Salvation in Christ.qxp 4/29/2005 4:09 PM Page 365 Index Aaronic Priesthood. See priesthood Amos, 240, 316 Abelard, Peter, 109, 212 Anglicanism, 53–66 Abraham, 30, 137–38, 148, 316 Anglican Understanding of the Acts of the Apostles, 38–40 Church, The, 54 Adam, 13, 110, 130, 137–39, 151, Anselm of Canterbury, 75, 107–9, 162, 215 112–20, 212, 347 Adam and Eve, 256 Aquinas, Thomas, 109, 113–15, and rebirth, 8 118, 121, 320 call upon God, 148 Aristotle, 224 cast from Garden of Eden, Arminianism, 161, 183–202 143, 145 Arminius, Jacob, 183, 189–91, descendants of, 205 193, 310 Greek understanding of, Articles and Covenants, 276 248, 259 “Articles of Religion,” 57–58 Fall of (see Fall of Adam Ashton, Marvin J., 89 and Eve) Association of Evangelicals, 189 first sin, 338 Atonement. See Jesus Christ, Adorno, Theodor, 225 Atonement of Adversus Haereses, 111 Athanasian Creed, 339 agency, 12, 147, 162–63, 200, 249 Athanasius the Great, 173, 175, agnosticism, 301 255, 313 Aimilianos, Father, 250–251 Augustine, 113, 173, 175, 305, 308, Albert the Great, 310 314–15 Alexander of Aphrodisias, 224 Aulén, Gustaf, 111–12, 118, 212 Alexander of Hales, 309 Avis, Paul, 54 Alliance of Confessing Evangeli- cals, 186 Baker, Simon, 278 Althaus, Paul, 117 Bangs, Carl, 190 365 Salvation in Christ.qxp 4/29/2005 4:09 PM Page 366 Salvation in Christ baptism, 13–14, 90, 131, 214 Callister, Tad R., 169 by immersion, 16 Calvin, John, 327–28 for dead (see redemption of on Arminianism, 191, 196 the dead) on Crucifixion, 74 Barclay, Robert, 318 on election, 341 Barth, Karl, 305, 319, 328, 346–49, as evangelical, 188 353, 357, 359 on justification, 339–40 Beatitudes, 97 on nature of God, 330–31 Bellarmine, Robert, 215 on restrictivism, 309 Benson, Ezra Taft, 20, 152 on total depravity, 337–38 Benz, Ernst, 305 Calvinism, 70, 161, 184, 190–91, Beza, Theodore, 202 327–43 Biel, Gabriel, 310 “Cambridge Declaration,” 186 Bloesch, Donald, 314 Canisius, Peter, 214 Blomberg, Craig, 347, 359 Canons of Dort, 337 Boettner, Loraine, 308 Cannon, George Q., 90, 94 Bonaventure, St., 310 Carthage Jail, 280 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 360 Catholicism, 76–78, 121 Book of Common Prayer, The, 65 on Church, 56 Book of Mormon, on incarnation, 57–59 on agency, 12 on salvation, 57, 205–216, on the Atonement, 151–53 228–30 on the Beatitudes, 97 on soteriology, 116 on conversion, 20–21 Cavadini, John, 207 description of, 7 change of heart. See conversion doctrines in, 176, 272, 286 charity, 99–101 on gifts of the Spirit, 87–89 Chesterton, G. K., 329, 337 on grace, 156, 162 Christian Faith, The, 119 on laying on of hands, 136 Christianity Today, 185, 189 on the plan of salvation, 147 Christmas Carol, A, 311 on priesthood, 130 Christofferson, D. Todd, 157–58 translation of, 270, 275 Christus Victor, 111–12, 117 book of Moses. See Moses, book of Chrysostom, John, 259 Bornkamm, Karin, 117 Church Dogmatics, 346, 358 Boyd, Gregory, 194 Church of England, 56–66 Bromiley, Geoffrey W., 358 Claremont Graduate University, 265 Brunson, Seymour, 278 Clement of Alexandria, 173, 175, 305, 313, 315 