Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1972 Daily Egyptian 1972 9-23-1972 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 23, 1972 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1972 Volume 54, Issue 5 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 23, 1972." (Sep 1972). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1972 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1972 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Employes Council may rejoin University Senate By BerDani F. Whalen But Rex Karnes, chairman of the ad· another vote," Gladden said. " Itean be stiU feel it is to their advantage to stay Daily Egyptian'Staff Writer ministrative-professional staff council, done." in" • said his group backs Derge on the vel& Gladden said the council interpreted Gladden said he feels participation in The niver ity Senate may get a override and legislative proposal the letter from the senate governance the senate is a way to "get around the reprieve on the withdrawal of one of its questions. committee asking for reaffi.rmation in preSident and go straight to the Board onstitutency groups, but the chairman Eight of the CSEC's 14 members were the senate as an "ultimatum." of Trustees- of anOlher group said Friday his con· present at the last meeting when the "We have beat this issue to death at "We can work with the president titu ncy backs Pre ident David vote was recorded. Two voted to with­ many meetings," Gladden said. "So we without the governanc!e system," Glad­ Del'ge' actions. draw. one voted to remain and four ab­ just voted. ,. Gladden said a poll of coun­ den said. "The faculty have the bigg~t David Ke nney. president of the stained. council chairman Don Gladden cil members 'to decide the issue would s~e in the system, n\it the civil ser­ senate, said Friday a member of tJle said Friday. The chairman only vOles have been too costly. Vice employes." ~i iI Servic Employes Council (CSEC ) when there is a ti . Gladden would not Kenney said Friday the senate Kunes said his group last week I!f'ish to change hi vole and will ask say how he would have voted if there doesn't plan action in response to the responded to the governance committee the CSEC to reconsid I' the decision to wa a tie. civil ervice pullout but said. " I wiJI ac­ memo with this statement: withdrawal its OcL 4 meetin)!. "If they want a nother vole. we'lI have cept the decision if they withdraw, but I (Continued on page 2) Saturday. Sesxember 23. 1972. Vol. 54. No. 5 Southern Illinois University -Btudellt voter registration continues One hundred sixty s tude nts ..·· egistered to vote in Carbondale on Thur day and at lea t that many if not more were expected 10 have done the same by 5 p.m. Friday, according to deputy registral' stalioned in the Studenl Center. " We' ve been so busy all day long there ju t ha n' t been time to counl aU the people." said Joy Botts, a L ague of Women ot(' 1' (LWV ) olunteer and deputy registrar. .... As part of a coordinated effurl con­ ducted by several local organizations, hundreds of volunleers have been com­ bing the campus ince Thursday in an effort to seek out and persuade unregistered tudents 10 ign up for voting privil g . LW vol unt 1"5 WIll continue 10 b on hand daily from 9 a. l11 . to 5 p.m. in A c­ ti vities Roo m C and D of the cenler until . epl. 30 to regi ler new voters. I fl gi lration \\"111 be held from !I a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturd a ~'. tud nts who re i tered lasl vear hould be aware that if the ha \'e 1110Ved they migbt have to r gi ter aga in. "l cli o\\' r gi tration card a re va lid a opp . -<1 to Invalid white card i 'ued la t y ;l r for the primary el~ tiOIl!·. Mr . Bot predicted a ' manv a 3.000 to 4,000 tudents mi ht regist r before • CL 9. the frnal Cl eaClllne. " '0 rna ler how many slUdents come in. w 've ot the women power to han· die them," h a id. La 1 year. durin a r ies of oter r i lralion drives. a total of 2.200 Tony Frichtl consoles Yummie. one of the University's 12 Saluki mascocs Which are stud n re 'isler '<I to vol locally for Hung r y h 0 U n~J threatened by a lack of funds to pay for their care. Fricht!, of Newton. a junior in biological lhe prin.ary ·1 ctions. sciences. is one of the students Who see after the dogs at their kennel. A story about the Salukis' plight and another picture are on Page 3. (Photo by Pam Smith) Enf orcement of SIU parking Gus &de regulations set f or October By Monroe Walker the parking division was still in the Daily EgyptiaD Staff Writer process of selling decals and would hold over 4.000 since a week ago yesterda.v (Thursday>.. Campu parking regulations wiJl be off enforcing the parking regulations enfor ed the first or second week in 0 until peopl had a chance to buy the proper decal. Any vehicle operated on University .. tober, August Lemarchal, dir tor of property by a stud nL faculty member, th parking divi ion, aid Friday Lemarchal said persons displaying Ia t year' decal on th ir vehicle could mploye or staff member must disp!aY ev rung. a current decal ISSUed by the parking " We' r already tick ting in the blue continue to use the decal until SepL 30. divi ion. The color of the decal in­ lots that ha e constant r trictions, Thoma L. Leffl r, ru security of­ dicates the lots where a vehicle may u h as the lot near th Morris Library fi r, said mo I of the tick ts given out I gaily be parked. and th one near the Phy ical Scien in th b ginning of fall qua"~r hav ~uild i ng ," Lema rcha I aid. b n for parking m ters and Ir t Blu decals c t $40 and are only old T ickeLi ng in the olh riots i parking violati ns. to full time fa ulty and talT, L mar­ Gus says a Saluk, always looks short on scheduled to begin a fa t as"w can H said th parking divi ion i " till chal said. Red costs 15 and it\' r ts eatln' money. get the d Is out., 'h said, dding that wamped wi th decal sal and ha sold $5. students, woriting with them to develop Miss La"Tence to retire their talent and seeing them unfold as accomplished singers. Of course, the in­ terest in opera that has been generated among the niversity students ::nd both Opera leader bowing out adults and children in the \I hole area ha been most gratifying. • By Univer.;ity New.; Service the M tropolitan Opera Company and " It is my great st wi h that opera h re other " . opera companies. At least at SI will continue to go forward un­ Majorie Lawrence, prof sor of anoUler dozen are teaching. der th expert leader hip of the staff w mu ic, ha announced her plan to Sh has trained the oloists for one have builtll~ and with the fine students retire at the end of the 1973 ummel" full- cale SI op ra each year since that I know will cont inue to com session. 1960. "Carm n" was the firs\., and 10 fill here." Mi Lawr nee, former Metropolitan out the cast h had to " import" orne Widely r ognized as one of the and Paris opera star, ha b n director of her former tud nts at Tulane \ orld's gr at Wagnerian dramati of opera productions at I since 1959. niversity as sol ISts. opranos during the 1930's and un til he La t year both th opera work hop and " That first year, I had only one wa tri ken with polio in 1941, Miss the production company wer r named tudent in Opera Workshop." h Lawrence pers vered in treatment Ai in her honor. recalled. "But it ha rown y ar b_ I' ' habilitation until she was able to sing R bert W. Hou e, School of Mu sic year. and now we have well-rounded, prof sionally again- in radio, concert director, aid t1le 1972-73 I IJIX>I-a pi ofe ional organization. and are able tour, recording -, 2 nd with the sea on i dedicated to MISS Lawren e. to produc all typ of opera theater." Metropolitan Opera ompany from a and a cholar hip fund will be startN! In Her years at SI hay been "ex- - ated 00 ition. h r name. Ci ting, and a great joy," he said. I am Honors have come to her through tll ~ Miss Law:-ence will remain on the full of gratiLUde for th opportunity of year, including the French Legion 0 campus during the fall and winter, w rking with th people here, my fine Honor, an honorary Doctor of Humane dir<!Cti ng soloists for the two opera and coll eagues, the admini tration, my able Lett rs degree from Ohio niver ity Opera Showca e.
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