THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1892. the Borough of Stalybridge, and terminating in Corporation to acquire by compulsion or agree- the :township of Dukinfield, in the parish of ment rights or easements in, over, under, or Stockport, in the county of Chester, in a field connected with lands, houses, and buildings. numbered on the ordnance map, scale l-2500th To empower the Corporation to stop up, alter, for the parish of Stockport, at a point 150 yards, or divert, whether temporarily or permanently, measuring in a south-westerly direction from all such rords, streets, highways, brooks, streams, the centre of the bridge carrying the Manchester, canals, subways, sewers, pipes, aqueducts, rail- Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway over the ways, and telegraphs as it may be necessary to occupation road used for the accommodation of stop up, alter, or divert for the purposes of the the Plantation Farm, and which said sewer is intended Act. intended to pass from, in, through or into the To empower the Corporation to purchase and said townships and parishes of Ashton-under- take by compulsion or agreement all or some of Lyne, and of Dukinfield and Stockport. the following lands, and to use such lands for A Sewer (No. 1) wholly situate in the said the purpose of receiving, storing, disinfecting, or township and parish of Ashton-under-Lyne, distributing sewage, and to empower the Cor- commencing in Corkland-street, at the southern poration to erect, make, and lay down on such end thereof, and terminating by a junction with lauds all necessary and proper tanks, buildings, the intended intercepting sewer at a point in engines, pumps, sewers, drains, channels, and Whitelands-road, 100 yards west of the centre of other sewage works. The lands so proposed to Clarence-street aforesaid. be taken; and tho limits within which any sewage A Sewer (No. 2) wholly situate in the said works are intended to be made or constructed, township and parish of Ashton-under-Lyne, are as follows (that is to say):— commencing in Algernon-street, at a point 53 A piece of land containing 27 acres, or there- yards east of the centre of Plantation-street, abouts, situate in the township of Dukinfield, and terminating by a junction with the intended in the parish of Stockport, in the county of intercepting sewer in Whitelands-road, at a point Chester, and forming part of " the Planta- 50 yards east of the centre of Plantation-street. tion Farm," bounded on the north side by A sewer (No. 3) wholly situate in the said land belonging to, and on the south side of township and parish of Ashton-under-Lyne, com- the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire mencing in and at the western end of Conduit- Railway, on the west, south-west, and street, and terminating by a junction with the south sides thereof, in part, by the centre Intended intercepting sewer in Lower Wharf- line, and in part by the left bank of the street, at a point 74 yards west of the western River Tame, on the south-east side by laud side of the bridge carrying the Ashton Branch and buildings abutting on Ashton-street, Railway of the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lin- and on the east side by the Peak Forest Canal. colnshire Railway Company over the last- To empower the Corporation to purchase by mentioned street. compulsion, or agreement, the following lands A sewer (No. 4) wholly situate in the said (with the houses and buildings thereon) for the township and parish of Ashton-under-Lyne, purpose of extending, or enlarging, and improv- commencing in Cavendish-street, at a point 30 ing their existing tip for dry ashes dep6t (that is yards south of the centre of the Manchester and to say):— Ashton Canal, and terminating by a junction A piece of land situate on the northerly side with the intended intercepting sewer at the point of Dark-lane, near Gamber Hill Bank, in the of intersection of Cavendish-street and Hill-street. Eartshead Division of the parish of Ashton- A sewer (No. 5) wholly situate in the said under-Lyne, in the county of Lancaster, to- township and parish of Ashton-under-Lyne, gether with the two houses erected thereon commencing in the footpath leading from Bridge- respectively called " The Hollow," and " Hand- street, in Audenshaw, to Pottinger-street, in the forth Cottage." borough, at a point 43 yards north of the junction And to empower the Corporation to cover of Bridge-street with the said footpath, and ter- over, or culvert the brook, or stream flowing minating by a junction with the intended through such lands, and the adjoining lands intercepting sewer at a point 52 yards east of belonging to, or in the occupation of the the steps on the southerly side of the bridge Corporation, and situate within the boundaries carrying the said footpath over the Manchester, of those lands. Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, and 7 yards To make provisions for the conversion of all south of the southern fence of the said railway. pail-closets, privies, and like conveniences (other To empower the Corporation to deviate from than water closets) within the borough into slop- the lines and levels of the intended works, as water closets, or other closet accommodation on shown on the plans and sections thereof, to be bhe water carriage system, and to empower the deposited as hereinafter mentioned, to any extent Corporation to prescribe the form, size, material, which may be prescribed or referred to in the and position of all closet accommodation, and to intended Act. prohibit the construction or use of any closet To empower the Corporation to divert into and accommodation not so prescribed, and to •take the waters of all streams, whether within or empower the Corporation, their contractors, beyond the borough, and whether flowing in servants, and workmen, to enter all lands, open channels or in culverts or sewers, and which houses, and buildings within the borough, for now flow into the River Tame and which the purpose of executing the works necessary can or may be intercepted or taken by the for the conversion of all pail-closets, privies, intended intercepting sewer, including the streams and other similar conveniences, into the proposed called or known by the names of Jeremy Brook, slop-water or other closet accommodation, and Shaw Brook, and Hurst Brook, all which streams n other respects to make better provision for so proposed to be diverted and taken now.flow the removal or carrying away of human excreta, into the River Tame, thence into the River and household slops, and refuse, and sewage, . Mersey, and thence into the sea. and to provide that any slop water or other closet . To empower the Corporation to purchase and accommodation prescribed by the Corporation take by agreement or compulsion lands, houses, shall not be deemed a water closet within, the sj,nd...buildings within the to.wnships-,. parishes, meaning of the Ashton-under-Lyne, Stalybridge, iiincl. cfiiinties ,aforesaid.for the. purposes oE.the and Dukinfield (District) Waterworks Act^ 187.0, intended works and Act, and to empower the To make further provision both within and.
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