PROCEEDINGS The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014 held by FKIP Unsri in Collaboration with Communication Forum for Indonesian State FKIP Deans, 16—18 May, 2014 This Paper has been presented at The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference “Improving the Quality of Education to Strengthen the Global Competitiveness: A Respond to the Current Curriculum” Editor Board: 1. Hartono (Sriwijaya University, Indonesia) 2. Bruce Waldrip (Tasmania University) 3. Maarten Dolk (Utrecht University, The Netherland) 4. Mahzan B. Arshad (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia) 5. Eran M. Williams (RELO, United Stated of America) 6. Nurhayati (Sriwijaya University, Indonesia) 7. Ratu Ilma Indra Putri (Sriwijaya University, Indonesia) 8. Ismail Petrus (Sriwijaya University, Indonesia) 9. MachdalenaVianty (Sriwijaya University, Indonesia) 10. Rita Hayati (Sriwijaya University, Indonesia) 11. Zainal A. Naning (Sriwijaya University, Indonesia) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sriwijaya University Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia 2014 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Front Page i Editor Board ii Preface iii Table of Contents iv Keynote Speakers 1 Improving International Rankings through Enhanced Learning A-1 1 through Representational Reasoning Bruce Waldrip, Tasmania University-Australia 2 Principles of Literacy Teaching in A Multiethnic Society A-2 9 Mahzan Arshad, Sultan Idris Education University-Malaysia 3 Facts and Hopes About the Students’ English Mastery at A-3 18 Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University Palembang, Indonesia Sofendi, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University-Indonesia 4 Improving Mathematics and Science Education: a Dutch A-4 24 Example Maarten Dolk, Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Utrecht University-Netherlands Language Education 1 Improving Students’ Descriptive Writing Skill by Using Peer B-1 30 Response Technique Amalia Hasanah, IAIN Raden Fatah 2 Using High 5 Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension B-2 43 Achievement and Reading Interest of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 10 Palembang Desi Surayatika, Rita Inderawati, Dian Ekawati, Sriwijaya University 3 The Application of Scaffolded Writing to Improve Students’ B-3 51 Attitude toward Exposition Writing and Writing Achievement Dian Kusumaningrum, State Senior High School 1 South Inderalaya 4 Increasing X.1 Students’ Reading Skills in Narrative Text B-4 56 Through Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) in Senior High School 1 Gelumbang Fitri Yetti Oktariza, State Senior High School 1 Gelumbang iv Science Education 1 The Difference of Learning Results between Students Taught C-1 501 with Experiment- and Demonstration-Based Problem Solving Methods in Class VII SMPN 5 City of Bengkulu Dedy Hamdani, Prisma Gita Azwar and Eko Swistoro Physics Eduation Study Program, Departement of Mathematics and Sciences Education , Faculty of Teacher Training and Educations, Bengkulu University 2 Implementation of Education Improvement Model for C-2 509 Biology in Aceh Province Djufri, Mukhlis Hidayat, and Melvina, FKIP Unsyiah, Banda Aceh 3 The Development of Instructional Animation-Media of the C-3 516 Electrochemical Cell with Based Powerpoint Effendi, Department of Chemistry Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Sriwijaya University 4 The Effect of Active Knowledge Sharing Strategies for C-4 533 Learning Outcomes Biology Subject of Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 5 Samarinda 2013/2014 Evie Palenewen, and Edy Jumadil, Biology Education FKIP Mulawarman University 5 Analysis of Physics Teaching Material for Grade XI in the C-5 540 District of North Indralaya Based on Scientific Literacy Themes Feni Kurni, Zulherman, and Apit Fathurohman, Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University 6 Characteristics of Multiple Representations-Based Mechanics C-6 545 Learning (PMPB-MR) Ismet, Physics Education, Sriwijaya University 7 Increased Mastery of Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge C-7 552 through Problem Solving Application of Learning Strategies in Wave Subjects Iwan Setiawan and Eko Swistoro, Department of Physics Education, University Of Bengkulu 8 Improving the Activity and the Students’ Chemistry C-8 559 Learning Output on the Twelfth Grade Science Class at SMAN 1 Indralaya Utara by Using BAJAPRETA Model K. Anom W, Jejem Mujamil Sufhiatna, F. Eka Safitri Chemistry Education of FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya 9 Profile of Student Learning Styles and Media Needs ICT- C-9 567 Based Learning Course in Modern Physics Ketang Wiyono, Physics Education, Sriwijaya University ix PROCEEDINGS ISBN: 978-602-70378-0-9 IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT MODEL FOR BIOLOGY IN ACEH PROVINCE Djufri, Mukhlis Hidayat, and Melvina Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Unsyiah, Banda Aceh E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Referring to Mapping Research and Education Quality Improvement (PPMP) for Higher Education (Dikti) in Aceh Province that were conducted in 2011, found several problems aboutbasic competences and standard competences from the Aceh Province’ score of National Examination (UN) for 2011. A Survey was done at 12 areas where includes 23 districts/cities reveals low achievement of standard and basic competences in Biology subject, namely: Area I includes South East district and Gayo Lues district; Area 2 includes Bireun district and Lhoksumawe city; Area 3 includes Pidie district and Pidie Jaya district; Area 4 includes Simeulue district; Area 2 includes Langsa city and Aceh Tamiang district; Area 6 includes Bener Meriah district and Center of Aceh district; Area 8 includes West Aceh district and Nagan Raya district; Area 9 includes Banda Aceh city and Sabang city; Area 10 includes East Aceh district and North Aceh district; Area 11 includes South West Aceh district and South Aceh district; and Area 12 includes Singkil district an Subulussalam district. Regarding to the problem,experts in related fields developed problem solving model through research and service. This service activity aims to examine the effectivity of the model implementation in order to improve the SK and KD competences towards students in Aceh province. The model is conducted through series of activities: 1) First stage, conducting MGMP workshop to identify problems found based on result of PMPMP research in 2011, then is getting same perception among service activity members, 2) Second stage,developinglesson plan, getting same understanding in developing RPP refers to Taxonomy (Affective, cognitiive, Psychomotoric), and 3) Third stage, Open Lesson Implementation, gathering all development documents as agreed valid format to be used all over Aceh province. The effectivity of the model implementation is measured by achievement level of determined indicators and improvement of teacher and student competences towards problematic SK and KD in Biology. The implementation shows that generally model and activity stages can be applied, teachers, principals and school supervisors are improved in planning and implementing learning through modelling activity. Key words: Quality Improvement,Competence Standard,Basic Competence, model implementation INTRODUCTION PM-PMP Service in 2012 was targeted for High School level (SMA) in Aceh province where the targeted schools are the location of PP-PMP research done in 2011. Each District has 3 samples of high schools. This service is supported and alligned with education quality improvement program ofrelated institution such as Provincial Office of Education, District/City Office of Education. PM- PMP research conducted in 2011 revealed problems and relevant with the condition and quality of learning implementation at the sample schools in every district. According to National Exam found that UN score for high school in Aceh Province is low compared to other provinces, indicated by the average score and analysis of student comprehension level at various competences in Biology. According to National Exam report, informed that Aceh education quality for at every levels is low compare to other provinces in Indonesia. Student comprehension level at every competence in Biology is not distributed equally or variative. Futhermore, for certain competences, 5-7 competences at every subject has students comprehension level under 40%, even there are 3-5 competence where This paper has been presented at Sriwijaya University Learning and Education-International Conference 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, May 16—18, 2014. C2-509 PROCEEDINGS ISBN: 978-602-70378-0-9 the level of student’s comprehension is under 10%. The significant difference of level comprehension in between competences cause the average final score of Biology is not maximum. The following are factors cause national standard can not be achieved: 1) limited comprehension about content curriculum; 2) limited comprehension about subject matter, especially Biology subject; 3) lacking of biology teacher’s pedagogical knowledge ; 4) lacking of facilities and infrastructures; 4) unconducive learning culture; and 5) low level capability in managing school. The mentioned factors affect negatively students’ comprehension on learning material and National Examination. METHOD Lesson Study is considered as suitable solution to solve the identified problems that had been mentioned previously, it is indicated by PPMP in 2011
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