Co-ed joggi"g V"" pools Bllildi". goi"g 111'/ M"rch 1979 Public Disclosure Authorized ::=-"! ~ ,t ; '0.m ,{ , NeuJ3 about the men and ",omen 0/ the World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized Kafka report made public After 17 months of deliberation, the 13 members of the Joint Bank/Fund Committee on Staff Compensation Is­ sues-the "Kafka Committee," named after its chairman, Alexandre Kafka­ has issued its report to the manage­ ment of the two institutions. Public Disclosure Authorized The Committee's report embodies a series of far-reaching recommenda­ tions, some for immediate implementa­ tion, others for further study. Their main recommendations, as far as the Bank is concerned, are: -The primary "market" for setting professional compensation levels at this time should be US employers in the proportions, 50 percent private, 50 percent US Civil Service; -Bank direct pay for the four non­ managerial professional grades, J to M, should receive a quality premium of 1° percent above the average com­ pensation levels of this market; Public Disclosure Authorized -At the managerial grades, the present overall salary differential be­ tween grades M (the highest non­ managerial professional grade) and Q (the highest managerial grade) should The new Bank office buDding at 1850 Eye Street will house more than 1,300 staff members by the end of 1979 if work be maintained, with appropriate dif­ continues on schedule. ferentials in between to recognize the Photo: Y. Hadar degrees of responsibilities borne; -Compensation of support staff should continue to be based on that of the US Civil Service, with a 5 per­ Despite winter snows, new building is on course cent premium in direct pay; The new Bank building at 1850 Eye When the property was purchased, unit in order to have the best possible -There is no necessity for a gen­ Street is "presently on schedule" ac­ architectural plans for an office build­ working conditions. Space planning eral expatriation allowance at this cording to William Lillie, Jr., of the ing on this site had already been drawn and design consultants then defined time, but improvements should be con­ Administrative Services Department. by the architectural firm of Weihe, space requirements and planned work sidered in the range and adequacy of Mr. Lillie serves as the Building Proj­ Black, Jeffries, Strassman and Dove. areas and support functions. expatriate benefits; ect Coordinator and is the Bank archi­ However, Mr. Lillie said that "the The new building has some of the -Unless the US Government tect who also worked on the "integra­ building was modified inside and out­ most up-to-date mechanical features changes its policy and exempts from tion" of the E and F buildings with the side to meet Bank specifications." This of any structure in the area. The heat­ taxation Bank income of US nationals, rest of the Bank complex, including the was achieved after consultation with ing/airconditioning system, for ex­ the system of tax reimbursement connections with the D building. an informal Space Advisory Commit­ ample, is designed for the utmost com­ should be changed to reimburse on the basis of average deductions claimed by More than 1,300 staff members from tee that served as an advisory body on fort of the occupants. Heat pumps are US taxpayers generally,with modifica­ various Bank offices will be moving to office space matters. The committee of being installed that will be economical tions to reflect circumstances in the the new location in less than a year 16-18 persons represented each Re­ as well as major energy savers. Con­ Washington area, rather than the if work continues on schedule. gion, IFC, DPS, Controllers, Secre­ trol zones have been established with tary's, and the Personnel Department. thermostats to allow the temperature standard deductions presently used; The new. building is 12 stories high to be controlled in individual offices -There should be a major review and has three floors of parking space Committee members talked with de­ and in approximately each 400 square­ every three years to verify the con­ and a floor of service-type functions partment directors, division chiefs, and foot section of each floor. This should tinuing international competitiveness beneath the street level. It will provide other management personnel to de­ go far to alleviate the kinds of fluctu­ of Bank compensation. Such a review some 440,000 gross square feet of termine the special requirements and building space. needs of the staff members in each (Cont'd on Page 2, Col. 1) (Cont'd on Page 4, Col. 1) Page 2 Bank Notes March 1979 Willbun Lillie (top) is the Bank's proj­ Employees of the George Hyman ConstnJction Company at work 12 stories above Eye Street. ect coordinator; Lee Kuhn is the build­ ing superintendent. Photos: Y. JIadar Building . .. Cont'd about