ESA Newsletter Information for the Members of the Entomological Society of America AUGUST 2007 • VOLUME 30, NUMBER 8 Special Elections Issue: Voting in the 2008 Election Begins August 15! On August 15, 2007, the web link for the the Department of Entomology (1998-2002) ing the flexibility and agility to navigate the 2008 ESA election will be sent to members at UW. Prior to UW, he was an assistant always changing field of entomology. Our who have paid their dues by August 1 and professor of entomology at Mississippi State challenge now is in implementing the new supplied an email address in their member University (1977-79). structure, identifying what works and modi- profiles. The polls will be open for 30 days Areas of Interest and Accomplishments: fying or discarding what doesn’t. and will close at midnight, September 13. Hogg’s research encompasses the ecology “The heart and soul of the ESA will re- To vote online, please visit https://www. and dynamics of insects in agronomic crops, main our publications and the Annual Meet- entsoc.org/Ballot/register.aspx. At the log- insect pest management, and biological ing. The strength of ESA is our common on screen, enter your user name and pass- control of insects. He has taught courses in interest in and fascination with insects, as word and follow the instructions. insect pest management, integrated crop well as our diversity of interests as research- Since Organizational Renewal passed pest management, and insect population ers, teachers and practitioners. The An- in the last election, you will be asked to ecology, and he has mentored 18 graduate nual Meeting provides a gathering place in choose one of the four new Sections if you students and numerous undergraduates. He which this common purpose and diversity have not done so already. In accordance has authored 50 refereed publications and are showcased and celebrated. Our journals with the new Bylaws, each Section will several book chapters. He received the J.V. provide the conduit for disseminating origi- feature a President, Vice President, Vice Osmun Alumni Professional Achievement nal research that advances our knowledge President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, Award in Entomology from Purdue Univer- and understanding of insects. Finally, our Representative to the Governing Board, and sity (2004). focus must continue to be on membership, a Representative to the Publications Council. Leadership Roles: Hogg has been an ac- and in particular on recruiting and retaining If you have questions, problems voting or tive ESA member for 30 years. He served as students and young professionals. To this would like to request a paper ballot, please Section C Chair (1991) and as North Central end, I would encourage efforts to provide call 301-731-4535, extension 3009 or email Branch President (2000), plus he has served incentives and targeted programming at the [email protected]. Information on the on both program and local arrangements national meeting. candidates appears on the following pages. committees for ESA meetings. In addition, “I would welcome the opportunity to he has served on the NCB Executive Council serve and help create new possibilities for and on a number of ESA and NCB standing ESA.” ESA VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT and ad hoc committees. He has also held other leadership positions, including Panel Dr. John D. Stark Manager for the USDA/RAMP grants pro- Education: John Stark Dr. David B. Hogg gram (2000 & 2001) and Chair of the North received a B.S. in biol- Education: Dr. David Central IPM Regional Research Project ogy from Syracuse Uni- B. Hogg received his (1995-97). versity (1978), an M.S. B.S. (1970) and M.S. Critical Issues and Vision for ESA: “First, I in entomology from (1973) in entomology feel deeply honored to have been nominat- Louisiana State Univer- from Purdue University, ed to be your vice president and ultimately sity (1981), and a Ph.D. and his Ph.D. in ento- ESA president. I have been a member of in entomology from the mology and insect ecol- ESA for 30 years and have witnessed incred- University of Hawaii ogy from the University ible changes in the science and practice of (1987). of California, Berkeley entomology. The ESA has adapted to this Employment: John is (1977). dynamic landscape, although perhaps not Employment: Hogg always as quickly as it might have. How- Continued on p. 4 is a professor of entomology at the Univer- ever, through adept and strong leadership sity of Wisconsin (UW) in Madison, where and difficult choices the Society overcame In this issue.... he has been since 1979. He has also served a serious financial challenge and has now President’s Corner .................... 2 as interim dean (2005-06) and executive overwhelmingly approved a sweeping Orga- Annual Meeting News ............. 3 associate dean (2002-05) of the College of nizational Renewal. I support the Renewal, Member News ......................... 