United States Patent (19) (11) 4,396,712 Kinoshita et al. 45) Aug. 2, 1983 54) DRY IMAGE FORMING MATERIAL organic silver salt oxidizing agent, (b) a reducing agent for silver ions, (c) a silver halide component or a silver 75 Inventors: Shozo Kinoshita; Muneaki Kimura; halide-forming component, (d) a toning agent and (e) a Tetsuo Shiga, all of Fuji, Japan lipophilic binder, characterized by the inclusion of a 73) Assignee: Asahi Kasei Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha, specific 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzotriazole compound Osaka, Japan having bulky tert-butyl or tert-amyl groups at its ortho and para-positions relative to the hydroxyl group in a 21 Appl. No.: 268,438 layer containing the component (a). The dry image (22 Filed: May 29, 1981 forming material of the present invention has high stor (30) Foreign Application Priority Data age stability prior to use for image formation. When the dry image forming material comprises a combination of May 30, 1980 JP Japan .................................. 55-71529 a silver salt oxidizing agent-containing layer comprising Jun. 20, 1980 JP Japan .................................. 55-82792 the specific 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzotriazole com Jul. 10, 1980 (JP) Japan .................................. 55-932.38 pound and a reducing agent-containing layer compris 51) int. Cl................................................. G03C 1/02 ing a high impact acrylic resin as a binder material, the 52) U.S.C. .................................... 430/614; 430/600; material is remarkably improved in storage stability of 430/618; 430/619; 430/620 raw material in the dark or under light with wave 58) Field of Search ............... 430/614, 618, 619, 620, lengths of 450 nm or more and the stability of a latent 430/600 image, and shows minimized variation in image quality 56) References Cited with heat development conditions. When the dry image forming material comprises, as the component (a), a U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS silver salt of long chain fatty acid having 16 or more 3,152,904 10/1967 Sorensen et al. .................... 430/966 carbon atoms and, as the component (c), a silver halide 3,764,329 10/1973 Lee ................ ... 430/.353 component including silver iodide or a silver halide 3,802,888 4/1974 Willits ........... ... 430/203 forming component capable of forming a silver halide 4,307,187 12/1981 Ikenoue et al. ..................... 430/620 component including silver iodide, and further com FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS prises (g) an oxidizing agent for free silver, (h) a photo 54-48537 4/1979 Japan ................................... 430/614 reactive halogeno oxidizing agent and, in the layer con taining the components (a), (c), (e) and (f), (i) a specific Primary Examiner-Won H. Louie, Jr. cyanine spectral sensitizing dye, the material is of the Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sprung, Horn, Kramer & post-activation type and spectrally sensitized without Woods sacrificing the storage stability of raw material. (57 ABSTRACT A novel dry image forming material comprising in one or more layers on a support (a) a non-photosensitive 4 Claims, No Drawings 4,396,712 1. 2 period is longer. Thus, they are poor in latent image DRY IMAGE FORMING MATERAL stability. There have been proposed post-activation type dry This invention relates to a dry image forming mate image forming materials as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. rial. More particularly, the present invention relates to a 3,802,888 and 3,764,329, wherein the incorporation of a dry image forming material which is improved in stabil spectral sensitizing dye into a dry image forming mate ity during the storage thereof prior to use for image rial is mentioned. These proposed post-activation type formation (hereinafter often referred to as "storage dry image forming materials, however, are defective stability of raw material'), and which can further be either in that they are so poor in light or storage stability improved in latent image stability and image quality, 10 of raw material as to undergo marked deterioration in and which can advantageously be rendered subject to their photographic or sensitometric characteristics much less variation of image quality with heat develop when stored under lighting conditions or when exposed ment conditions which may change. to high temperatures even if stored in the dark, or in As one class of dry image forming materials on which that they are too insufficient in sensitivity to be used in a visible image can be formed by only a dry process 15 photographing. As the stability of a raw image forming involving heating, there have been proposed heat material is increased, the sensitivity of the material is apt developable dry image forming materials which essen to be decreased, whereas the stability of a raw image tially comprise a non-photosensitive organic silver salt forming material is apt to be decreased as the sensitivity of the material is increased. Therefore, none