1 REGD. GOA-S I Panaji, 13th March, 1980 rPhalguna 23,1901) SERI'ES II No. 50 A- OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND -DIU Therefore the Government is pleased to notifY under sub­ GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN -section (1) of Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the "said Ac~") that the ~D.id AND DIU land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. 2. All persons interested in the said land are hereby Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or other persons employed upon the said land for the purpc.se Secretariat Administration and Coordination Division of the said acquisition. Any contracts for the disposal of the said land by sale, mortgage. assignment, exchange or o¢er- Order wise, or any outlay commenced or - improvements made thereon without the sanction of the Collector appointed in No.- 1/1/78-S. A. & C. paragraph.4 below, after the date of the publication of this Shri K. V. Goswa:mi, Block Development Officer, 'Dam",i.1 Notification, will under clause (seventh) of Section 24 of is appointed as Mamlatdar. Daman in addition to his own the said Act, be disregarded by him while assessing compf.'n~ duties during the absence on leave of Shp A. M. Bhandare, sation for such parts of, the said land as may be finally Mamlatdar,· Daman. acquired. 2. Shrt', Goswami .will. exercise. the powers of Executive 3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is Magistrate in the District of Daman vested in Mamlatdar needed for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that effect Daman vide Government Notification No. 1",-1~78-Div. III dated, under Section 6 of the said Act will be published in the 1-2~1979 published in Official Gazette, Series II, No. 45 dated Official Gazette, in due course. If the acquisition is abandoned 8-2-1979. wholly or in part, the fact will be notified. By order and in the name of' the Administrator of Goa, 4. The Government is' further .pleased to appoint Wlder Daman and Oill;·· ... clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the Special Land Acqui-" sition Officer, Sanguem to perform the functions of a Collec­ K. N. S. Nair, Under Secretary, (S.A: &C.) tor 'under the said Act in respect of the said land. Panaji, 5th March, 1980. 5. The Government is also pleased to authorise untier su~-section (2) of Section (4) of the said Act, the following offIcers to do the acts, specified therein in respect of the ••• said land. ' Revenue Department .' 1. The Collector of Goa, Panaji. 2. The' Special Land Acquisition Officer, Sanguem. Notification 3. The Superintending Engineer, Circle IV, Public Works Department, Panaji. No. RD/LQN/330/79 4. The Executive Engineer, Works Division XIII, Public Whereas it appears to the Appropriate. Government (herein. Works Department, Panaji. after referred to as "the Government") that -the land specified 6. A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection in the schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "said in. the office of the Special Land Acquisition Officer, Sanguein land") is likely to be needed for public purpose viz. for .. for a period of 30 days' from the' date of publication o~':'this approach'road to the Colvale,B!idge (Colvale Side). Notification in the Official Gaz~te. " SCHEDULE (Description of the said land) -, Approxi~ ·Sr:~No. Taluka Village Survey '~o. Plot No. Nature of land Names of the persons believed to' be interested mate '-area in sq. mts. 1 2 3 -- 4 5 6 7 8 "- 1. Bardez Colvale 207/1(; 1 Paddy Owner: 1) Harichandra N. Naik. 110.00 2) Subhadra Arjun Mandrekar. 