• ~ht Vol. LVI TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN., NOVEMBER 13, 1957 No. 8 Atheneum Society to Holt! Debates On Problems of 'Tile Age of Danger' So ph Hop to Mark Homecoming; lf a name must be given lo this age-as a name was giv n Lo the tone Age and the Iron Age--then it would be called The Age of Dang r. This BantamsY eii'WallopWesleyan' slat m nt expressed the fe ling of the Atheneum Debating Socity. plore The Age of Danger the group 'Gismo Contest, ha arranged a serie of three debate to thoroughly eli cuss the problems they consider most pertinent. Allen to Speak 1 House Parties Fit·st Debate The first Age of Danger debate \Viii On Agenda be h ld n xt Tuesday in the Chemi.­ On Hardy Verse try AudilGrium at 8 p.m., with the Dr .• for e S. Allen, James A. Good- topic : "He olv cl: TI1at lh nited wi•1 Professor of English Literature AlsoonAgenda talc hould Discontinue th TesLing and head of the English departments, Home oming- J9S7 clition- will of uclcar Weapon ." will spea!; on "The Poet r: or Thomas sw p across the Trinity campus this p akin:r for the affirmative will be Ha ·ely" tomorrow night at 8:15 in the \\' ek-end as alums and under-graduate Franklin Kury, '58, and Dr. Hobert F. Ch<'mistry Auditorium. dates invade Hartford en masse to Kingsbury, assistant professor of Th'~ talk, spon ored by help celebrate the gala thr e days. physic . The negati\·e will be upheld The \\' ek-end, probably the biggest by Rob •rt Back, '58, and Major Ralph ami Entertainment Committee. will of the social y ar, will ommenc with W. McF !Tin, a sociate profe sor of mark a b'·eak with prec dent, accord­ a form· I dane at the Hartford lub air sci<'nce. Moderator will be H r­ ing to one faculty memb r, with Dr. •riday night and will cca. e to the bert i\loorin, '59. All n being the first Trinity t ache•· rhythms of a f w scattered frat rnity to speak under the au. pic s of the Other Topics jazz eom•erts unday afternoon. Olh ·r topics and elates in the Age er.'1lmitt<'e. The committee fc·lt that "Autumn LeavPs" will b th theme of Danger cries r.,main tentative, th stud<'nt body, the faculty, and the of Friday night's oph Hop, schedul d but mo ·t likely to come und r crut­ comm nity desene the opportunit. to from 9 to 1, with Ed Witlstein's band iny ar the Fifth Amendment and U. ·. h P::~r ~ome of our gift d p1 ofessors providing the music. Due to the large participation in the United ation ·. outsid' the classroom. adntnce a! •, no tickets will be ~old The debates will be regulation, allow­ D:·. Allon was graduated from Wes­ ing each ·p aker 10 minutes of unin­ lc.•ail in 1912, rec i\·cd M.A. deg!·ees tcn'llpted eli. course and five minutes :rom both Wesleya!l and Columbia, The Fre. hman Executive Council of uninterrupted rebuttal. a•1d his doctorate from Princeton. He has planned a smoke1· and a dance In other Atheneum activity, the studied at Cxford University in 1!)13 for the class of 1961 this • aturday. no\·ic team emcrg d victorious in and 1914, and before coming to Trinity it first tournament of th ason. Al­ in 1!)20 taught at Ohio Wesl yan. Accordin~ to officer. of the coun­ bertus Magnus was host to · ·v n col­ He is a member of the :VIodern cil, a smoker ''ill be held in the lege last atUl·day for thr e round Language Association of Am rica, :\ew Dorm Lounge following the of debates. The negative team of Gil Phi Beta Kappa, the College Engli h We !cyan game until 5:30 p.m. :Machin, '61, and Tom Musante, '61, T achers Association, and the Ameri­ Saturday night Ha mlin Dining sw pt past Holy Cro s, New Rochelle can Association of Univ rsity Pro- Hall ' ill be the scene of the special ollege, and 'ew Hav n tate Teach- fessors. AFROTC Marches 1n Parade, freshman "Homecoming Hop," for ers ollcge to go undef ated. Paul ================ which li ve mus ic will be JH·ovided. Hohlfing, '61, and Jere Bacharach, '59, combining a - an affirmati\·e t am lo t opened their season by defeating ich­ olas Junior College. The affirmative Visits Westover Field Air Base their fi1· t debate to Holy ro s, but k. In- at the door, and corkag<' f e will b team wa Lee haw, '61, and Roh lfing, The Col lege Air Force ROTC has enjoyed an exlr mcly activ w then