Cabasilas, Nicholas, 249, 251 Collibus, Hippolytus A, 192, Caesar Augustus, 244 201, 313 366 Salvation in Christ.qxp 4/29/2005 4:09 PM Page 367 Columbus, Christopher, 213 Dulles, Avery, 112 Commentary on Galatians, 117 Duns Scotus, 310 Common Worship, 60, 65 conversion, 19–22, 107 Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon Cooke, Bernard, 105, 120 IV, 255 Council of Chalcedon, 217, 224 Ecumenical Council at Constan- Council of Trent, 79, 214 tinople V, 224 Cowdery, Oliver, 139, 275–77 Edwards, Jonathan, 167, 184, 188, Craig, William Lane, 312 194–95, 307, 328, 334 Cranmer, 188 Elijah, 139 Culpepper, R. H., 117 Encyclopedia of Christianity, 190 Enoch, 137, 148 Dante, 310 Episcopus, Simon, 191, 198, 202 David, 258 Erasmus, 195 Davies, Douglas, 150, 347, 359 Erickson, Millard J., 95 Davis, Stephen, 265, 315, 335, Essays Catholic and Critical, 62 347, 352 eucharist, 252–53 Dayton, Donald W., 187 evangelicalism, 29–30, 187–89 D’Costa, Gavin, 318 Evangelical Theological Society, De Servo Arbitrio, 194 185, 189 death, 70, 75, 84, 153 evangelization, 209–211. See also Declaration of the Sentiments of postmortem evangelization Arminius, 191 Evans, Richard L., 3–4 Decree on Justification, 209 Eve. See Adam and Eve Die Absolutheit des Christen- exclusivism, 273–74 tums, 216 Exodus from Egypt, 238 Descartes, René, 71, 120 Dickens, Charles, 311 Faith in the City, 65 Diodore of Tarsus, 305 Falklands War, 66 dispensations, 137–140, 148 Fall of Adam and Eve fulness of times, 139–40 effects of, 9–10, 133, heads, 137 149, 162 Doctrine and Covenants, 172–76 fortunate nature of, 144–47 on agency, 162–63 linked with rebirth, 8 description of, 126–27 makes Resurrection pos- on gifts of the Spirit, 88–89, sible, 127 92–94, 159 reversed by Christ, 111 section 20 (see Articles and “Family, The: A Proclamation to Covenants) the World,” 128 section 76 (see Vision, the) Faust, James E., 132 367 Salvation in Christ.qxp 4/29/2005 4:09 PM Page 368 Salvation in Christ Fackre, Gabriel, 315 Helm, Paul, 195 Federation of Asian Bishops Con- Helwys, Thomas, 184 ference, 229 Herbert, George, 55 Ferré, Nels, 302, 304 Heron, Alasdair I. C., 190 Finney, Charles, 198, 202 Hesselink, I. John, 335 “Five Points of T.U.L.I.P.,” 184 Hick, John, 300 Francke, August, 188 Hinckley, Gordon B., 3, 168, 170, Freedom of Will, 194 283, 355 Fronk, Camille, 359 Hodge, Charles, 307, 328 Fuller Theological Seminary, 185 Hödl, Ludwig, 220 Holland, Jeffrey R., 100 Garden of Eden, 75, 143, 145, 148 Holy Ghost, 12–18, 22, 87, 91, 127, Garden of Gethsemane, 150, 134, 146, 338–41 152, 350 as Comforter, 136 gender, eternal nature of, 128 fruit of, 95–101 Geisler, Norman, 310 gifts of, 88–95 Geivett, Douglas, 312 laying on of hands to receive, gifts of the Spirit. See Holy Ghost, 14–16, 19, 134–36 gifts of Hooker, Richard, 59 Gnostics, 110 Horton, Michael, 194 God, Freedom, and Evil, 198 Houck, Steven, 186 Gomarus, Franciscus, 192 Hume, David, 263 Grace, 76–79, 105, 156, 161–63, Hunter, Howard W., 3 200, 249, 359–60 Graham, Billy, 185, 189 Grand Canyon, 142 Incarnation. See Jesus Christ, Incar- Great Divorce, The, 