3) Pandurang· Subha Mayenkar. r Tenant: Narayan Rama Dichop~~~. ;~ Boundaries: ~ North: S. No. 207/9. West: S. No. 207/10. , ~-'" 0 South: S. No. 207/11. East: Road. 2. -do- -do- 207/9-- 2 -do- Owner: Harichandra Narayan Naik. 2) Subhadra Arjun-~andrekar. _ . .-- 3) Pandurang Subha -MaYOnkar. --- c__ ; - Tenant: Sajo Vishnu Halarnekar. Boundaries: North: S. No. 207/8 West: S. No. 20.7/9. South: S. No. 207/10. East: Road. /I J 598 SERIES II No. 49 1 2 4 4 S 6 7 8 3. Bardez Colvale 207/8 3 Paddy Owner: Harichandra Narayan Naik. 80.00 2) Subhadra Arjun Mandrekar. 3) Pandurang Subha Mayenkar. Tenant: Mahac;1.ev Tukaram Shirodkar. North: Harichandra Narayan N aik, Subhadra Arjun. Mandrekar Pandurang Subha Mayenkar. West: -do- South: -do- East: Road. 4. -do- -do- 207/7 4 -do- Owner: Harichandra Narayan Naik. 100.00 '-'-. 2) Subhadra Arjun Mandrekar. 3) Pandurang Subha Mayenkar. Tenant: Atmaram Tukaram: ShirQdkar. 2) Tukaram Rama Shirodkar. Boundaries: North: 1) Harichandra Narayan Naik. 2) Subhadra Arjun Mandrekar. 3) Pandurang Subha Mayenkar. West: -do- South: -do- East: Road. 5. -do- -do- 207/6 5 -do- Owner: Harichandra Narayan Naik. 90.00 2) Subhadra Arjun Mandrekar. 3) Pandurang Subha Mayenkar. Tenant: Laximan Tukaram Shirodkar. '" Boundary: North-: Adelina Fonseca. West: Harichandra Narayan Naik, Subhadra Arjun Mandrekar, Pandurang- Subha Mayenkar. South: -do- West: Road. 6. -do- -do- 207/5 6 -do- Owner: Adelina Fonseca. 1'0.0.(1 '\ Tenant: Narayan Bhiku Korgaonkar. B<mndary: North: Adelina -Fans"eca. West: -do- South: Harichandra N. Naik, Subhadra A. Mandrekar, Pandurang Subha Mayenkar. East: Road. 7. -do- -do- 207/4 7 -do- Owner: Adelina Fonseca," 80.00 Tenant: Joao Baptist Mendes. North: Adelina Fonseca. West: -do- South: -do- East: Road. ('I 8. -do- -do- 207/3 8 -do- Owner: Adelina Fonseca. 80.00 " Tenant: Chandra Sabaji Ambre. North: Adelina Fonseca. West: -do- South: -do- Ea.st: Road. 9. -do- -do~ 207/2 9 -.do- Owner: Adelina Fonseca. 180.00 Tenant: Vithoba Mahadeo Kambll. Boundary: North: Adelina Fonseca. West:- -do-' South: -do- East: -do- lO. -do- -..: do-=- 207(1 10 -do- Owner: Adelina Fonseca. 210.00 Tenant: Rama Mahadeo KambU. Boundary: N octh: S. No. 208/20. West: Adelina Fonseca. South: -do- East: Road•. ','5; 11. -do- -do-' 92/15 11 -do- Owner: Comunidade. 90.00 Tenant: Damodar Rama Sirgaonkar. Boundary: North: Nama Vishnu Goenkar. West: Road. South: Sakharam Mahadeo Satoskar. East: Damodar Vishnu Sirgaonkar. 12TH MARCH, 1980 (PHALGUNA 22, 1901) 599 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 l2. Bardez Colvale. 92/14 l2 Paddy Owner: Comunidade of Colvale. 90.00 ~ Tenant: ~ana Vishnu Goenkar. Boundary: North: Hanumant Ravaji Goenkar. West: Road. South: Damodar Rama Sirgaonkar. East: Nama Vishnu Goenkar. 13. -do- -do- 92/13 13 -do- Owner: Comunidade of ColVaIe. 90.00 Tenant: Hanumant Ravaji Goenkar. Boundary: North: Dattaram Shiva Parsekar. West: Road. South: Nama Vishnu Govenkar. East: Hanumant Ravaji Govenkar. 14. -do- -do- 92/12 14 -do- Owner: Comunidade of Colvale. 