to be displaced because the owner was taking over the lot for his ation in temperature that often occur own use, were given next priority. The on different floors in older buildings. latter group will be able to use the new The building superintendent, Lee garage only until next fall. At that Kuhn of the George Hyman Construc­ time, staff members who already have tion Company, is an experienced hand reserved Bank parking and whose in the construction of large office build­ offices will be moved to the new build­ ings. His job in coordinating the many ing will then have priority. The ga­ trades, subcontractors, material orders, rage will have space to park about and delivery schedules, from ground­ 350 automobiles and will be managed breaking to ribbon-cutting, demands byPMI. an astounding degree of attention to Sometime in early fall, several de-­ detail and coordination. partments are' expected to move to His full time staff of engineers, car­ the new site. It is hoped that the build­ penters, concrete workers, masons, ing will be fully occupied by the end clerks, and laborers, together with of 1979. electrical, mechanical, plumbing, metal The units which will almost cer­ and iron working, painting, glazing, tainly move include: the International paving, excavating, roofing, and land­ Finance Corporation, the Controllers, scaping subcontractors would make Policy Planning and Program Review, up a small army. The two 230-foot Development Research Center, Devel­ tower cranes, one of Dutch heritage, opment Economics, Economic Anal­ William Lillie discusses plans with a worker. are also under his control, as will be ysis and Projections, Industrial Proj­ their removal when their job is finally ects, and Personnel Departments. The finished. Petroleum Projects Division of the March 1979 The B-1 level will house custodial Energy, Water, and Telecommunica­ Bank secrets and maintenance services, a print tions Department will also move, as shop, the stockroom, a fast-serve copy well as all of the Personnel Training exposed in center, and exercise and medical aid facilities and some Administrative rooms. The exercise room will have Services functions. Even when it is Times scoop men's and women's lockers and shower fully occupied, however, there will facilities, saunas, exercise equipment, still be as many as 200-250 World The following item from the London and a game room. Bank staff remaining in leased ac­ Financial Times, dated January 19, Bank Notes is published by and A lobby facing Eye Street will be commodations. 1979, was sent to Bank Notes by for the stat! of the World Bank located on the first floor. Food serv­ Everyone at the Bank should have Frank Chapman. 10 times yearly in the Department ices, also located on the first floor, something to look forward to when "A World Bank administrator asked of Information and Public Affairs. will include a cafeteria and a fast­ the new building is completed-an one of his staff scientists what two and Inquiries should be addressed to tho food line capable of seating 320 occasional trip to the cafeteria or the two make. After consulting his slide Editor, room N-231. Contributions people. An executive dining room will use of the exercise facilitie~ at lunch­ rule the scientist replied: 'It looks like from staff members are welcomed. seat about 75 people, and four smaller time. For many, who hike back and four, but say five to be safe.' Deadline for letters and articles (in private dining rooms will also be forth between the Bank's main com­ "The administrator then asked one which brevity is the soul of pub­ available. plex, the IMF, and the other eight of the organization'S lawyers, who ad­ lishability) is the lZdI of each The three-level garage was com­ buildings where the Bank presently vised: 'Probably four, but it would not month. The Editor reserves the pleted earlier this year, and was leases office space, the new building stand up in a court of law.' right, for reasons of space or clar­ opened for use on February 1. Eligible will at least decrease the number of "Finally, the question was put to a ity, to edit all copy without notify­ parkers on a waiting list were given places one has to visit. And think of World Bank economist. After two days, ing the author in advance. • first priority, then--on a temporary the advantages when one won't have he came back, leaned confidentially Acting Editor ..... _.......... K. Fawcett basis-staff members who were park­ to walk between buildings after a large over the desk, and whispered: 'What Staff Photographer .... G. Franchini ing at a lot on F Street and who were February snowfall! answer do you want?' " March 1979 Bank Notes Page 3 Artist finds a workday home for her talents in Agro-business On Sunday, March 4th, a retrospec­ Show in Alexandria.
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