! ' I \ '/• •' z'- ■ •, .1 , 1., • i PAGE TWENTY-FOUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1962 . ■■•t- iSIanriiPStipr lEvi^ning H^ralh Average Daily Net Press Run I For the Week Ended The Weather I irrHim-lii-iilllilllHIlitHii-ilHuli!^ - ■ About Town I !►• iiluiiiH September lA, 1962 Forecast o f U. S. Weather B m eM 13,616 Frost Warning :— (Sear, cool, Center Church Mother's Club will widespread froSt tonight. Low SO meet tonljrht at 6:30 In the ^ b b in s OPEN Member of *the Audit to 35. Friday mostly sunny, con­ FREE lip Bureau of C^ulatton Room for a potluch supper and dis­ M O N D AY ' I tinued cool. High near 60. cussion. PARKING ill Manchester——A City o f Village Charm THROUGH rear i|| Lrfikota Council, Degree of Ppco- SATURDAY o f storo ( hontas. will meet tonight at 7:30 in VOL. LXXXL NO. 298 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES^IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1962 (CBaMlfled Adverttsliig on Page tS ) Odd Fellows Hall. - A pocial time 9:20 to 5:30 Ml 3-4123 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS \Wlth refreshments will follow the meeting. Tendency to Be Severe 'rte Lutheran Women's Mission- Kennedy Raps liili State News ary. L^^ue of , Zion Evangelical iiin LutheranNQiurch will meet to­ iiiji' night at 7-3Q at th'e church. A dis­ Call for Slash cussion on *'!phe History of the iiil Bar Group Urges Roundup Liturgy".will b^Jed by Mrs. Louise J!!K ress to Mertens.V M em b^ are reminded In Foreign Aid •■■UtX 1 that mite boxes a>e due at this meeting. Hostesses ivill be Mrs. Study, Reform for WASHINGTON (AP) — Child, 21/2, Killed Margaret Storrs. Mrs^ John Vsm President Kennedy says a W yck and Mrs. Carl Walters. .and House comihittee’s recommen­ By Milk Truck H. Peter Hansen, son of Mr. and dation that nearly $1.4 billion Mrs. Howard J. Hansen, 21 Brem­ New Circuit Court be slio^ from this year’s for­ STONINGTON (AP) en Rd., has entered the School of eign aid funds is an irrespon­ Myriam Rachpl Goldstein, Rulers Enginering of Valparaiso Univer­ sible actiop that “ poses a sity, Valparaiso, Ind. STAMFORD (AP) — Thef“ • city court judge he would 21,4-year-old daughter of Mr. threat to free world secur­ Stamford Bar Association has have disposed of those cases m and Mrs. Donald (kildstein of about an hour. ity.” The first fall mating of St. Ger­ called for a study and reform Stonington, was killed yester­ ard’s Mothers Circle wdll be held Zone contended that the case He asked that the slashed funds day when she was hit by a tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at the home of the state’s relatively new would not even have reached the be restored. Resolution of Mrs. Vernon Hauschild. 93 Con­ docket in the old city court be­ milk truck near her home. Circuit Cojirt. House leaders, detecting sent! Stonington police said the driver stance Dr. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Ns*. The association pgissed a reso­ cause of what he called the ques­ ment for additional trimming of Frank Aszklar. tionable nature of the evidence. of the truck, Neal A. Hall, 25, lution iinanimously lut night the $5,956,852,000 economic and Mystic, has been charged wiUi Cites Peril urging Chief Judge Jay E. Rubi- But he said the prosecutor could milltEU'y aid measure, may forego not nolle the CEise because the negligent homicide and has posted The VFW Auxiliary Harvest now of the Circuit Court to ap­ a .salvage operation at this time bond of $1,000 for court appear­ Supper committee will meet to­ point two lawyers from each of judge would not permit it. —for strategic purposes. Kennedy ance ’here Oct. 19. night at 9 at the post home. Mrs. the 18 Circuit Court districts to In addition. Zone said the judge, originally aaked $7.3 billion. The girl’s father is staff psy- To Security Olive Ray has ben appointed civili­ make the study. whom he did not identify, declined The cut criticized Wednesday cologist at Electric Boat division an defense chairman of the auxili­ The resolution was psissed Eifter to grant a one-day delay in the night by the President in a state­ of General Dynamics Corp., m ary and Mrs. William Dum, his­ TF^ FASHION LOWDOWNt some 150 members of the associa­ CELse and had recommended that ment is the handiwork of the Groton. In addition to her par­ WASHINGTON (AP) — torian. tion heard Atty. Joseph P. Zone Zone's clients plead guilty to House Appropriations Committee. ents, the girl Is survived by a complain of what he called a ten­ Congress moved sWiftly tciday ------ t charges of speeding. The stiff opposition a move to re­ brother and sister. to give solemn warning to Members of the American Le­ ITS THE LITTLE dency in the court to