100.00 Tenant: Dattaram Shiva Parsekar. Boundary: North: Nama Govind Naik. West: Road. South: Hanumant Ravaji Govenkar. East: Dattaram Shiva Parsekar. 15. -do- -do- 92/11 15 -do- Owner: Comunidade of Colvale. 55.00 Tenant: Nani Govind Naill.. ~,~~ Boundary: North: SOffiU Atmaraffi Warkhankar. West: Road. South: Dattaram Shiva Parsekar. ~ East: Nani Govind Naik. 16. -do- -do- 92/10 16 -do- Owner: Comunidade of Colvale. 70.00 Tenant: Somu Abnaram Warkhankar. Boundary: North: Vishram Babalo Warkhankar. West: Road. South: Nani Govind Naik. East: Somu Atamram Warkhankar. 17. -do- -do- 92/9 17 -do- Owner: Comunidade of COlvale. 80.00 Tenant: Vishram Babalo Warkhankar. Boundary: North: Nana Vishnu Govenkar. West: Road. South: Somu Atmaram Warkhankar. East: Vishram Babalo Warkhankar. 18. -do- -do- 92/8 18 -do- Owner: Comunidade of Colvale. 90.00 Tenant: Nana Vishnu Govenkar. .~ Boundary: North: Tukararn Saghun Mayenkar. ., West: Road. South: Vishram Babalo Warkhankar. East: Nana Vishnu Govenkar. 19. .-do- -do- 92/7 19 -do- Owner: Comunidade of Colvale. 155.00 Tenant: Tukaram Saghun Mayenkar. Boundary: North: Pous Narayan Parsekar. West: Road. South: Nana Vishnu Govenkar. East: Tukaram Saghun Mayenkar. 20. -do- -do- 92/6 20 -do- Owner: Comunidade of Colvale. 155.00 Tenant: Paris Narayan Parsekar. Boundary: North: Narayan Baobo Parsekar. West: Road. South: Tukaram Saghun Mayenkar. East: POliS Narayan Parsekar. 21. -do- -do- 92/5 21 -do- Owner: Comunidade of COlvale. 140.00 Tenant: Narayan Babno Parastekar. Boundary: Shantaram Mahadeo Khorjuenkar. West: Road. South: POllS Narayan -Parsekar. East: Narayan Babno Parastekar. y 600 8ERIEBll No; 49 .. 1 ~; 2 8 • 4 • 6 7 S .22~ Bardez Colvale > .92/4 22 Paddy. Owner: Comunidad. of Colvaie. 155;00 Tenant: Sh3:lltaram Mahadeo Khorjuenkar. Boundary: North: Comunidade of Colvale. West: Road. South: Narayan Babno ,Parastekar. West: Shantaram Mahadeo Khorjuenkar. 23. -do- -do- 92/3 23 - ..>do-;......:..': -;'Owner: Comunidade :of.' Colvale. 65.60 Tenant: Babaji Chandro Mayenkar. Boundary: North: ComWlidade's land. West: Road. South: Shantaram Mahadeo Khorjuenkar. East: Comunidade. 24. -do- -do-.: 92/2 24 -:do'-'::" 'OWner: Comunidade de Colvale. ",:' 80.00 Tenant: Ganesh Krishna Kerkar, Boundary; North: ComWlidade. West: Road. South: Comunidade. East: Comunidade. 25. -do- -do- 92/1 25 '-:do~ OWner: Comunidade de Colvale. 60.00 Tenant: Raghuvir Bhicaji Morajkar. Boundary: North: Comunidade. West: Road. South: Comunidade. East: -do- 26. -do- ~do- 208/20 26 ~do- Owner: Moreshwar Hari Mahatme. 588.00 2) Porushottam Govind Mahatme. 3) Suryaji Vislmu Mahabne. '--," 4) Bhaskar Vishwanath Mahabne. 5) Mahadeo Shankar Mahatme. 6) Waman Dattaram Mahatme. 7) Yeshwant Ramkrtshna Mahatme. 8) Vishwaw__ Bhairao Mahattne. 9) Dilip Bhairao Mhatme: - Tenant: SavIo Krishna Vengurlekar.- l' ~-j Boundary: '~ , , North: S. No. 209/20. West: S. No. 208/20. South: Adelina Fonseca. East: Road. 27: -do- -do~ 209/20 27 Dry buid Owner: Moreshwar Hart Maha~e: 90.00 2) Purushottam Govind Mahatme. 3) Suryaji Vishnu Mahatme. 4) Bhaskar Vishwanath Mahatme. " 5) Yeshwant Ramkrishna Mahatme. 6) Mahadeo Shankar Mahatme. 7) Waman Dattaram Mahatme. 8) Vishwaw Bhairao Mahatme. 9)Dilip Bh8.irao Maliatme.-- .
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