of the package is Extreme Ruggedness the source terminal for the transistors. Unmatched Input and Output Allowing Wide Frequency Range Utilization Figure 1. Pin Connections Integrated Stability Enhancements Low Thermal Resistance Integrated ESD Protection Circuitry In Tape and Reel. R1 Suffix = 500 Units, 44 mm Tape Width, 13--inch Reel. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2014. All rights reserved. MMRF1316NR1 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 Table 1. Maximum Ratings Rating Symbol Value Unit Drain--Source Voltage VDSS –0.5, +133 Vdc Gate--Source Voltage VGS –6.0, +10 Vdc Storage Temperature Range Tstg –65 to +150 C Case Operating Temperature Range TC –40 to +150 C (1,2) Operating Junction Temperature Range TJ –40 to +225 C Total Device Dissipation @ TC =25C PD 909 W Derate above 25C 4.55 W/C Table 2. Thermal Characteristics Characteristic Symbol Value (2,3) Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case RJC 0.22 C/W CW: Case Temperature 81C, 305 W CW, 50 Vdc, IDQ(A+B) = 100 mA, 230 MHz Thermal Impedance, Junction to Case ZJC 0.034 C/W Pulse: Case Temperature 59C, 300 W Peak, 100 sec Pulse Width, 20% Duty Cycle, 50 Vdc, IDQ(A+B) = 100 mA, 230 MHz Table 3. ESD Protection Characteristics Test Methodology Class Human Body Model (per JESD22--A114) 2, passes 2500 V Machine Model (per EIA/JESD22--A115) A, passes 150 V Charge Device Model (per JESD22--C101) IV, passes 2000 V Table 4. Moisture Sensitivity Level Test Methodology Rating Package Peak Temperature Unit Per JESD22--A113, IPC/JEDEC J--STD--020 3 260 C Table 5. Electrical Characteristics (TA =25C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Off Characteristics (4) Gate--Source Leakage Current IGSS — — 1 Adc (VGS =5Vdc,VDS =0Vdc) Drain--Source Breakdown Voltage V(BR)DSS 133 140 — Vdc (VGS =0Vdc,ID =50mA) Zero Gate Voltage Drain Leakage Current IDSS — — 5 Adc (VDS =50Vdc,VGS =0Vdc) Zero Gate Voltage Drain Leakage Current IDSS — — 10 Adc (VDS = 100 Vdc, VGS =0Vdc) On Characteristics Gate Threshold Voltage VGS(th) 1.8 2.3 2.8 Vdc (VDS =10Vdc,ID = 960 Adc) Gate Quiescent Voltage VGS(Q) 2.2 2.7 3.2 Vdc (VDD =50Vdc,ID = 100 mAdc, Measured in Functional Test) Drain--Source On--Voltage VDS(on) — 0.26 — Vdc (VGS =10Vdc,ID =2Adc) 1. Continuous use at maximum temperature will affect MTTF. 2. MTTF calculator available at http://www.freescale.com/rf. Select Software & Tools/Development Tools/Calculators to access MTTF calculators by product. 3. Refer to AN1955, Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power Amplifiers. Go to http://www.freescale.com/rf. Select Documentation/Application Notes -- AN1955. 4. Each side of device measured separately. (continued) MMRF1316NR1 RF Device Data 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5. Electrical Characteristics (TA =25C unless otherwise noted) (continued) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Dynamic Characteristics (1) Reverse Transfer Capacitance Crss — 1.4 — pF (VDS =50Vdc 30 mV(rms)ac @ 1 MHz, VGS =0Vdc) Output Capacitance Coss — 63 — pF (VDS =50Vdc 30 mV(rms)ac @ 1 MHz, VGS =0Vdc) Input Capacitance Ciss — 168 — pF (VDS =50Vdc,VGS =0Vdc 30 mV(rms)ac @ 1 MHz) (2) Functional Tests (In Freescale Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) VDD =50Vdc,IDQ(A+B) = 100 mA, Pout = 300 W Peak (60 W Avg.), f = 230 MHz, 100 sec Pulse Width, 20% Duty Cycle Power Gain Gps 26.0 27.0 28.5 dB Drain Efficiency D 69.0 71.0 — % Input Return Loss IRL — –20 –9 dB Table 6. Load Mismatch/Ruggedness (In Freescale Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) IDQ(A+B) = 100 mA Frequency Pin (MHz) Signal Type VSWR (W) Test Voltage, VDD Result 230 Pulse > 65:1 at all 1.16 Peak 50 No Device Degradation (100 sec, 20% Duty Cycle) Phase Angles (3 dB Overdrive) 1. Each side of device measured separately. 