Jfusham, Dudley Wood, Lady Wood, Salt Wells, Lutley, Uley, Hasbury, Halesowen, Saint Jbnft Level, Level Woods, Netherton, Saint Andrew's the Baptist Halesowen, and the Borough of Hales- Netherton, Halesowen, Saint John the Baptist owen, some or one of them, in the said county of Halesowen, Borough of Dudley, Dudley, Saint Worcester. James Dudley, Saint John Dudley, Saint Edmund Also another branch railway, diverging out of Dudley, Saint Thomas Dudley, Dudley Castle the said first-mentioned intended line of railway, • and Grounds and Precincts, Bumble Hole, some or at or near the Fox oak Colliery, in the parish of *>ae of them, in the county of Worcester. Rowley Regis aforesaid, and terminating in. the And also another branch railway or short con- parish of Dudley aforesaid, at or near a place called necting line, diverging from the said last-mentioned Lady Wood, in the said parish, adjoining or neir branch line, at or near the Baptist Chapel, at a place adjoining the public rond there leading from itow- ealled Cinder Bank, in the said parish of Dudley, ley Regis aforesaid towards Dudley Wood and the in the said county of Worcester, and at or near Salt Wells, at or near a field there, called Pool the public road leading from Cinder Bank afore- Piece, belonging to the Right Honourable Lord said to Dudley aforesaid, to connect the said last- Ward, and in the occupation of Messrs. Webb, mentioned intended branch railway with the line of Harper, and Company, and of John Jeavons, and •the Oxford, Worcester, and WolverhaiEpton Rail- passing from, in, through, or into the several pa- way, and terminating by a junction with the Ox- rishes, townships, hamlets, extra-parochial; and • ibrd, Worcester,' and Wolverhampton Bailway, in other places of Rowley, Rowley Regis, Saint Giles the said parish of Dudley, in the said county of Rowley Regis, Rowley Regis Overside, Rowley Worcester, in or near a field belonging to Thomas Regis Lower Side, Rowley Somery, Clent, Saint Shaw Hellier, adjoining the public highway lead- Leonard Clent, Reddall Hill, Saint Luke's Reddall ing from Cinder Bank aforesaid to Dudley afore- Hill, Foxoak, Cradley Heath, Saint Mary Cradley, said, and lying between the said highway and a Cradley Pool, Quarry Bank, Christchurch Quarry house called or known by the name of the Half- Bank, and Kingswinford, some or one of them, in way House, situate at a place called Cabbage Hall, the said county of Stafford ? Cradley, Saint Mary in the said parish of Dudley, in the said county of Cradley, Mushana, Dudley Wood, Lady Wood, Salt Worcester, and passing from, in, through, or into Wells, Cradley Pool, Dudley, Saint James Dudley, the several parishes, townships, or hamlets, extra- Saint John's Dudley, Saint Edmutod Dudley, Sairrt parochial and other places of Netherton, Saint Thomas Dudley, Netherton, Saint Andrew's Ne- Andrew's Netherton, Bumble Hole, Musham, therton, Quarry Bank, Christchurch Quarry Bank, Dudley Wood, Dudley, Borough of Dudley, Dud- and .Hasleowen. some or one of them, in the said ley Castle and Grounds and Precincts, Saint James county of Worcester. Dudley, Saint John Dudley, Saint Edmund Dud- Also another branch railway or connecting liner ley, Saint Thomas Dudley, and Oldbury, in the to connect the said first-mentioned intended branch county of Worcester, or some or one of them ; railway with the said proposed branch therefrom Bowley, Saint Giles Rowley, Rowley Regis Over- to Halesowen, and diverging from the said first- side, Rowley Regis Lowersidc, Rowley Somery, mentioned intended branch railway, in the parish of Quarry Bank, Christ Church Quarry Bank, Rowley Regis aforesaid, at or near a place called Brierley Hill, Saint Michael's Brierley Hill, Pens- the Five Ways, in the parish of Rowley Regis afore- nett, Pensnett Chace, Saint Luke's Pensnett, and said, and adjoining the public highway leading1 Kingswinford, some or one of them, in the county from the Five Ways aforesaid towards Dudley, and of Stafford. terminating by a junction with the said intended Also another branch railway, diverging from the railway leading from the said intended line of rail- said first-mentioned intended line of railway, in way at Reddall Hill aforesaid to Halesoweii afore- the parish of Rowley Regis aforesaid, at or in a said, a* Cradley Heath in the parish of Rowley certain pasture field called Or known by the name Regis aforesaid, in ©r near a certain field called or of the Maise otherwise the West Maise Leasow, art knowm by the name of Over Field otherwise Over or near Reddall Hill, ia the s^id parish of Rowley Leasow, belonging, to the said Lord Ward, and in Regis, and terminating in the township of the the-occupation of James Henry Edmonds, and pass- borough of Halesowen, in the parish of Halesowen ing from, in, through, or into the several parishes, aforesaid, near the turnpike-road leading from town-ships^ hamlets, extra-parochial and other Stpurbridge to Birmingham, and nearly opposite places, of Cradley Heath, Saint Mary Cradley, to the public-house called the New Inn there, Five Ways, Rowley, Rowley Regis, Saint Giles where the same is intended to form a junction Rowley Regis, Rowley Regis Overside, Rowley with the Kingsfiorton and Halesowcn branch of Regis Lower Side, Cient, S:unt Leonard Clerrt, the Midland Railway, and passing from, in, Rowley Softiwry, Reddall Hill} aim SaintLuke's Red- through, or into the several parishes, towrtships, dall Hill, some or one of them, in the said county hamlets, extra-parochial and other places of Rod- of Stafford : Cradley, Saint IVi-.iry Crsidltiy, H&wn, dalt Hill, Saint Luke's Reddall Hill, Rowley, Hasbury, Lutlejy The Hill, Cakemore, the Borough Rowley Regis, Saint Giles Rowley Regis, Rowley of Halesowen, and Halesowen, some or on? of them, Regis Overside, Rowley Regis Lower Side, Ro\v- .in-the said county of Worcester, ley Somery, Clent, Saint Leonard Clsnt, Saint Also another branch railway, diverging from Mary Cradley, and Cradley Heath, ov some or one the said first-mentioned intended line of railway, •of them, in the said county of Stafford ; Cradley, at or near a certain field called Green's-meadow, Saint. Mary Cradley, Hawn, The Hill, Cakemore, and near to certain brick works* in the tov/nship B 2.
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