Email: [email protected] MINUTES – Subject to approval For the virtual meeting held on Monday 14th December, at 7.30pm, via Zoom. Community Councillors in attendance Elected Councillors in attendance Henry Irvine-Fortescue (HIF) Chair Cllr Ian Mollison Rod Farquhar (RF) Cllr Colin Pike Mandi Dorward (MD) Graham Norrie (GN) Bob McKinney (BM) Susan Astell (SA) Avril Tulloch (AT) 2 Members of the public in attendance Welcome and Introductions HIF welcomed all to the virtual public meeting of the NKRCC. 1 Police Scotland • PC Marc Camus read through the November report, which is available to view on our website. Of the 59 Antisocial Crimes reported, 29 related to youth annoyance (fireworks or large groups) and intelligence gained has identified ringleaders resulting in reporting to the youth justice team. Many of the other 30 anti-social crimes reported were in relation to COVID-19 breaches – Parties are the worst scenario for the spreading of the virus. Of the 8 Assaults reported, 5 have been detected and the team are following positive leads • for the others • Questions were raised of the security of Ardoe House Hotel – PC Camus advised a skeleton staff were housed in the hotel, but will make further enquires and report back. • Random Drink/Drug Driving tests continue, although no seasonal campaign has been advertised, as do winter vehicle checks. • A list of emergency numbers for over the festive period can also be found on the Police Report. • Police Scotland can be contacted on 101 for non emergencies or by email [email protected] 2 Apologies Apologies were received from Cllr Alison Evison 3 Previous Minutes • HIF reviewed items from the previous minutes and the majority of items outstanding are covered within matters outstanding. • Minutes of the November meeting were proposed by BM and seconded by GN. 4 Matters arising Schools • Christmas parties have taken place, but in class only. A live Pantomime presentation is being shown via video link. No Christmas Fair this year. • The PTA have organised a Lottery and 200 tickets from a maximum of 300 have been sold. th The draw will take place on Thursday 17 and it is hoped this will become a term event with proceeds to the PTA. • Head Teacher, Mr Murray, to be invited to our next meeting. Action – HIF to send invite Website • 14 articles have been shared on the website & Facebook this month. • Several phishing attempts have been made, using fake NKRCC emails (especially from HIF) - please ensure these requests for funds are ignored. • Paul Rae has not yet contacted MD to arrange an introductory meeting. Roads Aberdeenshire Council Roads & Infrastructure department has been working to clear the • culverts. Previous issues at Mansfield House and Cotbank on the South Deeside Rad, Dyke Neuk & Kingcausie have all been rectified. • The wet weather continues to add problems with flooding & potholes. • Cllr Pike has made contact with the Head of Roads Department, requesting a meeting on site, to discuss the continuing saga at Millbank. Engineers are aware. These issues are caused by years of lack of maintenance. Broadband • A request was made for information on a website, mentioned during November meeting, to be shared. Action – GN to identify information and share. • Cllr Pike suggested that any new supplies of fibre will be from commercial operations only and not through the Scottish Government R100 digital connectivity scheme. Alternative solutions should be sought by homeowners to increase their connectivity. 5 Planning Validated November APP/2020/2315 Erection of Agricultural Shed East Tilbouries, Expiry for comment 10/12/20 Maryculter Statutory determination 19/01/21 APP/2020/2319 Erection of Dwellinghouse Land at East Tilbouries, New build to allow family of farmer to reside on the farm to Maryculter facilitate further involvement in running the business. Holding objection from contaminated land team pending submission of additional information. Expiry for comment 14/12/20 Statutory determination 23/01/21 APP/2020/2318 Erection of Garage Heathview House, Expiry for comment 13/12/20 Maryculter Statutory determination 22/01/21 APP/2020/2291 Erection of 5 Dwellings Including Demolition of Buildings Lairhillock Inn, One letter of support from immediate neighbour subject to Netherley conditions relating to the development undertaking sympathetic planting to maintain privacy of their property and retention of the recycling center currently in the car park of the Inn. Expiry for comment 24/12/20 Statutory determination 23/01/21 APP/2020/2452 Residential Development Including Neighbourhood Shops and Land at Schoolhill, business Park Without Compliance with Condition 1 (Time) of Portlethen Planning Permission Reference APP/2014/1747 Application to vary Condition 1 of APP/2014/1747 to extend the time period within which MSC applications are able to be submitted by 5 years (from 16 years to 21 years). Expiry for comment 28/01/21 Statutory determination 03/02/21 APP/2020/2435 Erection of Dwellinghouse (Change of House Type to Planning Plot 1 Permission Reference APP/2016/1232) Land Adjacent to Bents Expiry for comment 07/01/21 Farmhouse, Statutory determination 03/02/21 