ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF OECANTHINAE (ORTHOPTERA : GRYLLIDAE) OF THE WORLD THOMASJ. WALKER Department of Entomology, University of Florida, Gainesville The most recent listing of the Oecanthinae of the world is in Volume 2 of Kirby's Syno.nymic Catalogtie of Orthopte~a(1906, p. 72-76). Since then the number of described species has doubled and studies of the spe- cies in Africa (Chopard 1932), the United States (T. Walker 1962a, 1963), and Latin America (T. Walker 1967) have revealed new synonymies. The list below sumniarizes present knowledge of oecanthine taxonomy, nornen- clature, and geographic distribution. Keys to the species of Oecanthinae in specific areas are in the studies listed above and in Tarbinsky (1932, USSR), Chopard (1936, Ceylon), and Chopard (1951, Australia). Little has been published on the biology of Oecanthinae with the exception of Oecaizthlts pellzlcens of Europe (Chopard 1938, M.-C. Busnel 1954, M.-C. and R.-G. Busnel 1954) and various U. S. species (Fulton 1915, 1925, 1926a, 1926b; T. Walker 1957, 1962a, 196213, 1963). The following conventions are used in the checkl~st: After the word Type, a single asterisk ( ) means that the condition and place of deposit of the type specimen were confirmed by correspondence. A double asterisk (' ') means that I have examined the type specimen. Data concerning the present status of the type specimen are separated by a semi-colon from data on the place and date of collection and the collector. Abbreviations are used for the following museums: Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (ANSP) ; British Nuseum (Nat. Hist.), Lon- don, England (BM); Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen, Den- mark (Copenhngen) ; Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genhve, Switzerland (Gmzi.ce) ; Museum Nattonal d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (Paris) ; Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden (Stocliholnz) ; Universi- ty of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, Michigan (UMMZ); United States National hlluseum, Washington, D. C. (IISNM). Immediately after each synonym and its reference, a reference to sub- stantiate the synonymy is given. ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF OECANTHINAE OECANTHUSServille, 1831: 134. Type-species Achrtu itulica Fabricius, 1781: 355 (= Gryl!7ts pclluce~zs Scopoli, 1763: log), selected by Rehn 1904: 547. Synonfi~ilg: .4ccuntlz~ts Brullk, in Audouin and Brull6 1835: 174 (un- justified emendation); type-species Gryllus pellucens Scopoli, 1763: 109, by original designation. Gryllomyia Seidl 1837: 212; type- species Acheta itulica Fabricius, 1781: 355, by original designation. 1. pclluce~as (Scopoli), 1763: 109. Type: 6,probably destroyed (Horn and Kahle 1936); Goritz, Carniola, Austria, C1. P. Wulfen. Distribution: s. and cen. Europe, n. Africa, Asia adjacent to the Mediterranean (Schreiner 1915). 266 The Florida E?~to?nologist Vol. 49, No. 4 Sy?~ony?~iy: itctliczts (Fabricius), 1781: 355; Serville 1831): 360. Type: 6,lost (personal conimunication, S. L. Tuxen, 1965); Italy. aqueits (Fab~lcius),1798: 192; Kirby 1906: 73. Type : d, Copenhagen; southern Russia. Szrbspec~es: pcll~rccns coliizeilsis Jannone, 1936:131, Fig. 20 Type". d, Istltuto di Entomologia Agraria "F. Silvestri," Port~cl.Italy; Calino, Aegean Islands, 17 Sep. 1934. Jannone. See note under b70 )ilel.sf(I t Saussure, 1878. 