339 nation of Gregory of Nazianzus, 313 inclusivism, 271–73, 316–20 Gregory of Nyssa, 256–59, 305 Institutes of the Christian Religion, Gregory the Theologian, 256 191, 330 guilt, 70–71, 84, 118 Integrity of Anglicanism, The, 55 Irenaeus of Lyons, 107–113, 120, Habermas, Jürgen, 225 173, 248, 347 Hafen, Bruce C., 100 Isaac, 30 Harnack, Adolf von, 112, 119 Isaac the Syrian, 249, 259 Heidegger, 225 Heidelberg Catechism, 330, Jacob, 30 336, 342 James, 139 hell, 166, 202, 248–49, 259, 282, Jeremias, Joachim, 45 304, 313–14, 330, 339–40 Jerome, 117 368 Salvation in Christ.qxp 4/29/2005 4:09 PM Page 369 Jethro, 316 as rebirth, 23–26 Jesus Christ redemption through, Atonement of, 19, 62, 92, 11, 74–74, 177 100, 270, 285–87, saved by, 163 345, 349 John, 134, 139, 269 administered through Gospel of, 36, 111 ordinances, John the Baptist, 32, 139, 276 128, 131 John of Damascus, 256 Catholic belief in, 206 John Paul II, 223, 320 and justification, 359 Johnson, James Weldon, 333 makes Resurrection Jonah, 258 possible, 24, 351 Jossua, J. P., 111 operates through Holy judgment, 26, 34 Ghost, 87, 101 justification, 76–79, 142, 157–161, overcoming the world 196, 201, 209–11, 339–41, through, 174–75 358, 360 in process of salvation, Justin, 320 142–56 Justin Martyr, 173, 175, 259, 318 in scripture, 176 in temple worship, Kant, Immanuel, 119 169–70 Keller, Roger R., 3 and unevangelized, 318 Kirk, Kenneth, 62 as dispensation head, Kirtland Temple, 277 137, 148 Kloppenburg, Bonaventure, 216 Crucifixion of, 33, 247, 281 Knitter, Paul, 300 Incarnation of, 57–59, 339 Kraemer, Hendrik, 300 as King, 352–57 Kuyper, Abraham, 328, 338 nature of, 205–227, 331–37 and Nicodemus, 16, 37 Lacan, Jacques, 225 as Priest, 347–51 Ladder of Divine of Ascent, 253 as Prophet, 357–63 Lake, Donald, 311 Resurrection of, 62, 79–81, Lange, John, 312 100, 108, 121, 166, Laud, W., 190 247, 252 Law of Moses. See Moses, law of events before, 281 Law, William, 334, 336 in Gospel of John, 38 Letter to Hippolytus A Collibus, 191 in Gospel of Luke, 36 Lewis, C. S., 46, 144–45, 155–56, in Gospel of Matthew, 174, 320, 331–32, 339, 355 36 Lienhard, Marc, 118 369 Salvation in Christ.qxp 4/29/2005 4:09 PM Page 370 Salvation in Christ Lindbeck, George, 315 Molina, 310 Living Christ, The, 177 Montini, Cardinal, 216 Loewe, William, 347 Moravians, 191 Logic of God Incarnate, The, 264 Morris, Thomas, 264–65 Lombard, Peter, 310 Moses, 31, 82–83, 137, 139, 148, Lonergan, Bernard, 106, 109, 116 153, 238 Lucado, Max, 171, 173 book of, 13, 271 Luke, Gospel of, 33–36, 244, 350 law of, 139, 142 Luther, Martin, 45, 107, 109, 111, Motovilov, 254 117–21, 188, 194–96, 212, Muller, Richard A., 190 307, 347 Music and the Spoken Word, 4 MacArthur, John, 150, 155 Naomi, 258 Machen, J. Gresham, 189 National Association of Evangeli- Macquarrie, John, 54 cals, 185 Madsen, Truman G., 4 Neill, Stephen, 53–55 Mark, Gospel of, 32–33 New Jerusalem, 83 Marsden, George, 187 New Testament, 30, 32, 44–47, marriage, eternal nature of, 109–11, 136, 147, 209, 128, 131 241–46, 253, 258.
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