Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1961 Daily Egyptian 1961 11-14-1961 The gE yptian, November 14, 1961 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1961 Volume 43, Issue 17 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, November 14, 1961" (1961). November 1961. Paper 3. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1961/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1961 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1961 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE EGYPTIAN Soothe.. Ininoi. URiversity. Carbolldale. In. Tu e,day, No vember 14, 1961 . Next Weekend Dr. Morris, Students Plan Fall Retreat Interchange of ideas between be John E . Grinnell. "ice pres\­ student body representa ll\'es a nd de nt fo r operations. 1. Clark Os· P resident Delyte W. MOrriS will vis, d irector of student aHa.rs and hold the spotlight a t the a nn ual E lizabeth Mullins, coord inator oC Student Council Fall Re!reat next student activities. F r ida\' and Saturda .... at the Little Student Co uncil me mbers drew Grassy Lake Ca m p ~s . up the agenda fo r the ses::;ions last The Sludent Counc il will joi n n Ight. AI the spring retreat M()r· Morris fo r several hours o( un in­ r b and the Council d .5c ll ssed such terrupred d i!oOc ussio n on the Un :­ topics as the status of the Egyp­ versi lY and current CBmpug is­ t ian University polley on, racial Slle~ JOining the group at the se· discrimination, W SJU-TV and the cluded Litt le Gra:,sy Ca mpus ..... il l b uil d i n~ pr;ority hst. T he pre,:ent sched ule calls for participants to lea ve bv bus from the Un i\"(~ rs jty Center Friday at 5 ROTC Petitions p. m .T he first of two d l,fcu,:sion session :-. will begin a t 7: 30 p. m. Talks will conl.nue al an 8 .1. m . meeting Saturday. ConfE'r€'es \\'i!I Under Investigation !elUr n 10 Carbond ,::lI e at 12: 30 p .m . :".'forris first conceived Ifl e idea of thE" n~trea t ... as .3 way cf ha\'ing more contacts \\'ith s tudCn t5 . Since By Student Council the flr·q one 10 tht> sprin':! o f 1956 (l "ysem of fa ll a nd ~ p r i ng: meet. The SIU $tud C'nl Council a p· .n ": 5 has evolved Th c- second a ll­ po inted il CO ll lllHt lee la~1 Thul·s· nua l jOin! retreat with representa. da\' to In\'csllgale petit ions pre· tl\ es of the Edv.·ard,,\·jlle ca mpus­ s er1ll~ d to It a,..k ing for tht, ab<l ~i - Is is ~c h e d ule d fnr J a nuary at lion of compulsory ROTC Pe;'(- Ma rqup[[C' State Pa l'k Th e pe tition.... pre.s{,nled by ~1:in~ items consid e-: 'ed at the Mike Lee ... jUflior from Marion. President's Ret re:Jts over the were signed by 300 stu d e nt ~. :vJ v re year~ ha\ e re. .; ul ted in fu nher ac­ ~ han 2.400 st~de nt s are invol ved tion. The n(>ed for a general edu. In the school s ROTC prog ram . calion program: posslbilites for "We are not . against the ROTC mtensifled use of Little G ras~y KI C KING UP A STORM for mothe r and d a d du ri ng the a n nual Parents Day festivities S a twr. program but ~J mp l y feel that It Lake campus: pul)licizing the day were t hese love ly SIU band m a jore tte s. Ca m pus activities w e re set up to show parents should he ~'~ I un ~a ry rat~,er, than the need for li ghting in Tho mpson the ma ny sid es o f Southe rn. In additio n to the f ootb.d l g ame where the band performed in its com il ul!' or ~ ' , s,o d Lee l,I, e feel Woods and for a s tudent police Dew dre ss with its new sound , pa rents were tr eat e d t o a b usy rou nd of e vents. For a pho to that th t> progra m wOUld be more fo ret-: development of Lake-<l n. sto ry o n the b ig day se e P_• ..: 9:...._ 7,_ _________________ ___ effect ive . on 3 vo luntary ba ,, !s," CamplLS recreational fa si lities he explained. and need for a student bw:: serv- Lee told the Slwent CounCil icc are a mong top:cs d iscus:oed at ~~ :, ~U ~dl~;t l :h:e , ;:;:P~; S<l: ~ 0 ,:o~ ;~I~:n:Plre"ts wit h later action ro- "ews On World Affal"rs toward th(' lIn Jlt' d Slates A'r c . _____ ___ Tells Of French VI Force. un iform. and ad\ anced R d G !