SATUKDAY, JUNE 16,1946 m y Tke WeatlMr Average Dally CiTcnlation TWELVB I of C. 8. WoBthee ilaurt;pBt^r EuBning Iffralb For the Meirth of Nay, 184* '. lacreaebig chMdineoo followod by , to my girt trtend We are going 9,065 aoatteaed shower* tonight; Tncaday to play houae." Winn National Honor Aiiftioii Marl oonalderable rlondlnea* vrith acat- And what looked like a real Member of the Audit tered abowera and ttraaderatoim*. y \ Fiiniilit Town Heard A long Main SHeot ' atory developed into a eaaual Item ./ B o r«M of OtreuiatkMie Opens Sliiiclay Manchester^'A City of Village Charm « i> ^ i fo r thla column. Call 5141 ‘ ‘ The Polith Natlonel AU‘*nce, And on Som e of Mnnchenler't Side Stree Too W altef Biinde who is on the —FOR Group No. iM *. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Amerif'an Iwgi in hrewoi k* com­ lJmi!*iiaIly Lair Dale ft>r (fjlaaelfled Advertlstng oa Pag* It) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 17. 1946 'monthly meetin*: mittee. s.ais that ieletiiration of VOL. LXV„ NO. 219 • t 1:30 p.m.. et <i North ' aland at the brenking point We, don’t know whether or not the I-'ornth of .Lilly .^hoiihln'l stop SlraHl»4*rri4*H Thit* Year A ll member* are iirifcd to attcnU. reader* o t these column* are fre- patience reading that “ the hr opened hei gift* while seated i t Just plamuiig fur a fiicw.ork* quetvt reitder*. of Herald editorial*. ihow. He love* a parade and he !<* KrporU’tf CITY CAB P ' Bunaet uotm^i.Counc41, Degree of Poca- p „,* on a bit of comment dec a decorated pmbrella.'' nil's there should'tie-a liig pa- Smiles After Maritime Dispute Settled hanta* will hold the . that apiwnied in one of them the aiippoae an umhiella doe* h SAFE, COURTEOUS DRIVERS ' jionie connection with a sip on the Koiu'th ol .Inly. He The Manchester .sitrawberry i Increase at the Zlpsel- o" m^iJ »n other dav. Thi* column freque.nt- hat if we have a parade on Chances Arrest All Residents ( at 8 o’clock. 'There will be an | piinninp from the writer but i.sn’t there some otliei " V to say* Auction Market opens tomorrow OPEN ALL NIGHT UKliciite to the hnde-to-be that Memoi'ial Day and on Aimiatice election of the editorial.*, *o"we can t help L)ay weNtiouhl ccitninlw have one, and Will, be open for .sa'os every 1 meetihga will be held at imaei attention of- oiii reader* she', being showered with gifts? Why not a little originality with on the Kmuth ol .Iiily. Nfle has cl'V next week v it li the except,^)!! Hall, 791 Main street. flightieftt piece of imagina- been niaklnV.knov\ n his Ideas on ------- The aucii partica? of Saluniav. Interim Rule Plan " " ... r, .11.1 I linn we've ever come acros*. The the subject ifk such s loud voice The annual meetii^ of the Bu d- t>cmoaning the futvC of Speaking Ilf ahowei parties an R .M. Rc)d * Son will again be Of Jew Settlem annoiincemcnL of one reached thla around low n Itwvl hr has been un- Ing corporation he hi* tomato, cahbape and p«pper offichtHy Bppointrtf marshal of the in charge of tljie sale and Guy An* Oolumbii*. will he m* 777'lhe'^Vi'ci'ou* office recenthf\f It contained a line WE CAN QUICKLY ARRANGE A cll, Knight* of Oolumbu*. ttill be ......... ^ i>/t I’lf'ifiiin rhrwmc: of Fourth of .Inly |»Sjade Marshal fleison will I'epre.senl the Man­ heia at me iv. of C. home ’ nute cutworm*. ^ Hn reading “ the bride-to-be received chester Tiii.sl Company as cashier IX>W COST FINANCE PLAN Will Be Accepted Biuide. that i*. evening. Member* of the Boft«-d of jh ^t> p,.„,pp,ive collar* mrtney and other useful P‘f ‘ " at the sales. THROUGH THE BANK Director* Vdll ,»>® he plant* but the cut- If there * any other gif more Remember V. right alYi^ I’earl The auction market did not open meeung. s W orm * .still continued to lop off big ruseful than " Arabs Slay Soldiers Harbor when eveiyoiie bo;^otted for business last year duo 16 the ____________ - — ----------— piece* of the plant*. He couldn't j know it. any mercbandi.se markeil “ Nfade In scarcity of boirieB and lack of Hindu Congress Party ffrittsh H ea t 'discover how they could get past . , .lapan’ " .Merchants took a emn- pickers. This fa the latest ilatc for And Moslem League i . those protective collar* «o lie de- We heard a sugge.stion the other plete loss on such goods because, the. straw berry ('rop in many years. SAVE Palestine Police Act Aft­ WASHING MACHINKS cided to watch. Here * where