T Clinton Independent ■ ■ Clinton Independent. (•mna rma mm tu omitt .) RATH OF ADVERTISING. la PtMMU Mwmj Thmroflny, M ll... tfls.|* la. e-|tt C 1 coi. <>•*• wmmk.... #1 uu, SI 50 SZ UO fla UU A5 U0 f#(» 1 A-l Wf< ks 1 50 ”i m ~8 (Ml 4 *>, 7 50 14 in of Cttntoa CPWly. Thrru Mucks ... 4 uoi R UUi 4 UO ft 50 IO 0U<)5 <M Four work* ...J 4 HI 1 7ft! 4 00 • 5U 14 0818 UO OOnniT A, ESTES, Three Oiouilis,. 8 50 ft no 7 (■> 14 UU *i UO 40 (Ml Independent. Mix month* .... 5 Ao 8 00 10 UU 16 (JO *J UO 4ft 00 Nina mouth* ,. 7 Ur 10 UU.18 00 40 no io do (ft (10 Twaiva month* A 00 14 UO 1* UOoM on m on mo <*) TERMS. Legal Advcrd/M»n»#uu at statute rater. iMlalhM |1A ta advaaca, tor Mpcn aiMiu/usoouiy.uU fl.MI fur those la Um Marriage aad Death N oticaa free. BuaincM Cards, five Mae* or under, f> per yea All matters tor publication ninat h# la Local Darina** Notice# 10 cants a Hue for Aral, ■terming to taaora pufcUcauoa tha VOL. IX.-NO. 20. ST. JOHNS, MICII., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1875. WHOLE NO. 442. and 5 cants for each subsequent uuvUuu. er had denied the commission of the crime A t St Louis on the 20th ult., In Um ease of aotne or the villagers uau gone <j MICHIGAN STATE NEW8. nt. Clair Cwwatjr. at Flint; the Insane Asylum at Kalaiuasoo; CLKMENT ITEMS. Vl Buell, charged with libeling nx Senator it (tequeuUg to hunt sea bird*. It bad There wm a $2,000 tire in Hendricks ’ for a new State House of Correction at Ionia; LATEST NEWS. with which he i* charged, witness answered for the expenses of the Kish < ouuulsniou; for that he did not ask him about It. Mr. Beech­ CiiMiidhtr, of Michigan, in the Dot roll showu no signfiof moving before that Bay (amuy. brewery at Port Huron the other day. A n indignant Jersey man is going to rocuring a supply of water for Michigan move to Houlh Abingdon, Mass , where er wm the next witness called to the stand. Prr*M * year ago, appealed by the fatal day * Moporta hud b**ft received Tbe Bay City Trihunt of a rerent date eays: Fort Huron has a man who ha# refused $15,- B Diversity; legalizing arts heretofore done in for a week from the headlands that a ” A gentleman who ia a resident u |hmi the 000 for 9.UU0 aocicut coin#. ihaugiug the twuudarica of representative the town cannot have a centennial until Great Financial Revulsion ia Me •aid he had conscientious scruples against incut from the United Stales District to the 1975 United Slates Circuit Court, March 9, Judge vessel waa seen drifting about, and on •bore north of thia city says that large num ­ dtstrteta; relneoriwirating Chelsea and Nash- swearing on the Bible, and waa sworn by the The McDonald Hotel, at Port Huron, with a ▼.lla....The House agreed to the Senate eon- Tiik block of Hwitzerland granite Berlin. Dillon, of the latter court, rendered a decision Ibe 2d of March the brig waa discovered bers of duck" are flying to the shore and drop ­ uplifted hand. He then gave a detailed two aad a half miles from their shore shop adioiniug, burned the other day. Loe current resolution for adjournment from tlie which is to serve for a monument over history of hia life and hi* acquaintance with affirming that of the lower court, and Mr.' ping exhauatod, to die of starvation, because $4,000. % 5th to the 9th ... Adiourned. the grave of Agassiz has arrived at Cam­ fast in the ice. party of thirty-four they find no water in the lake, and conse ­ Messrs. Bowen, Tilton and Moultou down to Buell waa discharged. (all men hut James Grace) was quickly Vaa ffiwreu County. Hknatk , April 9.—The Senate wm in bridge, and is now receiving the inscrip ­ quently are deprived of their supply of food. No More American Potatoes about the year 1871). Hi* evidence for th* Tub trustee* of the Lick fuud in San Fran- gathered, and thev started out on the ice Peter Carinnn, an old man living near Paw tion. Our informant ia a perfectly reliable gentle ­ session but a short time sod transacted very day closed with a statement of an interview rlseo have held a meeting to discus* Mr Lick's to her and spent the day on l>oard. Paw, cainiuitted nuieide the other night. He little business.. .Tlie House amendments to It is said that nothing will cure u for France. man and tells only what he has seen. It doe* poet ’s affection for hit idol sooner thau by witness and hia wife with Mr*. Tilton