Emergency and Resource Information – Hessen institution Justus Liebig University Giessen - Psychological and legal counselling: ASTA Justus Liebig University Giessen Jürgen-Dietz-Haus (next to „Mensa“) Otto-Behaghel-Str. 25 D, Raum 16.1 35394 Gießen Email: [email protected] Phone 0641 40008 160 http://asta-giessen.de/service/psychologische-beratung/ - Advice & Service Department: ASTA Justus Liebig University Giessen Jürgen-Dietz-Haus (next to „Mensa“) Otto-Behaghel-Str. 25 D, Raum 16.1 35394 Gießen Email: [email protected] Phone 0641 40008 160 E-Mail: [email protected] http://www.studentenwerk-giessen.de/International/English_Version/ - Equal opportunities office of Justus Liebig University Giessen: Dr. Nadyne Stritzke Phone: 0641-99-12050 Email: [email protected] http://www.uni-giessen.de/org/beauftragte/fgb - Counselling center for sexually absued girls and women: Wildwasser Gießen e.V. Liebigstr. 13 35390 Gießen Phone: 0641 / 76545 E-Mail: [email protected] https://wildwasser-giessen.de/ - Emergency number and counselling for sexually assaulted women (off campus): Phone: 0641 73343 - Stress management from/for students (Individual counseling and Peer-to-Peer-Counseling): Ruth Augustin Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Otto-Behaghel-Straße 10, Building F, Room: F 206 Email: [email protected] Phone: 641 / 99 – 26097 or Dr. Christine Koddebusch Email: [email protected] http://www.uni-giessen.de/faculties/f06/psy/departments-1/clinical-psychology-and- psychotherapy/clinical/stressmanagement - Professional and Interdisciplinary Skills: Zentrum für fremdsprachliche und berufsfeldorientierten Kompetenzen (ZfbK) Karl-Glöckner-Straße 5A 35394 Gießen (Raum 125) Phone: (0)641/98 442 123 Email: [email protected] http://www.uni-giessen.de/fbz/zentren/zfbk/ProfIS?set_language=en - Local Police Department Giessen: Polizeipräsidium Mittelhessen Ferniestraße 8 35394 Gießen Phone: 0641 7006 0 https://www.polizei.hessen.de/dienststellen/polizeipraesidium- mittelhessen/ansprechpartner/# - Hospital Giessen: Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg Rudolf-Buchheim-Str. 8 35392 Gießen Phone: 0641 98560 https://www.ukgm.de/ugm_2/deu/202.html Emergency Room Giessen: Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst Gießen Phone: 116117 https://www.ukgm.de/ugm_2/deu/4054.html - Emergency number (Police and Fire department): 112 Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences - Local Police Department Information: Phone: 110 - Dean of Students Information or equivalent Dean of Studies Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Kehne Dean of Studies Faculty of Computer Science: Prof. Dr. Hans-Reiner Ludwig Dean of Studies Faculty of Business and Law: Prof. Dr. Susanne Koch Dean of Studies Faculty of Health and Social work: Prof. Dr. Frank Ehmann - Campus Public Safety Information On campus security available 24/7 Contact for Campus Security Officer: https://www.frankfurt- university.de/de/hochschule/einrichtungen-und-services/beauftragte-und- vertretungen/sicherheitsbeauftragte/ - Counseling and Health Center Information Psychotherapeutic counselling at the university https://www.frankfurt-university.de/en/studies/student-advisory- service/psychotherapeutic-counseling/ Office hours: Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and by appointment - Sexual Assault Center Information Medical treatment after rape and sexual assault: Please find a list of specialized clinics in Frankfurt here: https://www.soforthilfe-nach-vergewaltigung.de/bundeslaender/hessen/frankfurt-am- main/kliniken/ (click on the name of a clinic and you will find the direct phone contacts for immediate appointments) Women’s Emergency Hotline Frankfurt Adress: Kasseler Str. 1a (Ökohaus), 60486 Frankfurt Phone: +49 (0) 69 79 30 27 95 Website: https://www.frauennotruf-frankfurt.de/home/ Offers counselling on sexual assault, rape, sexual coercion, stalking, violence, unwanted photography and filming, (social media) harassment - Local clinics/hospitals with accessible psychologists or counselors Uniklinikum (Psychiatric Emergency) Adress: Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, Haus 93, 60596 Frankfurt am Main Phone: +49 (0) 69 6301 5079 Hochschule Darmstadt Local Police Department Information Polizeirevier Darmstadt, Bismarckstr. 