Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1960-05-13 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1960). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2082. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2082 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. !Xavier University Library I MAY 14 1960 XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS Sta•11t l1w1,1,1r of the Ol•e•I C1tholi1 Coll111 i1 the lorthw11t Territory VOLUME XLIV CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1960 NO. 22· ,. BULLETIN Fa1nily Day In last week's NEWS the Clef Club Concert and Dance was inaccurately reported as Casino Night Featured being scheduled to be held in the Ball of Mirrors. This Infor­ by MJke Markiewicz, NEWS As.wciate Editor ier Unive1·sity Band start things mation is also listed in the· offl­ The Family Day weekend will tickets for the concert alone are on off at 7:30 with a Band Concert in cial Family Day brochure. be initiated this evening in the sale at $1.00 per person. the Armory. Then Casino Night However, the program will be Netherland-Hilton Hall of Mirrors, begins. held at the Ballroom of the Saturday morning starts off at and with just enough time out to 10:30 a.m. with Mass for the par­ At one end of the fieldhouse Sheraton-Glb!ion Hotel, starting sleep will continue into Sunday's ents In Bellarmine Chapel. Then Sammy Leeds and his orchestra at 8:30 p.m. early morning hours. Mr. C. R. at 2:00 p.m. a ftag raising ceremony will oblige those who prefer to Beirne, chairman of the event, has and Pershing Rifle drill are sched­ dance. At the other end will be fitted together a full and varied uled. lmmediatelJ' following the the casino, giving everyone the Class Of '62 schedule of exhibition and enter~ drill, the Musketeer baseball team opportunity to play every game of tainment. will engage the University of Day­ chance imaginable. The price for this combination concert, dance, The Clef Club, having recently ton in one of the important games To Order Rings of the season. and casino is $2.50, including the Mr. George Miltenberger of the returned from a whirlwind tour of $10,000.00 in stage money which the Midwest, will provide the At 3:00 p.m. this same afternoon Josten Ring Corporation will be in the Xavier University Masque ca.. be used to purchase chips or South Hall all day on Wednesday, entertainment this evening with refreshments. Additional chips may their Spring Concert and Dance. Society will give a special per­ Thomas R. Frank May 18, to accept orders for Sen­ formance of their recent highly be purchased if desired, and at the The Clef Club is ready with every­ end of the evening these chips may ior· rings. The Class of 1962 has a popular musical, "Of Thee I Sing." Student Man Of Year thing from Rodgers and Hammer­ be exchanged for prizes. choice of either gold or white gold Little but praise for the Masquers' stein to French folk songs. Bobby Fo.1· those not attending the band See Editorial On Page 2 rings with jet black or confederate production of this political satire Keys is ready with his orchestra concert, the dancing and Casino gray backgrounds. Stones may be has been heard from those who for the dance afterwards. A •Presi• are scheduled to begin at approxi­ of the faceted top and faceted back saw it this past weekend. Dinner 'Hap' ·o'Daniel dent's Reception will be held in mately 9:00 p.m. type or of the buff top and faceted at 5:00 p.m. will be preceded by Logan Hall after the concert for Tickets may be obtained from back variety. rosary and Benediction. those of the parents and faculty Mr. Beirne, from Fr. O'Brien's Rings come in both 16 and 18 Saturday evening brings a new. New Manager who don't feel like dancing. office in Boylan Hall, or from any penny weights. The 16 penny innovation in the Xavier Family weight ring is priced at $36.90 tax Tickets for the concert and dance one of a number of dorm repre­ are on sale at $3.00 per couple, and Day tradition-"Weekend in Mon­ Of WCXU included. The heavier ring sells aco." Mr. Maringer and the Xav- sentatives. for an even $39.00 tax included. Xavier's campus radio station, An additional $2.00 is charged for WCXU, will have a new station the white gold ring In either X.U. Band To manager next year in the person weight. An initial deposit of $10.00 of Michael "Hap" O'Daniel,· sports Is required with each