of the oxidizing agent, a reducing agent for silver ions, a cata conventional post-activation type dry image forming lytic amount of a silver halide or a silver halide-forming materials are good in both stability and sensitivity. compound, and a binder. Accordingly, there has been earnestly desired such a The dry image forming materials of the silver salt dry image forming material as can meet such require type as described above include those which are photo ments that it should not substantially undergo any dete sensitive under normal lighting conditions (hereinafter 25 rioration in image forming characteristics during stor often referred to as "already photosensitive type dry age thereof prior to use, that it should not be so much image forming material'), such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. affected in quality of an image formed thereon by the Nos. 3, 152,904 and 3,457,075, and those which are non variation in heat development conditions, that it should photosensitive under normal lighting conditions (here give, after preliminary heating and light exposure, a inafter often referred to as "postactivation type dry 30 latent image which is excellent in stability, and that it image forming material'), such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. should be spectrally sensitized but have excellent stor Nos. 3,764,329, 3,816,132, 4,113,496, and 4,173,482. The age stability of raw material. latter image forming materials can be handled under As is described in Japanese Patent Application Laid room light, provided they are not activated, and can be Open Nos. 122430/1976 and 28417/1978, a combined rendered photosensitive when they are activated, for 35 use of benzotriazole and benzenethiosulfonic acid or its example, by heating the same prior to exposure to light. sodium salt or a combined use of benzotriazole and The former image forming materials can form thereon a sulfinic acid may be effective for improving the storage visible image when subjected to imagewise exposure to stability of dry image forming materials. However, the light and subsequent heat development, whereas the incorporation of benzotriazole greatly lowers the sensi latter image forming materials can form thereon a visi tivity of the dry image forming materials, as is apparent ble image when subjected to preliminary heat activa from the results of Comparative Example 24 which will tion, imagewise exposure to light and subsequent heat be given later. Thus, repeatedly stated, it is quite natural development. that the storage stability of a raw image forming mate The dry image forming materials of the silver salt rial be increased with the sensitivity of the material type are superior in simplicity of image forming proce 45 being decreased. dures to the conventional wet process silver halide On the other hand, as is disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. photographic materials because they can form thereon 3,004,896 and 3,189,.615, 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzo an image by only heating without the use of any liquid triazoles can function as ultraviolet absorbers, and, chemical agents. However, they are so poor in storage hence, are known to be effective as anti-photodegrada stability of raw material as to be readily subject, during 50 tion agents for polymers. It is described in U.S. Pat. No. their storage prior to use for image formation, to deteri 3,253,921 that the use of a 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzo oration in image forming characteristics. More specifi triazole in a filter layer on the photographic emulsion cally, they, after stored, are liable to be blackened even layer of a wet process color photographic material is in the light-unexposed portions by image forming pro effective for avoiding the loss of color balance due to cedures to form an image having a dark background, 55 too strong development of blue color undesirably that is, they are prone to undergo the so-called fogging caused by the irradiation of the material with ultraviolet in image formation. Also, they are apt to become poor rays and for preventing the fading and/or discoloration in sensitivity during the course of storage thereof. Fur of a colored image formed on the material. Thus, 2-(2'- ther, since the image forming characteristics of the hydroxyphenyl)benzotriazoles have been used as the materials inherently are largely dependent on the condi 60 ultraviolet absorbers. However, no investigations have tions of heat development for visible image formation, been made on the action or function of 2-(2'-hydroxy the quality of images formed on the materials greatly phenyl)benzotriazoles as stabilizers in the dark free of varies when the heat development conditions change. ultraviolet rays or in the case of exposure to light with Furthermore, these dry image forming materials are apt wavelengths of 450 nm or more incapable of being to undergo some deterioration in capability of forming 65 absorbed by the 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzotriazoles.
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