2. 111cecis(De gee^), 1773: 522, Pi. 43, FIR.6. 2'yl,e . 9 (selected from three syntypes by T Walkel 1962a 308), Stockholm; Pennsylvan~a. Dzstl thrrtto?~: e. United States (T. Walker 1962a). S!jilo?i~my:((?zglt.ittp~t~ilts Fitch, 1856: 413; T. Walker anci Guiney 1960: 10. Type j , destroyed (Beutenmuller 1894b: 252); New Yo! k. 3. i~c~j'escensServille, 1839: 361. Tgpe" : 2 syntypes ( 3 ,P ), 2 only, Paris ( J missing) ; Bornbag, India. Disti.iblrtioi~: Indo-Australian region (Chopard 1951). S!/i?ony,n!j: yi,cicilis (Haan). 1842: 236, P1. 20. Fig. 8; Saussu~e 1878: 456. Type: 9,lost or destroyed. not at Rijksniuse~~ni van Xatuurlijke Historie, Leiden, Setherlands; Java and Nan- dawey, Borneo. 4. ?tiyi,icoi.?iis F. \ITalker, 1869: 93. T~~~~:::.:-. 9,B3I; Illinois, E. Doubleday. L)istribtctio,,: 11.e. and n. cen. United States, s. Canada (T. Walker 1963). Syllo?:!jitry: f'ol.Brsi Titus. 1903: 260; T. U'alker 1963: 772. Type':,':': 2 , Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana; Urbana, Illinois, ti Sen. 1891, C. A. Hart (Frison 1927: 142). .Vote: A pair of cryptic species share the name ?iiyi.icol~~tis,but it is inc certain which is liiy, icoi,l~isand which is ioi.bcsi o~ an undescribed species t T. Walker 1963). 3. i~ut~icoi~,risF. JValker, 1869: 94. Tljpc': A, lost or destroyed (7'. Walker 1YIi2a: 317); 3lesic.o. Distriblttioic: s.e. Texas (T. Walker 19G2a) ; Mexico, Centrai America: \'enezuela (T. Walker 11367). o ~ j itz(ti.costilsis: Raker, 1905: 81; T. Walker 1962a: 317. T~~~".:.I ; without head or thorax, USNM (on indefinite loan from Ponlona College); San JIarcos, Yicaragua. ti. pe),c/ t'iunlcs F. Walkel,, 186!J: 95. 7'ljpe: j. lost or destroyed (not in BJ'I); Peru L)ist~,ibirtioii: Peru (T. II'alke~.1967). 7. feucvis F. Walker, 1869: '35. ,pllpc ::: ... 2 0 syntypes, BM; Santareni, Brazil, Bates. I)ist,,ibirf;o1/ : n. Brazil. Venezuela, Surinaln (T. Walker 19tj5). Walke~: Checklist of Oecanthinae 8. sinensis F. Walker, 1869: 95. Type:+:': 9 nymph, BM; China. Note: Saussure (1878:456) states that the type of sinensis is possibly a nymph of indiezis; if he is right, iwdicus is a junior synonym of sinerlsis. 9. lineatus F. Walker, 1869: 96. Type: 6,lost or destroyed (not in BM); Moreton Bay, Fiji Isles. Disti.ibzction : Fiji Islands (Saussure 1878). 10. .tiliger F. Walker, 1871: 14. T~~~::::::: teneral 9,BM; Natal, Union of South Africa. Note: Chopard (1932:244) placed ,filige~.and cnpensis as syn- onyms of pellzrcens; later (1955:300) he placed cupe?zsis as a distinct species but neglected to mention ,filiger, which ~vouldhave priority over cnpei~sis. Chopard (personal com- munication, 1963) sags the description of ,filiyer is inadequate but that the synonytny of ,tilige,. and copensis is probable. 11. (oy~?lfiitzisSaussure, 1874: 460. T~~~:,:::'. P,Genkve; data uncertain (T. Walker 1963: 773). Distribictio~~:s.~.Canada; TT-. and cen. United States; Mexico (T. Walker 1963). Syno?tyt,~y: ?.ellxii Baker, 1905:82; T. Walker 1963: 773. Type':":: 6,USNM (on indefinite loan from Pomona College); Stan- ford University, Santa Clara County, California. 12. cwlifo),)~iczisSaussure, 1874: 462. T~~~::: ::: : 8,Genkve; California. Distribzifion: w. United States (T. Walker 1962a), n. Mexico (T. Walker 1967). Synonymy: pictipelznis Hebard, 1935: 78; T. Walker 1962a: 317 (infrasubspecific form described as subspecies). Type':'*: 8, ANSP, type no. 1276; Rancho del Monte, Sante Fe County, New Mexico (7000 ft.),11 Aug. 1934, M. Hebard. 