order. editor of the Xavier .News. He Initials engraved inside the ring Entertain ·On will succeed Ed\Vard Schmidt, and a plastic backing are included whose resignation becomes effec­ in the purchase price. For an addi­ Family Day tive at the end of this school tional $1.00 the Josten Cpmpany year. will engrave the full name. The Xavier University Band will close its 1959-60 season to­ A junior from Louisville, Ky., O'Daniel's past radio experience Vets' Club Picnic morrow night when it holds its I third annual Family Day Concert, includes short stints with WAVE Set For S-1~nday which will be held in the Armory and WKILO of Louisville and a year as sports broadcaster for The Xavier University Veterans' beginning at 7:30 p.m. This is the only time that the students and WCXU. In addition to his posi­ Club will hold its annual picnic tion with the News, he has this coming Sunday, May · 15, at friends of Xavier have a chance to hear the Band in a concert. served as sports editor of the the. Lakeside Lodge in Sharon yearbook the past three ·years Woods. The picnic will start at The Family Day Concert will and is Cincinnati sports corres­ 11 :00 a.m. and will continue until offer selections from Bowles's pondent for the Louisville Cour­ 11 :00 p.m., with games during the "Theme and Scherzo," to Walter's ier-Journal. day and dancing in the Lodge in "A Hot Time in the Br~es To­ Schmidt, a junior from Hamil­ the evening. night." "Overture in Miniature" by ton, Ohio, is a member of Alpha All veterans are invited to bring Cacavas and the concert march, ·Sigma Nu, treasurer of both ·the their dates for this event. Anyone "Totem Pole," by Osterling arc Sodality and the Sodality House, who has spent time in the armed two other numbers on the pro­ and has been a three-year mem­ forces, be it 6 months or six years, gram. ber of Student Council in addi­ Is considered a veteran. Burke's "The Magic Trumpet" tion to his post as station mana­ Cost for refreshments will be will be featured in a trumpet solo $2.00 for all veterans and $3.00 ger. Soloist Phil Grib by senior bandsman, Thomas Ma­ Soloist Tom Malone (Continued on Page 10) for all other friends of veterans. lone. Philip Grib, Band president, will solo the Weber-Davis "Con­ Concert-Dance At Gibson 'Tonight; 'Fornier Physics Department Head certina" on the alto sax. Bonnie Succumbs After Lingering Illness Heimann and James Cissell will Special Show At Ball· Park Later · give baton twirling interpretations They will also make a special A distinguished educator, re- Fr. Poetker came to Xavier .Tonight is the last chance to see to two numbers. Bonnie will be appearance at Crosley Field the search scientist, labor arbitrator, from the University of Detroit the Clef Club perform in concert featured in Bowles's "Marching the night of Tuesday, May 24. and former chairman of the to take the chairmanship of the this year. At the Gibson Ballroom Blues,'' and Jim will twirl to Far­ On this date they will take part Xavier University Physics De- Physics Department, a position in downtown Cincinnati at 8:30, non's "All Sports March." In the special pre-game ceremonies partment, the Rev. Albert H. which he held until 1959. While Family Day will officially open Bemsteln will be featured with honoring the twenty-fifth anniver­ Poetker, S.J., died last Friday, at the University of Detroit he with the singers~ spring concert selectioQs from West Side Story. and dance. Tickets are on sale at sary of the first night baseball was president of that school. Included will be selections of "I game, singing the Star Spangled In 1926 he completed his re­ South Hall, and will also be sold Feel Pretty," "Maria," "Some­ at the door. This is NOT ·a formal Banner to conclude the ceremonies. search in atomic spectral lines at thing's Coming," "Tonight," "One Although the program is not Johns Hopkins University which dance. Band, One Heart," "Cool" and complete, officials of the Cincin­ contributed to available informa­ •Bobby Keys and his band will "America." nati Reds hope to get Vice-Presi­ tion on the structure and prop­ begin playing immediately after Peterson's "Spring Overture" dent Richard M. Nixon as featured erties of the atom. Fr. Poetker the concert and continue until 2:00. then moved to Marquette Uni­ and the Pollock-Norman "Solilo­ All are invited to attend.
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