Muchalls APP/2020/2493 Erection of Dwellinghouse Land to Rear of Kirkton Expiry for comment 07/01/21 Cottage, Statutory determination 09/02/21 Polston Road, Kirkton of Maryculter, Approved/Declined November APP/2020/1996 Matters Specified in Conditions of Planning Permission in Land to East of Nether Cairnhill Principle APP/2011/3100 Drive, Approved – The plans are in keeping with the aspirations of the Chapelton Masterplan, compliant with the requirements of all relevant policies of the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan (2017) APP/2020/1975 Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse 3 Blackbutts, Approved - The extension is in keeping with the scale and Muchals design of the steading and would protect neighbouring amenity in accordance with Policy P1 Layout, siting and design; Policy R1 Special rural areas and Policy R2 Housing and employment development elsewhere in the countryside of the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2017. APP/2020/1882 Erection of Dwellinghouse Without Compliance with Conditions Westerton Barn, 2 (Occupancy), 3 (Extensions and Outbuildings) and 4 Blairs (Boundary Enclosures) of Planning Permission Reference S030036PF Approved - The proposed non-compliance with conditions 2, 3, and 4 of the original planning permission for the erection of dwellinghouse is in accordance with current national policy and the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2017, which restricts the use of occupancy conditions to cases where exceptional circumstances apply. The original conditions would no longer be attached to such an application if submitted at this time, and as such their removal is accepted. APP/2020/1894 Installation of Damp Proofing Garden Flat, Concerns raised by Design Management/Environmental Netherley House, Surgery and Historic Environment Scotland regarding the Netherley proposed damp proofing product and methodology. Withdrawn • APP/2020/2291 – Lairhillock Inn, Netherley. Letter of representation to support the application, with obligation to retain recycling outlet to be drafted. Cllr Mollison reminded the group that although not within our ward, the Cammachmore Hotel had the same situation & it is the owners decision whether to retain the recycling bins. Cllr Pike suggested that perhaps alternative sites could be found within the school carpark or to the west of the school, all subject to funding. Action – RF to submit Letter of representation on behalf of NKRCC • APP/2020/2452 – Land at Schoolhill, Portlethen – Stewart Milne applying for an extension of 5 years for the development, citing economic situation. • Liberty One, acing on behalf of Comer Brothers, advised their application for 133 new homes, including 27 affordable, as part of their proposed development at Leggart Brae has been lodged with Aberdeen City Council, as per Local Development Plan (LDP). In addition, a separate planning application has been submitted to Aberdeenshire Council for proposed ancillary road works within the Aberdeenshire Council boundary as part of the overall proposals. This includes the formation of access road, cycle paths and footpaths, upgrade (widening) of Causey Mounth road and access junction with Leggart Terrace, and associated landscaping. As a result of local feedback Comer are proposing a new signalised junction from the A92 directly into the Eastern part of the new development. The new access would also provide a controlled pedestrian/cycle access over the A92, with an extended 40 mile a limit zone. Importantly there will be no vehicle access directly through to Causey Mounth Road from the A92, instead, Comer are proposing a new pedestrian footpath that will not only link both sides of the proposed development, but will provide a link to Tollohill Wood, the Den of Leggart and the surrounding area for existing and new residents. Although approached on several occasions, no one from “Protect Banchory Devenick” has involvement with the NKRCC and we are unaware if they receive communications from Liberty One. Action – HIF to reach out to Steven Gray • APP/2019/2455, Old Mill Inn: No new action on Aberdeenshire Planning Files 6 Finance & Lottery • The bank balance sits at £1428.96. • A cheque for £90 is to be signed to reimburse BM for the three wreaths for Remembrance Day. Action – BM to raise cheque and ask AT & HIF to sign • Peter Gregg of Mearns FM has requested £800 funding to decorate and furnish a training studio within their new premises on Ann Street, Stonehaven. Costs have increased for the station as they now have to pay rent, as opposed to their free rental in the Town Hall. It was suggested that Mearns FM contact all Community Councils within their listening area for contributions. NKRCC agreed to donate funds of £300. Action – BM to raise cheque and ask AT & HIF to sign 7 Correspondence and Licensing Applications • Alejando Ollauri, from Glasgow University Research Team, contacted NKRCC with regards to Catterline Braes and the investigation on how vegetation and Nature-based Solutions can help manage and mitigate landslides and erosion in Catterline.
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