15 Agricultural and Life Sciences, and chair of as I believe it gets us on the road to provid- August 2007 ESA Newsletter 1 P RESIDENT ’ S C ORNER Scott H. Hutchins, 2007 ESA President he ESA is fortunate to have such a ning unopposed, ship and Marketing dedicated Headquarters staff. While please vote to show Through numerous teleconference calls, Tthe team is small in number, it’s big in your support for their take-away assignments, extensive e-mail talent and during these extraordinary times willingness and dedi- dialogue, and networking at Branch and Sec- they are working virtually 24-7 to support cation to volunteer. tion venues to test issues and seek feedback, ESA and our members. Please take a min- Given the awkward these individuals have sacrificed many hours ute of your time to drop them a note and and challenging on your behalf and in service to the ESA. say “thanks.” The contributions of our staff situation associated with the transition, we Their work is not done yet, but I wanted to not withstanding, the ESA is a not-for-profit believe this inaugural election process has share with the full membership my personal VOLUNTEER organization, and since this developed an excellent set of candidates appreciation for their service and expose is elections month for the ESA, it’s appro- with minimal transitional disruption to the their contributions for you to personally priate that I remind you all of the role and ESA—again, my compliments to the current recognize as them for their extraordinary importance of our volunteers—whether they Sections for their proactive commitments volunteerism. be elected, appointed, or simply engaged. to ensure that the new Section Leadership As I wrote last month, ESA is “on the Please act deliberately to help select your Councils will begin their journeys with some move” and these are indeed exciting times. colleagues who are willing to help carry exceptional and experienced volunteers. Thanks to everyone who has written or your professional Society into its next era. Remember, you will only be able to vote for called to offer counsel, to support our direc- the candidates in your newly declared Sec- tions and initiatives, to express caution or A Transitional Year for Section Leadership tion when the polls will open on August 15, concern, or to just better understand—feed- and Elections but PLEASE DO VOTE for and support your back is always welcome. Although ESA Central and ESA Branch new Section Leaders as well as your new In this issue, you’ll read about the election terms and processes remain un- ESA Central and Branch leaders! nominees for ESA offices, individuals who changed, the restructuring has significantly deserve our respect, admiration, and consid- changed the composition of Sections with A Special Recognition for ERAC ered votes. But, everyone has a voice and a the imminent organizational change. Two Continuing with the theme of volunteer- role in our volunteer Society, so please get primary transitional issues for Sections are in ism, I want to highlight a group of indi- involved to share your passion about ento- play during this inaugural election for posi- viduals who have been invaluable in their mology and the ESA with your colleagues, tions that take effect in December. First, we service to the Governing Board and ESA for using the ESA as your preferred venue. need to populate the newly created Section the past two years, the ESA Renewal Advi- Scott H. Hutchins Leadership Councils for each of the four sory Committee (affectionately known as [email protected] new Sections. This includes positions for ERAC). This group of exceptional volunteers Vice President-Elect, Vice President, Presi- was selected because of their diverse per- dent, Past President, Treasurer, and Gov- spectives, broad demographics, and dem- ©2007 Entomological Society of America. erning Board Representative—a total of six onstrated dedication to the past and future The ESA Newsletter (US ISSN 0273-7353) is positions per Section, and 24 positions over- success of the ESA. In effect, ERAC served published monthly by the Entomological Soci- ety of America (ESA), 10001 Derekwood Lane, all. Next year, only the Vice President-Elect as the collective “coach” for the Govern- Suite 100, Lanham, MD 20706-4876; ph. 301- position will be open, in addition to any ing Board and ESA Staff during the design, 731-4535; fax 301-731-4538; rlevine@entsoc. expiring terms for Treasurers and/or Govern- description, and feedback stages for the org; http://www.entsoc.org. The deadline for all ing Board Representatives or vacancies for Renewal, and they remain in service today submissions is the first of the month, one month prior to publication. the Publications Council. with implementation questions and advice. POSTMASTER: Subscription rate for members The second key transitional issue is to This group of opinion leaders includes: is $10, which is included in the dues.
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