-:. ;>«.'•••••• •• • • • \'0 m' Devoted to Adver­ %pi to any addressf tising the resources $2.00 per ann. of the rich Slocan 'you see it in the Mining Division. Slocan Review," it's so. No. 4 Vol. 2. SANDON, British Columbia, Thursday, Sept. 19, 1907. Single Copies 10c. It is the general consensus of opinion Tlie villain of the play, which was Charles Batchelor and wife came iu I 2nd Annual of tlie crowd who witnessed the rock performed here Monday, hit the hoozer- Slocan Lake Launch Club from Spokane Wedneseay. pounders in open competition at Nelson ino after the show at Kaslo on Tuesday, Mrs. Henry Bohme and Miss F. WILL ATTEND KASLO'S this week that the Slocan miners are and got his head punched for being too Hold Most Successful KOOTENAY LAKE Shepard, New York, are guests at the veritable whirlwinds and that McGil­ hilariously assertive toTrixie, theehar- Regatta. Reco. livray and Erickson are the finest com­ ming soubrette, out of office hours. He bination which has yet been Eeen in also has a penchant for cannibalistic J. A. Tyo wife and family passed SECOND FRUIT FAIL Fruit Fair Canada. customs besides chewing; the rag, and The postponed New Denver regatta through en route to Victoria last Thurs­ one of Kaslo'a most popular hotel men was pulled off yesterday in glorious day. There is always a sense of satisfaction has now a facsimile of the galoot's weather and before a large crowd. J. D. McKinnon is in from Slocan when one is nt the winning end of a Exhibits will Exceed Last Year's. - Attractions That Will molars on his hand. The head punch­ There was a full days program of sport City. bet, but somehow we cannot help notice ing episode which followed was merited, whicli was much enjoyed, consisting of that when it is Nelson money the ac­ W. H. Smith came up from White­ Draw the Crowd are Numerous. - McGillivray KASLO, B.C. and no wonder that the funny man of water and field events. companying trimmings amount to water yesterday. tlie piece remarked: "See what Cockle- The greatest surprise of the day was and Erickson Sure Starters in Tuesday's downright enjoyment. 'Twas ever Word has been received from Miss SEPT. 2'TII AND 25TH, 1007 doodle-did I " the unexpected victory of F. D. Kelly's thus, and nobody need be snrprised to O'Donnell that her brother Bernard is Mack White has returned to Spokane boat "Nitnsen" in the launch race, he Rock-Drilling Tournament. Grand Exhibits ot Products of the learn that the Sandon bojB are baling now out of danger. Ho has undergone Kootenay. carrying oil both cups. The principal a high old time with the pile they won to resume his studies nt high Bchool. events were: an ope ration for appendicitis. at Nelson. Mrs. O. V. White who accompanied him li-IkM-Wdhi to Spokane, has arrived home again. Scratch launch race, Ed. Angrignon's W. E. Warnow is again nursing at Below will be found the full program for Kaslo's Second Heard on the grand stand at Nelson. Leader. the Miners Union Hospital. .2,500 in Prizes and Attractions. 6Iiss Murchison, of Kaslo, is reliev­ Annual ?ruit Fair, which will be opened on Tuesday next and Excited Nelsonite: "I'll lay 100 lo 60 Hunter Cup, F. D. Kelly's Naneen. ing deputy poet-master general Graham will be open on Wednesday also. It will be seen that the Special Fruit Competition open to on the Fauld's team." Sundonite; Gintzberger Cup, F. D. Kelly'B Nnn- Land Notice—District of West Kootenay the World for $'100 caBli prize. from duty for a few days. Harold is attractions to be provided are such that given fine weather a " Call yer. Oh, it's like stealing candy sen. out to Nelson sparking tlie girls. Take notice that William Fovargue Special Contests for Prospectors from a kid." Canoe race, Cornwall 1st, Brockman, most successful Fair will surely result. At the eleventh hou r and Loggers. Whellams, of Kaslo, B. C, accountant, A public meeting to devise ways and 2nd. intends to apply for permission to pur­ yet further attractions have been added, which include a io-rouud BASEBALL ANO FOOTBALL. Sandon got more gratuitous advertis­ menus of disposing of suiplus obtained Married ladies race, Mrp. Kennedy 1st. chase the following described land: glove contest on the evening of the first day and a Grand Ball Not a dull minute for two days. ing after tiie big contest at Nelson on at the Sandon Labor Day celebration. Canoe race, second series, Liud-ay 1st Commencing at the south-east corner Wednesday night. McGillivray and Erickson, the heroes of Thursday than rouM lie obtained for a of Lot 7523, thence norlh 40 chains, Prize lists and entry forms may was