13. bzcrmeisteri Saussure, 1878:454. Type"': 9 without head, Martin-Luther-Universitat, Halle-Wit- tenberg, E. Germany; Lagoa Santa, east Africa. Dist~.ibufiow: Africa south of the Saraha (Chopard 1955). Note: Chopard 1955: 66 states that bzirmeisteri is an African form of pellztcens. 14. tnir~zctusSaussure, 1878: 454. Type: 6,lost or destroyed; Pernainbuco, Brazil. Distribzction: s. Brazil, n. Argentina (T. Walker 1967). ~Vofe:Saussure (1878) lists "Rlus. de Bruxelles" for the type. The type was not found at Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, nor at the museums that hold other Saussure types. Synonymy: b~usiliensisBruner, 3916: 397; new synonymy. Type':'": 9,ANSP; CorumbB, Brazil, March. 15. brevicauda Saussure, 1878:454. Type: 9, lost? (not in Paris); the Cape, South Africa. The Florida Entotrlologist Vol. 49, No. 4 Distribution: Africa south of the Sahara (Chopard 1955). Syno~zymy: par?~rl7is Saussure, 1899: 613; Chopard 1932: 245. TypeLL: 2 Q syntypes; Nossi-Be, Voeltzkow. ( r syntype, from Aldabra?, lost) 16. i71dicz~s Saussure, 1878: 454. Type*: 5 Q syntypes, Genkve; Celebes, Madras (India), Java. Disttibutio~z: India, Java; Sumatra (Chopard 1931). .Vote: See si,rrnsis F. Walker, 1869. 17. cupensis Saussure, 1878: 456. Type'!': 2 syntypes ( d,Q), Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Sliest Germany; Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, 1837, Von Ludwig. Dist).ibution: S. Africa (Chouard 1955). Note: See fili,qev F. Walker, 1871. 18. lntij~etuzisRiley, 1881: 61. T I. :":: : ,: , USNM, type no. 1113; Missouri 01, Alabama, 7 Oct. 1877. Uistl~ibictio~t:e. Cnited States (T. Walker 1962a). 19. t~lnce,Karsch, 1893a: 161. Tjjpc %: c' (1ectot:;pe here designated from 2 ; antl 4 .? syn- types), Iristitut fiir Spezielle Zoologie und Zoologisches Nu- seuni, Berlin, E. Germany, 0rth.-Kat.-Sr. 647'7: Bisinarck- b~rg,Togo (no~vin Ghana), 1 Nov.-15 1)~.1890, R. Biittner. Disti~iD/rfio)r:tropical Africa south of the Sahara (Choparti 1032. 1!148, 1961). ,Vr;tc: Ka~,sch (18!):3b:20:3) tiescribeti rtlcrce~.n. sp. again, this time x~iththe type fro111 i<aroi-i~bi-Station,(~xnie~.oons. Cliop- ard ( 193.7: 217) refei.i,etl only to the 18!)3h descri~~tion,but the 18!):3a tlescriptio~i has pl,io~,it~-since it is tlatetl 1 .July 1893 anil the lXfiSb tlescription is tlateti inerely as July 18!13 (see A1,ticle 21. Intetnationnl Code of Zoological Soinencla- ture). Furthermore, the Togo s1,ecimcns we1.e labeled as types antl the ('ameroons rpecin~enwas not (K. K. C;dntller. ~X:I,- sonal co~nmunicationi. 20. corizpt/tllrs Karsch. 1893a: 161. Tg~.c:.:: / (lectotype here designated from 5 : antl 1 ? syn- types), I~istitutfiir Spezielle Zoologie untl Zoologisches Mu- seum, Berlin, E. Gerniany, 0rth.-Kat.-Nr. 6478; Bisnlarck- burg, Tog<> (now in Ghana), 15-31 Dee. 1890, K. Biittner. Disft ihlrfio?l: Uganda. Central African Republic, Ghana (Chop- art1 1'332). 21. pi~iiBeutenniuller~, 1894a: 56. T~~~::.;::: d (selected from ten syntypes by T. Walker 1963: 774), USNM, type no. 65925; Woodstock, Windham County, Con- necticut, Sep. 1893. Dist~~iblrtiotl:e. United States (T. Walker 1963). 22. qtcndtipu~ctuf~isBeutenmuller, 1894b: 250.
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