ESIA MCF-YATTA ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED LEVEL (IV) HOSPITAL AND AUXILIARY FACILITIES ON PLOT L.R NOs.15312/3 & 15312/4, IN KITHIMANI, YATTA SUB-COUNTY, MACHAKOS COUNTY Prepared By P.O BOX 225-00100, TEL: 0737421909/0727792103 NEMA Reg. No: 10400 NAIROBI. SEPTEMBER 2020 ESIA MCF-YATTA CERTIFICATION This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment report has been prepared by Emerald Consultancy Kenya Limited (NEMA Reg. No. 10400) in accordance with the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA) Cap 387 and the Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations 2003. We the undersigned, certify that the particulars in this report are correct and righteous to the best of our knowledge. DETAILS OF PROJECT PROPONENT: NAME OF THE MULLY CHILDRENⓢ FAMILY TRUST ORGANIZATION REGISTERED TRUSTEES PROJECT LOCATION In terms of latitude and longitude it lies between latitudes 1006’22.8”South and longitudes 37021’23.3” East. ADDRESS P.O BOX 557-00606 NAIROBI TELEPHONE 0700690004 PIN P051140270L NAME OF CONTACT PERSON DR. CHARLES MULLI DESIGNATION CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER SIGNATURE & DATE DETAILS OF ESIA/EA AUDIT EXPERTS S/NO. NAME DESIGNATION REG.NO. SIGN. DATE 1. JACINTA KALITI LEAD EXPERT 2065 2. ELIJAH MUTHUSI LEAD EXPERT 0754 3. THEOBALD LUCHIDIO LEAD EXPERT 1864 4. FRANCIS MUSEMBI ASSOCIATE 8806 EXPERT i ESIA MCF-YATTA ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CDF Constituency Development Fund COMESA Common Market for East and Central Africa CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSSD Central Sterile Services Department CU Cardiac Unit dB(A) Decibel of Noise DOSH Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health DU Diagnostic Unit EA Environmental Audit EHS Environmental Health and Safety ESIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMCA Environmental Management and Coordination Act EMP Environmental Management Plan EMS Environmental Management Standards ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan GHGs Green House Gases GoK Government of Kenya GPS Global Positioning System HVAC Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning ICU Intensive Care Unit IPC Infection Prevention and Control KENHA Kenya National Highways Authority KPLC Kenya Power and Lighting Company KURA Kenya Urban Roads Authority LDRP Labour, Delivery, Recovery & Postpartum Room LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas MCF Mully Childrenⓢ Family MCFTRT Mully Childrenⓢ Family Trust Registered Trustees MDD Maximum Dry Density MDGs Millennium Development Goals MOH Ministry of Health MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet NCA National Construction Authority NEMA National Environment Management Authority NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NYS National Youth Service OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act OSHO Occupational Safety and Health Officer PAPS Project Affected Persons PVC Polyvinyl Chloride QMS Quality Management Standards RoK Republic of Kenya RRA Rapid Rural Appraisal STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNEP United Nations Environnemental Programme UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WIBA Work Injury Benefits Act ii ESIA MCF-YATTA DEFINITION OF TERMS Environmental Auditor: Means an expert or a firm of experts registered in accordance with regulation 14 of Legal Notice No. 101 of 2003 (Environmental Audit and Impact Assessment Regulations). Environmental Impact Study: A systematic evaluation of activities and processes of an upcoming project/facility to determine how far these activities and programs conform to the approved Environmental Management plan of that specific project and sound environmental management practices. Environmental Management Plan: Means all details of project activities, impacts, mitigation measure, time, schedule, costs, impact or activities, including monitoring and environmental audit during implementation and decommissioning phase of a project Mitigation: Measures which include engineering works, technology improvement management ways and means of minimizing negative aspects, including socioeconomic and cultural losses suffered by communities and individuals, whilst enhancing positive aspects of the project. Proponent: Means a person proposing or executing a project, program or an undertaking specified in the second schedule of the Environmental Co-ordination and Management Act. Standards: Means the limit of discharge or emission established under the Act or under these Regulations; Waste: Includes any matter whether liquid, solid, gaseous or radioactive, which is discharged, emitted or disposed in the environment in such a volume, composition or manner likely to cause an alteration of the environment. Scoping: Is the process of determining the content and extent of the matters which should be covered in the environmental information to be submitted to a competent authority for projects which are subject to ESIA. Screening: It is a coarse analysis of the possible impacts of an action with a view to identifying those impacts which are worthy of detailed study for a project to be considered for an ESIA process or not. Decommissioning: This is the permanent withdrawal from a site or close down of a facility for restoration. iii ESIA MCF-YATTA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The ESIA team wishes to recognize the whole fraternity of Mully Childrenⓢ Family together with Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs of Kithimani and Ngoliba locations for their helpful insights and support in this study. We are greatly indebted to the MCF staff and management; Dr. Charles Mulli and his family for logistical and moral support accorded to the team in the course of undertaking the assessment. Finally, the team appreciates the community in the project area and other stakeholders who were very co-operative during this study. iv ESIA MCF-YATTA TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION .......................................................................................................................................... I ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ II DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................................................III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ IV LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................................ IX LIST OF FIGURES AND PLATES ............................................................................................................. IX EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ X CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 PROPONENT’S BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 1 1.3 SCREENING ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1.4 SCOPING ................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.5 OBJECTIVE OF CONDUCTING THE ESIA ............................................................................................... 2 1.6 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION ...................................................................................................................... 2 1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT ........................................................................................................... 2 1.8 SCOPE OF THE ESIA.............................................................................................................................. 3 1.9 DESCRIPTION OF BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF THE AREA ......................................... 3 1.10 ESIA METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.11 STUDY APPROACH ................................................................................................................................. 3 1.12 STUDY TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES .......................................................................................................... 4 1.13 ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT TEAM ......................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER TWO: .......................................................................................................................................... 6 2.0. PROJECT DESIGN DESCRIPTION AND ACTIVITIES .................................................................. 6 2.1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 PROJECT DESIGN DESCRIPTION AND LAYOUT PLAN ........................................................................... 6 2.2.1 Hospital Building comprising of the following Per Floor: ................................................................... 6 2.2.2 A Ground only Mortuary building that will be separately constructed from the main building
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