16, 64293 Darmstadt, Tel: +496151 9693610 • Dean of Students Information or equivalent Manfred Loch, Vice president study, education and student affairs • Counseling and Health Center Information | Sexual Assault Center Information h_da Student Service Center, for females: h_da Gleichstellungsbüro (equal opportunities office), Studierdenwerk Darmastdt – psychological helpdesk • Local clinics/hospitals with accessible psychologists or counselors Vitos Psychiatrische Ambulanz, Rheinstraße 44, 64283 Darmstadt Hochschule Rheinmain Wiesbaden • Local Police Department Information Information in English requested – waiting for reply • Dean of Students Information or equivalent Each academic dean of the respective faculty can provide information. As responsibilities are subject to change, the current contact person should be inquired in due course. • Campus Public Safety Information We have a list of various information centers on our website. Unfortunately the list is still in German, but personal contact to our staff is in English: https://www.chancengleichheit.hs-rm.de/de/gleichstellung/beratung-und-coaching/#weitere- beratungsstellen-79626 • Counseling and Health Center Information Health information, especially for women, can be found on our website, personal contact person in English is our women’s representative Silke Paul: http://www.wiesbaden.de/medien- zentral/dok/leben/gesellschaft-soziales/Wegweiser_-_Frau_und_Gesundheit.pdf • Sexual Assault Center Information We do not have a Sexual Assault Center, but Silke Paul, our women’s representative is in charge for all kind of issues in this matter. There is abundant information on our Webiste (unfortunately not jet in English): https://www.chancengleichheit.hs-rm.de/de/gleichstellung/beratung-und- coaching/#sexualisierte-diskriminierung-79727 Personal contact can of course be in English. • Local clinics/hospitals with accessible psychologists or counselors We do have counseling times (open office hours) in Wiesbaden and Rüsselsheim on campus: https://www.hs-rm.de/en/services/student-information-center/counseling-services-office-hours- and-contact-details/ Psychological counseling in English is available at the Students’ Association in Frankfurt: https://www.studentenwerkfrankfurt.de/en/advising-services/psychosocial-counseling/ There are various types of psychological counselling in Wiesbaden and Rüsselsheim. To contact staff of RheinMain University first is advisable. Philipps University Marburg • Local Police Department Information Polizei/Police Emergency call: 110 Police station Marburg - Marktplatz Address: Markt, 35037 Marburg 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Phone: 06421 / 201-130 oder 131 Fax: 06421 / 201-132 PSt Marburg Police headquarters Marburg Address: Raiffeisenstraße 1, 35043 Marburg, district Cappel Phone: 06421 / 406 - 0 Fax: 06421 / 406 - 117 • Dean of Students Information or equivalent As we do not have this position (Dean of Students), students can contact the staff at the International Office • Campus Public Safety Information ./. • Counseling and Health Center Information List of physicians in Marburg : https://www.prima-eg.de/arztsuche/-nach-alphabet/index.html For instance, two General Practitioners in downtown Marburg: Dr. med. H. Hesse, Sabine Papenberg-Ertl und Stephanie Schneider, Deutschhausstr. 34 (https://hausarztpraxis-marburg.de/) Dr. med. Michael Moritz and Dr. med. Cornelia Wolff, Uferstraße 2A (https://www.praxis-moritz- wolff.de/) Hospital Local hospital: in emergency cases (and after the visit to a general practitioner) The hospital can be reached via bus: route 7. Phone: 06421 / 58 60 Address: Universitätsklinikum Marburg UKGM, Baldingerstraße, Marburg (Lahnberge) Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst (Central doctor’s office for emergencies) Located at the Universitätsklinikum Marburg UKGM Phone: 06421 / 116 117 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 7pm - midnight Wednesday and Friday from 2pm - midnight Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 8am – midnight • Sexual Assault Center Information Flyer on Sexual Harassment and Violence: https://www.uni- marburg.de/de/universitaet/administration/gremien/kommissionen/vertrauensrat/flyer_english.pdf Information and Consultation at the university: Vertrauensrat der Universität (Consultative Council): Matti Traußneck, Phone: 06421 28 24314, Email: [email protected] Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Universität (Women's and Equal Opportunity Officer): Dr. Nina Schumacher, Phone: 06421 28 26189, Email: [email protected] marburg.de. Here please find the contact details of the Women’s and Equal Opportunity Officers: Kontaktdaten der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der Fachbereiche. Information and Consulation outside the university: Frauennotruf Marburg e. V. (counseling center for sexually harassed and abused women), Phone: 06421 21438, http://www.frauennotruf-marburg.de Frauenhaus (Domestic Violence Shelter), Phone: 06421 14830, Email: frauenhaus-marburg@t- online.de , http://www.frauenhaus-marburg.de/ Pro Familia, (psycho-social counseling and support), phone: 06421 21800, Email: [email protected], https://www.profamilia.de/angebote-vor-ort/hessen/marburg.html Psychologische Beratungsstelle Philippshaus, Telefon: 06421 27888, Email:
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