K* Sty*. f.- COURIER-JOURNAL 8 Wharfs' A Reasonable Curfew ;pfcw& septan* * ao^ 055T Funeral Held For Teen-Agers Today? sono/ By FATHER JOHN L. THOMAS, S.-L - -- . < * For Dubuque s Assistant Professor of Sociology at St. Louis University What's a reasonable time for " •" Abp. Rohlman teenagers to get in at night? Our two oldest children are ' JGtifct/Cify'*- <RNS) — Praise for the "magnitude" Dubuque — (NO — A Re­ now in high school, and this ; «tCfttb.olic charities was coupled heie by Msgr. Floyd P. quiem M-ass was celebrated here question keeps coming up con­ stantly. It was discussed at one IlicrTfe* of Omaha* Net*., with * warning that "we cannot for Archbishop Henry . Patrick Sts Rohlman, retired Archbishop of i of our PTA meetings, but ^ifl^jE^Mpjavw to remain in "" .iI!Qsjti_of „i« wyrne away more Dubuque, "by-- Cardinal... -StrllctL. I %% w* o* tr*«W<Hiali*m " number 133 aHcTcaii~foF1597IlT confused than before. Are patients. Archbishop of Chicago. I *' 4H* said "there are lour areas opinions varied so much that ,f*«* «re e^fjtan&.a good e* In addition to these facilities, Archbishop Rohlman died' there any reliable norms par­ . ligation oj afflgcjence,'' Msgr. Fischer repotted,. there (September 13) in Xavler Hospi- ' ents can follow in this matter? has been an increase in the nun* tal here after an illness of t.wo th«M to H»ted *s loss of A European observer has re­ ber of guidance clinics, new pro­ weeks. He was 81 years old. SudlvidUAl contact through too grams for the hard of hearing marked somewhat maliciously, -muck kp«d«l&»tkw, lack of and the deaf, the blind, the cere' Bishop Edward A. Fitzgerald perhaps, that American par­ bral palsied, and special educa ents spend half their time wor­ unity lietwwm Catholic schools of vyinona, Minn., former auxili- rying about when their chil­ o< «>ci«t work and the large tion programs for children with ary to Archbishop Rohlman.' learning disabilities. dren will turn In, and the other vwfeiy ot progmms under preached the sermon at the serv­ half about how they will turn .. CatitoHe auspices, ttie need for ices in St. Raphael's cathedral. out. MOM scientific research to ao- ARCHBISHOP Rohlman, who ! He also commented on how Notre nam company social service pro- Nuns Staff resigned his See on December 2, well American parents obey Fox. and -I Cranw, and the need to rsvivt Mohammedan Mission Meeting 1954. was born at Appelhulsen, their children. the Notre 1 , «a« spirit of personal cliartty. Germany, on March 17, 1876. His There is more than a little Vnlversity Msgr. Fischer l» president of* Washington—(NO—In conversation during the meeting "f family emigrated to the United - misslon-sendlnje; societies, sponsored by the Mission Secretariat, truth In these observations. th« NationjU Conference of Cath-1 Leper Colony States when he was three, years Some patents seem to be afraid •olic Charities and executive dl- arto Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. Secretariat President, and Alioune old and settled at Ros>elle. Iowa, Teheran, Iran—(NO—Four Dlop, expert In African nffaint, and Editor Director of Presence of then job, almost as if they -rotor of Catholic Charities of j where young Henry Rohlman at doubted their right to instruct, the Omaha archdiocese. He ad-1 members of the congregation, Africalne, published In Paris. tended a mission school. Little Sisters of Jesus, arrived guide, and supervise their chil­ dressed the twin national conven- j dren. U. f -tions-of- the NCGC and the So-1 here on their way to Meshed, Latpr the family moved to pi.vaiv Th;s is absurd Bc- ejety of St. Vincent de Paul. i capital of Khorassan province Aikansas where the boy's par IT-SHOLLD NOT be too dif­ This also is a mattei of , /SCBVEYTNG the work of Cath- j northwest of here, to care for Visit To Pope Draws puts died. Henry Rohlman, then ficult lu work out the basic simple aiithmetic No niatlPi lausp patents aie tesponsihle iyc Cfiarhles over the country, members of the leper colony an orphan, was taken to Nebraska norms concerning the time hew vou plan it theie aie frn then ihildien the> must the monslgnor reported: ; there. w here he finished elementary. teen-agers ought to get in. In only twentv-four houis in a have this infoi mation. China Scholar To Church school, worked for a grocer and da^'. Since time is limited, fust In a statement to press rep­ fact, it Is a matter of rather Second >on should khovv \ aticai •;•*. Thtr* are today 304 diocesan, Taipei, Formosa — (NC) — A meeting with His Holi­ latei was a farm hand. elementaiy arithmetic. things must come first. • and branch charitable agencies In j resentatives. Dr. Abdul Hus­ when the a (fan is expected to jjurn < >f 1 lee 1 sein RodJI, Iran's Minister of ness Pope Pius XII several years ajro sparked an interest in be nvei and him vuui childicn Operation, staffed by several Although he was only 15, The average teenager re­ WEEK K N I) EVKMMiS, able to wati . -thpittund clerical, religious and' Health, said: Cattholieism which has brought a well-known Chinese scholar ir-ii'i..