hi* day that we pa.ssed on to tile Man- no one w'liild buy them And thei The wholesale price of berries Believed Likely to t O v f O imagination took off for a Btrato-, Chester p:iectric division suthori- .Arthur lairder MONEY Labor Friends Says British/ r e p a i r e d - AM. MAKES was s huge amount of such items this .year has been a* much as B.'i er Night of Terror; sphPi-ic fligh t-h e claim* he found ties and in doing »(i we learned 10 Tears’ Expertenee! on the market. cents a box and th.6 current crop ON AUTO FINANCING Agree to ' the cntwomi* using pieces of plant i aoniething we think everyone thiir l„anler. (last president Eight Highway and Rnaonahla Rate*! Well, .lapancse-niade artiile* of berries is e.xpected to bring the ntnik* like poles and literally pole- 1 should know. It was sugf^osted that INSURE IN SURE INSI’RANCE! posal in Period *8^ On Rationing View Drastic Put Damper are coming hack into American of tliK Beethoven Glee Club, has best prices ever paid at the lix'al vaulting over the collar* on to the 1 the telephone Hstiiig for the Man- Railway Bridges Dam­ A. BREWER I stores—everything from bathtub been el\le<l vice presidel^of Iht auction market. • 85.1 MAIN ST. TEL. 5810 f o r e Independence plants! Incidentally this is not ! Chester Klectnc organization Telephone 7-0540 or 2-0748 toys and Christmas tree ornaments Atlantic ^ t i o n of the ^ s o < i.alcd aged hy Explosions; ! intended a* a flee adv. foi the edi- ' should carry one single emergency Strachey Says Action Law Blocked On A ir Talk I number. The one who. pas.sed on to ivory carvings. Three tons of torlsl column*. that type of nierchandise is being .Male Choniws of Amefica. New Delhi, June T7.— (IP) Two Jews Injured as the. Idea said that he had some * Highly Probable* to shipped for sale to American __Chances increased today clccti'icjighl trouble at his home SIMONIZING Minor (Hash Result r ■yesterday being Flag’ Day we story before we '^art. Dqu I carry Congressmen P r e *1 i c t Smith Complains of Re­ and he wanted to notify the elec­ merchants. that the dominantly Hindu Sk^otc Proof of Inter- Air Furnacci thought we would tske a gander It isn't tliat we forget too soon — big bills 111 yuJfr \w'allct. Carry O f ‘Passive Resistance’ , tric company. There were several Congress party and the Mos­ fusal to Broadcast around town and see how many ones or five.s/but ng\’cr twenties. The Body Shop Method National Good Faith* Settleinciit of Threat- listings under the' compan,v head­ It's goo<i business. The govern­ Cleaneil and Repaired folks remembci-.:d it To our siir- ment here has approved and Allied A loc.-il w ^ a n stopp**! in at an lem league would accept the ing, hut he didn't know which one eiietl Maritime Walk- Commei^ary ^ oh Eu­ i prisr quite a few flags were fly­ headquarters in Tokyo has approv­ British cabinet plan for an .leru.salem, .June 17.— (/P)— to call He thought a single emer­ Ea.st C c i^ r street gakulmc sta­ SOLIMENE & KI.A(;G, Inc. London, June 17— (^i—Britons VAN CAMP. BROS. ing. but we got one nide shock. ed. It seems that the procoe<la tion o u tla y tills week amd bought It's smiles all around at the Labor department in Washington after announcem^t is made of the settle­ Will Eml Effort ropean .Peace” Pacts” All the population of • th« gency phone would be helpful. 634 Center St. Tel. 5101 interim government to rule out On one street where reside a num­ five gallons of gasoline. Sue gave were told last night in broadcast ,Iewish settlemient of Beth Telephone 5244 We learned from the electric from siich^ales will be pooled and WASTE PAPER the teeming subcontinent in ment in the marlUme labor d isp u te's labor, management and government rel>reaenUUves chat fol­ ber of first cttliien*. families whose kept In (hia country from which the Attendant a 20 dollar hilXShc by John Strachey, new food min­ lowing maritime conference. L eft tb right: Joseph P. Selly, president of American . Lommunlcatlona antecedents rame ovei on th* firm that a achedtile of men on the transitory period before Washington, June 17—(.P) Con­ London, June 17—(P)- Howard Haavara was reported arrest­ filed the food anfl other materials pur- goUchange for a 10 dollar blll.^he ister, that it was “highly prob­ association CIQ' Joseph Curran, Maritime union chief; John W.
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