held in the City Hull last night. Cornwall Snd. the great Nelson Drilling Contest, have wired Secretary Bonner pot of money. Sandon, Sandon team, tlience east 40 chains, thence south 40 be had from tlie Secretary. All the affairs of the celebration «rere Siamese race: Cornwall and Lindsay. Sandon boys, Sandon, Snndon, every­ chains, thence west 40 chains to point that they will positively compete. This will prove a great draw­ A.J. CURLE J. W. COCKLE wound up and a very hearty vote of There were numerous other eventB of commencement, and containing 160 Secretary. body was talking Sandon on Baker ing card, and one worth going miles to see. The money for this President thanks passed to the secretary and the which tilled out a most enjoyable day. acres more or less. This application street. will be : fe -St president. There were several propo­ covers preemption of D. F. McKellar, Preemption Record No. 104, which was The Nelson people appeared greatly sitions introduced to dispense with lho First Prize $150.00; Second Prize $75.00. Time, 15 Minutes. TRaFuiep 'Koteg, cancelled ou the 24th day of August, pleased at tho large number of Slocan surplus of".144.40. One was to bank •J-inch Steel. Entrance Fee, $2.00 per team. tr************************* 1907. visitors down for tbe Fair. $100 for a future celebration; another Word reached here this morning oi William Fovargue Whellams, All Entries for this Contest must be in the hands of the Chairman of Ulocal ano General. was to donate the whole for a perman­ the death of Mr, Robert Glendinning in per Henry Stewart Whellams, The weather was good, the exhibits Dated, September 8,1907. agent the Sports Committee not later than Friday, Sept. 20th. Picked up by Butting in Everywhere. wero fine, the carnival was splendid, the ent benefit to tlie Miners Union Hos­ the Rovelstoke hospital. Mr. Glend­ 8-11 The conditions are that there must be Three or more Entries to pull off arrangements were perfect, and the pital, sucli as painting it or putting a inning has been a resident of Nakusp CERTIF1CATEOF IMPROVEMENTS. the Contest. Judges will be appointed by the Sports Committee after hospitality was hearty. yeraiulah on the front, but the motion for a number of years; he was one of The boss took a sudden notion to fol­ NOTICE. which ultimately went through was to the pioneera of tbo town and was greatly consultation with the Contestants. Contest to start at 2.00 p. m. on low the crowd to Nelson Fair this week, Bishop Dontenwill will hold a Confir­ Evelyn Mineral Claim, Bituate in the the effect thut tbe total amount be Slocan Mining Division of West Koo­ Tuesday, September 24th. and he very graciously took along "us," mation service in tiie Catholic Church respected. He leaves a wife and oue handed to the hospital board uncon­ tenay District. Where located:~ tbat is, " we," whom he so fondly desig­ on Sunday morning next at 10 o'clock. child. Four Mile. Soil (Earriagf -{larail*. (decorated carriages.) Girls under 12 years. ditionally. Take notice Ihat I, S. E. WatBon, nates the " devil." Being overcome J. 61. Harris' fine specimen of anti- Miss Olive Vanderburgh, of Ainsworth, free miner's certificate No B5073, acting i First, Second and Third Prizes—Candy. Donated by M. R. Smith with liquid joy and dryer attractions he Several men who, as a rule, are worth spent a few days in town. for C, D. Rand, tree miner's certificate monial silver from the new stiike at the No. B12529, intend 60 days fiom tlie & Co., Victoria. issued the officious mandate that we, Reco was much admired at Nelson Fair. believing, informed us thia week that Miss Maude Anthony, of Winnipeg is date hereof, to apply to the Mining Competing parties will start from A. T. Garland's corner and parade to the devil, return hence and peddle Bill Miner, the outlaw, is in the Slocan Recorder for a Certificate of Improve­ We have yet to learn why tlie sample viaiting in town. ments, for the purpose of obtaining a the Fruit Fair Buildings (Drill Hall): Judges will be appointed by the the oxygen for this issue. Up to Fri­ docs not appear among tlie prize win­ and not many miles from Nakusp. Crown Grant of the above claim. And Sports Committee on the day of competition. Parade will start at 4.00 day noon his hulking carcase has not The lumber has arrived and next further take notice that action under ners. It was entered o.k., and tlie Joe Potter denies matrimony and section 87, must he commenced before blurred the horizon, so we conclude he week we expect Nakusp will have a p.
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