went on to beat N w Rochelle $2.50 a fifth. The dance is a non­ ~md .H.. T.C. The total 5 and 1 while Machin and 1\lusante d bated. eluded among their activities were a trip to W stover Air Force Bas • a flow r affair, as ha. bc<'n the custom record placed Trinity in first place th negative side. Veterans' Day and th Veterans' Day parade, in addition to lh' ar- in pr vious years, and tables will be over Holy r oss and ew Rochelle, Both varsity and novice debated quisition of a training pl an . r<'serv cl for social groups in th ball- who each tied with a 4 and 2 r ecord. again. t Wesleyan i\Ionday night, but On Saturday, 39 cadets travelled to room only. Open ea on the r ~ults we:·c not known at publi- Quotations Citetl Westover Fi ld in Massachus its, During intermission th Pip s and On November 3 the noYice teams cation time. wher they r C<'ived an xtensiv look "Los Zapatos," a alypso group, will From Jacobs' Talk at New England's Strategic Air om- prrform. 'hap rones for the affair mand bas . It has b en converted to will be :\'lr. and rolr . Bridg , 1r. and President Albert C . .Jacobs ha on a SAC bas during the last two y ars Mrs. Bullet·, and Mr. and Mrs. Downs. Dedication of PiKA Pew End numerou · occasi ns made positive and thus gave th group a thorough The annual "Gismo" Contest will statements of poli ·y cone rning Trin­ look at the nation's primary striking kick off Satunlay's activities, with ity fraternities and their relationships force. each fraternity providing an appropri­ Will Take Place at Evensong to the nationals. The Annual Veterans' Day Com- ate display ·onccrning the football Dedication of the Chapel's 62nd In a sp ech to the undet·graduate memoration 'ct·vice was held in th clash with traditional rival Wesleyan hapel on unday. The service, giv n in the afternoon. pew ncl will take place this unday members of Psi psilon in ptem­ at the 5 p.m. EYensong sen·ice. in memory of he Trinity alumni kill d Frat rnity parties will highlight the b r of 1!)3:~. Dr . .r a co b said, "You are in the service of our country, included evening, with v ral houses having a The p \\' end, gi\·cn to th College ubject to the rul s of Alma -'1 at r, a srrmon by the Rev. Maurie' A· Kid- certain them for their party. In by th:! brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha the sole a1·biters of membership in fraternity, wa designed by Profe sor der, a former Army chaplain. 'ad t addition, some frat rnities will hold your chapt,ers. The fl-aternity im­ J ohn C. E . Taylor, chairman of the ol. George Bogert placed a wreath jazz concerts or other musical nter­ p ses upon you no qualifying nor l"e­ fine arts department and well-known on the memorial, and Lt. ol. Edgar tainmcnt on Sunday afternoon. Lorson placed on display the Book of artist, with the can·ing done by Irvin strictive criteria. The alumni and Remembranc , given by Robert 0. Dre sci of C. H. Dresser and Son. the Executive ouncil hav<' no au­ Mull r, '31, containing the nam sand Inc. The p \\' end marks one of the thority to di ctat<' to you in regard to pictures of the Gl alumni killed in th rare bits of the Chapel's wood-carv­ these mattc1·s. Nor can they be rc­ T eachers'Panel World Wars and the Korc>an War, ing not don by the late J. Gr ggory ff ec tively by law or man- aft r it was d clica eel by haplain Wiggin , who was r spon ·ibl for the Thomas. Taps was played by adet To Be Tuesday oth r 61 1 ew end which have be n "Exer:.:isc lhi. high tru. t," he con­ David Hutherford, and the procession de ·ign d and carved ince construc­ Representatives of three different tinu d, "wisely and int<'lligcntly, rC'­ al!-:O included the olor Guard. Ids of education will discuss "Teach- tion b gan on the Chapel 2 years aliz:ng ~·o u ar,, a vital part of Alma On :'llonday, Veterans' Day, the ing as a Car er" at a panel discu sion ag . :\lr. Wiggins eli d last year. :\later, that y u are pri\·ileged to aid 'adet orp~, join d thousands of oth­ sponsored by th Education Club next Enclo eel in the circular de ign her in the raining of youth. ocial er marrhe1-s, taking pan in Hartford's Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
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