=' r:nlce has reached the m int. NO li n..: lhat Ih l'r(, i5. "C'nouJ!h somewhat dangerous," he said, CO I-rs. 0 man to ive a ccording to the French Con-ul- hardw:.trc·' in the weSlf-rn \\'uLd fur although the t c c II n i cal . " Th is i.S a rt'-.ult o f being a cap- G er1<' l' ;j ! in Chic a go. "\\he rf' she to " C(lntrast th t> hnrrif.l ln:; wc ••- o rganization of the UN h a~ been tl\'e part IC I~?nt r,tlher thdn a vol- Tl\!OLectllre s Here vi ew~ the world u-nder ;) huge um- pons of RU'l'"la ," BelJa rd :. a I d fulfilled, " poli ti cally the UN h as unt<lr .... onr, Sa id Lee. b rell..l of Am er.c;l n atum l(" power th;,t t " W:lr J ~ h.J rd Iv th nk of - turned ,nto an anti - \\'i.'stern or· v If th~ \, pr O~I.·a n: , ~' ere _ Pll ~ on a SIU ScI don Rodman, critic au­ on the one hl1nd :J.n d SOV iet hes th<1 t" s,,\\' h y ..... e should be ada- gu niz<l tion." b~ ~~~~~I. m !;~l sawac;~d~i") t~eO up ~o~ thor, pOet, wi l] be here Wedn.es. on the other," mdnt ,. ",,!here is un ity. bu t against gl'"am and would be in a beller day and Th uf:.day ~o p resent two "Never befMe have th ere been De~~rlbln g the B e r~l n Imp<l -.. se II!> . .h,e noted. Th ~ France feels position to prepOire fo r a mili tary lectu res. and a semmar . 110 many So viet ht!s," J t!tln Bl."li · a s a bone in Khru.'< ilctw\· s that 'Jf we go callmg a spade a future" he said The first of the lectures will be IS-rd declared in a speech befMe a throat," he sa i d th (' R us.;i an ~ !' pade. the UN will eit.her ch<ln.g e Lee ' a!' ked the' counril to pre- On W e dn~ ;.: da. y at 7:30 p.m, in m eeting Of the In\ rrnat io nal Rela- "made the volc<mo - we sa\' or we afe to reg.ard "It a s with Sf" nt his two petitions [0 adm i n i.~ - ~ u rr Aud l10 num on the subject of tions Club la st \\ eek at i\'h H:k(' !roy turn it off and we'lI talk' . good and bad pomts. lrative ofLcia ls. T ~ , e Bankruptcy of Modem !Auditorium. It is France's policy :0 " never. "If We want to survi ve we have The Counc il , however. decided Art. Comparing today's world with never yield to a dictator." Beli - to c h a n g e completely a great that the petitions could not be On Thurs ~ ay, R od m a n wm Cbe s ituation in 1939 , Behard as· ard claim('d . ''They (the U.S _ deal. The problem is fo rmidable, con..: idered "valid student opin. hold a sem mar for art grad uate aened tnat the era of domination S. R.) want war 'as little as we un iversal, one of survival." ion ." students. and anyone who Wls hei; by the western white Ch:-i f' tian want i t. " "We bave made some grades. Dick Chi Ide r S. Student bod \' lo .a .r te n d, in room 162 , Allyn. nations is o ver. "probably for F rance is not impressed by the but we h &ven't yet pas,..ea the pre!'ident. appointf'd a co:nmillee hU;dlOg at 1:00 p. m. good." S o vie t Union 's proxim llY. but test." to conduct a sUr\'ev In a n at- . h u ~sday at 4: 00 p,m. Rodma l1 "'We cannot decide by ..... ishful is by her "effiCie ncy and un"c rup.- tempt to obtain a " ~ 'i d er scope of WIll gIve ~ I:cture in Morris Lt- Ibink ing." ulou -; ness," P t H d opinion." brary AudItOrium on " The Heart "~'e are sm:J 1I compared to "France is part of the sa m e aren s onore Chil ders also sugge5ited that the 0{ Beethoven." SovIet Russia," he said.
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