Application DC/063280 Reference DC/063281 Location: Meadow Mill, Water Street, Portwood, Stockport SK1 2BX PROPOSAL: Full and Listed building consent for: Conversion of part vacant Grade II listed former mill building into a mixed use development; comprising of 213 apartments on upper floors and 2208sqm of D2 (Leisure Use) and 200sqm A3 (Restaurant) use at ground floor level. Works include refurbishment and repair of the building, removal of existing roof and replacement of additional 7th floor in addition to upper floor extensions of the buildings northern and southern wings to accommodate additional 6th floors. Works to also include alterations to existing access, associated landscaping and creation of 173 car parking spaces within the buildings grounds. (Amended Scheme) Type Of DC/063280 Full Application Application: DC/063281 Listed Building Consent Registration Date: Expiry Date: Case Officer: Mr Steven Kirkham Applicant: William George Homes Agent: As per applicant DELEGATION/COMMITTEE STATUS PHRC decision. Residential Development in excess of 100 dwellings. Application referred to Central Area Committee for comment/recommendation. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT This is a joint report to cover Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent that is being sought for the extension and conversion of Meadow Mill into a mixed use development of residential apartments and ground floor leisure space with associated landscaping, access and car parking works. The proposals represent an amendment to the original submission, this has resulted in changes to the upper floor extensions and a reduction from 217 apartments to 213. This was required in the interests of the conservation of the heritage asset. The proposals include a comprehensive refurbishment and repair of the existing mill building. This would include the replacement of the existing roof with an additional 7th floor extension in addition to upper floor extension to the buildings northern and southern wings to accommodate additional 6th floors. These extensions would be constructed from a seamed Zinc cladding system. The residential accommodation as proposed would comprise of: 120 x 1 bed apartments (sizes range from 26sqm studio to 39sqm approx.) 77 x 2 bed apartments (54sqm – 75sqm) 16 x 3 bed apartments (99sqm- 108sqm) 11 affordable apartments (5x1bed (38sqm) & 6 x 2 bed (69sqm)) Shared residential leisure space within the Engine Room. A new vehicular access would be provided off Water Street to allow for a separation between residential (frontage) and commercial (rear) traffic to be achieved. A total of 173 parking spaces would be provided within a landscaped car park to the front of the building. 31 of which would be allocated for disabled persons. Cycle parking for up to 226 cycles would be provided within the building. The ground floor of the building would accommodate 2208sqm of D2 (Leisure Use) and 200sqm A3 (Restaurant). This would represent a consolidation of existing leisure uses located within the building. Town Centre uses (sqm): USE CURRENT PROPOSED COMMENT A1 Retail 2732 0 Five existing retail uses. Four are furniture and one is electrical goods A3 174 200 One café/ takeaway use D2 2049 2208 Five existing users. Three are martial arts and two are fitness/dance. TOTAL 4955 2408 To meet with the local and national validation requirement’s the application has been accompanied with the following reports: Planning, Design and Access Statement Affordable Housing Statement Arboricultural Assessment Crime Impact Statement Ecological Report Energy Statement Flood Risk Assessment Heritage Assessment Landscape Appraisal Noise Assessment Sustainability Assessment Transport Assessment Travel plan Waste Management plan Full Plans Package includes a Site Layout Plan, existing and proposed elevations and floor plans, photographic montages. The site falls below relevant thresholds and would not constitute EIA development. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS The application site comprises of the existing Meadow Mill building, it occupies a parcel of land measuring approximately 1.175ha in area. It is situated to the north of Water Street and is located within the Portwood area of the town, approximately 1km to the northeast of Stockport town centre. The site is occupied by the existing Meadow Mill, a seven storey brick built mill that fronts onto Water Street. It is has an elongated form comprising of some 17,000 square meters. It consists of a main seven storey block, with two wings which have five floors. It has two prominent towers to the centre, in addition the building retains in chimney and there is separate engine house (with working boiler) located to the rear of the building. The building is presently used for a broad spectrum of commercial, employment (A1, A3, B1, B2 & B8) and leisure (D2) uses. Occupancy levels for the building is currently in the region of 40% of the floorspace. To the south of the main building there is a tarmac and rough stone car park and to the north there is a tarmac surfaced service yard. Access to both of these areas is taken from Water Street to the west of the building. To the north of the site there is Meadow Industrial Estate that consists of a number of small business units, these are accessed from the shared service yard to the Mill. A roundabout on Water Street provides access to a Tesco Superstore, the petrol station and car park to which are overlooked by the Mill building. Between the mill car park and Water Street there is wide grass verge that has a gentle slope at the south west corner but gradually steepens where Water Street meets Tiviot Way. Levels surrounding the mill building are fairly consistent but there is a gradual rise across the frontage of the building whereby the eastern wing (Tiviot Way end) has a ramped access. Immediately to the north of the mill building, the River Tame passes under a bridge on Tiviot Way and then around the northern side of Meadow Industrial Estate. Access to the TransPennine Trail and Reddish Vale Local Nature Reserve can also be taken from this point. Listing Description Meadow Mill Grade II listed since 10th March 1975. Built in the 1870's. Front elevation of 7 storeys, including basement. Red brick, with basement in blue brick below stone band. 1st and 2nd floors are arcaded, with bands in blue brick at impost height. 41 bays. Top floor has paired windows with round arched heads and column mullions, stone band at sills. Above this storey is stone parapet and brick arcaded bracket cornice. Centre 4 bays have stone dressing to windows, and outer 2 break forward. 3rd floor has round window and round arched arcade with keystone. 1st and 2nd floor arcades round-headed, stone, carved capitals. Upper 2 floors have 1 window in stone surround. Carved panel between storeys. Centre ends in 2 turrets with ornamental iron ridge, and flag pole. Tall wing of one storey to rear and factory chimney. 1-storey gatehouse. Interior: Structure of cast iron lengthwise and crosswise beams with brick arches. A good example of it's period. POLICY BACKGROUND Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires applications/appeals to be determined in accordance with the Statutory Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Statutory Development Plan includes:- Policies set out in the Stockport Unitary Development Plan Review (SUDP) adopted 31st May 2006 which have been saved by direction under paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 8 to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; & Policies set out in the Stockport Local Development Framework Core Strategy Development Plan Document (CS) adopted 17th March 2011. N.B. Due weight should be given to relevant SUDP and CS policies according to their degree of consistency with the National Planning Policy Framework (‘NPPF’) issued on 27th March 2012 (the closer the policies in the plan to the policies in the NPPF, the greater the weight that may be given); and how the policies are expected to be applied is outlined within the Planning Practice Guidance (‘PPG’) launched on 6th March 2014. Saved UDP review The site is allocated as lying in the Town Centre (Stockport’s M60 Gateway) on the Proposals Map of the UDP Review. The following policies are therefore applicable: TCG4.6 – Water Street; PSD1.2 – Large Scale Existing Retail Sites; CDH1.5 – Flat Conversions; MW1.5 – Control of Waste from Development; EP1.7 – Development and Flood Risk; EP1.10 – Aircraft Noise; LDF Core Strategy/Development Management policies CS1 Overarching Principles: Sustainable Development – Addressing Inequalities and Climate Change SD-3 Delivering the Energy Opportunities Plans – New Development SD-6 Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change CS2 Housing Provision CS3 Mix of Housing CS4 Distribution of Housing CS8 Safeguarding and Improving the Environment H-1 Design of Residential Development AED-6 ‘Employment Sites Outside Protected Employment Areas’ SIE-1 Quality Places SIE-2 Provision of Recreation and Amenity Open Space in New Developments SIE-3 Protecting, Safeguarding and Enhancing the Environment CS9 Transport & Development T-1 Transport & Development T-2 Parking in Developments T-3 Safety & Capacity on the Highway Network National Planning Policy Framework Conformity The Planning Advisory Services’ National Planning Policy Framework Compatibility Self-Assessment Checklist has been undertaken on Stockport’s adopted Core Strategy. This document assesses the conformity of Stockport’s adopted Core Strategy with the more recently published NPPF and takes account
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