impose un­ The judge, Zone contended fur­ store the money would face was gion Auxiliary planning to attend usually severe sentences. ther, sdso turned down a request “ the rulers of Havana and summed up by Rep. Otto E. Pass­ 184 to 213 the joint installation of Rau-Locke THINGS THAT COUNTI Zone, a former city court judge to have the cas^ reopened the next man’s declaration that "Not one Moscow” that the* United Post and Auxiliary tonight are re- and former Democratic town day when, the lawyer said, he had cent will be put back if I have HARTFORD (AP) —The State States will not tolerate a mili­ ■ minded that the meeting will be chairman, stressed that he was new evidence. anything to do with it.” Motor Vehicle Department's daily speaking to the stssociation at his record o f automobile fatalities as tary force in Cuba capable of held at the Polish National Home Newsy little ^sectator . fresh-fashioned by Zone cited another case in which The Louisiana Democrat, a per' on Governor St,. Hartford, rather .. own request and because of hia o f last midnight and the totals on endangering U.S. security. than in the State Armory, as was Joyce on appealing stacked heeling just an own recent experiences m Circuit the same date last year: A resolution making this pro­ (Continued on Page Eight) ((Continued on Page Sixteen) reported yesterday. Court. 1961 1962 I nouncement, drafted by the Sen­ inch-and-a-half high. Smart crescent toe. The resolution later adopted by Killed ..................... 184 213 ate Armed Forces and Foreign the Eissociatlon specifically re­ Relations committees, weis ap­ dean, uncluttered lines. So soft and quested Rubinow to appoint a 36- Bbld, New Instrument Aimits Sentence proved unanimously by the House light and right for going Joyce-fuUy lawyer committee "to study the NEW HAVEN (AP) — A veteran Foreign Affairs Committee. problems of the Circuit Court EUid local attorney will be sentenced in Its adoption by both Senate and D O N 'TI ’Bai a w a y ; * round your busiest season! make recommendations for re­ Superior CJourt Nov? » for embez­ House before nightfall was In form.” prospect. zlement and obtaining money by niere’s PLENTY OF WEAK Rubinow said today that he Trade Bill left in your ataoe« when you false pretenses. A main purpose of the resolu­ would not comment on the situa­ tion was to give an advance show, bring them to this RELI­ COUNT DOWN The attorney, M. Edward Kleb- tion before he had received a copy anoff, 69, pleaded guilty yesterday of support for, and national will ABLE Shoe Repair Shop! of the resolution. before Judge Vine R. Parmelee. ^hind, any use of qjmied forces Zone, m his talk, described one OPEN MONHAYS Market in The judge immediately ordered Pre.sident Kennedy as com- vCEUie In which he represented in chief may decide -is Closed All Day Wednesday without fee two youths cha^'ged Klebanoff’s permanent disbarment. In Eiddition to his private prac­ with racing motor vehicles. tice, Klebanoff was clerk of the Zone said they were convicted By JOE HALL Athe President shaped his trade And in that connection it was SA M YULYES and given "ridiculously high WASHINGTON (AP) — Pour proposals to meet directly the Few Haven Probate Court. He re­ disclos^ that’ Secretary ol State 23 OAK St r e e t fines.” years ELgo Sen Harry F. Byrd, challenge and the opportunity of signed that post shortly before his Dean Ru.sk had^4>Utlincd to the Same Side As Watkins Zone said that he emd hia clt-’ after steering an embattled trade the new trading area. arrest In July. Senate committees''Jast Monday ents were m court early in the bill through the Senate at the re­ "A hold new instrument" was Klebanoff pleaded guilty to five some of the circumstlmces under quest of President Eisenhower, needed, Kennedy told Congress counts of embezzlement and six which U.S. armed foreW^ would morning but that the case did not act. come'\up until late in the after­ told a newsman: "I don’t bellqve Emd the nation, to forge across counts of obtaining money by false noon. it will be possible to get legisla­ the Atlantic "a trading parmer pretenses. Release today of testimony 'gly- The state charged , Klebemoff T Suppose It’s for Massachusetts cn in a closed meeting show^,^^ ITie docket, he noted, mduded tion like this through ever again." ship with vast resources for free­ Pre.sident. Kennedy smd Speaker John W. McCormack, D-Mass., look each other In the eye as they that Rusk said: 11 common drunks. Zone said that Wednesday the vetersm Virginia dom ." used his power of attorneys (or pose for picture in the Pre.sident's office this morning Etfter a breakfast meetmg of congressional 1.
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