and revocation of his will, and expreas a deter ­ Toward eveniog they started home­ had bad some trouble with ill* wife and left the bill appropriating money to the Insane Mr*. Morse, at Mrs. Tilton's residence, and at mination not to resign their trust. ward, but had not proceeded far when not follow, of course, from the a’love state­ the house about three o'clock, going to an Asylum at Kalamazoo were concurred in.... to catch her at the dinner-table excavat­ her (Mrs. T.’a) request, on which occasion the terrible fact was presented to them ment that there ts no open water in 1-xkc old log house which he used for a workshop, Adjourned until the eveuiug of tbe 6th. ing the kernel of a hickory nut with a The Late Tornado in Georgia and Tiir Powtoffice at Neucea, Tex., was burned Huron. But the fart that the water-fowl are hair-pin. Mrs. Tilton and Mrs. Morse spoke of the do ­ by a band of armed Mexieans during the that the ice had parted between them about forty rod* south of hi* residence. IlorftK. —The House remained in ses­ and the sboie and the opening was in­ dying In the manner stated shows conclusive ­ Bomkhodt in Baltimore claims to have South Carolina. mestic difficulties in Mr. Tilton's family, and recent raid* from over the border. The Post ­ Nothing was thought by hi* family of hia sion hut a abort time. Tbe bill organizing creasing every moment. Consternation ly that they starve to death in their search seen a phafitom dog one night recently. the result of which waa that he (witness) co ­ master himself barely escaped with hia life, going there, as it wm a frequent occurrence Presque Isle County was passed....Ad- *eir.ed upon them as they hastened for ­ for the open water in which they get their This is encouraging to those who have incided with the view* of Mrs. Beecher that the robbers believing that he had perished tu for him to apend hi* evening* there, at work journed uulil the evening of Tuesday next, ward, and each threw away his heavy food. We are told tbs number* of fowl long wished to see phantom dogs super­ Three Hundred rrmoRM Killed and a separation between Mr. and Mrs. Til­ the flames of the burning building. A maa or reading, and while there be wa« not dis ­ April 6. sede all others. outer clothing as he ran, to be encum ­ found dead along the shore are very great, ton would be the wisest course for them to named Smith was murdered, and save ml turbed by hia wife. He went directly to the 1,500 Injured. bered as little as possible. When the and that the circumstance la entirely un ­ State 1 reamiry. A Yor.Nn lady while out walking heard pursue. On the 2d Mr. Beecher denied any Americans were taken prisoners and subject- *hop aud after reading hi* Bible some time for the first time of her mother’s inten ­ brink of the ice was reached the space precedented, so far a* ia known among the in ­ and all charge* of either criminal conduct or ed to the most cruel treatment. One of the hanged himself with a cord whieli he had at­ tion to marry again, and she was obliged of water between them and the shore habitant# of that region. This la but one The balance of cash in the Htate Treas­ intent on hia part in hia relations with Mrs. leaders of the gang waa afterward captured was half a mile wide, the ice having tached to a beuin above, and as the roof was to sit right down and cry about it. 8he The PoetofYVce at Neucee, Tea., more evidence of the unparal. *'^ed severity of ury March 17, 1H75, was $1,550,528.67. Re­ Tilton at auy time. He reiterated hia state­ and taken to Corpus Christ!, where he waa broken one mile out from the land ant) low he had to sit down to produce strangu ­ could not go a step farther. Burned by Mealcan Raiders. tb“ past winter. ’* ceipts during the week ending March 24 ments made before tbe Church Investigating summarily tried by a people ’s court and the immenac field upon which they lation. were $30,053 68; payments during same Tkxas talks of dividing herself into Bay City ha* the youngest drunkard heard Committee, and flatly contradicted the evi- hanged. stood floating steadily further out to sea. The store of John Killefer, at Blooming- time, $4 ,689.83, leaving a balance in the two Blates. Tlie worst thing about Texas It was now quite dark, the party were from.
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