2. Measurements made with device in straight lead configuration before any lead forming operation is applied. Lead forming is used for gull wing (GN) parts. MMRF1316NR1 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 500 1.06 Measured with 30 mV(rms)ac @ 1 MHz 1.05 500 mA VDD =50Vdc V =0Vdc C GS iss 1.04 IDQ(A+B) = 100 mA 100 1.03 1.02 1500 mA GS(Q) Coss 1.01 2500 mA 1 0.99 10 0.98 NORMALIZED V C, CAPACITANCE (pF) 0.97 0.96 Crss 0.95 1 0.94 0210 030 40 50 -- 5 0--25 0 25 50 75 100 VDS, DRAIN--SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) TC, CASE TEMPERATURE (C) Note: Each side of device measured separately. IDQ (mA) Slope (mV/C) Figure 2. Capacitance versus Drain--Source Voltage 100 –2.651 500 –2.158 1500 –1.977 2500 –1.787 Figure 3. Normalized VGS versus Quiescent Current and Case Temperature 108 VDD =50Vdc ID =6.38Amps 107 106 8.04 Amps 9.61 Amps MTTF (HOURS) 105 104 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) Note: MTTF value represents the total cumulative operating time under indicated test conditions. MTTF calculator available at http:/www.freescale.com/rf. Select Software & Tools/Development Tools/Calculators to access MTTF calculators by product. Figure 4. MTTF versus Junction Temperature -- CW MMRF1316NR1 RF Device Data 4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 230 MHz NARROWBAND PRODUCTION TEST FIXTURE C3 C5 C27 C29 B1 C7 C21 C23 C1 C19 C25 L1 COAX1 C11 L4 COAX3 C17 C9 C14 C13 C16 L3 C10 C15 C18 CUT OUT AREA COAX2 L5 COAX4 L2 C12 C20 C26 C2 B2 C8 C22 C24 C28 C30 C4 C6 Figure 5. MMRF1316NR1 Narrowband Test Circuit Component Layout — 230 MHz MMRF1316NR1 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5 230 MHz NARROWBAND PRODUCTION TEST FIXTURE Table 7. MMRF1316NR1 Narrowband Test Circuit Component Designations and Values — 230 MHz Part Description Part Number Manufacturer B1, B2 Small Ferrite Beads, Surface Mount 2743019447 Fair-Rite C1, C2 22 F, 35 V Tantulum Capacitors T491X226K035AT Kemet C3, C4 0.1 F Chip Capacitors CDR33BX104AKWS AVX C5, C6 220 nF Chip Capacitors C1812C224K5RACTU Kemet C7, C8 2.2 F Chip Capacitors C1825C225J5RACTU Kemet C9, C10, C11, C12 1000 pF Chip Capacitors ATC100B102JT50XT ATC C13 75 pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B750JT500XT ATC C14, C15 680 pF Chip Capacitors ATC100B681JT200XT ATC C16 82 pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B820JT500XT ATC C17 8.2 pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B8R2CT500XT ATC C18 11 pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B110JT500XT ATC C19, C20 240 pF Chip Capacitors ATC100B241JT200XT ATC C21, C22 0.10 F Chip Capacitors C1812F104K1RACTU Kemet C23, C24 0.1 F Chip Capacitors CDR33BX104AKWS AVX C25, C26 2.2 F Chip Capacitors 2225X7R225KJT3AB ATC C27, C28, C29, C30 470 F, 63 V Electrolytic Capacitors MCGPR63V477M13X26-RH Multicomp Coax1, 2, 3, 4 25 Semi Rigid Coax, 2.4 UT-141C-25 Micro-Coax L1, L2 12 nH Inductors, 3 Turns GA3094-ALC Coilcraft L3 22 nH Inductor 1812SMS-22NJLC Coilcraft L4, L5 17.5 nH Inductors, 4 Turns GA3095-ALC Coilcraft PCB Arlon AD255A 0.030, r =2.55 D49840 MTL MMRF1316NR1 RF Device Data 6 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. RF Device Data V + + DD B1 C19 C21 C23 C25 C27 C29 VGG + L4 C1 C3 C5 C7 L1 Z18 COAX1 COAX3 Z8 C11 Z16 Z6 Z14 Z20 Z22 Z24 Z26 Z2 Z4 Z10 Z12 C14 RF RF INPUT Z1 C9 Z28 Z29 Z30 OUTPUT L3 DUT C13 C16 Z3 Z5 Z11 Z13 C17 C18 C10 Z15 Z21 Z23 Z25 Z27 Z7 C12 C15 Z9 COAX2 Z17 COAX4 L2 Z19 B2 VGG + L5 C2 C4 C6 C8 V + + DD C20 C22 C24 C26 C28 C30 Figure 6. MMRF1316NR1 Narrowband Test Circuit Schematic — 230 MHz Table 8. MMRF1316NR1 Narrowband Test Circuit Microstrips — 230 MHz Microstrip Description Microstrip Description Microstrip Description MMRF1316NR1 Z1 0.3660.082 Microstrip Z12, Z13 0.3610.746 Microstrip Z24, Z25 0.0570.230 Microstrip Z2, Z3 0.1690.120 Microstrip Z14, Z15 0.2890.522 Microstrip Z26, Z27 0.1990.230 Microstrip Z4, Z5 0.4320.120 Microstrip Z16, Z17 0.3470.150 Microstrip Z28 0.1550.082 Microstrip Z6*, Z7* 0.6550.058 Microstrip Z18, Z19 0.3290.150 Microstrip Z29 0.1100.082 Microstrip Z8, Z9 0.2520.068 Microstrip Z20, Z21 0.0600.230 Microstrip Z30 0.1000.082 Microstrip 7 Z10, Z11 0.0780.746 Microstrip Z22, Z23 1.0400.230 Microstrip * Line length include microstrip bends TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS — 230 MHz 350 VDD = 50 Vdc, f = 230 MHz 300 Pulse Width = 100 sec, 20% Duty Cycle 250 Pin =0.64W 200 Pin =0.32W 150 100 , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) PEAK out 50 P 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 VGS, GATE--SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 7.
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