Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-15-1996 The BG News April 15, 1996 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 15, 1996" (1996). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6003. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6003 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Inside the News Opinion State • Car crash kills Ohio University students Sports • Faldo wins Mater's title Dan tells people not to listen to him Sports • Reds sweep pair from Astros I w s Page 2 Monday, April 15, 1996 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 116 The News' Briefs Help available as tax deadline nears Diva SUdmori distributing forms at banks. Taxpayers who can't get the In- You can ask to pay In Install- If the IRS owes you money, The Assoicated Press Common forms still are availa- formation or forms they need ments on Form 9465. The IRS will there's no penalty for failing to AL Scores ble at post offices and a wider should consider an all-out effort let you know within 30 days. A file - other than letting the WASHINGTON - Taxpayers selection at libraries, as well as to locate just one - Form 4868. It $43 fee will be added to your first government use your money in- Cleveland 7 sweating out the final hours be- IRS offices that survived the grants an automatic filing exten- payment. terest-free. But if you're wrong Boston 6 fore the midnight filing deadline agency's belt-tightening. sion until Aug. IS. Taxpayers can apply for an ex- and end up owing money, you'll will find more high-tech assis- The IRS home page also has tax However, It is not an extension tension for paying by filing Form face a large penalty. tance - but less old-fashioned information on a wide range of of time to pay any taxes owed. 1127. It's for the handful of tax- Post offices in every major city Seattle 9 person-to-person help - available topics. Or taxpayers can listen to Form 4868 filers should estimate payers who can prove not only will extend hours or offer late Toronto 4 this year. tapes on about ISO subjects by how much they owe and include a that they cant pay but that the mail pickups Monday. Many of- Need a form at the last minute? calling 1-800-829-4477. That's check. If your estimate is too deadline Itself Is imposing a fices will be open until midnight. Try down-loading one from the also the number to check on the high, the IRS will send you a re- hardship. An example would be a The Postal Service said tax- Detroit 5 Internal Revenue Service home status of refunds. fund after you file your return. taxpayer who would be forced to payers should use correct pos- California 4 page on the Internet Or call on Reaching an IRS employee by If you can't pay all you owe, sell a property at a distressed tage, since the IRS will not ac- your fax machine. telephone Just before the filing send as much as you can. You'll price before the deadline but who cept tax returns with postage But an Hth-hour search for deadline may be next to Impossi- still get the extension. And the could sell at a fair market price, due. Also, the IRS does not accept Minnesota 4 forms by taxpayers without ac- ble. During January, February IRS will bill you for the balance, given a little more time. private-meter postmarks as Baltimore 1 cess to a computer or fax and March, the IRS answered plus Interest and any penalty Filing late, as opposed to just proof of timely filing. machine may prove difficult. The about one in five calls placed to due. That amounts to about 14 paying late, really gets expen- As in every other year, pro- IRS has closed 93 walk-in assis- its help line, 1-800-829-1040. But percent at an annual rate so it sive. The penalty is S percent a crastinators are in good com- New York 12 tance centers and reduced hours that ratio is sure to be a lot worse may be cheaper to get a loan and month (an annual rate of about 60 pany. The IRS received 67.1 mil- Texas 3 at 442 others. Also, it's stopped on Monday. pay on time. percent). lion returns through April 5. Milwaukee 5 Kansas City 2 Bad luck BG building link Oakland 10 Chicago 5 with Zimbabwe NL Scores Maureen Barry the University. KamusUdri, a The BG News native Zimbabwean, was one of Pittsburgh 9 Ribeau's colleagues at Cal Poly. Montreal 3 Zimbabwe's ambassador to the Midzi said Zimbabwe has also es- United States Amos Bernard tablished an exchange with Kent Muvengwa Midzi visited the State University, and be hopes to Philadelphia 4 University Thursday and Friday develop similar relations with St. Louis 2 to establish an educational link Bowling Green. between Bowling Green and In- stitutions in Zimbabwe "Students visiting African uni- San Francisco 3 As vice president of Academic versities broaden our re- Chicago 2 Affairs at California State Po- lationships with American insti- lytechnic University, President tutions," Midzi said. Sidney Ribeau worked with the The ambassador also said irtous San Diego ambassador to achieve working are exchanged beyond the uni- Atlanta relations between the two coun- versities, including organizatlonr. tries. such as chambers of commerce Ribeau told a class the ambas- and scientific and industrial Los Angeles 3 sador spoke to the goals of the research centers. The ambas- Florida 1 visit. sador said through his visit he "They're visiting here with us hopes to present opportunities to discuss a number of possible for students to learn about other Harvard lecturer relationships that might be estab- countries. Midzi encouraged stu- dents to visit Zimbabwe. Cralf Untmt AiMclatcdPrtn lished between the country of will speak on cam- Zimbabwe and Bowling Green pus Foar friends from Moatpeller, Vt. try their luck on the first day of fishing season from the school State University, the city of 'There is nothing more re- street bridge in Montpelier Saturday. Due to a relatively dry spring so far, streams were In good Bowling Green and Northwest warding in getting to know a Ellen Herman, a lecturer shape for the opening of trout season, but these four were not having any luck. Ohio," Ribeau said. place than visiting," he said. of social studies at Harvard Midizi said the relationship has Zimbabwe offers quality tour- University, will speak April grown a lot since his initial con- ism, including one of the Seven 17 at Bowling Green State tact with Ribeau. Wonders of the World, Victoria . University. Herman Is the "Initially, it was an exchange Falls, according to Midzi author of the highly accla- of students and educators, but it During their visit, the ambas- imed book "The Romance of Officials react to job study has gone beyond that," he said. sador and Kamusikiri met stu- American Psychology: Po- litical Culture In the Age of James KamusUdri also partici- dents, faculty and administra- Experts," published last Temporary positions improve skills, employability pated in the ambassador's visit to tors. year by University of Cali- fornia Press. She will give Dawn Keller Stcco, executive vice president Sue Young, assistant director an Illustrated lecture titled The BG News ofNATSS. of the Co-operative Education "Making Morale: World Joanne Kroll, director of Ca- Office, said it is absolutely essen- War II and the emergence The National Association of reer Planning and Placement tial as well as beneficial that stu- of a Psychological Society" Temporary Staffing Services at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday in Services at the University, said dents get experience in their the Towers Inn of McDon- found three out of four tempo- temporary service gives em- field. ald West. Herman's talk will rary workers have main- ployers the opportunity to value "Students should explore be preceded by a noon lun- streamed into permanent full- work before they make a perma- every avenue - I have known cheon for which reserva- time jobs. Two University offi- nent decision. students whose temporary jobs tions are required and must cials expressed mixed feelings became permanent" be made no later than April about the study. "It helps new graduates get However, she said there stu- 12. For more Information or The study showed temporary Into large corporations," Kroll dents should consider co-ops and reservations, contact Donna help and staffing companies help said. "When you have proven Internships while they are still in Pulschen In the College of workers obtain new job skills, school. Arts and Sciences at yourself, you can learn about in- 372-2340. Improve existing skills, receive ternal openings." on-the-job training and "get their Kroll said it's a job strategy "Students are better off plan- foot in the door." her office uses. ning to get co-ops in their field as "We estimate that within the "We use it, but the job market a sophomore and junior," Young past year, about 6.5 million tem- Is pretty good right now, so it's said.
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