| 1.1 < "tne home In tei ms Henry Rohlman desired to be­ quires at least eight hours' when Hie pioblcms ,i| home­ Vision is fni ,-^ social workers. Into the Church. i i come a priest. At the urging of of tt.is mini rr.anon. > ou < an "For a long time I searched sleep a night. Individual needs work aiid sleep aie not so flc lals. ' Sister Mary Oda. a Franciscan may vary, but the average is a pressing, the quest ion of going thi n set a teasuiiable hoin for .* •' «Mre» hundred and one in vain for doctors to care for Dr. Pao Tsen-peng, director of i I nun who had gone to school with ' sate norm to follow. Now if out and of a ieasonahl,e hour getting in. They said home* serve 81.1S1 C*thollo the lepers of Meshed. I ad­ the National Historical Museum I Drive Out Fear, ihis mother, the orphan entered you add in the time required for gelling in appeals some i/aiinti will eklJdr***. The number of chll- dressed certain of our broth­ and head of the Education and This hour should he reason­ 'St. Lawrence College, Mt. Cal- for dressing, washing, morning w-hat diffeient Young people ers known for their piety to Information department of the I cv i lir.il ' Mi ' dren tn foster homes totals var>, Wis . in 1K91. piayeis, and eating an ade­ able. Hint is. certainly not laler get them to understand that China Youth Corps, visited the j Restore Spirit have smial ohliy.il ions and ed S.-pt 8. MJH9. Through these two quate breakfast before starting than one o'clock under normal the, house of God is not only Pontiff three years ago when he should he olfeied an oppuit. XII iii-iiin £•'" type* of service 58,800 clilldren Archbishop Paul Bruchesi of lor school at eight or eight- circumstances. " «l» reealvlngr care under Cath- in Mecca (the holy city of the was In Europe as a member of unitv to fullill them. vv hei e to sf Mohammedans), but every­ Montreal ordained him on De thirty In the morning, you will Fi'ialh vou should ttain supet \ Ise t ti •Moaaupkes. Kansas City— ( RN81—Chris­ * • where that men are suffer­ a Chinese labor delegation. cember 21, 1901. find that bedtime should norm­ Twnager* enjoy going out v inir rhildt en to- notify vou if tian charity nerves ns nil ant I ally he around ten o'clock on • t night just u.s j on parents Ai'i'in ding • 0n« hundred and thirty-three ing. All of them refused to WHILE HE WAS in Europe, Father Rohlman was assigned ihev will lie iate or li thev need - school nights. do. They like partien, traveling rial*, the cu protective Institutions serve help. Finally I wrote to Paris Dr. Pao also visited* Loyola,' dole lo a secularist age which to the Archdiocesan Mission v, oui help with the g:ang, and the reputa nation.il oi £ 17.331 students. and immediately received a Spain, birthplace of St. Ignatius, either denies or Is Indifferent Band and preached throughout There's nothing mysterious tlon for being a good sport. Pontifical I' favorable response from these founder of the Society of Jesus.; Iowa and Nebraska for five You may (pel that 1 am , There are 303 homes for the to the supernatural values of or difficult in figuring this Learning to mix socially with ies Radio a four Little Sisters." Because of his interest in this; years. nveih s'nct in this matter of PfftiT caring for 26,655 elderly saint he was Introduced to the, religious faith. Bishop John J. out. Indeed, if an Individual others Is an essential part of giiicj mil a-rd getting in Mv was fiitmei" child requires more sleep, has the process nf growing up, hut parson*. In increase of 21 per The Little Sisters of Jesus Jesuit superior for Formosa. Fa­ Wright of Worcester, >lnss. He "as named a pastnr in 1924 position is based on cnnimi-n prohloms of special responsibilities around it may cause you parents some cent since 1947. Is one of the congregation ther Edward Murphy, S.J . of San said here. and three years later Pope Plus sense »< d si-"ple an'hmeMc. as the\ affe< the home in the morning, or worries.
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